Thursday, May 19, 2011


Due to a fairly large number of legitimate readers' comments being picked up by Google's automatic spam filter, I have decided to (at least temporarily) go the manual moderation route.  I am not always on the computer, so your comments may not see the light of day for hours, and they definitely won't be published in the middle of the night EDT.  

The moderation will also prevent some of the occasional "flaming" that is rampant on comment boards everywhere.

Meantime, if the system is giving you any other trouble, feel free to email me your comment at  I apologize for any inconvenience.

For those of you commenting on New York Times op-eds, let me direct you to, or follow the link called Constant Comments under my blogroll to the right.  Marie Burns has set up a great "Off Times Square" feature for just that purpose.  All of us have experienced burial or outright rejection at the hands of Times moderators, so this is a wonderful way to get our comments published immediately.  Then, if the Times does publish them, you have gotten yourself some double exposure. It's win-win.  Thanks, Marie! 

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