Sunday, March 18, 2018

Six Ways From Sunday

Senate Minority Weasel Leader Chuck Schumer (D-Wall Street) warned Donald Trump more than a year ago that the US intelligence agencies have "six ways from Sunday" of eliciting his respect and making him believe that Russia interfered in the elections. Schumer told Rachel Maddow that even a savvy businessman like Trump was being "really dumb" for comparing the meddling claims to the false intelligence on WMDs leading to the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003.

And of course he isn't behaving himself in office and believing what he has to believe. The last straw for the permanent political class came when Trump fired Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe two days before what was to have been a very lucrative, perk-heavy retirement at the ripe old age of 50. Former CIA Director and current NBC performer John Brennan blasted out this mighty Tweet to Trump on Saturday:
 You know we've reached the point of no return when the architect of Barack Obama's drone assassination program, the burglar who ordered the hacking of Senate computers containing still-repressed torture documents, and the once-and-future champion of dirty tricks and torture, is lecturing Donald Trump on morals and corruption. That's the beautiful thing about Trump. He makes all kinds of scoundrels not only look like choirboys, he has actually promoted them to Cotton Mather status. And the corporate media are falling all over themselves to furnish this new breed of militaristic virtue signaler with their own bully pulpits.

Trump has effectively canonized the FBI, so maligned throughout its history for its own dirty tricks, ranging from the Palmer Raids, to spying on Martin Luther King Jr and later urging him to commit suicide, to infiltrating the anti-war and civil rights movements, to entrapping Muslims in manufactured terror plots, to breaking up the Occupy movement, to spying on American citizens on the Internet. And this is not even including its investigative failures, such as not heeding Russian warnings of the Boston Marathon bombing and most recently, its inaction on several tips related to the Florida school shooter. The FBI, the NSA and the CIA are now posing as moral bastions of democratic liberalism, which in turn has been newly and perversely defined as McCarthyism and Russophobia. And many Democrats are eagerly embracing thia authoritarian dogma, in a reactionary frenzy once thought to have been the sole purview of rightwing fanatics and Dick Nixon's Moral Majority.

Fired FBI Director James Comey even posed as liberal Christian theologian Reinhold Niebuhr on Twitter for awhile before mistakenly outing himself and then going all preachy-moralizy under his own name. Virginia Heffernan wrote a scathing take-down of this sub-manic, golly gee willikers Tweeter for Politico last year. His folksy book is already a bestseller on Amazon and it hasn't even been released yet.

Trump has single-handedly made war criminal John Brennan into something of a Democratic Party folk hero - not to mention indirectly enriching him via his new high profile gig as NBC's #Resistance fighter. Ironically, Brennan's platform is the very same behemoth media corporation which made Trump himself into the postmodern folk hero of cruel capitalism, rich and famous beyond his own wildest dreams. 

in what now seems like the distant past, liberals were actually so outraged about Brennan's defense of torture - he'd Trumpily and falsely claimed that it saved American lives - that he was forced to withdraw his name when Barack Obama first nominated him to head the CIA in 2008.

But by 2013, as Glenn Greenwald observed in a New York Times op-ed, Obama was so popular that his fans willingly followed his lead in embracing Brennan as the country's top spook. Nobody cared that Obama was killing hundreds or thousands of Muslims from a Kill List devised by Brennan. Regarding the former president's refusal to prosecute Bush-era CIA torturers, Greenwald wrote, "Obama's Orwellian decree that we must 'look forward, not backward' has convinced huge numbers of citizens to sweep this all under the rug and pretend it never happened. That is what explains how Brennan went from radioactive and unconfirmable in 2008 to uncontroversial in 2013."

