Monday, September 30, 2019

Democracy, CIA-Style

By artificially narrowing the Trump impeachment inquiry to "Ukraine-gate" under the auspices of the House Intelligence Committee, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has all but assured that this constitutional remedy for removing a criminal president from office will proceed largely in secret, away from the public eye and away from public accountability.

At the very least, much if not most of the star witness testimony of the unnamed CIA official, who is rather ridiculously being marketed as a "whistle-blower," will not be held in a public forum. This is for the ostensible reason of protecting him from the nefarious machinations of Doctor Evil, a/k/a Donald Trump.

To help effect public compliance with this essential secrecy, the ubiquitous Intelligence Chair Adam Schiff is waxing breathless to the point of asphyxia on the corporate cable shows about all the complicated security protections needed to be put in place in order to keep the Informer's identity anonymous and his physical well-being assured.

Once the script of the CIA official's testimony has been honed and edited to self-serving perfection, this individual may finally make his debut before the cameras incognito, probably with a hood over his head and his voice disguised by some of the cool technology that we so admire in the Hollywood movies about our sexy, daring, cool and selfless Intelligence Community. Whatever props can elicit the maximum cloak-and-dagger excitement for the TV audience, the better that the producers of the Democratic Party-Security State-Media Complex, or Impeachment, Inc. will look.

Meanwhile, we'll have to be satisfied with such tawdry episodes as The Rudy Giuliani Story. In perhaps the most extreme role reversal and plot twist in modern political theater history, the once-lauded Mayor of Nine Eleven has morphed from prosecuting mob bosses to defending them. 

Lest the Impeachers come across as too James Bond-ish, Nancy Pelosi has carefully leaked her own secret list of solemn Impeachment Talking Points for use by the supporting congressional cast as they head for their home districts for a two-week recess to try and convince their constituents that the national security of the elites should be of grave concern to one and all.

Forget hassling your elected representatives about health care and the climate catastrophe and your crushing college debt and your unaffordable housing costs. Because the fates of certain centrist Democrats are more important than your lives. Pelosi and her henchmen are thus embarking on an unabashed Psy-Ops campaign of the type first devised by the CIA itself some 75 years ago in order to convince the world that they were not safe from Russian aggression in the aftermath of World War II. 

And make no mistake: "Ukraine-gate" is not only about impeachment, it's about the reanimated Cold War against Russia waged by an ever more militarized United States. With 800 to perhaps one thousand global bases under dire threat by Putin's grand total of nine, the USA is obviously in profound danger from "the Russians" - not least because they posted a few thousand cheesy Facebook ads to swing the election to Donald Trump and to sow domestic discord in the Happiest Place on Earth. That's right: America was a consumer paradise, a virtual Disneyland on steroids before Trump came along to spoil the mood and make American consumerism look bad to the whole free world. If we can only get rid of him and go back to the Status Quo, all will be well.

As it is, Trump is such a profound threat to the world order that even his imposition of more economic sanctions on Russia and his trashing of a nuclear arms accord were not enough for the order-mongers. The fact that he withheld, or is accused of withholding, a fortune in deadly weapons from the US-sponsored Ukrainian fighting forces was the last straw. It was more than the American Security State can be expected to bear.

So think of this artificially narrow impeachment inquiry as a proxy battle in the larger US-backed Ukraine vs. Russia war. The CIA has always acted in behalf of US multinational corporations anxious to plunder the wealth and natural resources of other countries and anxious to overthrow "corrupt" socialist-leaning or worker-friendly regimes. The CIA has always partnered with or installed US-friendly right wing puppets, arming them and training their death squads.

 They view Donald Trump as the Putin surrogate who has had the absolute chutzpah to denigrate corporation-serving NATO forces even as he caved to their Russophobic demands in a futile attempt to show that he can be just as vicious a team player as the rest of the elite American establishment. 

It hasn't worked. He just can't keep his big oafish mouth shut, and his clumsy paranoid tweeting thumbs still, and his self-dealing and corruption under as good control as his fellow elite leaders have historically done. He totally lacks the charm offensive skills so necessary in any chief executive, whether it be of a corporation or of the One Exceptional Nation itself. 

Donald Trump has got to go. He is not a good marketing or propaganda tool for our weaponized Democracy, neither the domestic variety nor the deadlier exported variety.

The Democrats and their "deep state" partners don't want to delve too deeply in Trump's long history of financial chicanery, however. Because as the Mueller investigation so painfully showed, some of their own respectable colleagues also run the risk of becoming collateral damage in such open-ended investigations. Witness the downfall of super-lobbyist Tony Podesta and the criminal trial of former White House attorney Greg Craig, who served under Obama and who was just acquitted of charges stemming from his own self-dealing in behalf of Ukrainian oligarchs.

