Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Elon In His Abattoir

 In the cult slasher film"The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" a family of dispossessed slaugherhouse workers get their revenge on technological progress by eviscerating and eating a group of bourgeois interlopers.

In the cult horror movie known as Trump 2.0. showrunner Elon Musk has turned that plotline right on its (severed) ear. The richest man on the planet has reversed the roles, casting himself as the victim rather than as the cannibalistic predator that he truly is. The oligarchy under his watch has been transformed intothe lumpen proletariat doing battle against the designated "Other" - millions of federal buraucrats and the parasitic citizens that they serve. The irony of course is that Musk is using the very "cutting edge" A.I. technology to transport the modern centralized welfare state right back into the stone age. You can't even call it a reversion to feualism, because back in medieval times there was such a thing as noblesse oblige. The serfs were allowed to keep living and serving the lords, albeit at an often a bare subsistence level.

Nobody will ever accuse Elon Musk of subtlety. His appearance over the weekend in the CPAC revival tent, brandishing an actual chainsaw gifted to him by his fellow cannibal, the fascist leader of Argentina, was a gross rip-off of the orignial Tobe Hooper 1974 slasher flic.

Given that Musk has relocated to the same Texas hill country locale where the movie was filmed also fits in with the whole role-reversal theme of this gore-fest. Just as Elon is gentrifying the previously afforable Austin area, so too as the orignal ramshackle building used as the low-budget set for the slaughterhouse been refurbished into something of a glitzy historical landmark.

The theatrical antics of the Trump-Musk regime are blatantly designed to divert attention from the real enemy of the people, which is the oligarchy. By including desperate people in their fan club, this administration is instilliing the fales hope that they, too, can someday become rich. But first, they have to develop more hatred against their fellow lesser people - immigrants, college students and academics, anyone poor renough to require Medicaid and food assistance... the list of the "undeserving" goes on and on. Just as the wealth of billionaires increases exponentially. As Elon and his cohort slash their way thrugh the federal bureaucracy, the indebted gig gig workers of America are invited to forget their own woes by vicariously participating in the mass slaughter of those with the luck to hold heretofore secure government jobs. No matter that many of these workers are military veterans hailing from the same conomic underclass as those champing at the bit to take part in the slaughter of the "cattle."

So it's no accident that power tools, a staple of the slasher genre of the 70s and 80s, are staging a comeback in the hands of the psycho-nerds of the Tech Bro Aristocracy, Why go to the trouble of explaining mass death by algorithm when they can display their machismo with serrated gear that anybody can understand and covet?

As Mark Steven writes in "Splatter Capital:

the Political Economy of Gore Films,"

"Cannibalism in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is not only about eating the bourgeoisie. it is also about forcing them to feast upon their own flesh and the flesh of their kin...

"What we are seeing is the labour of disenfranchised abattoir workers made unemloyable by the modernization of their industry and the crisis in value caused by that very modernization."

Musk and Trump thus are inviting us, through their right-wing populism, to parake in their feast, if only at a base symbolic level . Just watching them gorge on their gore should make us feel full. Or so they shope.

Marxist critic Nancy Fraser takes the metaphor further in her "Cannibal Capitalism: How Our System is Devouring Democracy, Care and the Planet, and What We Can Do About It,"

She compares unfettered capitalism to the ouroboros, the salf-cannibalizing snake that devours its own tail. "That's a fitting image for a system that]s used to devour our social, political and natural bases of its own existence which are also the bases of ours."

Since, as Fraser posits, the cannibalism metaphor invites us to see society as a capitalist feeding frenzy, in which the main course is us."

 I suppose we should be grateful to Elon Musk, who is arrogant and clueles seenough to display before the whole world that his ultimate goal is not stopping fraud and waste, but  destruction and cruelty just for the sake of destruction and cruelty.

Rather than wait for capitalism to destroy itself (and while we are waiting and hoping for Elon to choke on his own assholery) we might at least slow the process down a bit. Street protests are okay, but largely ignored by the powers that be.

They might pay more attention to mass strikes and consumer boycotts. I doubt they they have the ability, for example, to maintain and repair their own chainsaws.

