Saturday, October 3, 2020

Sick Etiquette, Or Speaking Ill of the Ill

Some of the same people who just the other day were accusing Donald Trump of personally killing tens of thousands of people with Covid-19 today are falling all over themselves to wish this mass murderer and the worst criminal in the history of humanity a speedy recovery from his own bout with the virus.

The less hypocritical among them are, at least, lopping off the requisite "Prayers" from their get-well tweets, sending only their ambiguous generic Thoughts. That way, they can leave the interpretation of their mental processes to the imagination of the audience. They can have their politically correct cake and eat it too.

Twitter, meanwhile, has banned all tweets that hope for the death of Trump. One must not speak ill of the ill, at least not until he or she is safely buried. This especially goes for those rude Lefties. The elite centrist #Resistance fighters of the plutocracy have proven once again that they hate the Left more than they hate Trump, when they sanctimoniously chide us not to wish ill upon the criminal ill, with whom they are absolutely complicit.

The quality of Trump's continuing existence remains a mystery. Given the way he's always pumped up his health, virility and stamina, the White House's official statement that he has a slight fever and cough can probably be interpreted as "pneumonia and on a ventilator."

I imagine that if Trump is not on a ventilator or at death's door, then he is being a very difficult patient indeed. According to the divorce testimony of ex-wife Ivana, he was in so much pain after his scalp reduction surgery that he raped her in a fit of rage. He also reportedly called his cosmetic surgeon and threatened to kill him - but only after not paying his bill, suing him, and destroying his practice.

So I hope that Walter Reed and its medical staff are all current on their malpractice insurance premiums. Just that one experimental "monoclonal antibody cocktail"  that Trump is reportedly chugging or having injected into his veins has Lawsuit written all over it.

Assuming that Trump does die, despite all the experimental drugs and all the Thoughts and Prayers being spewed his way by his oligarchic peers, we will also be sternly advised not to gloat or celebrate.

Moms Mabley once quipped, "They say you shouldn't say nothing about the dead unless it's good. He's dead. Good!" But you know what? She then proceeded to eventually die herself. Let that be a lesson to all you Lefties getting distastefully happy because the Most Dangerous Threat to Democracy in Our Lifetime may be hovering close to death.

 There is a decent interval which must be observed before the trashing of dead master criminals can begin afresh. They say it's out of respect for the surviving crime family members. But it's also a superstition thing, a cultural taboo dating back to pre-Enlightenment times.  You just never know how long the ghost will linger around the neighborhood before realizing that it is well and truly dead and finally goes gently into the Great Beyond. And in the pettlly vengeful Trump's case, that waiting-around lingering period might be longer than normal, given how he allegedly will refuse to leave the White House even if he loses the election. Plus, it's getting uncomfortably close to Halloween.

I imagine that just as they did when he dropped his very first big bombs, unleashing "fire and fury like the world as never seen" then more than one pundit will gush on the day of his funeral (after he was finally taken off life support for his low grade fever): "Trump has at last shown the world that he is presidential."

George Bush will share another piece of candy with Michelle Obama. Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump will kiss and make up and become best friends again. President Kamala Harris, who took over when Uncle Joe became shockingly incapacitated when he "caught cold" the day after his election, will prove her presidential solidarity by dropping a few more bombs and imposing new economic sanctions on another poor country with socialistic tendencies.

Am I getting too inappropriately ahead of myself?

Even if Trump does make a complete recovery thanks to the magic of magical thinking, prayer, designer drugs and concierge medical care, I don't believe that either he or his party will be one bit chastened. If anything, he will tout his return to health as proof that the virus is no worse than the common cold. He will market himself as the bullish hero for the cause of White Male Herd Immunity and Survival of the Fittest. 

When the elites hypocritically wish for a speedy Trump recovery, what they're really wishing for is the protection of their own Status Quo.  When their New York Times editorial board pleads "Get Well, Mr. President," it is for reasons of their own financial and hegemonic security. Apparently, a dysfunctional bedridden Trump will unleash even more "chaos" on the world than the functional Trump has unleashed thus far!

In times of crisis, the public looks to the president for reassurance and guidance. What happens when he is at the heart of that crisis? Public confidence plummets, and tensions rise. Global markets are shaken. Foreign adversaries search for ways to exploit the uncertainty.

Translation: #Russiagate, or the foisting of blame on any manufactured adversary for the social unrest caused by the massive economic inequality engendered by the American ruling class itself, will die over their dead bodies. To keep their dream alive, they must keep their Trump Frankenstein monster alive until they can replace him with a more attractive model more willing to do their bidding with a smile and a smirk and a bushel full of platitudes.


  1. If Trump dies, will he still refuse to leave the White House?

  2. Instead of Remdesivir, why not a couple of Russian hookers to deliver golden showers into Trump's mouth?

    (!! rimshot !!)

    Actually, heard that they accidentally administered Ramdesivir rather than Remdesivir to Trump, and he woke up with a couple of horns growing out of his forehead!

