Friday, October 3, 2014

Quick Quiz

  Name the person who uttered the following words:

"I actually believe that capitalism is the greatest force for prosperity and opportunity the world has ever known. And I believe in private enterprise -- not government, but innovators and risk-takers and makers and doers -- driving job creation".

Was it:

A) Mitt Romney

B) Rand Paul

C) John Boehner

D) None of the above.

Answer will be provided in an upcoming post. Meanwhile, anyone who can Name That Conservative within the next 10 minutes will receive a free subscription to Sardonicky.   

Update: Congratulations to Fred Drumlevitch, who quickly came up with the correct answer: D) Barack Obama. For anybody interested, Barry made his neoliberal remarks to a group of business students in Chicago yesterday. You can find the entire transcript on the White House website, which I refuse to link to again for fear they might think I'm an obsessive fan.



  1. I tried to listen to his speech at Northwestern after reading Karen's blog post this morning. I couldn't make it all the way through. I drifted off at times- due to my subconscious trying to spare my brain the confusion and pain of listening to a compulsive liar. Other times, when my attention accidentally drifted back and absorbed the deceit, my body began to experience the typical signs of anger: teeth grinding, fists clenching, flushing, paling, prickly sensations, numbness, sweating, muscle tensions and temperature changes.

    So I quit listening.

    Karen- thank you for all of your great writing and thinking; we are all better off because of your efforts.

  2. Did you catch this about Tony Hsieh (of Zappos fame) and the failure of his downtown project?
    Seems like the kind of guy Obama would be saluting.
    It may come as a shock, but success as an entrepreneur does not make you qualified to
    ... transform Downtown Las Vegas into the most community-focused large city in the world. We are doing that by inspiring and empowering people to follow their passions to create a vibrant, connected urban core.
    We’ve allocated $350 million to aid in the revitalization of Downtown Las Vegas. We’re investing $100 million in real estate, $100 million in residential development, $50 million in small businesses, $50 million in education, and $50 million in tech startups through the VegasTech Fund.

    It does qualify you to write grandiose mission statements, however.
    And yes, they were bringing in Teach for America. Of course.
