Thursday, January 13, 2011

Out, Out Damned Spot!

Blaming Sarah Palin for the Tucson Massacre is just as unfair as blaming Lady Macbeth for the mayhem at Inverness Castle.  All these two maligned ladies did was lay out the weapons: Sarah, her cross-hair graphics and Lady M, a few carelessly placed daggers.  Subtle hints do not a murderess make.
Along with their histrionics and lust for power, both women have a fixation with blood. Palin, subdued from her usual frenzied harangues, looked like a robot on tranquillizers  as she Youtubed herself into the queen of the martyrs and the victim of “blood libel” of the biased liberal lamestream punditocracy.  To give her credit, I doubt she knows the anti-Semitic origin of the phrase, but the blood part likely was what appealed to her.  And Lady Mac was  totally obsessed with blood, even to the point of sleepwalking and being unable to wash the imaginary stains from her hands. Sarah, of course, also had difficulty scrubbing her website clean of the infamous Cross-Hairs map.  It had already gone viral all over cyberspace. “Out, out damned cache!” could be heard echoing through the valley, according to Wasilla lore.

The Lady Sarah really doth protest too much, methinks, and all the sanguineous references in the world can’t mask the fact that this anti-mother/mama grizzly has ice water running through her veins and a stony heart totally lacking in the warmth of human kindness.


  1. Hi Karen-

    Congratulations on your blog! Love the name! It will be delightful to follow you and your spicy, dicey observations! Just remember: you are always just a few steps away from Shrillsville--which is way far away, out in the woods. Michael from Chicago says so, and he knows IMPORTANT PEOPLE who will take you there--along with your shrill friends!

  2. At last, no need to be "rebuffed" by Mr. Brisbane, who cries: "Now the thundering herd of commenters wants more." (
    Yet his condescending dismissiveness towards the loyal fan base of commenters and recommenders is to be expected when the President himself condescends to the "professional left"--we live in age of artful PR, where all the language of "the left" and civil rights era is usurped by "the right" to rail against the injustice of "Obamacare"--

    The Times has to bite the hands that feed it just as our government has to bite the hands of ordinary people over corporations, because we live in a world where ordinary people do not make it on the list of "special interests," and anyone who claims people are more important than corporations or special interests must automatically be marginalized into that ruinous category, "professional left."

    You can try, like Bernie Sanders does, to turn epithets into badges of honor...

    Or, you can just transcend the labeling and find the heart, the genuine "warmth of human kindness," which you so deeply proclaim in your ultra-warm, soaring, and incisive replies to commentary that wasn't dry to begin with ---but you embolden it, round it out, sharpen it, and call us, further, deeper, to strive to create the common good in our crevice of the world, though we may feel besieged with enemies at every turn....

    Thank you! Thank you for all your NYTimes comments, and, at last, for creating your own blog....

  3. Congrats Karen. As David Brooks might say, you are a most valuable blogger! (Couldn't resist)

  4. There have been days when your incisive comments on the Times were the only thing that kept me sane. Glad to see you're blogging.


  5. Karen, Glad to find your blog. Sarah's latest You Tube was indeed astounding, but am I the only one who wanted to gag at the sight of the flag standard to her left - or is this just the usual decorative item in suburban Wasilla?