Monday, February 10, 2025

DEI-ty On the Rampage

 What does Elon Musk have against D.E.I. anyway?

Conventional wisdom would have us believe it's an adverse reaction to the gender transition of one of his children.

Here's an alternate theory. Although D.E.I. ostensibly is an acronym for the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion marketing slogan adopted by government agencies and their corporate sponsors, giving a nice liberal gloss to predatory capitalism - in lieu of, say, legislating a living   wage and guaranteed universal health care to all people - DEI is also a derivative of  the Latin word for God.

And as the richest person in the world, Elon Musk is effectually a deity, the self-appointed ruler of the world. We must have no other gods before us.

In "As Gods Among Mn." his history of wealth since the times of the earliest civilizations, Guido Alfani cites medieval philospher Nicole Oresme, who in his own turn cited Aristotle:

"The super-rcih (superabuntaes) are so unequal and exceed and overcome the others regarding their political power so much that it is reasonable to think that they are among others as God is among men... the cities which are governed democratically should relegate these people, i.e. they should send them into exile or banish them. as such cities try and pursue equality for all."

Before there were nation states there were city states, which brings us to another acronym: DOGE. Today it stands for the Musk-controlled Department of Government Efficiency. But back in the time of late feudalism, Doges were ultra-wealthy oligarchs in Venice who bought their way into lifetime positions of political power. (In one of those weird events of history repeating itself, the demi-god Donald Trump Jr recently got caught illegally slaugjtering a protected species of duck on an island off the coast of Venice. Like any Doge worth his salt, we can assume he just bought his way out of his crime, or at least paid no price for his bad behavior.)

While the Musk-Trump administration (call them President Eldon Mump)go about their merry pranksterism of tearing things down just because they can, there is no talk of building things up, other than building Trump-branded seaside resorts above the bones of aslaughtered Palestinians in Gaza).

And you're not hearing any talk from the feckless Democrats of redistributing the savings that supposedly will be gleaned from paring back government waste. On the contrary, the recently elected chair of the DNC openly calls for more billionaire moeny from the donor class. There is no talk of taxing Elon Musk and his oligarchic cohort, let alone banishing him from power let alone giving him a one way ticket to Mars on a government-subsidized rocket ship.

They should just cut to the chase and redefine DEI as Elon Musk, or even better, as the de facto state of affairs in global capitalistic rule: Deprive, Extract, Immiserate. To be really smart and streamlined and transparent about it, they could simply scramble the letters a bit and call their official policy "Just DIE already!"

Why else would both government agencies and the corporations that own them already be re moving all mention of diversity, equity and inclusion from their websites voluntarily and proactively?

It was mostlya sham to begin with, a way to substitute nice words for policies for the greater public good. It's the same thing as the USAID acronym falsely implying all these decades that it is a charity rather than first and foremost a regime-change CIA cutout and a tool for corporate plunder abroad. 

The only good thing you can say about all this manufactured chaos is that it's ripping the facade of democracy into a million tiny shreds.

You can have democracy or you can have billionaires. But you cannot have both. So let's go full Aristotle. Let the catapulting of the fat cats into deepest outer space begin!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Update on the Update

I'd meant to be back in action by now, but fate intervened. Without going into too much detail, I skipped the atrial ablation and went straight to a permanent pacemaker. It seemed my heart rate had beome so dangerously low (40-50) that it was actually "pausing" at times to the point where I felt dizzy and faint. I blame this on my underlying cardiac condition, the various meds designed to regulate heart rhythm, and, of course, the sight of Elon Musk giving the Nazi salute.

Other than some soreness since Friday's procedure, I am feeling so much better now that enough blood and oxygen are reaching my brain and other body parts. (Don't even get me started on my Kafkaesque journey  through the medical industrial complex!)

I just want to reassure everybody that I am still alive if not yet kicking. Above all, thanks to all of you for your kind well-wishes.

Needless to say, there is plenty to write about these days and I have plenty of ideas jelling around in my oxygen-rich brain.

