Monday, March 11, 2019

Fan of a Pretty-Faced Murderer

The barrage of bipartisan gaslighting finally may have gotten to Ilhan Omar, congresswoman from Minnesota.

 While steadfast and brave in the face of charges of anti-Semitism for her critique of the right-wing government of Israel's outsize influence on American politicians, she appears, at first glance anyway, to have collapsed under the weight of all the shocked reaction to her spot-on critique of Barack Obama's drone assassinations, mass deportations and imprisonments of migrants and refugees, and his corrupt fealty to Wall Street.

Less than 24 hours after her scathing assessment of the Obama presidency was published in Politico, Omar lamely insisted she is a "fan of Obama" whose remarks were taken out of context. It's as if a whole squad of Obamabots in little white coats had kidnapped her and forced her into some emergency Obama Conversion Therapy. It's as if she's starring in another remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. One minute she's one of the last lefty Obama critics standing, and the next minute she says she's in love with the guy. She went to sleep as a progressive, and she woke up as a brainwashed neoliberal replicant.

But I think we should cut her some slack. She must recant and pretend to love Obama so as to blend in with the rest of the zombie pod people, too many of whom are merely playing at being humane. She pretends to succumb so that others might wake up, face the recent past, escape the hagiographic propaganda of his lingering personality cult, and warn the rest of the world about all the smooth-talking Obama clones who might be lurking in our midst.

Omar's surface conversion has become a matter of political, not to mention physical, survival, for her. It's hopefully only a temporary form of Stockholm Syndrome. She must at least pretend to join forces with her gaslighters, and go along to get along.

Omar is a refugee from Somalia, a poor country that was the target of many a drone strike by Obama. She simply has to learn, or pretend to believe, that unlike Trump's stupid drones, Obama's drones killed thousands of people therapeutically and philosophically. She must learn to identify, or pretend to identify, with her native country's own abuser. She should just lighten up. After all, Obama was able to urbanely joke about his drone murders without acting like a total xenophobic Trump-ass about them.

She has to learn that to survive as a Democratic pod-person in good standing, she must keep her accurate assessments of Obama to herself for now, especially when her own hometown newspaper appears to be turning against her. Her accurate assessment of the influence of the Aipac lobby was hard enough for some of her constituents to bear, but insinuating that Obama is a slick smiling killer is worse than stomping on the flag, spitting in a plate of apple pie and stealing from your own mother all at the same time.

Here's the heretical statement that got Omar into so much trouble:

“We can’t be only upset with Trump. … His policies are bad, but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies. They just were more polished than he was. And that’s not what we should be looking for anymore. We don’t want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished. We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.”
And then came the pod people in their little white coats, and Omar hastened to tweet:
“Exhibit A of how reporters distort words. I’m an Obama fan! I was saying how Trump is different from Obama, and why we should focus on policy not politics.”
Omar linked to an audio of the Politico interview, which, strangely enough, only confirmed her initial assessment. And since it confirmed rather than refuted her critique of Obama, she then hastily deleted the tweet proclaiming her fandom and the audio confirming the exact opposite. It confused people, including (at first) me.

But the main reason that I cut Omar a lot of slack is that despite her surface fealty to the Cult of Obama, she has started a long-overdue conversation about the actual Obama legacy, which the corporate media have been burnishing to a high gloss for the past decade or more. There's quite a bit of rot hiding beneath all that surface shininess. 

Other critics and even some recovering victims of Obama Stockholm Syndrome are beginning to come out of their own woodwork and acknowledge the inconvenient truths that Omar has publicly proclaimed, at much personal and political cost to herself.


  1. Well, this apologetic tweet was hastily deleted, so a great majority of people who read the article in Politico, didn't see it and so in inconsequential.
    I am a bit surprised that reaction from Democratic establishment wasn't that loud. Maybe they are afraid to bring this topic to public discourse.

    And to add to her iconoclastic resume, she is the second congresswoman (after Tulsi Gabbard) who is seriously questioning Venezuela interfering. And AOC is cautiously third.

