Thursday, July 25, 2019

Kafka Does Christmas In July

planning has begun in the East Wing at the @WhiteHouse. I'm looking forward to sharing our final vision for this unique tradition in the coming months.

The ominous phrase "Final vision," juxtaposed as it is with Donald Trump's caging of thousands of migrants and refugees on the Southern border, certainly does bring back memories of past traditions. Just not the pleasant memories and traditions that Melania Trump's public relations shop wanted to distract us with.
But perhaps we should interpret her clumsy Tweet another way. Maybe she's getting started on Christmas way early because she doesn't plan on being in the White House very much longer. Maybe she got caught up in all the media hype telling us that Father of Our Country Robert Mueller's congressional testimony was going to be the final word, the real coup de grace,for her chubby hubby wubby. And then it turned out that not only is Mueller the Deadbeat Dad that so many feared that he was upon seeing his final tepid report. He's a Demented Deadbeat Dad on his last mental legs.
So call Melania delusional and lacking in good taste to your heart's content. Because anybody who still puts any credence in the #Russiagate franchise after Mueller's bumble-wumble testimony on Wednesday should probably also have his or her own head examined.
Was there anything more delusional and Kafkesque and surreal, for example, than the New York Times's headline that blared Mueller's claim that "the Russians" are in our country right now, interfering in our elections, placed right next to a sidebar analysis bemoaning how confused the aging prosecutor has been acting lately?
A Russophobe in good standing might be "halting and hesitant" about remembering what is in his own report, but when it comes to meddling he miraculously recovers from the muddling. He regains Father of Our Country status and mental sharpness as long as he sticks to the corporate propaganda that Hillary Clinton lost the last election not because of her own ineptitude and corruption, but because of a group of underpaid Kremlin Internet trolls.
So I say let Melania have her own visionary deluded fun as we anxiously await the grand final vision of the Trump family leaving the White House forever. It's a big asylum, and thank goodness we ain't in it.
Merry Christmas, and may Kafka's Goddess of Liberty bless us, everyone.


  1. I'm not a fan of the russiagate myth. Clinton did lose because of her ineptitude and some pretty strong propaganda that worked against her.

    I was for Sanders.

    I get the argument that Russia did not really have much (if anything) to do with Trump's victory. What I would like to see is a better examination of what "corporate media" wants. Business as usual maybe? Back to the good ol' neoliberal normal?

    Obviously Trump's a crook, a disaster for us and should not be in office. But, the direction forward is very unclear. Impeach, don't impeach. Rolll the dice? I think unless we have very large protests (real people) in the streets against Trump it doesn't look very promising for our future. Obvious? But how do people connect to do this? Does anybody know? There's a lot of virtual protest. The Russiagate conspiracy is good for the corporate media? I guess that's the point of the current post.


  2. Here is an interesting description of the Dem. field to date. My take from the whole piece comes down to this sentence: "True inspiration is the only way out."

    The Iowa Circus —
    An overstuffed field of candidates is repeating the Republicans’ 2016 primary-season errors.
    July 26, 2019 ~ by Matt Taibbi

  3. @ Erik

    Thanks for the Taibbi article covering the Democratic Party scrum in Iowa: a good read.

    Best line is the second paragraph, all of which I quote below:
    "They’re gonna blow this again."