    (!! rimshot !! Of course, it could have instead been the result of one of his countless Faustian bargains.)

    Honestly, Mr. President, may you have the "recovery" that many people are hoping you experience, the same one you caused for their loved ones. Oh, and give my regards to Herman Cain!

    (!! rimshot !!)

    Heel spurs acting up, necessitating a trip to hospital, Mr. President?!

    (!! rimshot !! Seriously now, I don't know how any of those military personel at the hospital can say with a straight face that they are honored to be caring for Trump, given his big lie to escape military service).

  3. "Leader of the Free World", "National Security". Wish he hadn't taken the nuclear codes with him to the hospital. I mean, he might misplace them.

  4. If he survives, he'll claim it's due to divine intervention because he is the Chosen One.

  5. Dead? I'd rather they both died of it. Start over.

    Can we say that?


  6. A reliable indicator of Trump's condition will be the frequency of his tweets from Walter Reed as compared to his output before Covid-19 got him.

  7. This is a an excellent article. One point she makes is that even Trump is a product of his environment. He could have overcome his upbringing, it is true. He didn't. This is not to deny his own agency. Watching his video from the hospital, a tiny sliver of humanity emerged. He actually seemed genuinely grateful for the well wishes across the aisle. He is a man that always fears looking weak. Please read it. It is much better than anything by some "leftist" media figures who write or talk about flyover land (from the coast), but really are full of it.

  8. Jay,
    That is one indicator for sure, but let's keep an eye on the content too-- I see we are in "greatest ever" territory. He will soon make the leap to demonizing the other.

  9. The ABC news web site had an article about Trump's care might suffer from VIP syndrome. To me, it seems like this is looking like the case. The treatments he has been given would appear to be a odds with one another.

  10. @Kat

    The Guardian article you suggested was a worthwhile read, plenty of truth to it. But what it describes is at best a long-term strategy, and there are countless ways that it might actively be derailed, or simply not come to fruition. It's also an oversimplification, in that oppression actually takes many different forms and extents, is carried out by many different types of people, and with many different time frames and dynamics.

    As such, how sane people must defend against the full spectrum of oppression wil vary. Not all oppressors will have an "amazing grace" transformation -- and even if/when they do, by its very definition it doesn't come until after they have done harm to others, sometime great harm to many others. Also, a basic truism of defense is that when dealing with some enemies, anything but a show of strength, full time, is simply encouragement to them.

    To take an extreme example: for the potential victims of pogroms or lynchings or genocides to rely on attempts to convert or awaken empathy in their oppressors is simply suicidal. If a mob is coming down my street with murderous intent, I'm reaching for my 12-guage, not hoping to convince with words -- a few lynchmob talk-downs in classic western films notwithstanding.

    In fact, with one eye on twentieth century European history and one eye on twenty-first century Amerika, I've been urging my fellow progressives to arm themselves, as insurance against being marched off by right-wingers to mass graves. Given the clear statements by some right wingers about what they want to do to liberals, progressives, leftists, socialists, and communists, my advice isn't hyperbole, it's prudence. Plenty of people even within Germany didn't believe Hitler's statements or writings. Many of them paid with their lives.

    As to the kind of incitement the right-wingers are waging see:

    "Revealed: Trump-linked consultant tied to Facebook pages warning election will cause civil war.
    Network run by fake news-publishing father and son spreads word to Trump supporters they should prepare for violence in November."

    And then there was Trump's advice to them to "stand down and stand by".


  11. @The Joker

    That's a good pitch for meeting violence with violence. And, in case you didn't already make it clear, a great deal of advance planning and stockpiling must be done under full-time leadership before the balloon goes up.

    Similar preparation is essential for nonviolent campaigns to be successful. For the uninformed, let it be stated again that nonviolence has worked again and again when well led, planned and executed by at least 3.5% of the population within the circle of conflict.

    Researchers open to conviction who explore the matter often conclude nonviolence is more often successful than violence. The following article, among many others based on history and fact, explain what's needed for success without organizing to kill, maim and destroy.

  12. The Democrats failed to bring Trump down with their weak-wristed impeachment. Day after day the words of our toughest scribblers reach few beyond the choir. The coronavirus itself has just been floored by a superior pestilence. Let’s face it: Trump is a force, a giant, a superman, a demigod.

    Perhaps our nation of Lilliputians working together can at last rid ourselves of the Blight of Blights. On November 3 the popular vote as well as the electoral vote must overwhelm Trump, without need for the Congress, the Court or the Pentagon to intervene. The popular vote must serve as a silencer, an eternal embarrassment beyond compare.

    That’s why I argue we put all our voting chips on Biden, yes, the lesser-of-two-evils, even in deep-blue states. The popular vote against Trump must stun us all. Fresh from the lasting rejection of Trump, we can then deal with Biden.

  13. Has it ever been independently confirmed that Trump is,in fact, infected with the virus??? Or is it yet again the latest in his long line of presidential scams?