Long before Trump won his own nomination and the election, the abnormal was becoming the new normal. Brennan was actually being lauded by officials and pundits and politicians for pivoting from the gruesome torture and imprisonment of Muslims to humanely droning them to death. Even U.N. drone watchdog Ben Emmerson praised the Brennan appointment, saying that he would be a "moderating influence" on the CIA's expansion of drone assassinations in Pakistan, Yemen, Afghanistan and elsewhere.
"By putting Brennan in direct control of the CIA's policy [of targeted killings], the president has placed this mediating legal presence in direct control of the positions that the CIA will adopt and advance, so as to bring the CIA much more closely under direct presidential and democratic control," Emmerson told Wired.
"It's right to view this as a recognition of the repository of trust that Obama places in Brennan to put him in control of the organization that poses the greatest threat to international legal consensus and recognition of the lawfulness of the drone programme."
Orwellianism knows no bounds. Kinder, gentler - and most of all lighting-quick - murder by Predator missile is fine, as long as it is committed in the name of democracy. Who cares if a rogue organization poses a great international threat, as long as it is controlled by a law-loving, moralistic man like John Brennan?

Lambert Strether of Naked Capitalism has done yeoman's work constructing a valuable spreadsheet which documents the creepy prevalence in the 2018 mid-terms of the MILO (military, intelligence, law enforcement) candidates actively recruited to run by the Democratic Party establishment.

 So what's to stop the party from recruiting Brennan or Comey to run at the top of the ticket in 2020?

Stranger things have happened, including the Democrats seriously courting Oprah to run for president. America truly is the land of opportunity for the permanent ruling establishment. If John Brennan can go from despised to tolerated to admired in the space of a few short years, anything is possible. They aim high while Trump goes low. He is the gift that keeps on giving to the oligarchs who would, as Obama once said, really just like to play nicely together within the 40-yard line.

Everything was so mellow for the ruling class back in 2013, as Brennan was preparing to finally take the helm of the CIA. From a video interview:
BARACK OBAMA: In my conversations with Republicans, I actually think the divide is not that wide. So what we just have to do is find a pathway where Republicans in the House in particular feel comfortable enough about process that they can go ahead and meet us.
This, by the way, Gerry (sp), I think is a good example of something that’s been striking me about our politics for a while. When you go to other countries, the political divisions are so much more stark and wider; here in America, the difference between Democrats and Republicans — we’re fighting inside the 40-yard line, maybe –
SEIB: You fooled most people on that in the last few months, I’d say.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: No, but — but — (laughter) — well, no, no, the — I — I would — I would distinguish between the — the rhetoric and the tactics, versus the ideological differences.
I mean, in most countries, you’ve got — you know, people call me a socialist sometimes, but, no, you’ve got to me real socialists. You’ll have a sense of what a — what a socialist is. (Laughter.) You know, the — I mean, I’m talking about lowering the corporate tax rate. My health care reform is based on the private marketplace. Stock market’s looking pretty good last time I checked, and, you know, it is true that I’m concerned about growing inequality in our system, but nobody questions the efficacy of market economies in terms of producing wealth and innovation and keeping us competitive.
Still wondering why nearly 10 percent of Obama voters later abandoned the Democrats and voted for Trump? The Orange Menace is not the disease; he is merely the latest, most glaring symptom of the disease.

So when Brennan tweetily bellows to Trump that "America will triumph over you," he simply means that the military/surveillance/oligarchic coup, disguised as liberal democracy, is well-nigh complete.


  1. It's appropriate that Democrats are recruiting MILOs. Since we are first and foremost a global military empire continually involved in wars and national security, many vote for the candidate who best fits the role of Commander-in-Chief, not President. We don't have Presidential elections as much as we now have Commander-in-Chief elections.

    That's an important distinction because the right stuff for being Commander-in-Chief is different from that for President. Trump easily defeated 16 Republican candidates for the nomination because of how he fearlessly attacked other candidates, from correcting Jeb! that his brother did not 'keep us safe' to criticizing an actual war hero, Popeye McCain, for being shot down and captured. The public didn't condemn him as the corporate media had hoped, but instead cheered his fearless breaking of political taboos and rules.

    Someone capable of compartmentalizing (or lacking) all empathy and being bold and fearless is perceived as a natural fit for being Commander-in-Chief. Throughout the primary and general campaigns, Trump exhibited those traits which the media portrayed as serious negatives. Apparently they didn't get the memo that in a country that's been propagandized for decades to support war and aggression, those qualities are considered valuable assets for the role of Commander-in-Chief, far more important than the role of President.

