Monday, March 25, 2019

The Stages of #Russiagate Grief

I wish I could say that the long-awaited Meh Report, in which Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no conspiracy and no coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia, spells the beginning of the end of the corporate Neocon wing of the Democratic Party and all its associates in the zombie establishment media.

 But I'd be fooling myself. Elite failures rarely go away. They simply fail upward. At the very worst, they temporarily disappear or go into propaganda rehab until such time that the public has moved on to the next new narrative or scandal. The more blatant cases will simply double down on their delusions for the foreseeable future.

Since Donald Trump is nothing if not a gleeful scandal of his own making, he will very likely make it ridiculously easy for the liberal failure class not only to survive, but thrive. He will scream "total exoneration!" and "witch hunt!" so many times that his words will lose their impact.

 Meanwhile, the primary media stakeholders of the #Russiagate franchise - MSNBC, CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post - are all churning violently in their various Five Stages of Grief whirlpools. As students of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross should know, the duration and the order of these stages are not set in psychological stone. They vary from person to person. They often overlap each other. And oftentimes, just when sufferers think they're finally cured, they revert back to the earlier stages.

This whole "closure" thing is a lot of malarkey.  

Therefore, just because Robert Mueller has gone from revered Father of Our Country to Deadbeat Dad who couldn't or wouldn't bring home the Siberian bacon doesn't mean that "the Russians" aren't still out to get us. After all, we have thus far only seen a synopsis of the report written by Trump-friendly Attorney General William Barr. There could be enough hidden nuanced nuggets lurking in the actual report to at least partially satisfy hungry true believers.

As the editorial board of the Times, wallowing in its own initial denial phase of #Russiagate grief, plaintively insisted:

We know that the Russian government interfered repeatedly in the 2016 presidential election, by hacking into computer servers of the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign. We know that it did this with the goals of dividing Americans and helping Donald Trump win the presidency. We know that when top members of the Trump campaign learned about this interference, they didn’t just fail to report it to the F.B.I. They welcomed it. They encouraged it. They made jokes about it. On the same day that Mr. Trump publicly urged the Russians to hack into Hillary Clinton’s emails, they began to do just that. And we know that when questioned by federal authorities, many of Mr. Trump’s top associates lied, sometimes repeatedly, about their communications with Russians. None of this is in dispute.
The Times continues to parrot the conventional wisdom that it was "the Russians" who hacked the Clinton emails, even though the Democratic Party relied on its own investigators to reach this conclusion and refused FBI access to its computer servers to prove the Russian connection one way or another. The newspaper still refuses to believe that there was no collusion, even though Trump was more of a passive partner than they originally claimed. He may have been the bottom half of the missionary position, but he still had relations with those Russians. At the very least, he lusts after Putin in his heart, and therefore he is still guilty as sin.

The second traditional stage of grief - Anger - is not yet the overwhelming symptom evident in the Media-Political Complex. #Russiagate grievers were still too shell-shocked on the morning after Mueller's death-knell to get overtly mad at him personally. Mueller has been too elevated to mythological, godlike status for too long for people to immediately turn against him. On the contrary, many are making excuses for him. As valiantly as he strove to cure the Trump cancer, the disease was too far advanced for even a prosecutorial Marcus Welby to tackle. This is especially true given that the body politic under attack by the Trump malignancy was in such horrible shape to begin with.

Former Obama White House Counsel Bob Bauer pleads that Mueller couldn't indict Trump on obstruction of justice for the simple fact that the president has been acting out in full public view. The tumor was just too large and too slippery to excise:

This was apparently a significant consideration in the decision by Mr. Barr and Mr. Rosenstein not to prosecute (along with the determination that there was no underlying “collusion” legal offense). Here, once again, the president who is a demagogue — who is fully prepared to flout well-established, vitally important expectations about how American presidents faithfully execute the laws — can safely bring self-interested, self-protective pressure on the Department of Justice and undermine its public standing and authority.
In other words, Trump wasn't sneaky and occult enough. This is like claiming that it's easier to catch an embezzler than it is to nab an armed robber bumbling with guns a-blazing in broad daylight. Bauer's op-ed represents the overlapping stages of denial and bargaining, as he suggests that if only we had a stronger penal code, Trump might yet go to jail. All we need is the right legal miracle drug to catch this guy, juxtaposed with major changes in our legalized lifestyle regimens. It's the normalized shameless corruption, stupid!

