Thursday, February 22, 2018

Bernie Is Stuck Between Bullshit and a Pile of Doo-Doo

What's a politician to do when, after joining the Joe McCarthy wing of the Democratic Party and criticizing Donald Trump for his Russiagate denialism, he is then himself accused of not condemning the alleged cyber-infiltration of his own campaign by Russian bots and trolls?

If your name is Bernie Sanders, the last thing in the world you do is finally come clean, admit the error of  your ways, and declare your independence from the whole phony Narrative of Russian meddling in our "democracy." Sanders, who had thrown in his lot behind the original instigator of Russiagate - Hillary Clinton - is the latest victim of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who gratuitously smeared both him and Jill Stein in his "indictment" last week of three Russian companies and thirteen of their grossly underpaid Internet meat puppets. 

Sanders's pathetic response to this smear was to take a page right out of Hillary Clinton's playbook, and blame Hillary Clinton herself for not doing enough to stop the Russian "attack" on the United States.

Sanders either didn't know, or has chosen to ignore, the fact that Russiagate is not only about weakening and punishing Donald Trump, but also about weakening and punishing - and censoring - what still remains of the contemporary American Left. And that includes Bernie Sanders, still considered the dangerous front-runner for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.

Sanders is only the latest in a long line of American leftists throughout our history to be targeted by the right-wing plutocracy for the sin of not being able to prove a negative. The centrist Washington gossip rag, Politico, gleefully joins the latest attack via its pro-Clinton reporter Edward-Isaac Dovere:
Bernie Sanders on Wednesday blamed Hillary Clinton for not doing more to stop the Russian attack on the last presidential election. Then his 2016 campaign manager, in an interview with POLITICO, said he’s seen no evidence to support special counsel Robert Mueller's assertion in an indictment last week that the Russian operation had backed Sanders' campaign.
The remarks showed Sanders, running for a third term and currently considered a front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020, deeply defensive in response to questions posed to him about what was laid out in the indictment. He attempted to thread a response that blasts Donald Trump for refusing to acknowledge that Russians helped his campaign — but then holds himself harmless for a nearly identical denial.
Got that, Bernie? Since Donald Trump denies that the Russians helped him, and you now deny that the Russians helped you, then you are really no better than Trump. You might even secretly support Trump. Hell, you probably are Trump. At the very least, you are un-American, which is the same thing.
In doing so, Sanders and his former campaign manager, Jeff Weaver, presented a series of self-serving statements that were not accurate, and that track with efforts by Trump and his supporters to undermine the credibility of the Mueller probe.
“The real question to be asked is what was the Clinton campaign [doing about Russian interference]? They had more information about this than we did,” Sanders said in the interview with Vermont Public Radio.
After being contacted by POLITICO about the interview, Sanders issued a lengthy statement calling the Russian involvement a “direct assault on the free democratic systems that stand in contrast to the autocratic, nationalistic kleptocracy of Vladimir Putin and his backers in the Russian oligarchy” which “deserves unconditional condemnation.”
When it comes to enhancing and amplifying the Russiagate narrative, mainstream journalism has given up all pretense at objectivity. If you deny that Russians infiltrated your brain and your operation, you are being "self-serving."

The more that you deny something, the more guilty you are deemed to be. Off with your head!

  Bernie is certainly not helping himself by buying into the Narrative at the same time that he denies culpability. He is fully on board with it, his only quibble being his own lack of involvement and personal benefit. He cravenly declares himself a true believer in the Mueller Dogma, and is now reduced to begging his inquisitors for mercy. He'll even name names, most prominently the name of Hillary Clinton herself!  He's willing to testify that his campaign warned the Clinton campaign way back in September 2016 of Russian infiltration. What more do they want - that he drape himself in the American flag and carry an autographed photo of Ronald Reagan around with him whenever he delivers one of his anti-billionaire diatribes?

After correctly observing that Mueller's cut-and-paste revelations about a Russian oligarch's troll farm were really nothing new, Bernie "was adamant that he did not benefit from Russian bots," according to the Politico article, while acknowledging that said bots were there to turn his supporters against Hillary and not to specifically bolster his own campaign.

As Dovere pontificated, this pathetic defense will not and cannot stand:
Sanders has repeatedly condemned President Donald Trump for not acknowledging the Russian attack on the 2016 election alleged in the Mueller indictment and being investigated by congressional committees. But he has refused to say that his campaign benefited from the activities. (my bold)
I have here in my pocket a list of 200 names.... Have you now, or have you ever been, an Internet subscriber who benefited from reading Tweets from bots and trolls? Has a Russian ever visited or written a comment on your website? Guilty, guilty, guilty!
Sanders said the key point was that he was campaigning hard for Clinton after losing the nomination to her, and “at this point we were working with them.”
Sanders has faced questions since Friday about why he has not more strongly condemned the Russian actions that benefited his campaign. On Wednesday, liberal writer Joan Walsh of The Nation tweeted in response to Sanders’ comments about Clinton: “Seriously, this could be the end of Sanders 2020. Someone who cares about him ought to tell him how badly he stepped in it today.”
If Bernie Sanders thought that the Democratic establishment would forgive and forget, if not openly embrace him, for ultimately ditching his base of supporters and groveling to Hillary Clinton, he is bound feel confused and betrayed. It's so sad when the ditcher becomes the ditchee. Oftentimes, the betrayed one is reduced to lashing out at the very person for whom he sacrificed everything. Joan Walsh is right that he's stepped into a pile of doo-doo, but she is wrong about the consistency and the quality of it. His mistake is not that he is blaming Hillary. His mistake is that he has wallowed with the corrupt duopoly in the Russophobic bullshit for so long that he just can't find a face-saving way out of it.