But lest the corporate Democrats look even more like the hypocrites they are, they're claiming that a handful of valiant "front-line" representatives are in danger of losing their seats and the House of losing its majority if impeachment proceedings are not severely truncated and limited in scope.

"Front-line" is a telling bellicose adjective, describing a cadre of conservative congress critters who supposedly are just as endangered as the anonymous CIA "whistle-blower" due to their wins in solid GOP districts. Two of the most prominent Front-liners are Abigail Spanberger and Elissa Slotkin, who themselves are high-ranking (allegedly former) CIA officials.

Thanks to a highly coordinated week-long corporate media blitz calling for Trump's impeachment,"the polls have changed drastically on this," Pelosi said in a carefully-leaked "private" conference with her members on Sunday. In so saying, she used another common information warfare ploy: transforming a desire of the elite class into a desire of the non-elite class through the magic of propaganda and the measuring of its effectiveness through skewed, selective polling.

But lest the Party appear too gleeful and vindictive, she added:
“Our tone must be prayerful, respectful, solemn, worthy of the Constitution.”
As far as we know, she didn't suggest that congress critters appear at their constituent town halls decked out in religious garb and swinging incense-wafting chasubles, the better to awe-strike people who already are feeling mightily struck down by the worst income inequality of modern times. 

But as the New York Times reports, they will be "clutching talking points cards headlined 'No One is Above the Law.'"

These index cards contain a Holy Trinity of classic psy-ops techniques for the lawmaking preachers to inculcate into their congregations: (my interpretations in parentheses)
  • that Trump “engaged in serious wrongdoing betrayed his oath of office and undermined national security;” (security for the ruling establishment and the maintenance of elite rule)
  • that the president “pressured a foreign government to target a political opponent,” and what’s more, “tried to cover it up;” (instill fear in the populace by the "othering" technique, or xenophobia.)
  • and that Democrats are planning to stick to just the facts in the inquiry as it moves forward. (the facts which fit the desired narrative, but which do not necessarily include facts which don't adhere to the narrowly defined narrative.)
It is an easy-to-understand, digestible narrative, unlike the other inquiries Democrats have been pursuing, including the Russia investigation, hush money payments and Mr. Trump’s business dealings.
“I still believe in story,” said Representative Anna G. Eshoo, Democrat of California and a close ally of Ms. Pelosi. “There’s clarity to this Ukraine story.”
Centrist Democrats must think that their constituents are real dolts, unable to understand even basic cheating or bribery, yet easily swayed by Cold War rhetoric and the fear and xenophobia that it instills. All people need in lieu of guaranteed health care and food on the table is a good story, especially if it has echoes of James Bond or Austin Powers to keep them diverted and entertained. 

The coincidental fact that the CIA whistle-blower law was just quietly changed to allow reports to be based on second-hand complaints and information should alert us to the inconvenient truth that this secretive, unaccountable "government within a government" has also arrogated to itself the power to remove, in collusion with our elected representatives, any elected representative that the ruling elites of Empire don't like - in this case, Donald Trump.

 Trump is the most criminal person ever elected to our nation's highest office, so you may ask why it should even matter if the CIA is coordinating his removal.

But it does matter, because a disturbing precedent is being set, one that is actually antithetical to the Constitution that Nancy Pelosi claims to so revere. 

What if by some miracle Bernie Sanders overcomes the Democratic Party's meddling and undemocratic machinations and does indeed become our next president?

The CIA, promoted and even initially staffed by some of this country's most eminent intellectual and financial elites from the cosseted world of the Ivy League, the landed aristocracy,Wall Street and prominent mainstream media outlets, will no doubt perform its sworn duty and do everything in its power to remove him from office, on any pretext whatsoever. A coordinated, relentless, disempowering stealth campaign of red-baiting to prevent any resurgence of the New Deal would probably begin within a day of his election.

And it would all be perfectly legal. It was during Christmas week 2016, when nobody was paying much attention, that Barack Obama very modestly, quietly, and un-Trumpily signed into law the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act, which allows the State Department to coordinate its own domestic propaganda programs with other agencies and mainstream media outlets in order to battle so-called foreign disinformation. Such domestic propaganda from government agencies, specifically aimed at US citizens, had previously been banned. 