    The primacy of the role of Commander-in-Chief is why I believe the chances of a woman being elected President are actually diminishing, no matter how hard one woman may have tried by acting like a raging warmongerer in a Mao-style pantsuit. Hillary tried. People died.

  2. "he simply means that the military/surveillance/oligarchic coup, disguised as liberal democracy, is well-nigh complete"

    Coup? More like just showing its power to those who disrespected it.

    Coup would imply it was just arriving at this power, just now taking it.

  3. Anna,

    I am beginning to suspect there will be a Trump-Hillary rematch, or perhaps a Pence-Hillary slugfest about who is the most God-fearing, or who knows, maybe even a Ryan-Hillary love fest to see who is the most oligarchiphilic, if that's a word. The spectacle is the thing. What could bring in higher ratings than a repeat of 2016? I am getting more frequent emails from Hillary's Onward Together PAC, and then there was that phony FB apology for her classist remarks in India. The point is, there is absolutely no viable Dem candidate yet apparent. If Bernie challenges Hillary in another primary, I am afraid it will be an even uglier repeat of 2016. The best hope is probably Elizabeth Warren. Unfortunately that whole birher-like wedge issue of her native American ethnicity or lack thereof threatens to tank her. Not that it has to, but her refusal to take a DNA test is kind of silly. If she is from Oklahoma and her ancestors are from Oklahoma, it is very likely that she has at least second or third cousins with aboriginal DNA. And if not, so what? It's the story she was told as a child.


    The point I was trying to make is that the top spies and law enforcers are now openly political instead of staying in the shadows as they used to do. The de facto coup happened awhile ago, of course, but now they're making sure we all know who's in charge. Plus, the open recruitment from within their ranks in the midterm races brings a clarity and a boldness that we haven't seen before. Liberals seem absolutely fine with this, as though Trump were the only clear and present danger. Scary times.

  4. Karen -- That is exactly what I was trying to say.

    Your reply to Anna is terrifying. Your worst fear speculation might be right. We have seen nothing but replay of 2016 so far, and it is unclear when it would change to something constructive. We are running out of time for that change to happen.

  5. How can a scoundrel like Brennan go from liar and torturer to a celebrity with a(n) (in)credible shot at the presidency? To take another example, how could Obama, the great anti-Bush hope of 2008, reveal himself in short order as a clear sell-out, smilingly doubling down on Bush initiatives, nevertheless get re-elected in 2012? And how is he still able to uncoil himself now and then for victory laps in the US and abroad for his very own missions accomplished? It would appear the US machinery of government has a built-in Peace & Reconciliation Commission humming in the background all the time.

    Only a citizenry content in the rut of forgetfulness––"let's [only] look forward"––might continue to grant the deep state criminal class, who should be wearing orange jumpsuits, more freedom to commit greater crimes.

    Blogs like this one with their little brooms are valiantly struggling to sweep back the endless tide of American forgetfulness. As much-missed historians like Howard Zinn and journalist Izzy Stone––and now Greenwald, Garcia, Hedges, Nader and too few others––keep reminding us, the nation has suffered from a mounting case of Alzheimer's since birth.

    Try to remember; and keep prompting others to do the same. More easily said than done because truth often makes for tension in families and among friends. Alas, most people in the West live their lives in agreement with Dostoevsky's Great Inquisitor, whose message in the face of the teller of truth boiled down to: "Why have you come here to disturb us?"

  6. What if... Putin does have something on Trump? Would that be such a bad thing? What if... the weird poisoning of the former Russian spy in Great Britain was a message to Trump from Putin to start playing ball. Ok, I'm getting my hopes up, but who better to take our global empire down than Trump, under direction from Putin? Who's the greatest threat to We the People, our own deep state criminal class of powerful oligarchs or little old Russia crippled by sanctions?

    There might be a silver lining in this storm cloud of Russia-gate, if only Trump can survive Harem-gate. He needs to quickly start undermining our imperialist world domination under the direction of hero Putin ;-) If anyone can, it's Trump. He just needs to say NO to his Deep State handlers a lot more.

    Trump did call Putin to congratulate him against the order of the Deep State. That's a good sign, comrades!