Stay tuned, and thank you again for your support!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Blog Update

 Just a heeds-up to my readers that posts will be intermittent at best for the next little while. I have been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation and was hospitalized during Christmas week, put on meds and scheduled for a procedure called atrial ablation mid-month. I am feeling pretty good other than being very tired.

Please continue to submit comments if you feel so inclined. Or if you wish to contact me privately you can email me at herecomestrouble665@gmail. com.

Thanks for your patience. I hope to be back making trouble soon. Happy New Year to all!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Health Care, Not Wealth Care

The New York City Police Department has just issued an urgent bulletin, warning corporate CEOs that "kill lists" bearing their names and other information have begun appearing online.

This is an outrage, given that everybody should know that only presidents are permitted to possess kill lists for the extrajudicial assassination of alleged terrorists with remote control Predator drones. Mere citizen  Luigi Mangione sure had some nerve summoning up his inner Barack Obama and devising his own "disposition matrix" to rationalize the killing of United HealthCare executive Brian Thompson last week.

So understandably, these CEOS are scrambling to beef up their own private security details. When even the NYPD - the de facto seventh largest army in the world -  is not sufficient to protect the ruling class racketeers, it's time to admit that yes, Virgnia, there really is a class war. And contrary to billionaire Warren Buffett's smug claim that "my class is winning," the tables have abruptly turned.

No longer are Americans being gaslit into believing that if they go bankrupt when they get sick, it must be their own damn fault for trying to game the "health care" system by having the nerve to seek precious treatment when they so irresponsibly get sick or hurt.

The powers-that-be are in a real tizzy, doing their utmost to proclaim that the vast majority of US citizens are terrorists for not feeling properly sympathetic  that an insurance predator was gunned down in cold blood. That whole "but he was a family man" excuse is falling on deaf ears, when it does not evoke howls of contemptuous laughter.

A couple of senators have finally "broken their silence" on the killing. If you thought they would be running scared of their own constituents, or hurriedly reintroducing Meducare For All legislation, you'd best hink again.

Instead, Elizabeth "I'm a capitalist to my bones" Warren is reintroducing a bill called "Make Capitalism Accountable." The very title is a prima facie oxymoron, given that capitalism by its very nature exists only to lie, cheat, steal, plunder and grow without limit until it destroys itself and the planet. The title is just another stale campaign slogan, even evoking the right wing's "Make America Great Again" propaganda.

For his own part, Bernie Sanders repeated his M4A stump speech in the same breath that he condemned the "vile" killing of the CEO, lest he lose his standing invite to appear regularly on the "health care" industry-sponsored Sunday talk shows to give them a patina of fairness and responsibility.

They should actually introduce a bill that changes the name of United Health Care and the other organized crime cartels that are sickening and killing thousands of people every single day. How about "Entitled Wealth Care?" Because that is exactly what it is.

And I really wish that the mealy-mouthed pundits and polticians would stop complaining that the the "health care" system is broken, when everybody knows it's fixed.

And for all those establishment critics bemoaning the elevation of Luigi Mangione into folk hero or Robin Hood status, just take a look at Andrew Witty, the CEO of Entitled Wealth Care's parent company. This is the guy who was caught on video trying to justify his cartel's denial of about a third of all claims by claiming that one out of every three people accessing medical care do so fraudulently. Besides being a nation of unsympathetic terrorists, we apparently have nothing better to do with our lives than to waste time getting unnecessary treatment for, say, stage four cancer.

Before devising his own kill lists, this native Briton got a lot of practice as Robin Hood's nemesis, thesheriff of Nottingham, working in Big Pharma and advising such right-wing pols as David Cameron and Boris Johnson on various witty ways to privatize the National Health Service. Oh, and he also served a stint as the real-life chancellor of Nottingham University.

Monday, December 2, 2024

The Pardoner's Tale

That a ruler or priest can be both a hypocrite and moralizer has been true throughout human history.  

Thus has Joe Biden embraced his inner Chaucerian Pardoner in issuing his son Hunter a full pardon for any crime he may or may not have committed in the past decade. No matter that Hunter was never charged in direct co connection with his work for a gas company in Ukraine. where his then-vice president daddy was de facto viceroy, ordering that poor country to raise its retirement age, discontinue energy subsidies for its citizens, and otherwise impose austerity measures while Hunter raked in millions.

