Thursday, October 8, 2020

Off With Their Heads

 What is the country for, but to support its prince in his enterprise?

-- Hilary Mantel, Wolf Hall

While the American punditocracy is busy deciding which insipid courtier won the vice presidential debate  - was the "pivotal moment" the fly resting on Mike Pence's stiff white coif, or was it Kamala Harris bragging about all the generals and reactionary Republicans who are backing Joe Biden? - the rest of the country is wondering when the hell they'll be getting more Covid-19 relief.

As aristocratic scolds like Michelle Obama love to remind us all day and every day, our job as citizens is not to make strident demands for guaranteed health care, housing and food. It is to Vote for a more "soothing" Joe Biden as if our lives depended on it, even more than we depend on food, health and shelter. Because choosing a third party candidate, such as a Green, who supports universal health coverage and a pro-environment, antiwar agenda would just be, Mrs. Obama chided this week, simply "throwing away your vote."

That statement pretty much tells you what the country is really for. And it ain't for you. What is an election for, after all, but for the lesser people to give the quadrennial stamp of legitimacy to a cabal of princes and wolves?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also made it absolutely and chillingly plain this week that her priority is not restoring the nation's actual people to health, but to restore her exiled Democratic Party to power. Sending those $1200 relief checks to people struggling to pay their bills would only make Donald the Usurper look good, the same way that Henry VIII tried to make himself look good 500 years ago by handing out baskets of leftover food to the poor at Christmastime.

That was a monarchy and this is a democracy, by golly, so Madam Speaker is not about to stoop to Noblesse Oblige - not when she views the deliberate withholding of direct cash aid to hundreds of millions of people as just the right hook to get them out there to vote. And they say King Donald is the demented one, the way he cut off the desultory-at-best negotiations on pandemic relief between her and Treasury Chancellor Steve Mnuchin in a fit of steroid-enhanced pique.

But since wealthy people still have to get around their playground of an exploited planet, Pelosi and Mnuchin were reported to be feverishly working on a stand-alone bailout of the polluting airline industry. Airline stocks soared anew as these two courtier/oligarchs renewed their negotiations. This was despite the fact that Pelosi had previously denounced negotiating Covid relief in such separate, limited packages, because "they (the party currently in power) don’t want to put food on the table and rent in the pockets of the American people, crush the virus, support our heroes, and the rest.”

Because here's the thing. Stand-alone stimulus checks sent out to needy Americans would bear Donald Trump's name on them, and could conceivably garner him extra votes. It's much better, Pelosi insinuated, to draw out the mass hardship for several more weeks or months to achieve the noble goal of Joe Biden winning the election.  If Nancy Pelosi can make enough people too hungry, homeless, terrified, desperate or disgusted to follow Michelle Obama's hectoring advice to get out there and vote, then at least they won't be voting for Donald Trump.

(Update: As I was writing this article, Pelosi had flip-flopped - once again - to calling for a broader stimulus package, including checks. I believe that this topsy-turvy negotiation process is mainly theater, to keep us properly gaslit as we wait in suspense for the barest kind of relief, and then both sides can declare victory.)

 When you hear them warn that "everything is at stake" in this election, maybe they can make you forget about the big juicy steak you can't afford.

What Pelosi and the Democrats are essentially saying is that American children going to bed hungry or families getting evicted for just a little teensy while longer is certainly better than having Trump in the White House for another four whole horrible years. Let them eat Biden, who promised his Wall Street donors that under his rule, "nothing would fundamentally change." 

This is being sold as a choice that we can all believe in.

 As the Red Queen lectured Alice in Through the Looking Glass: "You may call it nonsense if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared to which that would be as sensible as a dictionary."

Vote for the Lesser Greater Nonsense!

Because the United States, ranking first or near-first in the world in Covid cases, despite having the most expensive health care system in the world, is not the "slow country" which the Red Queen scoffed at, nor is it even (not quite yet anyway) among the "shithole countries" that King Donald sneered it.

"Now here, you see, it takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place," she lectured to the panting, befuddled Alice."If you want to get somewhere else, you have to run twice as fast." 


And political courtiers talking fast and folksily (yet wolfishly) out of both sides of their mouths is also an absolute must if the princely enterprise that is America can continue to thrive, and so that the political courtiers can fulfill the great American meritocratic dream of one day becoming full-fledged princes and media moguls themselves.