  2. Ilhan Omar is my House Representative.
    I voted for her wholeheartedly, grateful to have her succeed Keith Ellison in that position.
    But just as the Democratic Party effectively drove him away, now those same powers-that-be are crushing her.
    She is reviled because she has dared to say that the emperor and his predecessors (!) have no clothes and are butt-ugly.

    I’m too apoplectic to articulate what I think and feel.
    The Minneapolis StarTribune is a pathetic “fish-wrapper” as we call such rags.
    That newspaper is not worth a response.
    On March 8, 2019, the shady Gray Lady, "the paper of record" for the plutocrats, had this to say:

    ‘She Had a Poor Choice of Words’: Ilhan Omar’s Constituents Grapple with Her Remarks —

    To that I replied:

    Calling out the crimes of the state of Israel, and the corrupt complicity of the USA, is NOT anti-Semitic.
    Criticizing the foreign policies and condemning the crimes of the USA is NOT anti-American, or un-American, as the Empire would like you to believe.
    To conflate the two is contemptible, and clearly a canard to continue control of the status quo.
    With pathetic and bloody irony, the state of Israel worships a golden calf and has to the USA become a sacred cash cow.
    I voted for Ilhan Omar and will do so again if given the chance. She presents a true profile in courage.
    Heed another Minnesotan:
    "Come senators, congressmen
    Please heed the call
    Don’t stand in the doorway
    Don’t block up the hall
    For he that gets hurt
    Will be he who has stalled
    There’s a battle outside and it is ragin’
    It’ll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls
    For the times they are a-changin’ …"
    ~ Bob Dylan

    Yet evidently the NYTimes editors deemed that unfit to print.
    So now we see that Barack Obama must be worshipped just as Americans do Ronald Reagan.
    Martin Luther King, Jr., once said: “The greatest purveyor of violence in the world: my own government. I can not be silent.”
    The government then killed him.

    What we’re witnessing now is nothing short of a full bore counter-attack by the the Corporate State, the Oligarchy, fronted by the Duopoly.
    I’m afraid this will not end well, but one way or another, it will end.

    “Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are.”
    “Unhappy the land that is in need of heroes.”
    ~ Bertolt Brecht

  3. Apparently you can lie all you want in Washington and get a free pass but if you tell the truth you are in big trouble. Then you have to lie to be accepted back into the club.

    "But he hasn't got anything on," a little child said.

  4. Ilhan Omar is discovering a sad truth.

    Despite being one of the "exciting" young, new, minority faces in the U,S. House of Representatives, she is STILL only a passing novelty in the 24/7 news cycle. Her exaggerated sense of her own newfound "importance"--along with those of AOC and Rashida Tlaib--will be nothing more than a flash in the pan, eventually buried under the weight of the Democratic Party establishment.

    Wake me in about twenty years and let me know if Omar, Tlaib and AOC are still in some national office or other, or are even remembered at all.


  5. To "Mad Max" --

    I figure you're just being sarcastic about taking a Rip Van Winkle nap; however, note this:

    “One of the great liabilities of history is that all too many people fail to remain awake through great periods of social change. Every society has its protectors of status quo and its fraternities of the indifferent who are notorious for sleeping through revolutions. Today, our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake, to adjust to new ideas, to remain vigilant and to face the challenge of change.”
    ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Now the world's scientists virtually unanimously warn, and the United Nations has issued a dire alert, that humanity has only twelve years to reverse global climate change if a planetary catastrophe is to be prevented.

    We don't have the luxury to doze off. Our waking nightmare is all too real.

  6. @Erik Roth--

    When I spoke of a twenty-year, Rip van Winkle-style nap, I was referring only to the [likely] political longevity of AOC and her pals.

    Regarding "climate change," well, I suppose I'm somewhat agnostic. Yes, I've read extracts of the most recent reports:

    But I've also read remarks from the former (fired) head of the IPCC who refers to his dedication to "climate change" as his "religion:"

    'Pachauri also pledged to continue outreach on climate change issues in “whatever capacity I work,” adding: “For me, the protection of Planet Earth, the survival of all species and sustainability of our ecosystems is more than a mission, it is my RELIGION and my dharma.' (My capitalized emphasis.)

    Is THIS not just a little bit scientifically "suspect?"

    Well, whatever.

    In 20 years I'll likely be dead, while AOC and her posse will only be middle-aged...if, in fact, they are still alive and in the public eye.

