Thursday, April 25, 2019

Status Joe For the Status Quo

It's official. Joe Biden has finally repurposed his wandering hands into throwing his hat into the presidential ring for what is about the seventh lucky charming time in his career. Let the party-splitting begin in earnest!

The campaign motto I have assigned to him ("Status Joe For the Status Quo") is, I admit, a bit misleading. It might be more proper for Uncle Joe to roar "Status Joe For the Status Quo-Ante!" given that he wants to return us to the Golden Age of Obama. On third thought, Uncle Joe crowing for Ante might remind voters what a groper and sniffer of women and girls he is - and that will never do in this age of #MeToo.

Biden has such a long sordid history of corruption and cruelty that it would take hours to copy and paste all the lists that have thus far been compiled. For a crash course in his depravity, you should read Norman Solomon's excellent synopsis over at Truthdig, which in its own turn, links to several other excellent synopses of Biden's awfulness.

It'll be interesting to see how his primary opponents treat him, given his exalted Status. If they are polite and deferential, if only to show that they are not as mean and petty as Trump,  then beware - especially if it comes from candidates who've conveniently latched on to the progressive agenda.

Even Trump is not acting as overtly nasty as he could be, only taunting Biden as "Sleepy Joe" in a morning tweet. This actually renders Biden hapless and harmless, which is exactly the opposite of the truth about him.

Forget about the Democratic Party dividing itself in two. I think it should be at least a three-way division. A  five or six-way division would be even better, because then collapsing under its own corrupt weight would come sooner rather than later.

 So far, we can probably divide the several dozen or so candidates among those who will shamelessly grovel before the former V.P.;  those who mildly disparage his political history without engaging in the "politics of personal destruction"; and those who take off the gloves and immediately start punching him in his many vulnerable spots. I predict that "moderates" like John Hickenlooper and Pete Buttigieg will be in the first group, Bernie Sanders in the second,  and Elizabeth Warren in the last. She has never been shy about expressing her withering disdain for Uncle Joe, largely because of his authorship of bankruptcy reform legislation. Bernie, on the other hand, is loath to personally attack anybody, except maybe Trump.

There is also a fourth group, one that is thus far occupied only by former President Barack Obama. Cautious and pragmatic as always, he has as much as endorsed Biden without being "seen" to endorse him. To make his choice of Biden known, he used a paid spokeswoman to praise Uncle Joe, sending the additional subtle message that the enlightened women in Obama's orbit are far from disgusted by Biden's roaming hands and overactive nostrils.
President Obama has long said that selecting Joe Biden as his running mate in 2008 was one of the best decisions he ever made,” Obama spokeswoman Katie Hill said. “He relied on the vice president’s knowledge, insight and judgment throughout both campaigns and the entire presidency. The two forged a special bond over the last 10 years and remain close today.”
Out of sycophantic duty, Politico refers to this glowing endorsement as "cryptic," allowing Obama to be seen as not interfering in the race. O.K. then.

It'll also be interesting to see how Biden's claims to be Obama's heir play out. It's as if septuagenarian Prince Charles suddenly announced he was running for King as his more popular son William's heir, rather than Mum's. It's kind of a back-assward approach, if you ask me.

Then again, I am probably being unfair. Because OBiden is not a father-son relationship, or a son-father relationship. What they're really marketing is a Bro-Bro relationship.

When you're a Status Bro, you can rise above groping women. You can show your good intentions by gripping, and being gripped by, a fellow Status Bro who has the added benefit of having melted the hearts and minds of millions of liberals on both coasts. Regaling us with eight whole years' worth of professional, glitzy Bro-marketing also took unwanted attention away from such less appetizing macho behavior as bombing eight countries, drone murders of civilians, and their secret coddling of the Bankster Bros and Corporate Person-Bros.

This is not to say that their Special Relationship was all fun and games and Bro-cheer. OBiden could be serious when the occasion demanded it. Though sitting right next to one another, they very carefully refrained from jokes and PDAs during the private video-streamed execution of Osama bin Laden.

If it had been Trump sitting in that room, you can bet your bottom dollar he would have been crassly tweeting about his killing prowess even as the gruesome murder was happening. He probably would have live-streamed it on Facebook and maybe even superimposed his own MAGA hat-wearing head on a Navy SEAL executioner's body. Obama had the good sense to restrict his own involvement to one still photo, showing him dressed in a tasteful casual-chic golf shirt under a windbreaker. Instead of going into all the gory details, he waited many hours before donning suit and tie and maturely giving the Nation a sanitized, if not downright false, version of how "justice" had finally been done. 

That left the Bro-Joe side of the duo free to incessantly and trumpily bellow at re-election campaign rallies: "We killed Bin Laden and General Motors is Alive!" without ever mentioning that the investors in both enterprises got filthy rich while the actual grunts and auto workers got hammered - in wallet, in body, in mind, and in soul.

As Biden intoned today in the video announcement of his "Let's Go With Joe!" campaign:
"We are in the battle for the soul of this nation. I believe history will look back on four years of this president and all he embraces as an aberrant moment in time. But if we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation, who we are, and I cannot stand by and watch that happen.”
So I guess impeachment is not gonna happen. Removal of Trump on grounds of obstructing justice would obstruct Uncle Joe from battling aberrant moments. He and his Golden Pitchforks constituency cannot simply stand by and watch Congress perform its sworn Constitutional duty. 

Uncle Joe wants to succeed where Robert Mueller passive-aggressively failed. He wants to advance from mere Status Bro status and market himself as the latest Father of Our Country. 

O.K. then.