  1. Sure, it's Nancy's fault. She just asked for too much. Better to get those 1200 dollar checks out for the hungry children. If Trump and Republican senators are reelected, so be it. There will be happy times again when employers are shielded from liability, too generous unemployment benefits don't impeded the recovery, a suspension of payroll taxes puts thousands of extra dollars in workers' pocketbooks, and cities and states (especially the rat and crime infested blue ones) exercise some fiscal discipline. And let's not forget about the income tax cuts sure to come-- one member of Trump's team is floating a 0% income tax as the best stimulus. That'll free p the job creators.
    Think of the children.

  2. No, the problem is that Pelosi didn't demand enough last April when she still had the leverage. Now she has no leverage, as was the plan all along, because the rich already got everything they wanted in the first bill. The woman is so senile she can't con her way out of a paper bag anymore.

    It will be interesting to see how the Democrats seize defeat from the jaws of victory this time around and how they'll connive to produce a smarter younger Trump in 2024.

  3. @Dogg:

    No secret to how the Democrats will "produce a smarter younger Trump in 2024. All they need do is do little to benefit the man-in-the-street, as during the Obama years, and a fascist will naturally come forth from the Republicans and be well-received by a large fraction of the voters.

  4. Valerie Long TweedieOctober 11, 2020 at 6:44 AM

    I really hated Hillary - and Trump was a clown - so I voted my conscience. I thought, even IF Trump wins - which I sincerely doubted - how much worse could he be? Never in my wildest nightmares did I envision the narcissistic demagogue with his cult like followers and his Brown Shirts ready to do his bidding.

    A few years back Chris Hedges wrote an essay and described the coming collapse of the United States. He stated that when things started to unravel, they would do so quickly. That is what it feels like with Trump - that our democracy is quickly turning into a dictatorship - not a subtle one where the oligarchs are controlling things behind the scenes but things seem normal and intact on the surface - but one where the oligarchs and their useful idiot make no effort to hide what they are doing.

    There is no doubt that Biden and Pelosi and the ruling elites of the DNC are corrupt - but they are not lunatics. They love their privilege and position and if they get enough pressure, they will flip because their own comfort and privilege are at stake. Honestly, I don't know if American democracy can be saved - knowing what it was designed to protect. But I do know that if Trump gets back into power, it is game over for the middle and working classes.

    I just voted today. I voted for every Democrat on my ballot and I hope more politicians like AOC will be elected to Congress. I hope heinous people like Mitch McConnel will be voted out. I voted for TLOTE with my eyes wide open and no illusions that change on the part of the Democratic Party will happen without a huge movement to change the system from grass roots. I'm not even sure if my vote will count, but I hope it does.


  5. "There is no doubt that Biden and Pelosi and the ruling elites of the DNC are corrupt - but they are not lunatics."

    That's it in a nutshell. In the traditional Duopoly setup the choice was between the corrupt and the corrupt. The choice before us in 2020 is between the corrupt and the batshit crazy. I don't understand how an adult conscience can be pleased by a futile gesture in support of Platonic ideals which gesture will do nothing to halt living, breathing madmen (think Trump and Pompeo) in their tracks.

    We've had four years to observe the difference. The corrupt are, by definition, dishonest and venal. Yes, they have no intention to build, maintain, protect. The crazies, on the other hand, have it easy at something worse: chaos and militant destruction.

    I'd rather take my chances in a land of shady politics and slowly crumbling infrastructure than one governed by aggressive lunatics.

  6. I think people are overestimating the leverage Pelosi had. My district is a particularly extreme example of gerrymandering. I am a non entity to my congressman, a Trump loyalist. He explained his stance against the 600 dollar expanded unemployment benefits because "you can walk down the street and see all the businesses hiring". What? He also feels that the fed response to the coronavirus has been just fine. Republicans won just barely half of the house congressional votes of my state in the last round. They control three quarters of the seats. The voters approved a plan for redistricting years ago. After unsuccessfully fighting it in court, they delayed implementation. That is how they roll. Voter suppression and voter restrictions are the plan. If the feds tell them they have to do something, you can be sure that they will honor the letter, and not the spirit of the law. Once Trump is through stocking the federal judiciary with his hacks, they won't have to worry about any challenges.
    This is a disturbing article (the police brutality is stomach churning), but gives a good overview of the creep of Republicans. How did a state go from Paul Wellstone to Ron Johnson? Remember, the cops have Trump's back:

  7. @Kat:
    You mean Russ Feingold, not Paul Wellstone. But those two share the distinction of being prominently progressive and contrary to the corporate interests propping up the duopoly. Feingold got no help from the Democratic Party elites in losing his Senate seat to Ron Johnson in 2010, and then failing to regain it in 2016, when Hillary Clinton notoriously avoided any campaigning Wisconsin.
    And by the way, Minnesota never voted out Paul Wellstone. I believe he was assassinated.