Some liberals are upset  mainly because Hunter got a pass on his federal gun possession conviction, a pass which may put a dent in future gun control legislation. These are the same liberals, mind you, who have no qualms sending arms to Israel for its ongoing genocide.

And as for the Republicans, their own hypocrisy in going after the Bidens is demonstrated on a daily basis by shielding the rank criminality of not a few of Donald Trump's capitalist cronies and even Donald Trump himself.

As far as elite malefactors are concerned, it is hard not to notice that the prosecutors and the pardoners end up just canceling each other out.  After a lot of moralizing and manufactured outrage theater, of course. 

So when Trump vows that hewill pardon a whole ton of people in revenge for Hunter, it will not be the tens or even hundreds of thousands of mainly black men who Biden has helped imprison for minor drug offenses by virtue of his  racist 1990s crime bill.

The hypocrisy continues as Biden made an official trip to Angola in West Africa, ostensibly to pledge the building of a rail route from the interior for the easy transport of precious minterals that US firms need for electronics and, of course, weaponry. While there, Biden will ostentatiously tour the country's slavery museum. This feeble, hypocritical gesture is a poor substitute for any actual monetary reparations for the descendants of African slaves, who for generations since the Civil War have suffered disproportionately as a direct result of slavery and Jim Crow... and Biden's crime legislation.

So while Joe Biden's pardon of his son might be nauseating, it should not be surprising. By pardoning his son, he was also shielding himself from any future chargesrelating to influence-peddling or even worse.

If, by any chance that he is also accused of war crimes by the International Criminal Court, there's already a US law on the books that will send in the military to rescue any US official held in The Hague for war crimes.

As Chaucer's Pardoner protested back in that 14th century chronicle: "What? Think you that because I'm good at preaching/And win me gold and silver by my teaching/I'll live of my own free will in poverty?/No, no that's never been my policy!"

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

White Settler Colonialism Remembrance Day

 The myth of Thanksgiving has deservedly been collapsing in recent decades. Like US Empire itself, the story is a picked-over turkey carcass.  with unsightly shreds of dried out flesh and gristle clinging to the wishbone of American exceptionalism. 

This official day of celebrating family and friends by way a of unabashed gluttony and watching the violent, all-American sport of football is just a little different this year actually in a good way.

 For the first time in nearly a decade, we're not inundated with advice on how to deal with annoying relatives who are not of our own political persuasion. This "divisiveness" within families was apparently a national epidemic until it miraculously disappeared from the corporate news narrative this year.

Since the elites both liberal and conservative seem to have made their peace with Trump, then so should we, by golly! That whole battle for the soul of our democracy has ended in a truce. The rich will still get richer and the poor will still get poorer.

It is so peaceful that even the door-busting riots of Black Friday are largely a thing of the past, thanks to the online marketplace. It's all about the Black Friday cybe-deals that now get underway just after Halloween.  Nobody gets trampled to death in the mad rush to score the one $50 smart TV the store has on offer as a bait-and-switch.

But we must not give up on the Thanksgiving myth completely. It is coming to life every day in the state of Israel, where white settler colonialism thrives in the West Bank and genocide proceeds with a vengeance in Gaza.  They cling to their Zionism, and their shining city on a hill the same way that the English pilgrims did all those centuries ago.

The "true meaning" of Thanksgiving was never the true meaning of Thanksgiving in the first place. As David J. Silverman recounts in his book "This Land Is Their Land: The Wampanoag Indians, Plymouth Colony, and the Troubled History of Thanksgiving," traditional puritan thanksgivings were marked by fasts, not feasts. It's a sham of a holiday whose original purpose was to put a feel-good gloss on imperialism and racism. The English passengers of the Mayflower were members of a severe religious cult whose 1620 voyage was financed by a proto-capitalist group aptly called The Adventurers. These financial backers expected a big return on their investment. And the Pilgrims got the message. Before even reaching their ultimate destination at the future Plymouth colony, the storm-tossed refugees landed at Cape Cod, where they proceeded to desecrate and rob graves, steal buried stores of corn, and burglarize the homes of the Wampanoag tribe, who had already left their shoreline abodes for their winter sojourn in the inland forest.

