Monday, April 15, 2013

The Bombing of Boston

Another day in America, another outburst of violence. I am not going to speculate or opinionate, except for this one thing -- when I watched the coverage, saddened yet shockingly not shocked, the only thought that did not enter my mind was what our kill list president would eventually intone:  
I’ve updated leaders of Congress in both parties, and we reaffirmed that on days like this there are no Republicans or Democrats -- we are Americans, united in concern for our fellow citizens.
He just can't get away from his obsessive legacy-burnishing, consensus-building, bipartishit meme, even on "days like this", coming at ever shorter intervals, illustrating that this nation is indeed crumbling into a million tiny pieces.

You'd think that on "days like this" he would spare us the bromides. Our leaders are about as committed to their fellow citizens as BP is committed to the Gulf.

To really show how sincere is his appreciation for all the first responders and National Guard personnel on scene, Obama should immediately light a fire under the VA about those languishing disability claims, reverse his effective pay cut on federal workers, and forget all about his proposed regressive tax hikes on all working class people.

The people of Boston don't need a politician to tell them that ordinary Americans are on their side. Regular people always do a lot better than fleeting thoughts, bogus prayers and empty promises of government aid. Just look at who stepped up to help the Hurricane Sandy victims.


  1. The president of Pakistan went on the air and told his people that the people that sent those drones over Pakistan that killed many people and children would pay. THAT IS NOT TRUE of course but Obama doesn't have a problem with that, does he?

    “It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief that mental lying has produced in society. When a man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind, as to subscribe his professional belief to things he does not believe, he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime.” – Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason

  2. Spare us the "bromides?"

    Oh, please.

    Even more bromides from Barack O'Bromide:

    "But make no mistake, we will get to the bottom of this, and we will find out who did this, we'll find out why they did this [and, presumably, maybe even bring these "folks" to justice?]." --BHO on the Boston bombings

    "But my biggest priority now is bringing those folks to justice and I think the American people have seen that’s a commitment I'll always keep.” --BHO on the Benghazi consulate massacre

    I'm not holding my breath in either case.

    Nor should you, for anything else that you might hope for from the man.

  3. Chris Floyd extends condolences to the victims of the Boston bombing and their families and to all those victimized by violence around the world today:

    “Yes, let us remember the victims of violence today, those who died and those who live on in the scarred, tormented aftermath. Let us remember them in Boston, in Baghdad, in Mogadishu, in Guantanamo, in Waziristan --and in every corner of the world where the crippled souls who live by violence seek to impose their evil dreams on us all.”

    “It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief that mental lying has produced in society. When a man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind, as to subscribe his professional belief to things he does not believe, he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime.” – Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason

  4. Good catch-- never miss an opportunity to "change the culture of Washington".
    Barack O'Bromide: Now that's a good one.
    How about the assault on communities across America-- justice for them?

  5. The Boston explosions are a terrible tragedy for those personally affected, and the 3 people killed. But not to diminish this tragedy, or the 26 deaths at Sandy Hook, keep in mind that "On average in 2011, 89 people were killed on the roadways of the U.S. each day." Even so, "The 32,367 traffic fatalities in 2011 were the lowest in 62 years (1949)."

    When public policy is formed by situation-driven emotion, and not ultimate facts, we loose.

  6. I ran my last race, a 5k, 3 years ago. Came in third in my age group. Didn't know it was my last at the time but a torn meniscus just wouldn't allow me to prudently continue competing. I'd run races up to 15k for years. It's hard to explain why I loved it, but I surely did: daily runs, training, race day. An emotional sanctuary of a sort. That's why I felt I was there yesterday - stunned. And today, disgusted with the Drone Boy and the rest of them.
