Sunday, September 8, 2013

Happy Birthday, Pearl

Please join me in congratulating regular commenter Pearl Volkov on the occasion of her 90th birthday.

Pearl has brought a lifetime of erudition and compassion to this forum and also to the New York Times reader commentariat, where she posts under the handle "pvolkov." I got to know Pearl several years ago, when a bunch of us diehard Times posters started an email correspondence circle.  

Here's wishing you a happy day with your children, Pearl, and many more years of agitating and educating....  here, there, and everywhere. L'Chaim!


  1. I have learned so much from you Pearl! I hope you have an amazing day.

  2. Happy Birthday, Pearl, and many, many more. Thanks always for your insights.

    Hang in there!


  3. Happy Birthday, Pearl! Always look forward to reading your thoughtful & thought-provoking opinions here at Sardonicky. Hope you & your loved ones have the best day ever! :)


  4. Pearl--

    Best wishes for a happy birthday!

  5. Here's to ya,



  6. Happy Birthday Pearl, thanks for your comments on Sardonicky. Enjoy your day, and watch out for the candles.

    Mister Rogers - Happy Birthday to you

  7. Dear Pearl, Last year a former Greek student of mine alerted me to a beautiful travelogue video about Kalymnos Island, known as "The Shining Pearl" of the Aegean Sea. It's 16 minutes long, on YouTube and can be Googled under its nickname. Trust me, it's like a personal visit to this mountainous, rocky land with white-washed villages. Allow me to offer this to you as a small birthday gift---you are truly Sardonicky's Shining Pearl....Happy Birthday!!!

  8. Yes Pearl, happy birthday.

    We've sometimes disagreed on this forum, but you've made many good points, and I'm glad that you're still politically concerned even at ninety. Too many people a fraction of your age pay little or no attention to what is happening politically around them --- and that has allowed the plutocracy to run roughshod over the people. Improving one's country requires perpetual awareness and concern by the people.

  9. " ...even at ninety."

    Surprised at you Fred. The lady's at the top of her game. Just kidding, but she's still at the top of her game. Getting late, time for my night cap. You're a great campaigner Pearl. Good night. Sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite.

  10. Pearl, It's after midnight. Here I am late again and with empty hands except this wish for a happy birthday.

  11. HBD2u, HBD2u, HBDPV, HB2u!

  12. Dear, dear Karen and fellow sh-t stirrers - your beautiful card and
    responses were the icing on the Birthday cake that my youngest granddaughter made for me yesterday. I laughed and almost cried reading your comments. I hope that the NSA encrypts this and keeps it permanently in their files for
    future aliens to find and marvel.

    My main birthday wish of course, is for good health and happiness for all of you; next, for a better world and then closer to home, that Obama gets his comeuppance by his Congress and supporters finally. I am floating on a
    cloud similar to the feeling when people marching and protesting finally
    brought the Vietnam debacle to an end and remember my then two teen age
    children with my father and mother-in law marching together in that last big
    demonstration. I was so proud of them and now I am equally proud of all of
    you who helped bring about this miracle of reaction finally from an angry citizenry.

    I don't think they can put this response or memory back in the bottle
    anymore and I hope we are all an inspiration to the rest of the world in their struggles for decency.

    Enough!! Get back to work!! I love you all.

    Flamethrower Granny