  1. No one better analyzes what’s happening, or more brilliantly critiques the sordid status quo, than Karen Garcia.
    Following and in support of that, here are a few related pieces:

    No Joe! Joe Biden’s disastrous legislative legacy —
    ~ by Andrew Cockburn, from the March 2019 issue

    PART 2 — April 25, 2019
    From Crime Bill to Iraq War Vote, Biden’s Legislative History Under Scrutiny as He Enters Race —
    PART 1 — March 13, 2019
    As Joe Biden Hints at Presidential Run, Andrew Cockburn Looks at His “Disastrous Legislative Legacy” —

    Joe Biden Launches Presidential Bid With Fundraiser Filled With Corporate Lobbyists and GOP Donors —
    ~ by Lee Fang, April 25 2019

    Joe Biden Is Hillary Clinton 2.0 — Democrats Would Be Mad to Nominate Him —
    ~ by Mehdi Hasan, March 21 2019

  2. In 2016 we were told that Hillary "the centrist" was the only one who could defeat Trump. Some people will still fall for it.


  3. Here are a few more apropos articles outside the mainstream:

    Is Joe Biden ‘Electable’ or Not? Thank God, Nobody Seems to Know —
    Reactions to the former vice president joining the 2020 race prove nobody knows what electability means anymore.
    April 26, 2019
    ~ by Matt Taibbi

    Why Weed Advocates Aren’t Happy About Joe Biden’s Candidacy —
    Sorry, stoners, but when it comes to marijuana legalization, Biden is basically the worst candidate in the race.
    April 25, 2019
    ~ by EJ DICKSON

    What Joe Biden’s (Non-)Apology to Anita Hill Reveals About Him —
    April 27 2019
    ~ by Natasha Lennard

    Will Progressives Stop Biden, the ‘Credit Card Candidate’?
    April 28, 2019
    Joe Biden announced his campaign for the Democratic nomination with waves of patriotic "Stop Trump to save America" propaganda. However, representing the headquarters of most credit card companies, Biden defended their interests more than those of ordinary citizens. Norman Solomon and Jacqueline Luqman examine his campaign strategy.


  4. "No one better analyzes what’s happening, or more brilliantly critiques the sordid status quo, than Karen Garcia."
    --Erik Roth

    Agreed. Can we include the journalists she listed in her Kirstjen Nielsen essay, to which I might add the big guns of Black Agenda Report among others on the blog roll?

    Most reporters focused on economic, political and cultural issues, whether in palatial or small nook media, choose to be hobbled by truth issues of one kind or another. They stick to the party line of their padrone. Issues and targets are preselected for them by editors under larger thumbs. They sand smooth harsh facts before presenting them, unless calumny or exaggeration are the order of the day. They shield the big perps whose true outline becomes as distorted as figures of an El Greco painting.

    Money has ever served as a wonderful conversion tool. As Upton Sinclair said: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

    The relatively few journalists who don't choose to become deaf, dumb and blind live riskier and less comfortable lives. The more these types are silenced, the less truth and justice prevail. They are the Cynics of today, the philosophical descendants of Diogenes who kept disturbing the false peace. Support them as an endangered species.

  5. Donald J. Trump
    ‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
    Apr 27

    The Democratic National Committee, sometimes referred to as the DNC, is again working its magic in its quest to destroy Crazy Bernie Sanders....

    Apr 27

    ....for the more traditional, but not very bright, Sleepy Joe Biden. Here we go again Bernie, but this time please show a little more anger and indignation when you get screwed!


  6. Another on Joe, and no doubt there will be more as the national shuck & jive gets into full swing:

    Joe Biden Kicks Off Campaign with Union Facing Pension Cuts Driven by Obama-Era Law —
    ~ by Akela Lacy, April 29 2019

    Plus a glimmer of light:

    Young Democrats at 40 College Campuses Call for Boycott of the DCCC —
    ~ by Akela Lacy, April 25 2019

  7. Woman of Many NamesApril 30, 2019 at 7:08 AM

    Joe Biden's speech seems slurred lately and he's been tripping over a lot of words. At first I thought it was bad fitting dentures or old age, but then recalled he's had surgery for brain aneurysms in the past. When I looked it up to refresh my memory, the first thing I found was this:

    [Joe asking the doctor about the prognosis] “I said: ‘What's the most likely thing that will happen if I live?’ He said, ‘Well, the side of the brain that the first aneurysm is on controls your ability to speak.’ And I thought: ‘Why in the hell didn’t they tell me this before the '88 campaign?’ It could have saved us all a lot of trouble, you know what I mean?”

    Brain Surgeon Told Biden He Had Less Than 50% Chance of ‘Being Completely Normal’


  8. IT'S OVER! And so soon.
    We can go back to talking about other things.

    NY Times Digital Edition 30 April 2019:

    "Biden, Now the Front-Runner, Gives First Speech as 2020 Candidate"

    Guess Loyal Bernie can go back home to New Hampshire and prepare his endorsement speech of Joe Biden.

    O say can you see
    By the Times' early light
    That Big Joe is ahead
    In the Dems' braindead fight

  9. voice-in-wildernessApril 30, 2019 at 10:46 AM

    I've learned that 2 + 2 = 5.
    I've learned to love Big Brother.

  10. Bernie, c'mon. You live next door in Vermont.


  11. OK, I'll declare my dream ticket: Old Bernie for president. He'll take care of the domestic front (i.e., Wall Street etc.).

    And for Vice-President: Young Tulsi Gabbard. Her portfolio will be foreign policy, to include cutting the Pentagon down to size. From a progressive point of view, no other candidate, male or female, surpasses her personal (cosmopolitan) and legislative (seriously left) history.

    Now THAT is a balanced ticked, progressive in all directions. Both are poised and sharp in debate. Both have a pretty good voting and legislative histories (in the realms I confined them to above). Both have that certain something that makes them strong vote getters.
