Tuesday, August 25, 2020

GOP Confab: Tony Soprano Complains About "The Mob"

The  oligarchic bickering within the suffocating confines of our two-party system has reached full throttle this week with the Republican side's version of reality.

  Who even needs a party platform, when the GOP train already left the station quite a while ago? But if you act now, perhaps you too can catch up and score a one-way ticket to hell on the Donald Trump special.

But first, you have to dodge all the "socialist mobs" that are fleeing the crime-ridden cities to attack white people in the pristine suburbs. And stay patriotically paranoid at all times, because Joe and Kamala are popping up at every curve, blocking the tracks with their hammers and sickles and threatening to derail the freedom train with all that Marxism. (If only!)

To help set the mood and the desired tone, the notorious St. Louis couple arrested for aiming their guns at peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters earlier this summer showed up in the first class dining car to warn passengers that Joe Biden's party wants to "abolish the suburbs" and allow low-income apartments to replace big single family homes. (again - if only!) 

"Make no mistake," recited Patricia McCloskey. "No matter where you live, your family will not be safe in the radical Democrats' America!"

"If you don't stand up for yourself, the Mob will try to destroy you!" subtly chimed in her aggrieved multimillionaire husband Mark.

You really do have to hand it to the Trump Crime Family, who have the chutzpah to cast themselves and their supporters and sycophants as the victims of mob (read: Black. progressive) oppression. The real oligarchic mob bosses, the real usurpers of democracy, will say whatever it takes to transform themselves into the Usurped. As the late Christopher Hitchens once said about the Clinton wing of the Democratic Party, Donald Trump's whole shtick is similarly all about "co-opting populism in the service of elitism."

So. semi-adept conductors that they are. the Trumpies have  thoughtfully staffed their virtual Dog-Whistlestop campaign train with dozens of token Black Pullman porters - even one renegade Black congressman, Democrat Tim Scott - as supposed proof that Donald Trump is not the hardcore racist that those damned Wall Street socialist elitists are always making him out to be. If you hop aboard his train, he'll punch your ticket so many times that you'll barely feel him punching you right in the face.

Despite trying to beat the Dems at their own shallow diversity/identity politics game, however, Trump still hasn't quite mastered the art of pandering and co-opting the pain of others with the finesse necessary to pull it off. He simply cannot resist making himself the centerpiece of every hard luck story. Each of the designated sufferers who appeared on opening night to tell their sad stories were also required to proclaim themselves saved by Trump and by Trump alone.  One cancer patient as much as suggested that Trump had single-handedly cured her disease by fast-tracking an experimental drug.

 This is a huge step up from Biden trying to beat the Republicans at their own cruel right-wing game by throwing cold water all over a dying Medicare For All advocate with a feeble "I get it, man" as he vowed to veto any future single payer healthcare legislation. 

Trump doesn't merely play a quack doctor on TV. As another regular person convention speaker testified, Trump has nobly abandoned his previous carefree billionaire lifestyle in order to sacrifice himself for the country.(doing, I suppose, the unaccustomed hard work of personally looting the public treasury on his own behalf rather than relying on lawyers and bribed politicians.)

 This buffoonery was designed to be in such stark contrast to last week's very serious Democratic convention, where Joe Biden marketed the notion that his personal warmth and "decency" and shared national grief over the death of his son should erase any desire or need that voters might have for health care and other frivolous things

So it's a real quandary. Do we cast our lot with the death by a thousand cuts/ benign neglect, liberal interventionist imperialism, and syrupy platitudes of the Democrats, or do we join the screaming brutal descent into fascist hell with Donald Trump?

Neither of the above, you say? Well, it turns out that there might be a third choice after all, an option which, for some strange reason, the corporate media are not bothering to tell you about. 

There's going to be a separate People's Party Convention, to be held online this coming weekend, And everybody is invited.

Now, before you scream the word "spoiler" at me, please rest assured that this convention is not (yet) an actual third party with a place on the ballot. For now, it's all in the planning stages to explore how we can finally wean ourselves away from the toxic teat of the corporate duopoly. 

Call it a pipe dream if you like, but even failing at this goal is certainly better than never having tried at all.


  1. It's great that single payer is popular in California (population 40 million), but how does it get out of the senate when states such as Wyoming (poulation 600 thousand) have the same number of votes. Why is single payer so important. What is wrong with something such as Germany or France have? Is this too cruel.

  2. Thanks for the link to the convention.

    I was just wondering why everyone doesn't sign on with the Green Party?
    Their platform seems to line up with what we want.