Democratic politicians are similarly in bargaining mode. If only they can subpoena more miracle documents, then maybe, just maybe, the lucrative #Russiagate enterprise can remain on life support. If only they can raise enough money through a barrage of email appeals demanding that Barr "release the report now!," maybe the outcome will be different.

There's also a fair bit of pragmatic acceptance going on along with the understandable depression. Some pundits know when they're beat and already are urging the country to get over itself and move on.

And some Democratic leaders, like New York's Hakeem Jeffries, seem downright relieved that they finally have permission to collude with Trump, while they simultaneously investigate him, now that their manufactured Russia scare has largely outlived its political and monetary usefulness to them. The Mueller report has served the desired purpose of tamping down all that pesky impeachment talk and vindicating Speaker Nancy Pelosi's reluctance to go that route.

I hate to sound heartless here, but it's not as though the Russophobes weren't warned that their disease was terminal. As long ago as last October, legal experts were trying to impart the bad news in the gentlest possible terms. As Politico reported, 
The public, they say, shouldn't expect a comprehensive and presidency-wrecking account of Kremlin meddling and alleged obstruction of justice by Trump -- not to mention an explanation of the myriad subplots that have bedeviled lawmakers, journalists and amateur Mueller sleuths. Perhaps most unsatisfying: Mueller's findings may never even see the light of day.
And as recently as a month ago, Senate investigators themselves were trying to hammer home the sad fact that as hard as they'd tried, they too had found no evidence of a Trump-Putin conspiracy. All eyes then turned to Doc Mueller as the last best hope to come up with some factual crimes to fit their beloved conspiracy theories.

It must indeed be a buzzkill, after having spent more than two years of your life steadfastly performing conspiracy nursing duty, to suddenly discover that your seemingly viable patient has suddenly upped and died on you.  The demise of #Russiagate, to its devotees, must feel like losing a beloved family pet. To the most extreme among them, it might even feel like losing a child. 

So while I am not going to gleefully stomp all over irresponsible propagandists and #Russiagate birthers like Paul "beware the Siberian Candidate!" Krugman and Rachel "the Russians will freeze us to death!" Maddow, I do sincerely hope that they and their ilk will at least just quietly fade away for a week or a month and do their grieving and their bargaining and their teeth-gnashing in a dark closed room somewhere. Because thanks to them and hundreds of other handsomely paid corporate group-thinkers like them, this country has entered into another Cold War, complete with a renewed nuclear arms race.

Trump may have dodged an existential bullet. But the country and the world have not.


  1. Complementary comments from Glenn Greenwald and David Cay Johnston —

    As Mueller Finds No Collusion, Did Press Overhype Russiagate?

    Mueller Finds No Trump-Russia Coordination, But “Does Not Exonerate” Trump of Obstruction of Justice.

  2. Glenn Greenwald's two-minute video summing up why American "mainstream media" owe an apology to the American public:

  3. Matt Taibbi on the media:

  4. We had the lowest-scoring Super Bowl of all time and now this? Rams fans had their hopes up too. Robert Kraft's guys won. Can Rams fans get satisfaction from learning he had to pay to get satisfied? It's not the same as winning.

    This helps to clarify things for the long road ahead though.

    We have been dancing to a band that was lip-syncing. Now we need to get real. What is the real problem? His hair? His fat gut? His corruption? His ego? His methods? His, his, his..?

    Mueller just did what Obama did. They both reaffirmed the system. The intruder in chief will one day be gone but the system will prevail because it works -- for them.


  5. For almost two years Special Counsel Robert Mueller has been in labour. Last week he brought forth the long-awaited report. Gasps of shock and incredulity from right-thinking people who've had a peek at it. Mueller's report must look like Rosemary's Baby. No wonder AG Barr doesn't dare show it to us. The horror!

    The US elite must find another way to gin up nuclear tensions between the US and Russia. The Pentagon with NATO is aching to chalk up another good war won. Land, sea and air forces are in place all around Russia, China and North Korea..

    Move over Climate Change, you slowpoke. "The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists" says the gap between now and an existential exchange of nukes is down to a metaphorical two minutes. That's the tightest ever for their Doomsday Clock but still lots of room for the precise and powerful US to continue taunting Putin's Russia.

  6. Poor Hillary, she must be beside herself. She's silent on the topic on her Twitter account. Russiagate was Hillary's last chance for a comeback by proving Comrade Trump's gay lover Putin stole the election from Hillary.

