Monday, March 21, 2016

Double the Fascist Fun


  1. Kudos to Karen, Kudos!
    Yesterday I phone-banked for Bernie, recruiting volunteers to canvas in Washington State and Wyoming. The energy was palpable. I spoke to several people standing in line to gain admittance at a yyyyuuuugggggeee rally in Vancouver and lamenting that they were to far back in the line, they probably would not get in. I spoke to a girl from Portland, OR canvassing in Boise, ID and she requested that I schedule her to canvas in Vancouver. I scheduled another guy, from the mountains of Colorado, who said he would drive volunteers to Laramie to spend the day on Saturday canvassing. So like I said, the energy was palpable. I left phone-banking and drove to my gym to swim, and was so elated I only swam a mile, instead of the two the week before when I was so grouchy and angry and had to direct the anger somewhere!

  2. Oops.

    I mistakenly posted this graphic before adding any copy. But so what. I'll make it double the fun.

  3. Pearl on another important topicMarch 21, 2016 at 2:11 PM

    At AIPAC, Hillary Clinton takes aim at Trump's deal-making: 'Israel's security is non-negotiable'

    My comment:
    Hillary Clinton's plans for the Middle East will continue to be sending huge amounts of U.S. taxpayers' money for the Israeli army and the AIPAC which is a right wing organization is losing favor among many of the younger Jews as well as Rabbi's groups. Her plans will allow the continuing illegal takeover of Palestinian land and people's rights there which will continue the instability of the region. And once again I will state that U.S. policy on this topic is influenced by many neocon Jewish democrats influencing Obama and now his successor.

  4. Pearl (member Jewish voice for PeaceMarch 21, 2016 at 2:17 PM

    Karen my comment above was not meant to diminish your vital and very important article today. But since Hillary was speaking about the Middle east now, we must be aware of how she is defining this area of foreign affairs. I wonder if Bernie will comment as he did not attend the meeting when he asked for video coverage (for himself or everyone?) or was using it as an excuse to not seem to support AIPAC.


  5. Critics Aghast at 'Disgusting Speech' Clinton Just Gave to AIPAC -


  6. Ste-vo: We need more human beings like you in the world and thank you for doing the energetic things for a better world that I can no longer do.
    Thank god for the computer and people like yourself to speak up and communicate with. I know our children and grandkids will thank us for it. Mine already are.


  7. Just caught the interview with Bernie Sanders that Anderson Cooper had with all the
    people running for the presidential office. I think Bernie did a fairly good job of explaining his attitudes about Israeli - U.S. - Palestinian relationships considering the political box he is in. He criticized Israel for their Gaza role among other things, and I suspect his personal feelings are stronger than he was able to state publicly. He really ripped into Trump very well and exposed his unstable attitudes clearly with the possible consequences.
    I didn't watch Cooper's interview with Hillary. One look at her warrior's stance when she walked in was enough after her 'triumph' at the AIPAC meeting and as it was late in the evening I knew I might have nightmares all night.
    More and more articles in the press are speaking out about some of the problems in the Democratic party which will intensify as the voting continues and I am almost afraid to watch the evening events tonight.
    We are living through unusual times in the U.S. among which is Obama lecturing Castro about how to run Cuba properly. I am sure Raoul is counting the minutes until Obama and his entourage leave and did mention a few things that U.S.history should not be too proud of. However, all will be well since entrepeneurs are already making plans to set up business in Cuba and repeating the history of the past.


  8. Meet Debbie Wasserman Schultz's first-ever primary challenger: Tim Canova by @ggreenwald

    Hope this works.