  3. There's also the People's Party Convention. Check out the link provided in Karen's essay. This Sunday between 4-6 PM (EDT) you can view its platform and leaders.

    What if the People's Party (assuming it gets off the ground) and the Greens joined forces?

  4. I'm seeing tons of homemade and professional signs for Trump around where I live but nothing for Biden. I wonder if people would even put Biden signs up if they had them available considering the likelihood of violence to their persons or property if they reveal their electoral preference. Trump's fans truly are fanatics.

    If that's the case, it could mean that Trump's cult of rabid followers won't believe the election results if Biden should win because all they see is support for Trump. That means all hell will break loose because they're armed to the teeth and the cops are on their side.

    We need someone sharper and wiser than Joe Biden to save us from that hell. Is Kamela Cop up to that task? We'd better pray she's as mean as Trumpsters claim she is.


  5. Lately, after reading Ralph Nader's weekly newsletters, I must conclude that he is obliquely urging Americans to vote for the lesser-of-two-evils, i.e., Biden/Harris. Nader is no cheerleader for the Democrats; he simply believes that any alternative is better than four more years of the very dangerous Donald J. Trump.

    If the "People's Party Convention" falls flat tomorrow, and if the Green Party, as usual, remains root bound in its mini starter tray, we may have to admit Nader's being practical to enlist himself as another sheepdog for the Democratic Party. Move over, Bernie.

    Who expected straight-arrow Ralph to ever stoop so low, eh? As I say, if you read Nader's stuff lately, you're persuaded Trump spoils everything he touches––everything, whereas Democrats are somewhat less incompetent, devious and corrupt––sometimes.

    Should we purists (h/t Obama) stand on principle, or should we bring ourselves one more time to vote for the sweet-talking lesser mobsters?

  6. "N.J. teen who held Black Lives Matter protest gets hit with $2,500 bill for police overtime."


  7. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/514292-new-jersey-mayor-rescinds-2500-bill-issued-to-teen-over

  8. @General Jinjur

    Thanks for the update that the bill was rescinded.

    That probably only occurred because of the widespread bad publicity of that particular incident. If that type of billing became widespread, it would no longer have the novelty factor drawing attention.

    That it was even attempted says volumes about the brazen suppression the authorities are willing to undertake, constitutional "guarantees" on freedom of speech or right to protest notwithstanding.

    Also of interest in regard to suppression of protest is that authorities are apparently deploying National Guard troops across state lines. I wouldn't even think it was legal if they haven't been federalized, and the numbers are relatively small -- so why? Is it because local National Guard troops would have more reluctance to act against their neighbors? I believe it's a common strategy in wartime military occupations, and especially civil wars, to not let familiarity between occupier and occupied occur, so bring in troops from a distant province.

    Arizona National Guard troops deploying to Jacob Blake protests in Wisconsin.

  9. Valerie Long TweedieSeptember 1, 2020 at 6:55 AM

    When I read about AOC telling the Biden camp that they have to do better than throw the progressives a bone or two - I become incredibly discouraged. I love AOC and all that she stands for - and sadly - we progressives will only be thrown a bone or two.

    I hate the idea of voting for TLOTE. I really dislike Biden - maybe not as much as Hillary "Get In Bed With Goldman Sachs" or Hillary "Start Any War You Can" - but I pretty much REALLY dislike Biden and Kamala Harris. I HATE that the smug DNC's attitude is not to consider their electorate or to actually stand for something like values - but instead to run with the idea that Progressives have no where else to go so they will have to take the crumbs we give them.

    Yet, four more years of Trump? A Trump presidency that will surely be worse than the first Trump presidency because the morons will assume they have a mandate?

    I don't count my chickens before they are hatched anymore. I didn't think Hillary needed my vote to win - but apparently she did. And now I wonder if Biden needs my vote as well. I hate to give it to him for free - but that is all he and the DNC are offering. I'm not a dreamer - I don't think that Biden will find Jesus and suddenly turn into FDR. - More likely he will do an Obama and use the presidency to feather his nest and that of his family.

    But Trump? He has about 46% of the population voting for him despite the Biden camp reaching out to Republicans everywhere. It is too close for my comfort - and I really think that the U.S. can't take another 4 years of Trump. He is so Hitlereque - so Stalinesque.

    I'm afraid to sit this one out - I am afraid to vote my conscience. I am afraid for my non-white brethren who will - are - the first to be sacrificed to this evil cult of personality.
