Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Darkly Dreaming Hillary

Losing the election to Donald Trump was her "dark midnight time of the soul," Hillary Clinton confided to rehab specialist Stephen Colbert on his CBS infotainment show. Fresh off his stint of normalizing and endearing professional liar Sean Spicer at the Emmy awards, Colbert was happy to do likewise for Clinton, whose marathon book tour is vying for attention with earthquakes, hurricanes and other disasters which always seem to unfairly threaten her campaigns.

She joked that she'll be sticking around unless people take up a huge collection to send her someplace really nice. She demurred from mentioning an actual price for her departure. And since she already is someplace really nice, "I'm not going anywhere."

Asked about her book, she said it was "horrible." (I am pretty sure that she meant that the grueling experience of writing the book was horrible, which just goes to show that Trump's own constant use of the words horrible - horrible! - is catching.)

Hillary called Trump's U.N. speech, which ridiculed the North Korean dictator as Rocket Man, "very dark and very dangerous," threatening as it did to eclipse her own dark night of the soul, not to mention causing an endless loop of the Elton John hit to play inside people's heads.

Trump's words, Hillary complained, were very crass and not befitting the designated purveyor of "respectful" American aggression and exceptionalism.  It's always best to use words which are diplomatic and nuanced and democracy-spreading, she said. Maybe something more in line with how the then-Secretary of State respectfully described to a worldwide TV audience (via another CBS interview) the death-by-sodomy of Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, after the US bombing campaign and right before another mass US-inspired immigration crisis:

Perhaps that's what prompted her to dish to Colbert about Putin -  whom, she has absolutely no doubt, infiltrated the hive-mind of the American electorate and turned them into millions of zombie Trump-voters. Not only is Putin a giant pod creature from Invasion of the Body Snatchers, he is an evil manspreader whose sexism only added to the free-floating scourge of misogyny which helped propel Trump to his Dark Victory. Hillary also bragged that she got Putin so agitated one time in his dacha, he went into a manspreading frenzy. "He takes me down the stairs... into his inner sanctum... and then asked if my husband would like to come." (on a polar bear-tagging junket, not the other kind of threesome) Oh, the Hillmanity.

With that, Colbert uncorked a bottle of the Chardonnay which Hillary - once again - jokingly admitted is her drug of choice for the dark days of her lives. It's what got her through the agony of blamespreading, and then demanding gobs of money for it.  

Meanwhile, Darkly Dangerous Donald just got insanely handed, with no strings attached, more than ten times the money he'd asked for to help him pursue his dream-quest to redundantly "totally destroy" tiny North Korea: a whopping three quarters of a trillion dollars. Also in Trump's beady little sights: Venezuela and Iran or wherever his pre-adolescent brain takes him next.

As the New York Times approvingly noted, 
 In a rare act of bipartisanship on Capitol Hill, the Senate passed a $700 billion defense policy bill on Monday that sets forth a muscular vision of America as a global power, with a Pentagon budget that far exceeds what President Trump has asked for.
Senators voted 89-9 to approve the measure, known as the National Defense Authorization Act; the House has already adopted a similar version.
I love the way the mainstream media is always in awe of this allegedly "rare" bipartisanship. The two right wings of the war party always act in lockstep when it comes to funding unlimited state-sponsored death. It seems like only yesterday when they near-unanimously funded Johnson's war in Vietnam after the phony Gulf of Tonkin attack (which was glossed over in the current PBS series, incidentally.)

After calling ever-spreading war fever a refreshing anomaly, the Times steps in its own doo-doo by casually mentioning that, well, yeah, this is the 56th consecutive year that Congress has passed the defense bill with much eagerness and very little debate.

But this year was also something heartwarming and special, because the vote was also a "tribute" to Senate Hawk John McCain, who is bravely battling cancer, and who muscularly boasted on CNN last week that his treatment isn't costing him a dime, and who is once again the deciding vote on whether millions of other people will lost their own skimpy health insurance.