As Mint Press News reported,
Introduced by Congressmen Adam Kinzinger and Ted Lieu, H.R. 5181 seeks a “whole-government approach without the bureaucratic restrictions” to counter “foreign disinformation and manipulation,” which they believe threaten the world’s “security and stability.”
 “As Russia continues to spew its disinformation and false narratives, they undermine the United States and its interests in places like Ukraine, while also breeding further instability in these countries,” Kinzinger explained in a statement. “The United States has a role in countering these destabilizing acts of propaganda, which is why I’m proud to introduce [the aforementioned bill]. This important legislation develops a comprehensive U.S. strategy to counter disinformation campaigns through interagency cooperation and on-the-ground partnerships with outside organizations that have experience in countering foreign propaganda.”
Make no mistake — this legislation isn’t proposing some team of noble fact-finders, chiseling away to free the truth from the façades of various foreign governmental narratives for the betterment of American and allied populations. If passed, this legislation will allow cumbrously pro-‘American’ propaganda to infiltrate cable, online, and mainstream news organizations wherever the government deems necessary.
Kinzinger, a Republican from Illinois, hails from the US Air Force's elite Special Ops division. A veteran of the war on Iraq, he is a currently-serving member of the Air National Guard and was recently deployed to the militarized Texas border "to oversee security." 

California Democrat Lieu, an early proponent of Trump impeachment, also hails from the Air Force, with a current rank of colonel in the Air Force Reserve Command. Pelosi appointed him her assistant whip in 2017

It's no big surprise that Nancy Pelosi and Impeachment, Inc. are limiting the scope of their investigations. They don't want to expose themselves as the loyal anti-social and anti-socialist servants of the oligarchy and the Military-Industrial Complex that they always have been.

They are just as much the enemies of democracy as the more boorish Trump.


  1. Ukraine-gate looks and smells like a Red Herring. That might be why the impeachment investigation is being limited in scope and occurring at the same time that Bob Barr is ramping up his investigation, following the stench of Russia-gate origins.

    The same crew of professional liars that paid foreigners to cook up a Dirty Dossier of lies, turned around and used that dossier to accuse Trump of collusion with foreigners. This same crew is now accusing Trump of attempting to get foreigners to 'dig up dirt' on 'Democrats' when in fact Biden family corruption and foreign entanglements have been public knowledge for years. Once again they're trying to make a mountain out of a molehill with help from their CIA friends.

    The media is hyping and humping the Ukrainegate/Trump Impeachment circus because it's high drama and a cash cow and will drown out everything else, thus the Mass Media-National Security-Democrat troika kills two birds with one stone: Barr's Russia-gate origins investigation, which would lead to the highest levels of the Obama administration, and the Trump Presidency.

  2. Thank you for an insightful analysis of the Trump saga. Too bad so many people still feel that getting rid of Trump is going to make life so much better. I agree he doesn't belong in office. He's a sloppy, con man crook. But, he has clumsily exposed some of the corruption and lies we are fed every day, e.g., how our government imposes its influence and will on other countries elections.

    I just saw a Republican Strategist on MSNBC saying it's too bad the Dems don't have a strong candidate like the legendary Bill Clinton or Barrack Obama, Gee, that is a shame isn't it? Look how much they did to help us get to where we are today.

  3. voice-in-wildernessOctober 1, 2019 at 1:44 PM

    Doesn't the reasoning in Karen's essay lead to utter hopelessness? On the one hand we have the GOP bonded with Trump more completely than they have ever been bonded to any president before. On the other hand we have the devious Democrats not wanting to let go of the neoliberalism of Clinton and Obama. And overarching this we have the security agencies, some 100K of employees, with whatever their agenda is. And our way for a better future is what, especially as global warming bites harder and harder and the world population grows explosively (not talked about by anyone)?


  4. Yes, certainly Karen Garcia’s astute analysis and reasoning accordingly are seriously sobering.
    But while the truth presented is painfully bleak to consider, realize that only truth will set us free.
    Ponder these two quotes together:

    “Despair ... is the only cure for illusion. Without despair we cannot transfer our allegiance to reality - it's a kind of mourning period for our fantasies. Some people do not survive this despair, but no major change within a person can occur without it.” ~ Philip Elliot Slater, Earthwalk

    "Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out.” ~ Vaclav Havel

    Havel saying “something makes sense” means doing something, whatever that may be, without worrying or weighing the imagined chances of failure.
    So, in the face of grim reality, even utter hopelessness, it is to respond as Greta Thunberg challenges us: to act.

  5. Karen Garcia, this essay is one of, if not the best, of all that I have read this week.

  6. Democracy, Plebe Style

    PoliSci/Sociology 101

    In the previous hour, class, we spoke of the three rich guys in America who control as much wealth as the lower 50% of the American population. This is more than depressing because, at the rate things are going, those three guys will soon have as much wealth as the lower 60% of the population, either because the rich are getting richer or the poor poorer, or both.