The pilgrims did not consider these crimes to be crimes, but rather opportunities granted to them by Divine Providence. They were the chosen ones, The Elect.  They were the true ancestors of our own modern criminal capitalist class and its Republican branch-centered unholy collaboration with religious fundamentalists, or what Chris Hedges so aptly calls the Christian fascist movement.

The original Pilgrims pretty much got everything they wanted for the first 50 years or so of their invasion. For starters, the Wampanoags had already been traumatized by a series of Euro-epidemics which had reduced their numbers by at least two-thirds by the time the pilgrims arrived in 1620 and which had left them vulnerable to assaults by the enemy Naragansetts.  They were among the hundreds of millions of human victims throughout history of what is now known as The Shock Doctrine, which as Naomi Klein explains, is how the wealthy and powerful create crises, exploit them for their own benefit, and then portray themselves as heroes for "saving" the system they helped to destroy in the first place.

Myth-making with the aim of enforcing public compliance with wars for profit, various forms of mass imprisonment and forced labor and exploitation of the poor by the rich is an integral part of any capitalist success story. Myths don't have to be old to be effective. But it helps, especially when the white Christian supremacist myth of Thanksgiving, with the Indians portrayed as perpetually prehistoric cardboard cutouts, is rammed down the throats and implanted in the brains of whole generations of school-children, regardless of their own races, colors and creeds.
As Silverman writes, 

"Subtly, the Thanksgiving myth buttresses this fallacy by making the Mayflower passengers the dynamic initiators of contact with a Wampanoag population that seems to have been waiting passively to be discovered. In turn the portrayal of Indians as static contributes to a sinister racist double bind of long standing in American culture. It posits that the Native way of life at the time of European contact was and is the only authentic Indian culture. Nobody expects the Pilgrims' modern descendants to look and act like their seventeenth century ancestors, yet the public commonly judges that indigenous people who have changed since 1492 or 1620 have somehow relinquished their claims to be Indian."

The reality of the first Thanksgiving is that the Wampanoags viewed the English not as friends, but as potential necromancers, swindlers and slave traders, just as their previous encounters with Europeans had taught them to believe. The feast they shared one year after the landing of the Mayflower was conducted in an atmosphere of fear, mourning, desperation and suspicion. "This is the most basic element missing from the Thanksgiving myth," writes Silverman.

That the pilgrims and Wampanoag Indians co-existed more or less in peace for the next half-century is testament to both the relatively low, "pre-swarm" numbers of English settlers and the pragmatism and political savvy of the Wampanoag sachem Ousamequin, who is more commonly known in "mythistory" as Massasoit. That was his title and not his name. It's as if historians referred to Lincoln as "President" assuming that is all the identity he'll ever need.

Speaking of Honest Abe, it was he who proclaimed Thanksgiving to be the national holiday that we celebrate today, moving it beyond its regional New England roots. It was designed to promote unity after the Civil War and also as a propaganda tool to justify Western expansion and the extermination of more Indian populations. Just as they were at the original Thanksgiving, the propaganda went, the Indians were just waiting around ready to be colonized wherever in Exceptional America they lived. And if they balked, then it just went to prove to the colonizers that they were nothing but ungrateful savages.

It was only after Ousamequin's death that his son Pometcomet (anglicized as "King Philip") and the Wampanoags finally balked in the 1670s and joined forces with other tribes to fight the English, who were doing such un-Christian things as fining and imprisoning natives who killed the colonial pigs and other livestock encroaching on their own plots of land and eating up their crops. If the natives couldn't pay the fines they were levied for defending their own existences, they often were seized as slaves and transported either to Europe or Caribbean sugar plantations. The pilgrims were truly doubling down on the capitalistic greed, given that their domestic animals were already being imported to feed the enslaved Africans toiling away on the sugar plantations.

As Trumpian precursors, they even separated children from families, erected walls around their enclaves, and banished thousands of non-combative, Christianized Indians to an outdoor gulag on Deer Island, where most of them starved to death. 

