Thursday, July 9, 2020

Democratic Health Care Plan Is a Gift to Predatory Insurers

There's an old saying in vampire lore that if you don't want to get bitten, then don't let the bloodsuckers in.

The Democrats just invited another vampire in.

 The "task force" created by presumptive nominee Joe Biden and his good friend Bernie Sanders in order to coat the party's corporate agenda with that all-important "unity gloss" has just released its aspirational agenda to much media fanfare.

"It's the clearest sign yet that the moderate and progressive wings of the Democratic Party are trying to unite far more than they did in 2016," gushed the New York Times article lauding the "six takeaways" that prove beyond any doubt that progressives are the big winners of some very tasty crumbs and should be properly bedazzled by comity in high places.

This narrative is being spun despite the fact that Medicare For All has officially been declared D.O.A. right in the middle of the pandemic.  Even if the Democrats achieve another super-majority in 2021, the best of all possible worlds will stop at a public option, lowering the Medicare eligibility age to 60, and maybe throwing in some dental and hearing aid coverage for the lucky winners.

The Task Force's answer to the abjectly failed United States policy of tying people's health insurance to their employment is to raise US health care costs to astronomical new levels by subsidizing the private insurance policies of the tens of millions of workers thrown out of their jobs by Covid-19. The insurance companies, which have already posted record profits this year because people are too afraid of catching the virus to seek medical care, and because hospitals have cancelled elective surgeries and other costly procedures, stand to become even richer during a Biden administration.

Now, about the Dems inviting the vampire in. Covered by the usual dark cloak of subterfuge, the blood-sucking anti-Single Payer insurance lobby managed to get its own seat at the Task Force's health policy table - which, just like a spider, is comprised of eight members.

The invitee was one Chris Jennings, a fellow of the corporate think tank ominously known as the Bipartisan Policy Center.  BPP's current head honcho and co-founder is notorious insurance industry lobbyist Tom Daschle. Jennings, a veteran of the both the Clinton and Obama administrations, also runs his own boutique consulting firm which advises for-profit health care systems and their various "stakeholders."

If the Dems have anything to say about it, these ravenous profiteers will never actually see the sharp end of the stake themselves.

Jennings' website brags that "he has consistently worked to develop administrative, legislative, and private sector policies/interventions to ensure better stewardship of and a greater return on investment on the nation’s nearly $3 trillion investment in health care."

It's therefore perfectly natural that the health care section of the Biden-Sanders Task Force would precede its prescriptions with showering praise on the Affordable Care Act. If it were not for Trump and those nasty old Republicans, we would be even closer to the ultimate goal of affordable, for-profit health care for everybody!

"Democrats will always fight to save Americans’ lives by making it easier and more affordable to go to the doctor, get prescription medicines, and access preventive testing and treatments. Our policy agenda is designed to produce real results for the American people—not hollow platitudes," the eight members in thrall to the Bipartisan Policy Lobby assure us in platitudes that are not hollow at all, but filled to the absolute brim with wads and gobs of the usual neoliberal stuffing.

How do you substitute "access" for guaranteed care that is free at the point of entry? Let us count the ways. The apparent task of the Task Force is to use the word Access over and over again in hopes of numbing us to the word's nothingness as effectively as the Trump administration is openly striving to numb us to the daily nightmare of millions of people succumbing to Covid-19.
For people who risk losing their insurance coverage if they lose their jobs in this pandemic, Democrats believe the federal government should pick up 100 percent of the tab for COBRA insurance, which keeps people on their employer-sponsored plans. For those who are still unemployed or do not have access to employer-sponsored health care when their COBRA eligibility period expires and are eligible for premium-free coverage, we will take action to automatically roll them over to other coverage options, so they do not experience any gap in health care. We will also re-open the Affordable Care Act marketplaces, even outside of the normal open enrollment season, and expand subsidies to make it easier for people to buy coverage.
Even in the midst of a pandemic, we must never lose our status as consumers of health care product. Even on our death-beds and even to our dying breaths, we must never forget the neoliberal mantra of "but how am I going to pay for that?"
Democrats will also make available on the marketplace a platinum-level, federally administered health insurance option with low fees and no deductibles, so that everyone will have access to this high-quality, low-cost plan. Low-income Americans will be automatically enrolled in this federally-administered option at zero cost to them. We will keep these emergency measures in place until the pandemic ends and unemployment falls significantly. And should the United States find itself in another pandemic or severe economic downturn in the future, these protections will again be made automatically available, so Americans are never again left to fend for themselves in times of crisis.
So  even if you manage to recover from Covid-19 but later come down with cancer or another life-endangering disease, you will immediately revert back to desperate "but how am I going to pay for that!" mode. Platinum is expensive and insurance executives and private equity moguls have to profit so as to afford their yachts and jets.