So despite the utter unfairness of the establishment's treatment of Bernie, I find it impossible to feel sorry for him or come to his defense. He's a washout, not for the lack of patriotism that the corporate media are impugning, but for his utter lack of courage and principles in failing to repudiate the latest Big Lie.


  1. Arf! Arf! Bernie is still sheepdogging for the Democratic National Corporation. Here's his stronger condemnation which Hillary probably demanded personally:

    From his Twitter account - you don't have to sign up.

    Bernie Sanders‏Verified account @BernieSanders

    "Mueller's indictment provides further evidence that the Russian government interfered in 2016. It also shows that they tried to turn my supporters against Hillary Clinton in the primary and general election. I unequivocally condemn such interference."
    5:18 PM - 21 Feb 2018

    and this:

    "The key issues now are:

    1) How we prevent the unwitting manipulation of our electoral and political system by foreign governments.
    2) Exposing who was actively consorting with the Russian government’s attack on our democracy."

    Exposing consorts! Attack on our democracy! Nothing about Card Check, gerrymandering, whitewashing voter rolls, money buying elections, Diebold voting machines, etc.

    He's not just stuck between bullshit and doo-doo, he's eating and swallowing it too. It's making him sick! Mueller's indictment did no such thing, Bernie. It did not provide 'evidence', or 'further evidence' of links to the Russian Gov't.

    I'm sorry, but I wouldn't vote for Bernie him if he ran for dog catcher, even though he's clearly the most experienced and qualified.

  2. Depressingly, this means that the number of potential 2020 Dem candidates now worth supporting has declined from 1 to 0. I voted for Bernie in 2016 despite my major misgivings about his conventionally hawkish foreign policy positions. But this garbage goes beyond the pale. So long, Bernie--been nice knowing you.

  3. Whether looking at monarchies, democracies or dictatorships, at present or throughout history, one must eventually conclude that the inescapable fate of governors and career politicians is to become great liars and cruel cheats.

    If a politician strives to hold on to the honesty with which he may have launched his career, he soon finds himself off the team, blocked, marginalized or unemployed. On state and national levels in the US, without exception, politics is the graveyard of ideals, both the idealism of the office holder as well as that of the voter.

    Therefore, hope and trust have no place in politics. Moments of celebrated justice turn out to be very brief. Such moments are bait, part of the con, like the noisy avalanche of coins from a Vegas slot machine.

    For the same reason you don't go into the Sahara to obtain a steady supply of water, never turn to politicians for justice and fair play. What General Smedley Butler said about war applies to politics as well. It's a racket. Obama, the Clintons, Warren and now Sanders have amply demonstrated how to game that racket.

  4. Trump may have a good idea: "Lock her up." She won't stop, and all of it damages the country for her private profit. She tears down the left, she starts wars and tries to start more, she does vast damage. And she is so awful she even lost to Trump.

  5. Bernie thought he could play with fire without getting burned and now he's toast.

    Remember when Obama told us it was ridiculous to believe that our elections could be hacked because 'No way'. Yes, that's exactly what our first CIA President (in the same way Bill Clinton was the first Black President) said, but now we're finding out they can.

    Apparently President CIA had already been briefed that 'the Russians' were making a concerted effort to meddle and hack into our election system, during a Presidential election no less, yet he did next to nothing about it. Why? Because he didn't want to appear to be meddling!

    According to this NYT article today, the election system is full of backdoors for a hacker to get in. See 'The Myth of the Hacker Proof Voting Machine':

    When did Obama and the Regime know, and when did they know it?

    Could the Regime actually NOT know that the system was hackable on several levels? I know the media would like us to forget everything Edward Snowden revealed that we were NEVER supposed to know about in the first place, but the Regime does develop vulnerabilities and backdoors to give them access to everything. It's baked into the cake.

    So now we learn from this article that some election software comes with built-in remote access features and that modems are used to transmit 'only' unofficial results which we're supposed to believe could end up only at their intended destination. The system is riddled with opportunities for hackers even though it's all supposed to be air-gapped from the internet.

    Couldn't those unofficial results transmitted by modem, if intercepted, serve as as a heads-up and opportunity for someone somewhere to tweak the results before the official results? Only for a 'good cause', of course, and not if it looks clearly like a landslide shoo-in for the safe candidate and not the unpredictable, uncontrollable one. I'm sure it will take awhile to build out a system across the whole country, state by state, that's 'secure'. Homeland Security is ready to oversee it, per their mission of a 'holistic national security strategy'.