    We've learned a lot about the deep sickness affecting Democrats over these otherwise wasted years of Russiagate, including how homophobic Dems really are, how much they support war and larger defense budgets while simultaneously declaring Trump to be a Fascist Hitler, how much they support regime change in Venezuela, how much they venerate the professional liars and propagandists of the Intelligence Community, etc. The damage they've done is almost unfathomable, including handing Trump re-election on a silver platter.

    Even Bernie ran with the Democratic herd and fell for the whole thing, hook, line, and sinker. His naivete makes me believe that he's not ready for prime time, especially not on the international stage.

    What a coincidence that the big winner in this massive propaganda campaign is the Military-Industrial Complex. Democrats really are useful idiots. The second biggest winner wasn't Trump (he's been damaged), but the corporate media who made Russiagate and Trump their cash cow just like they made the Iraq WMD and all wars cash cows.

    It's also quite a coincidence that everybody listed by PropOrNot as being witting or unwitting Russian agents and stooges were the ones who saw through this propaganda campaign from the very start. All those dissenting voices were silenced by the mainstream corporate media so that the public received a unanimous message, prefaced by "There's no debate that..There's no question that..." As if! PropOrNot is still hiding out 'for their own protection'. I'm sure Brennan knows where they can be reached.

    At the time of the PropOrNot list, I noticed that Emptywheel was curiously not on it. A short time later Marcy started claiming that she had inside info, actual evidence of Russian collusion but couldn't reveal it. Since Emptywheel was absent from the list and she claimed to have inside info, I asked if she was doing any work for the Gov't. In response I got a vicious beatdown from her guard dog 'Bmaz' who accused me of being a Russian agent, but no answer to my question. At that time I stopped reading her as did many others with an intact mind.

    Now March is admitting that she snitched out someone and turned him over to the FBI. (Still no indication of how she turned up that evidence). She now claims that the FBI didn't interview her or do anything with her 'evidence', as if she didn't do the person any harm, perhaps? Anyway, she kept frothing and foaming and infecting others with her rabid Russiagate illness and was rewarded with frequent invitations by the mainstream media outlets as an bonifide authority on Russiagate. Meanwhile all dissenters were banned. Another useful idiot.

    So here we are, Trump will be re-elected because the Democrats couldn't contain their hatred and went overboard, helping The Blob try to oust Trump. Now the Republicans are threatening to investigate the Obama regime, Hillary and her Dossier, Clapper and Brennan, and the rest of the moronic 'Resistance'. But they need to watch out, there are still Seven Ways to Sunday!

    Finally, too bad-not bad that McCain is dead. He delivered Hillary's phony dirty Dossier to the FBI out of hatred and spite and launched this scam like a nuclear-tipped missile aimed not just at Russia but against our democratic Presidential election. Rot in hell, McNasty!

    End of rant for now. I'm pissed.

  7. Breaking News

    Adam Schiff has just announced new investigations related to reports by the Intelligence Community concluding that the mass psychosis infecting the country, otherwise known as Russia Collusion Delusion, is a result of a series of stealth ultrasonic attacks by Russia. These attacks were directed against influencers and thought leaders including all U.S. corporate media and Democratic leaders. Attacks are believed to have begun in 2016 with the intent of destabilizing our democracy.

    The IC reports with a high degree of confidence that beams from this sophisticated weaponry fries brains and causes "brain injuries similar to concussions". Due to their incredibly small size, these ultrasonic weapons are believed to have smuggled in by the hundreds if not thousands, past TSA agents.

    Due to the high degree of success of these attacks and our national security being at risk, our upcoming Presidential primaries and general elections will be placed under the authority and control of Homeland Security. Contact your local Fusion Centers for more information about changes to your state's elections as the time approaches.

    If/when elections are allowed to proceed, Homeland Security retains the sole authority to certify the results.

    *Scientists refer to these weapons as Anurogryllus celerinictus, aka (Communist) Caribbean crickets.

  8. voice-in-wildernessMarch 28, 2019 at 12:32 PM

    I doubt we will ever see the Mueller report. From reporting so far, I don't think we even know how many pages it consists of. Or what will happen to the mountains of materials, literal and digital, that Mueller accumulated. Mueller himself is so opaque, we can't tell if he would break silence if Barr is grossly misrepresenting the report or not. Probably not.