As if to bipartisanly prove that Republicans have no corner on the prevarication market, the Democratic Task Masters of the Universe proffer this nonsense:
Democrats believe we need to protect, strengthen, and build upon our bedrock health care programs, including the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Veterans Affairs system. Private insurers need real competition to ensure they have incentive to provide affordable, quality coverage to every American. 
 Notwithstanding that the public option, rather than advocacy for Single Payer, is negotiating from a starting point of weakness, such a plan would in no way give private insurers the incentive to do right by Americans. Just the opposite, in fact : a public option would absolve private insurers from paying for coverage for the sickest among us. This might reduce premiums for a time, but it would do nothing to drive down costs. The public option would be just one more subsidy for Aetna, Blue Cross and United Health, given that the bulk of their paying customers would now be in the healthy, low-risk pool.

To be fair, there are indeed faint echoes of Bernie Sanders's voice here and there within the Task Force report. An example that might have come straight out of his campaign stump speech:
Too many Americans struggle to afford the prescription drugs they need to get or stay healthy. No American should find themselves foregoing or rationing medications because they can’t afford to pay—especially when taxpayers’ money underwrites the research and development of many prescription drugs in the first place. Democrats will take aggressive action to ensure that Americans do not pay more for prescription drugs than people in other advanced economies. We will empower Medicare to at last be able to negotiate prescription drug prices for all public and private purchasers—for families and businesses, as well as older Americans—no matter where they get their coverage. We will also ensure and enforce that the price of brand-name and outlier generic drugs cannot rise faster than the inflation rate. We will cap out-of-pocket drug costs for seniors, and ensure that effective treatments for chronic health conditions are available at little or no cost. 
But again, the emphasis is on purchasing power, not on the right to receive health care. We'll still pay through the nose, but the rate at which we pay through the nose will be slowed down a tad under Democrats. Freedom's just another word for capitalism having nothing left to lose, what with a whole dying world to keep on exploiting. 

It's a good thing that copyright laws do not apply to book titles. Mary Trump's ballyhooed "Too Much Is Never Enough" takedown of her Uncle Donald is already the veritable motto of bloodsucking capitalism itself.

Trump is just the symptom. Cutting him out in November might ease the pain for a minute, but the cure for what ails us will never come from a neoliberal restoration of corporate Democrats.

Bernie Sanders claiming that Joe Biden "wants to be the most progressive president ince FDR" is like the Nobel Committee giving Droner-in-Chief Barack Obama its Peace Prize. It's not only purely aspirational, it's downright delusional.


  1. Delusion is the comforting creed of the capitalist cult controlling our empire, and dispelling that (for it is a spell by which the country is in thrall) won't happen without an overthrowing revolution. But the cowardly American electorate hasn't the guts or character for that. So, we're stuck with craven Republicans who are beyond contempt, while the enabling and complicit Democrats are insufferably despicable.

    Two items I think are worth adding, one exemplifying our condition relative to other parts of the world, the other showing that it doesn't have to be this way.

    Epitomizing the USA's “exceptional” opinion of itself, note this bit from today’s “Doonesbury" site:
    SAY WHAT ?
    "Risk is embodied in everything we do."
    -- Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, demanding schools reopen in fall
    "In Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and many other countries, SCHOOLS ARE OPEN WITH NO PROBLEMS."
    -- Trump
    Recent one-day totals for new COVID-19 cases: Germany (298), Denmark (10), Norway (11), Sweden (57), USA (55, 442).

    So, what can we do?
    Most American’s don’t read (let alone think), and thus become easy prey and pawns of the corporate-run media.
    Their establishment “narrative” defines and directs the hell-bent course on which we’re headed.
    Yet a demonstrably viable, and indeed flourishing alternative, is described here:

    The Nordic Theory of Everything, In Search of a Better Life,
    by Anu Partanen, Harper, NY, 2016.

    Every politician, journalist, and CEO in America should study that, but we can be sure that virtually none will.
    Nevertheless, information is ammunition, so I encourage Sardonicky fans to read it.

  2. Thanks for the usual great post and the overall excellence of this website, if I may be pardoned for sounding a bit like a fangirl.

    I've seen links to this website start to pop up at Naked Capitalism, if that is helpful.


  3. "It's the clearest sign yet that the moderate and progressive wings of the Democratic Party are trying to unite far more than they did in 2016...."(NYT)

    It's a bird, it's a plane. No, it's Sheepdog Sanders moving the Democratic Party left from within for the sake of keeping liberal-leaners in the fold.

    Biden and Sanders have teamed up a Task Force together. Wow. Unity. Hurrah! Look, look: Sanders is flexing his populist muscles within the inner circle of the party.

    Bernie's access insures our access. This should inspire what's left of the loosely left types, who have been drifting away, to come back home to vote for Biden. After Biden wins the election, you can be sure Bernie will be a fixture in the West Wing to hold him back, push him forward, whatever the moment calls for.