    As I was wondering which defense contractor makes election software and hardware, I remembered the great Dana Priest/William Arkin investigative series from 2010 in the Washington Post titled 'Top Secret America' (also a Frontline video), about the alarming growth, depth, and breadth of the national security state, aka the Regime. It's only grown since then. Homeland Security follows a 'holistic' national security strategy. That word says it all.

    It seems we're at the tail end of 'free and fair elections' although they haven't been free for quite awhile since they cost the oligarchs so much, and they haven't been fair either in very many ways.

    RIP, Democracy. We hardly knew ye. When all the smoke clears, tribes will come out of the cave on the first Saturday after the Spring Equinox and scratch their vote on a rock and carry them to the Chief's den who was elected by direct popular vote. Then party the rest of the day. Democracy Rocks!

  6. Anna,

    Top Secret America and the "deep state" are currently being maligned as alt-right tropes by the Clinton-McCarthyites. I doubt that the Post and PBS would be giving the Priest-Arkin blockbuster a platform at this moment in history. It was politically correct to do so when Bush and Cheney were in power, but once Obama came in and continued the same policies, criticism of the "Intelligence Community" was increasingly off the table. And with Trump, this studied ignorance has morphed into making unquestioning support of the Intelligence Community a litmus test for patriotism.

    The "narrative" has Trump has the unpatriotic outlier, which is ridiculous given that his entire administration comprises a military/intelligence coup. He is the perfect useful idiot whom the establishment pretends to fight via Mueller's endless series of indictments. These indictments of necessity will be limited, so as not to endanger the "good" conspirators of finance capital. Podesta's lobbying group already had to close up shop because of its own dealings with Eastern European oligarchs, so Mueller is being very careful and very self-limited. The whole idea is to keep us all in suspense for the Trumpian shoe to finally drop. If it hasn't happened yet, it probably never will... or at least not until the 2020 campaign gets underway with a vengeance.

    I still don't rule out a third run by Hillary.

  7. Trump is surrounded by Generals because they're the only ones who weren't totally shamed out of serving in the administration by the non-stop media trashing of Trump as a clown and an idiot.

    I say say that because I actually worried at the time that the media pack-of-hyenas biting and tearing at Trump was going to result in no one being being willing to serve in his admin, precipitating a destabilizing crisis. After all, the media normally gives the new President a honeymoon period out of respect for the office of the Presidency and to ensure smooth transfer of power and continuity of government, but they didn't this time. But I needn't have been concerned. The Generals were already on stand-by.

    Was the media asked to relentlessly bash and trash? It seemed that they were actually hurting themselves in the eyes of the public with their all day every day teardowns, yet they persisted. Recall that Generalissima Hillary issued orders to the media to elevate Trump per her Pied Piper strategy and they obeyed. I can imagine Regimers Brennan, Clapper, and CIA Godfather Obama playing a comparable role with the media. They certainly leaked a lot to the media. Was that in exchange for the media doing a hit job on Trump? I'm no Trump fan, but I see things as they are. The media attacked him viciously and the Regime was only slightly more subtle.

    When the Generals reported for duty, they also lent credibility to the Trump admin, making it safe for corporate execs to join.

    I too expect Hillary to become the new Comeback Kiddo.


  8. My options are down to nothing. Mueller's done his homework well and has me in a corner. Through the cellblock grapevine I've heard that Gates and Manafort have already begun to sing. Why should I be the last one to pay lawyers five, maybe six figures for nothing but delays on the way to the slammer? I'm looking at 30 years and I'm no spring chicken.

    So I'm thinking of cooperating. The evidence against me is everywhere: that English-Russian dictionary they found under the bed; the wad of old boarding passes, souvenirs from flights to Moscow and Vladivostok; my computer's bookmarks to Counterpunch, TomDispatch and, yes, Sardonicky. One click to one of these commie sites can bring down the curtain on the meddling caper.

    Yes, I probably met Russians who knew Russians who knew Russians, some of whom may have worked on troll farms. I had been too loud about my quitting the Democratic Party, throwing that big family picnic to celebrate my independence. Then voting third party; what a useless move that was. My fling with BDS is another bullet for Mueller's indictment. I confess; I meddled in thought, word and deed. I ask forgiveness for my unpatriotic behavior.

    At some point, they'll make me give up names. I'll try to put up with Mueller's toughs for another 24 hours, enough time for you, comrades, to go into hiding. Udachi !

  9. Spasibo, Jayacheslav.

    I'd go into hiding under shrubs and beds, but those spaces have been taken since the 1950's.

    A little Red bird told me that the McCarthy Party and Herr Mueller will soon begin asking: "ARE YOU NOW, OR HAVE YOU EVER BEEN, A MEMBER OF A FAMILY WITH RUSSIAN ANCESTRY?"

    Heads, up comrades!