Giving a blank weapons check to a president whom establishment politicians and their media partners  purport to fear and loathe so much should call them out as hypocrites. But they are not about to expose themselves as such, especially since their message and "the narrative" is congealed within a handful of corporate-owned and controlled conglomerates. 

So, just in case you need a good laugh, or a good cry, or simply a rapidly-spreading distraction from other realities, here's the full clip of the Clinton/Colbert Russophobic schmooze-fest (naturally, when Colbert bloviates that "we" have to stop the horrible things going on in government under Trump, he doesn't mean that we have to stop the permanent state of war. The topic never even comes up, because militarism helps pay Colbert's salary, and it enriches the CBS stockholders way too much. As CBS honcho Les Moonves famously said, "Trump might not be good for America, but he's damned good for CBS!")


  1. This contrasts a bit with that "grouchy", "uncharismatic" old man, Bernie Sanders when he appeared on Steven Colbert a few weeks earlier.

    Hope I got the link ok.

  2. The link didn't work, Carol.

    Bernie Sanders gave his big foreign policy speech today and he talks about the Military-Industrial Complex among other things. FINALLY! He would have blown Hillary out of the water had he spoken like this during the primary. Maybe that's the agreement they had, that he wouldn't go there.

    Better late than never I guess, but as Hillary once said "At this point, what difference does it make!" since it won't get picked up by the corporate media.

    To read the transcript, go to Vox at:

  3. Hillary, smiling wide yet choking on resentment and dreams of revenge, Hillary who's been living high most of her life but counts herself among the victims of injustice, Hillary who believes she has good reason to hate a number of manspreaders––like her very own Bill, then Bernie, Obama '08, Gaddafi, Putin, Trump––Hillary Clinton is channeling Pirate Jenny.

    Nina Simone sings best what's in Pirate Jenny's soul.

    "And the ship
    The Black Freighter
    Runs a flag up its masthead
    And a cheer rings the air

    "By noontime the dock
    Is a-swarmin' with men
    Comin' out from the ghostly freighter
    They move in the shadows
    Where no one can see
    And they're chainin' up people
    And they're bringin' em to me
    Askin' me,
    'Kill them NOW, or LATER?'
    Askin' ME!
    'Kill them now, or later?'
    . . . . .
    I'll say, 'Right now.
    Right now!' "

  4. Poor Hillary craves attention and is absolutely beside herself now that she has lost the limelight after wobbling, teetering, and falling off the political stage. At this point, she'll do or say anything to become relevant.

    Hillary's drinking problem is so bad she arranged, or at least agreed to, make drinking Chardonnay a feature of her appearance on stage. She either simply likes being associated with drinking Chardonnay for some cool reason, she needs to continue her drinking from the Green Room to the stage - which suggests she can't go long without it, or she's promoting a product and this is product placement if it's the same brand she's used to and being compensated by the company. However you cut it, her ever closer and more frequent association with Dr. Chardonnay is troubling.

    Speaking of her drinking problem, and recalling Hillary stating that that Obama wasn't a Muslim "as far as I know", in that spirit(s), I'd like to suggest that...

    Her Deplorables comment wasn't made under the influence of Chardonnay, as far as I know.

    Her decision to use a personal server stowed at home in her broom closet wasn't made under the influence of alcohol, as far as I know.

    And her giggling on camera about Ghadaffi's murder saying "We came, we saw, he died" (see video) wasn't made under the influence of alcohol either, as far as I know - but it sure looked and sounded like it!

    I could go on and have fun with this, but you get my drift: She's the ultimate non-victim.

  5. Anneigma informed me the link didn't work, so I think If people google, Youtube, "What Bernie Sanders Wants Hillary to do Next" The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, and continue with, "Bernie Sanders Tries to Say Something Nice About Trump" The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - you may succeed. That's how I found them. Other links say my iPad doesn't support them without subscribing to their particular link.