  8. Senator Wellstone, his wife and a child were killed in a plane crash, which some observers argue was suspicious. As Erik suggests, a conspiracy theory holds that he was assassinated by plane crash.

    In Mexico and other Latin countries strange plane crashes have been a common method of getting rid of politicians who swim against the tide. With Wellstone's death the Democrats lost their tight majority in the Senate as important votes were coming up.

  9. The first titled with a nod to Bob Dylan, here's a grim article and an interesting interview:

    John Kendall Hawkins: It's not dark yet, but it's getting there —
    October 1, 2020

    ‘Useful Idiots’: Trump vs. Covid and ‘Handmaid’ Amy Coney Barrett —
    Journalist David Sirota joins the show [40 minutes into it] to talk Trump and Covid, Biden and the election, and how Eighties pop culture relates to today.

  10. @dogg--

    You go guy/girl!

  11. @Jay-Ottawa--

    If I recollect correctly, Buddy Holly, Jim Croce and Ricky Nelson ALL died in airplane crashes. Were they ALL "assassinated?"

    Just askin, Karen. Not that this post will ever see the light of your day.

  12. @Kat:

    Thanks for that New Republic article link. A very illuminating article.
    Now I have to add Wisconsin to my list of states I need to boycott, both with regard to travel and products produced there.


  13. @anonymous among the anonymice who can't decide on a handle

    Conspiracy theories are not worth any investment of your time. Lots of the conspirators’ “facts” and science get to you second, third and fourth hand, which makes those facts pretty shaky. Then you have the contortions involved with the conspiratorial mind's ability at connecting dots, which reminds me of the twists and turns of gerrymandering.

    The only thing that will elevate a conspiracy theory to a believable narrative, however, is a confession from at least one of the perpetrators, who may be risking his or her life to reveal the truth. Nothing can be credibly established until at least one top insider of a supposed conspiracy comes out of the cold bearing an abundance of documents, naming names, dates and lots of verifiable specifics (like how the deed was done) providing irrefutable concrete evidence –– as distinct from elaborate dot-connecting narratives. That’s when you can trade in the old official narrative for a conspiracy theory, which becomes the new official narrative.

    Furthermore, if a conspiracy theory depends on the coordinated actions of many people in the dirty deal, then that conspiracy theory is on its face unbelievable. You just can’t count on that many people staying mum forever. Real conspiracies must be pulled off by a mere handful of people who have a track record in evil and of keeping their mouths shut, mafia style. Or, if the main plotters are obliged to hire many lesser conspirators to pull a big deal off, then several of those grunts or technicians will be knocked off soon after in accidents to guarantee their silence forever.

    Until whistle blower Edward Snowden (bearing lots of evidence) spilled the beans, the NSA successfully fended off charges that it was snooping on the whole world, which until Snowden’s snitch surfaced was an unsupported conspiracy theory.

    On the other hand, the official narratives for 11/22/63 or 9/11/01 will stand till the end of time, or until insiders of those supposed conspiracies, if there are any such people, come forth as confessing conspirators to replace the false narratives with verifiable truth.

    Assange was not a conspirator but his hackers and Manning took us too deep inside the minds and deeds of government criminals. Assange must now be wasted at all costs, something like the fate of an insider who breaks ranks to tell all.

    In short, intricate conspiracy theories shaped by outsiders are worthless wastes of time until an insider steps out of the darkness to betray his old companions in crime. Show me the guy who freely admits to having messed with Wellstone's Beechcraft and I'll believe in his assassination.

  14. @Joker:
    I appreciate the fact that you read the articles I link to. Thanks.
    And yes, I meant to say Feingold. I don't think the crazies have taken over in Minnesota.
    Luckily, for me with what appears to be high turnout, the state Supreme Court might be flipped. We have Republican control of all three branches. I know about lesser evilism because the governor sometimes protects us from the batshit insane legislature. Yes, I would rather have him in the executive than one of the loons.

  15. To me, it does not seem strange that a small commuter plane crashed. It is not exactly the safest form of travel.

    Not that I'd have a reason to, but I wouldn't get into one of those things.