    Bernie compensates for Joe's bad karma. We progressive-liberal-populist-socialists negativists so critical of the DNC now have no reason to vote Green or Libertarian or sit on our hands when it comes time to choose B OVER T ON NOVEMBER 3.*

    *I retain bumper sticker rights to that last phrase.

  4. @Jay--Ottawa:

    "B OVER T ON NOVEMBER 3", you say.

    You mean "Bacon-boy over Tomato-brain on Nov 3"?

    Biden will likely "bring home the bacon" on Nov 3. To his neoliberal and corporate friends, that is, with a few drops of grease perhaps eventually dripping down to the plebes. Same as it ever was.

    Or to put it another way, the B-L-T sandwich way, the real question is where's the "lettuce"? That is, who's gonna get "the green"? Follow the money.


  5. @Joker

    I understand your distaste for Bacon-boy Biden. But isn't it wonderful news that Bernie Sanders has been admitted to the inner circle of the Democratic Party? Think of him as leaven in the Democratic dough. Sure seems like the party has begun leaning left. Bernie, with his great capacity for compromise, could solidify the ACA as a permanent fixture in the land. It's a new day, to coin a phrase. And the influential NYT is with us to bring out the liberal vote.

    Is there any doubt Biden will tap Elizabeth Warren as his V-P, another sort of lefty when compared to Pelosi or Schumer. As the rumours keep leading us to believe, Biden will be made to resign soon after the election, which puts Warren in the Oval Office. She's a pretty good lesser-of-two-evils in my book, the type, for example, who will keep the medical insurance industry in line: profitable, yes, but not rapacious.

    The election, therefore, is really Trump v. Warren. Her election will assure us of another Obama era, this time led by the first woman president. Girl Power ! The only significant group remaining to vote for Trump will be White Power Guys. Hence, the election is in the bag for the Dems.

    Now, don't go spoiling all the hopers' HOPE out there by accusing me of counting my chickens before they hatch. Accentuating the positive is my MO. Big Crumbs Are Better Than None (another one of my bumper stickers).

    At all costs, with or without the lettuce you crave, we must rid ourselves of Trump. Biden/Warren 2020.

  6. "Donald Trump wears mask in public for first time during Covid-19 pandemic.
    President wears face covering during visit to military hospital as cases of coronavirus surge across the United States."

    The above article appeared in The Guardian. However, given the old saying of one picture being worth a thousand words, I've taken the liberty of providing a link to that picture, rather than to the Guardian article.

  7. Valerie Long TweedieJuly 12, 2020 at 4:26 PM

    Oh, the deja vu of the year before the election of Obama. The hope that Biden - Biden of all people! Might as well be Pelosi herself! - will be the great savior. He will turn the ship around away from Oligarchical rule (even though he has always supported it) and rapacious capitalism (even though he has always supported it) in the direction of democracy for the middle class and working poor (to say nothing of the poor-poor who don't even exist on the radar anymore.)

    Yet, desperate people are still drinking the kool-aid and hoping, hoping. I've decided that hope - which Obama flaunted - is actually the enemy of democracy. It causes otherwise sane people to be manipulated into believing that good times are just around the corner, while the architects of the coup d'etat continue to pillage - in the Democrats case, behind closed doors and with gentility as opposed to the Orange Satan in the White House.

    As for health care, a friend on Medicare just came home from a hip replacement surgery, which Medicare now categorizes as "outpatient surgery" (even though she was in the hospital overnight) in order to make the recipient pay part of the costs. I understand that older Americans can BUY insurance that covers the gap in their Medicare insurance. I guess they do this with their overly generous social security income.

  8. @Valerie - Always good to see you return with a comment.

    Anyone need help quitting a Hopium addiction? Here's a massive dose of reality that should help in that effort.

    More than likely, if Biden wins or even if he loses, the corporate Democratic Party will work with Republicans in a bipartisan effort to 'strengthen' the (Obamacare) Marketplace by privatizing and consolidating all remaining public health insurances that serve special groups. That includes the elderly and disabled who have opted for traditional/original Medicare instead of privatized Medicare Advantage plans, the VA, Indian Health Service hospitals and clinics, and whatever else is out there that serves special populations. It's to improve the efficiency of the Marketplace and provide more choice, of course.

    Health associated industries and private equity investors are already gobbling up our entire medical system, physician practices and hospitals included. They're not about to lose their ravenous appetite for privatizing the entire world's health systems. It's already begun. Obama made them wealthier and more powerful by delivering an entire population as captive customers for life. Hello, Joe? Did you get the checks yet?

    It wasn't Hillary Clinton who peddled the hope of Medicare For All. She warned us that that pipe dream would 'never, ever' happen because the Clintons know how Capitalism works and have always done their part to assist in the privatization of the Commons, a primary goal of Capitalism.