    "What? Me worry?"


  7. What a pity Ilhan Omar can't sustain her full court press unmasking the frauds. How unfair of the referees. Doesn't the campaign season, by its very nature, open up a wider, rougher field of combat for truth and lies, reason and exaggeration, praise and criticism? If so, she has time to score more points before the final buzzer.

    Ah, but as soon as the 2020 campaign season ends, Omar and the other dark ladies who are always on the attack will be tamed back into conformity, or removed, or frozen out, and ignored everywhere it counts. Will they be able to make noise if they can't be heard. Upon reconsideration, our dark ladies just might be messing up with their harsh words, even during the free-for-all of campaigns. Barack Obama, on the other hand, could fix anything anytime with pretty words.

    Were you there in front of the TV listening to Obama's speech on Election night 2008? He sculpted a cloud of hope and parked it over our heads. Tears of joy rained down in Grant Park and wherever his honeyed voice carried. Here we were at last, on the threshold of a complete turnaround from the Bush and Cheney years. The sparkle dust of that night was enough to dazzle serious Scandinavians into awarding Obama the Big One as soon as he could book a flight to Oslo.

    "If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.

    "The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even one term, but America – I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you – we as a people will get there.

    "This is our moment. This is our time – to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the American Dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth – that out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope, and where we are met with cynicism, and doubt, and those who tell us that we can’t, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people: Yes We Can."

    See, pretty words and positive thinking beat bombs and surges every time. True, Obama's cloud of hope was swept away for a time by the appointments of Summers, Geithner, Clinton, and other shocking moves. The leitmotif of the next eight years turned out to be bait and switch, from promises to betrayals, but always followed by soothing speech. Hope, if you must kill it, is best buried in the polished wood, shiny brass and creamy silk of a good eulogy. Out of office Obama is revered by the best people and hired for real money to crank out more nice words.

    If there is anyone out there who doubts harsh words fail, tonight Ilhan Omar is your answer. Mean words are un-American. As a commenter says above, the dark ladies will be hard to find in a decade or two. Obama will be found in a sturdy mausoleum, proof that words speak louder than deeds.

    Will you ladies never learn? Think good thoughts and you will be well treated.

  8. BernieBabe (formerly known as Anna Radicalova)March 12, 2019 at 3:35 PM

    There's a good article about the guys behind Obama the Empty Suit.

    "If you want to understand why leftists look back on the Obama years with such a sense of frustration and disappointment, all you need to do is pick up one of the White House memoirs written by members of Obama’s staff."

    The Obama Boys

  9. Great article, BB, explaining Obama and his jellyfish White House.

    (BTW, despite the change in handle we can still detect the Russian accent.)

  10. The Doktor - Doug RMarch 19, 2019 at 6:02 AM

    @Erik Roth, really good comment Dude. Love the Bob Dylan quote.
    @Karen Garcia, excellent take down of the corporate media's total BS on Omar, I also agree that Obama was guilty of being a conservative in Progressive's clothes, but I disagree that the media is trying to deify him in any way.
    Obama barely gets credit for the corporate friendly economy he salvaged, let alone for the few good things that his admin actually accomplished;
    The Iran deal. The ACA (better than nothing, because that's what I had). Bringing NASA into the 21st Century & pairing private space travel w/Gov't. The "Hardest Hit Fund" - it saved our house and many others. The Paris Accord was weak, but it was a start. The TPP could have given America a far stronger hand against Russia, China & North Korea. Healthy food for kids in school. They really tried for a "Path To Citizenship". More environmental initiatives than I can list. Fuel economy etc.
    Sotomayor. Kagan. They F'n matter.
    Obama certainly wasn't a great President, but let's not forget the deeply EVIL crew that was ushered into power by gerrymandering & voter suppression - McConnell & Boehner - two of the most traitorous, despicable usurpers of democracy in history. They literally did anything & everything they could to hurt America & Americans just to make Obama's Presidency weaker & less functional. The filthy, racist, misogynist corporate media never breathes a word of their treachery.
    @Karen - take a few swings at David Brooks, I'd really like to hear your take on his role as an enabler of the evil that is the republican party.