King Philip's War, as it was called in order to spread the desired narrative that it was the Indians assaulting the colonists rather than the Indians reacting to vicious English aggression, was short-lived but lethal, both in terms of casualties and in the lasting animus that it spawned.

Silverman writes:

"The war spread so quickly and unexpectedly that many English concluded that the Indians were an instrument of God's judgment. The question was for what. Staunch puritans in Massachusetts blamed lax morals and passed sumptuary laws banning men from wearing long hair, women from 'following strange fashions in their apparel,' and unmarried couples from riding from town to town unchaperoned.... Plymouth leaders wondered if God smote them because of their lax treatment of Quakers.... All the English could agree about was that the war had little to do with genuine Indian grievances."

Fast forward almost 400 years, and abandoned CIA assets ("Infidels") bombed the World Trade Center and Pentagon because "they hate us for our freedoms." 

The late Haitian historian and anthropologist Michel-Rolph Trouillot said that it is the silences of history along with its mythical narratives that are at the root of power. We become "complaisant hostages of the pasts they create."

"The production of historical narratives involves the uneven contribution of competing groups and individuals who have unusual access to the means of such production."

All facts are not created equal. To paraphrase Orwell, some facts are more equal than others.

So let us give thanks that the Censorship-Industrial Complex has not yet succeeded in relegating all of recorded history down the memory hole. Books are still there for the reading, despite thwe best efforts of deficiti hawks to 

shut down local public libraries.l 

The "true meaning" of Thanksgiving was never the true meaning of Thanksgiving in the first place. As David J. Silverman recounts in his book "This Land Is Their Land: The Wampanoag Indians, Plymouth Colony, and the Troubled History of Thanksgiving," traditional puritan thanksgivings were marked by fasts, not feasts. It's a sham of a holiday whose original purpose was to put a feel-good gloss on imperialism and racism. The English passengers of the Mayflower were members of a severe religious cult whose 1620 voyage was financed by a proto-capitalist group aptly called The Adventurers. These financial backers expected a big return on their investment. And the Pilgrims got the message. Before even reaching their ultimate destination at the future Plymouth colony, the storm-tossed refugees landed at Cape Cod, where they proceeded to desecrate and rob graves, steal buried stores of corn, and burglarize the homes of the Wampanoag tribe, who had already left their shoreline abodes for their winter sojourn in the inland forest.

The pilgrims did not consider these crimes to be crimes, but rather opportunities granted to them by Divine Providence. They were the chosen ones, The Elect.  They were the true ancestors of our own modern criminal capitalist class and its Republican branch-centered unholy collaboration with religious fundamentalists, or what Chris Hedges so aptly calls the Christian fascist movement.

The original Pilgrims pretty much got everything they wanted for the first 50 years or so of their invasion. For starters, the Wampanoags had already been traumatized by a series of Euro-epidemics which had reduced their numbers by at least two-thirds by the time the pilgrims arrived in 1620 and which had left them vulnerable to assaults by the enemy Naragansetts.  They were among the hundreds of millions of human victims throughout history of what is now known as The Shock Doctrine, which as Naomi Klein explains, is how the wealthy and powerful create crises, exploit them for their own benefit, and then portray themselves as heroes for "saving" the system they helped to destroy in the first place.

Myth-making with the aim of enforcing public compliance with wars for profit, various forms of mass imprisonment and forced labor and exploitation of the poor by the rich is an integral part of any capitalist success story. Myths don't have to be old to be effective. But it helps, especially when the white Christian supremacist myth of Thanksgiving, with the Indians portrayed as perpetually prehistoric cardboard cutouts, is rammed down the throats and implanted in the brains of whole generations of school-children, regardless of their own races, colors and creeds.

As Silverman writes, 

"Subtly, the Thanksgiving myth buttresses this fallacy by making the Mayflower passengers the dynamic initiators of contact with a Wampanoag population that seems to have been waiting passively to be discovered. In turn the portrayal of Indians as static contributes to a sinister racist double bind of long standing in American culture. It posits that the Native way of life at the time of European contact was and is the only authentic Indian culture. Nobody expects the Pilgrims' modern descendants to look and act like their seventeenth century ancestors, yet the public commonly judges that indigenous people who have changed since 1492 or 1620 have somehow relinquished their claims to be Indian."