    Bernie Sanders could have spoken truth to power and warned about the impossibility of Medicare For All under our Capitalist system, but he kept pulling his punches instead.

    Just in case you have some hope left in Bernie, he's now pushing a bill to cut a silly 10% from the defense budget. This is a budget that is increased so much annually that any cut is just a reduction in the increase. There's always some excuse ginned up by both parties to throw even more money at the Pentagon, this time it's 'RussiaRussiaRussia' scaremongering after an anonymous intelligence leak about 'Bounties!' How convenient. How familiar.

    Someone with far more courage than Timid Bernie needs to stand up and say we need to "DEFUND THE DAMNED EMPIRE! DEFUND THE DAMNED EMPIRE! DEFUND THE DAMNED EMPIRE!"

    Empire seems to be a dirty word which is all the more reason it should be spoken about, just like Oligarchy.

    Would it hurt any public figure to talk about the cost and reason for maintaining 800+ military bases spread across the globe? How about the number of schools that could be built with just one fighter jet? How about the other tools of empire - the prison industrial complex and burgeoning militarized police state equipped with free military surplus tanks, grenade launchers, etc., thanks to the Congressional servants of empire.

    Hope just sucks away energy that would otherwise go into action. Anger and disgust are fuel. Hope didn't create those massive Black Lives Matter protests nor will it sustain them. And please don't place your hopes in the private corporate entity calling itself the Democratic Party, as if. They fight tooth and nail to prevent 3rd parties from getting on ballots and participating in debates, silencing truthtellers that we all need to hear from and stealing their spotlight and platforms.

    Oh, and one more hope that many people should quit clinging to. If you live in a red state like mine, Trump is going to win the state no matter how I vote. I'm told that if I don't vote for Biden, Trump will win. Hello? Remember the Electoral College?

    ALL VOTES MATTER. Except they don't, not by a long shot.

    Got Hope? I can fix that. Facing reality is the first step to changing things for the better. Get angry, get motivated, and fuck hope!


  9. Meet the new Green candidate for POTUS, Howie Hawkins (C-SPAN 41 min).

    He's informed, speaks in whole sentences, and is persuasive. Doesn't he make much more sense, by light years, than Biden and Trump? Then why aren't you backing him and advertising his platform? What's the point of bashing the two big party candidates and stopping there? Support something; support the person who's doing a pretty good job of fighting for the platform you want.

    Yes, the MSM will ignore Hawkins, but there's one way he can be heard by millions more Americans who rarely visit the blogs or tune in to C-SPAN. Those of you who engage heavily in social media like FaceBook, or simply have dozens of email contacts, can do much to spread the word about Hawkins and his pitch. It's up to us, you and me, to see that he and his ideas get the hearing they deserve.

    Stop hoping, stop despairing, stop waiting for Godot: just link, link, link to the Greens and Hawkins.

  10. More grist for fear and loathing ...

    Trump Loses, Remains President?
    July 10, 2020 ~ WhoWhatWhy podcast by Jeff Schechtman
    Mary Trump, President Donald Trump’s niece, has written a tell-all book that portrays her uncle as a man unhinged, obsessed with winning, and still afraid of what his father might say if he loses.

    Which inevitably raises the question: What might such a man do if he senses his bid for reelection slipping away amid a punishing pandemic with a rising death toll, unemployment in double digits, racial division, and plummeting poll numbers?

    In the opinion of Timothy Wirth, former Democratic senator from Colorado and current president of the UN Foundation, Trump could lose both the popular vote and the electoral college — and still find a way to cling to power and the presidency, perhaps taking democracy down with him.

    How he might do it, what’s at stake, and what can be done to prevent this coup d’etat is the subject of this week’s WhoWhatWhy podcast with Senator Timothy Wirth.

  11. Valerie Long TweedieJuly 16, 2020 at 6:03 AM

    This whole election with Bernie dropping out when he did - just when Covid 19 was exploding and his Medicare for All would have warranted some serious consideration from those who wouldn't have given it a second glance 'prior to the pandemic - has always made me smell a rat. Now he is buddy, buddy with Joe Biden. Biden, who is being portrayed as a strong leader - I guess hiding in your basement waiting for Trump to make inevitable mistakes counts as leadership and offering an alternative.

    I am suspicious of the Green Party after they seemed to oust Ralph Nader who - full disclosure here: I think is the smartest, most ethical politician alive. But if Ralph endorses Howie Hawkins, I will vote for him. It is not like it isn't written in the stars - or the rigged voting machines - that Biden will win. It is the Democratic Party's turn at the Executive Branch after all. But for now, I'm holding out for that endorsement.

    Great Comment, Anne. I'm in full agreement.
    Another informative essay, Karen. I always learn so much from your writing and research.
