Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Overreach Concern Trolls

If it's not the damned Russians coming to get us, it's those damned Overreachers.

The Overreachers are a brand new breed of bogeymen. They've popped up virtually overnight from the deepest depths of the Democratic Party, taking up residence beneath every punditory bed, jostling for precious space with Putin and his rabid apricot poodle, Donald. It's an uncomfortably tight and alarming squeeze for all the corporate journalists and columnists so desperately trying to keep up with all the ins and outs of Group Think. 

Only the cleverest among them can manage to put Russia and Democratic Party Overreach into the same column or article or cable TV shout-fest. If they can blame Russia for sowing the desires and demands among the electorate to have single payer health care and debt-free education, then they've got themselves a real plot.

Overreach manic-depression is emerging as a real invented disease, thought to be genetically related to Trump Derangement Disorder and Russophobia Syndrome. Symptoms include terror of Medicare For All, with its unthinkable lethal outcome of treating and healing tens of millions more sick people. Also of great worry to Overreach phobics are Bernie Sander's education and medical debt jubilees.What totally sick, anti-capitalist ideas, according to the diagnosticians of the media-political complex. They might even be more deadly than heart disease or diabetes or cancer. 

Overreach, besides being a monstrous malady in itself, can also act as either a hypnotic or a stimulant drug, depending on the pusher or the user. If left-leaning candidates like Bernie Sanders and, to a lesser but no less terrifying extent, Elizabeth Warren don't stop spreading this crack opioid epidemic of Overreach to the rest of the liberal class, and to their fellow candidates and citizens, delicate arms are likely to get jerked right out of their sockets. And then Resisters Inc. won't be able to flail and punch at Donald Trump as virtuously and as daintily as they do now. And then what? Trump might win a second term and then they'll be reduced to typing out their columns and speeches with their toes.

Concerned New York Times columnist Thomas Edsall therefore asks: "How Can Democrats Keep Themselves From Overreaching?" 

 Edsall studiously ignores the voices of actual voters in his piece, turning instead to the usual cast of credentialed experts from corporate-funded think tanks, academia, Party leadership (Clintonite talking head Paul Begala among them) and polling agencies. 

For example, there's this nugget which hilariously conflates progressive activists and the Left with the rich donor class:

The role progressive activists play in setting the Democratic agenda provided Trump with an ideal target, helping him portray the Democratic Party as dominated by a doctrinaire elite. In The AtlanticYascha Mounk, a senior fellow at the Johns Hopkins SNF Agora Institute, characterized these progressive activists as:
Much more likely to be rich, highly educated — and white. They are nearly twice as likely as the average to make more than $100,000 a year. They are nearly three times as likely to have a postgraduate degree. And while 12 percent of the overall sample in the study is African-American, only 3 percent of progressive activists ar
This one paragraph insinuates the false, but standard. centrist talking point that Blacks are poorly represented among progressive activists. This trope ignores both the history of the bottom-up civil rights movement and current movements like Black Lives Matter. It ignores the fact that labor movements, by their very nature, are the farthest thing from elitism you could probably ever imagine. The current labor movement, among teachers, nurses and auto workers, is multi-racial and multi-ethnic. The subliminal message Edsall imparts in this paragraph that if you're a leftist, you are also racist and probably also an elitist snob. 

Edsall does not disclose that the Agora Institute is bankrolled by the Niarchos shipping dynasty, or that The Atlantic is owned by multi-billionaire investor Laurene Powell Jobs. And although "agora" is the Greek word for the public square, there is no sign of the actual public or any actual demos anywhere to be found among the Institute's aptly named Board of Overseers. Rather, the new oligarchic definition of "public square" is a bastion of neoconservatism and neoliberalism: transnational corporations, private equity vultures, weapons industry think tanks and even representatives of such repressive US client states as the Kingdom of Jordan. Thomas Edsall's climate change denialist and right-wing colleague, New York Times columnist Bret Stephens, is also listed as an elite Overseer of the Agora, as are the Board Chairman of Merck Pharmaceuticals, the senior adviser of Henry Kissinger Associates, and Gary Kasparov, founder of the Renew Democracy Initiative, whose neoconservative main purpose, besides fomenting Cold War 2.0 against Russia, is overthrowing leftist governments in Latin America under the guise of human rights.

Edsall thus performs the usual centrist trick of using right-wing sources to concern-troll on the alleged behalf of the liberal left. The irony of using this rhetorical sleight-of-hand to criticize an Overreach Monster that exists only in the heads of the war-mongering aristocracy and its publicists seems to be quite lost on him. Then again, he's only reporting what the credentialed experts tell him.

And make no mistake. The plutocrats who get rich off our endless wars are the very same climate-destroying plutocrats who adamantly oppose the health, debt-free education, and financial well-being of everybody else. 

My published response to Edsall:

Have you noticed that those warning of Democratic "overreach" are the centrists and the plutocrats? Begala's party is the one that deregulated Wall Street and the telecoms, rammed through NAFTA and reformed "welfare as we know it" - all contributing to the most extreme wealth inequality in modern history.
 The Democratic Party is increasingly the party of the rich, and the rich usually get what they want in the way of policy. Thus they rail against such egalitarian measures as Medicare For All while championing LGBT rights and the inclusion of a few select historically oppressed "identities" in their boardrooms and corner offices. They sell us a more diverse oligarchy as a substitute for true racial, gender and economic justice.
They are loath to even mention such a thing as the class war.
The media, meanwhile, give us wall-to-wall impeachment coverage as it mainly ignores how hard most of our lives are. We're supposed to care about "Ukraine-gate" and not notice that Trump once again is cutting food stamps, and that he just signed an executive order further privatizing Medicare.
 Many Trump voters actually support Medicare For All. So if the Democrats want to win people back, they'll give us at least some of what we want and need instead of saying that nice things are impossible with the country so divided right now. We're supposed to accept the free flow of trillions of dollars to our bloated military, and meanwhile pragmatically agree to just die sooner.
No more.

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