    Furthermore, as a result of their perfect gaming of the capitalist system, those three rich guys and their fellow elites control 100% of the institutions of power. They own the legislative, executive and judicial branches of the US government. And the Pentagon. And most of the state houses. From coast to coast ninety percent of the thin blue line and the surveillance snoops work for the rich.

    The Constitution as now interpreted is of no use to the middle class and poor. It was never intended to help any but the rich.

    In sum, there is absolutely no significant counterforce within the federal or state levels of government, or on the political horizon, that looks like it is remotely interested or capable of yanking the government from the hands of the few to make it work for the many.

    With me here today is Professor Isaac Newton from the Physics Department. He's worked up a few iron laws about the universe that may also apply to the social sciences. Professor Newton:

    Thank you. Two (or more) of my laws of motion in nature may or may not apply as well to the political scene.

    First Law of Motion: Every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force. Apply this to the political scene. Nothing will change in your government until an external force acts to compel change. Sitting on your derrieres guarantees that America's straight line decent into hell will not be interrupted.

    The Third Law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Not so in American politics. Not yet. Otherwise by now we should have seen hundreds of thousands of Americans in the streets with pitchforks and torches. All I see in the streets are the equivalent of jaywalkers bent over their iPhones. There is no equal and opposite reaction to the reactionary forces, which advance unopposed by any equal and opposite force.

    Questions? Speak up!

    --What happened to your Second Law of Motion?
    >>Too complicated. I'm not sure I understand it myself. Next?

    --Are there no intellectuals like yourself who have a practical plan for reawakening optimism and hope in the US masses and pointing the way to an equal and opposite reaction, real change?
    >>Try this, a call to revolution from the bottom if I ever heard one:

  7. Ah, the DNC plan would have been PERFECT if only Trump had leaned on the Ukraine to promote the Sanders campaign. Two birds with one stone!


  8. OK, listen up, class. My TA has slipped me a note that says every one of you failed the pop quiz I gave at the beginning of class. Obviously no one read the essay Professor Newton assigned in response to the last question yesterday.

    So, once again, I'm forced to spoon feed you the information you'll need to survive if and when you ever graduate and move into the real world.

    Paul Street in the assigned essay argued that reform of the US government from within is impossible, given that the super rich own and control every corner of government and intend to keep things that way. At most, impeachment will remove one actor from the stage. His understudy is in the wings, and the same show will go on and on as before. All meaningful corrections will have to come from an audience that rises up to disrupt the show.

    The only powers common citizens have to force change are (1) their great numbers and (2) a resolute determination to prevail. The numbers are there, millions of you; what about the determination factor?

    Here are a few money lines from the assigned reading you blew off:

    "The best way to remove Trump is not merely through elite procedures designed by wealthy 18th Century slaveholders, merchant capitalists, and publicists for whom democracy was the ultimate nightmare. It is through a sustained mass rebellion by and for those the U.S. Founders and the American ruling class today fears most: We the People, the working-class majority. We should mobilize to bring this regime down in the same way the people of Puerto Rico recently forced out their corrupt and racist-sexist governor Ricky Rosello, the same way the people of Hong Kong won the repeal of an authoritarian extradition law, and the same way the masses of Algeria overthrew an authoritarian regime last year.

    "We must not let the impeachment extravaganza keep millions seated in front of glowing telescreens to be told how the unmentionably disastrous two-party system, the ruling class corporate media, and the badly outmoded and deeply conservative U.S. Constitution “work” for democracy and the common good. They do no such thing."
    . . . .

    "But it’s not about the crystal ball or about waiting for the elites to move. The time to organize and act to get rid of this regime and the lethal system that produced it is now. In the absence of sustained mass and mobilized pressure from below, the machinations of the elites will hold the day, with disastrous consequences.

    "Mourn what the masters have done to this world and then organize, organize, organize. . . . . Only a great and sustained movement of millions can provoke the real political crisis we need."

    NEWS FLASH: Bernie will have to bail out because the old man can no longer be expected to keep up the gruelling pace of the 2020 campaign. Your best hope now defaults to Elizabeth Warren. Think about that, knowing where she stands on the big issues. These events should help us accept that lasting reform is never going to come from the top tiers of the establishment. Your only hope is in organizing/joining the bottom 60-70% of the population for action.


  9. Jay-O brings to mind, in my head of tangled tangents, C.P. Snow's quip defining the Three Laws of Thermodynamics:
    (1) you cannot win.
    (2) you cannot break even.
    (3) you cannot get out of the game.

    So, it behooves us all to recognize that it's not whether we win or lose, but how we play the game that counts.
    And, if anything counts, this counts.
    Of course, life is not a game, or some kind of joke.
    Life requires participation, so we must act, and yes, absolutely from the bottom up.
