Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Plutocratic Procuresses

 Jill Biden, wife of Joe, seemed to channel Ghislaine Maxwell, madam of the late Jeffrey, when she strove to seduce a group of apparently squeamish New Hampshire voters this week:
“Your candidate might be better on, I don’t know, health care than Joe is, but you’ve got to look at who’s going to win this election,” Dr. Biden said. “And maybe you have to swallow a little bit and say, ‘O.K., I sort of personally like so-and-so better,’ but your bottom line has to be that we have to beat Trump.”
 How many double entendres can you spot in just that one paragraph? 

A procuring woman has to do whatever it takes to pressure and entice and stimulate all the warm bodies necessary to service the depraved man in her life. When they can consistently emphasize their own education bona fides, it helps to make their sordid mission in life seem more palatable and less hypocritical. Their frequent appearances at schools and their stated devotion to teaching also helps their intended targets to overcome their initial lack of enthusiasm, if not their understandable reactions of downright fear and disgust. Or, so the pedagogical procuresses seem to assume.

Meanwhile, the still-living, hair-sniffing, neck-nuzzling, knee-fondling Joe Biden has plunked down six figures to start airing his first Iowa TV ad, which is entitled "Bones."

Biden's "We Know In Our Bones" slogan is certainly a lot more virile than Barry Goldwater's flaccid "In Your Heart You Know He's Right" loser of a line of 1964, don't you think? Seeing how "Go All the Way With LBJ" won in a landslide that year, poor Barry was a case of electile dysfunction for the record books. 

On the bright side, the Joe Biden Bones ad lasts for only one minute.

So just in case you're still feeling wistfully nostalgic for the sexy Obama-Biden epoch, here's another adorable (and quite deliberate, if you ask me) double entendre-laden Jill Biden classic from Campaign 2012. It was delivered at a school. An Ivy League school, to be exact. The guffawing testosterone-fueled future plutocrats in the audience sure know how to appreciate subservient self-deprecating humor from womenfolk who can't ever get enough of their powerful menfolk who can't ever get enough of uttering the word "folks" at least fifty times a day. That, folks, is the true staying power you can believe in. 


  1. Ye gad, as Trump and the entire Republican sycophancy sticks insufferably in our craw, the Democratic wing of the ruling imperialist duopoly causes a gag that chokes all hope for anything but more of the same.

  2. So then, shouldn't Biden's campaign slogan instead be: "We Know in Our Boner..."?