The reality of the first Thanksgiving is that the Wampanoags viewed the English not as friends, but as potential necromancers, swindlers and slave traders, just as their previous encounters with Europeans had taught them to believe. The feast they shared one year after the landing of the Mayflower was conducted in an atmosphere of fear, mourning, desperation and suspicion. "This is the most basic element missing from the Thanksgiving myth," writes Silverman.

That the pilgrims and Wampanoag Indians co-existed more or less in peace for the next half-century is testament to both the relatively low, "pre-swarm" numbers of English settlers and the pragmatism and political savvy of the Wampanoag sachem Ousamequin, who is more commonly known in "mythistory" as Massasoit. That was his title and not his name. It's as if historians referred to Lincoln as "President" assuming that is all the identity he'll ever need.

Speaking of Honest Abe, it was he who proclaimed Thanksgiving to be the national holiday that we celebrate today, moving it beyond its regional New England roots. It was designed to promote unity after the Civil War and also as a propaganda tool to justify Western expansion and the extermination of more Indian populations. Just as they were at the original Thanksgiving, the propaganda went, the Indians were just waiting around ready to be colonized wherever in Exceptional America they lived. And if they balked, then it just went to prove to the colonizers that they were nothing but ungrateful savages.

It was only after Ousamequin's death that his son Pometcomet (anglicized as "King Philip") and the Wampanoags finally balked in the 1670s and joined forces with other tribes to fight the English, who were doing such un-Christian things as fining and imprisoning natives who killed the colonial pigs and other livestock encroaching on their own plots of land and eating up their crops. If the natives couldn't pay the fines they were levied for defending their own existences, they often were seized as slaves and transported either to Europe or Caribbean sugar plantations. The pilgrims were truly doubling down on the capitalistic greed, given that their domestic animals were already being imported to feed the enslaved Africans toiling away on the sugar plantations.

As Trumpian precursors, they even separated children from families, erected walls around their enclaves, and banished thousands of non-combative, Christianized Indians to an outdoor gulag on Deer Island, where most of them starved to death. 

King Philip's War, as it was called in order to spread the desired narrative that it was the Indians assaulting the colonists rather than the Indians reacting to vicious English aggression, was short-lived but lethal, both in terms of casualties and in the lasting animus that it spawned.

Silverman writes:

"The war spread so quickly and unexpectedly that many English concluded that the Indians were an instrument of God's judgment. The question was for what. Staunch puritans in Massachusetts blamed lax morals and passed sumptuary laws banning men from wearing long hair, women from 'following strange fashions in their apparel,' and unmarried couples from riding from town to town unchaperoned.... Plymouth leaders wondered if God smote them because of their lax treatment of Quakers.... All the English could agree about was that the war had little to do with genuine Indian grievances."

Fast forward almost 400 years, and abandoned CIA assets ("Infidels") bombed the World Trade Center and Pentagon because "they hate us for our freedoms." 

The late Haitian historian and anthropologist Michel-Rolph Trouillot said that it is the silences of history along with its mythical narratives that are at the root of power. We become "complaisant hostages of the pasts they create."

"The production of historical narratives involves the uneven contribution of competing groups and individuals who have unusual access to the means of such production."

All facts are not created equal. To paraphrase Orwell, some facts are more equal than others.

So let us give thanks that the Censorship-Industrial Complex has not yet succeeded in relegating all  of recorded history down the proverbial memory hole. It's there for the reading, in whatever local library hasn't yet been shut down for "budgetary" reasons..


Dear readers: My post actually ended several paragraphs aA formatting problem on the Google platform kept repeating parts of it. despite repeated attempts on my part to delete the duplication. This platform is, frankly, becoming unusable, what with comments disappearing for no reason and being kicked off Google without warning and having my work lost. So I will be migrating pretty soon. I am looking into Substack to see if that might work out. I am so sorry for any confusiion. Hope everybody has a peaceful holiday weekend!.