Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Happy Undecided Election Apocalypse Day!

 Well, my pipe dream from yesterday of a Biden blowout and a chastened Trump certainly went up in a quick puff of bitter acrid smoke, didn't it? I was right about one thing, though. And that was the uniformly vapid, stunned, slack-jawed faces of the news personalities who had been confidently predicting a Biden landslide. They just couldn't keep up with each others' lame excuses and platitudes.

 It feels like 2000 all over again. Hanging chads to go with your morning hangover, anyone?

Without winning the Senate,  and even if he does finally squeak through, Joe Biden will be a terminally damaged president from Day One. I look on the bright side of this scenario, though. The honeymoon will be over long before he ever makes it to the White House if he does in fact make it to the White House. His failure to swiftly dispatch Trump says more about him than it does about the millions upon millions of voters who turned out in record numbers to cast their ballots this year, right in the middle of a pandemic. The trouble is that they turned out for Trump at least as vigorously as they turned out to vote for what is essentially a negative candidate in an empty suit, a/k/a the "Not-Trump."

Correction: Joe Biden's suit is empty only insofar that he lacks ideas to make life better for people. (More on what he's full of in a minute.) He not only refuses to make meaningless promises, he relishes rubbing your face in your pile of misery. There will not only be no Medicare For All (which, according to a Fox News exit poll conducted Tuesday, 70 percent of all voters of both parties desire) but he vows to veto such a bill if it ever crosses his desk. There will be no guaranteed income, no Green New Deal, not much of anything at all.  Instead, his suit is full to bursting with war plans for the voters' sons and daughters, accolades for the "good rich," and ornery scolding of anti-racism protesters, whom on more than one occasion he has characterized as looters and property-destroyers. He and his party seem to be under the impression that their voting base (the ones who don't finance their campaigns and dictate policy, anyway) are a crew of masochists just dying for the whip and chain treatment from good old Uncle Joe.

It gets worse. Trump was not only holding his own as of Wednesday morning, he was actually picking up more support from Black and Hispanic people, and women. The one demographic where he's falling short is white men. More white men were voting  for Biden than were voting for Trump. You know - the demographic that the liberal class has been denigrating for the past four years as racist sexist reprobates. So it will be interesting to see how the Democratic Party twists this inconvenient statistic into a big soggy undigestible pretzel. But I suspect it will have something to do with Russian disinformation and Putin meddling with the brains of Black people, Hispanic people, and women of all races, colors and creeds.

In other words, even if he hobbles over the finish line, Joe Biden will not enjoy much of a popular mandate. His political capital will consist of a handful of plug nickels in the pocket of his empty suit. The fruits of his victory will be shriveled and sour. The grimmest part is that he and his party will no doubt use their close call to move even further to the  right, choosing to interpret the unexpectedly large turnout for Trump as the stupid voters' desire and need for even more punishment. As Barack Obama chided a disgruntled foreclosed electorate in announcing new anti-deficit measures when he lost the House in 2010, "You have to eat your peas!" 

A decade later, it'll be the same old bipartisan story: the bottom 80 percent of the "soul of the nation" must be cleansed with the stiff wire brush of austerity.

Of course, when Joe Biden insipidly talks about fighting for the soul of  the nation, what he really means is the rotten core of Neoliberal Capitalism and its defenders in the permanent Military/Surveillance State. Trump had the untoward effect of making too many people take to the streets, demonstrating against a police state whose main function is guarding the  security and property of the grossly wealthy, who had already staged their own coup 40-odd years ago. They got Ronald Reagan to join financialized capitalism and government at the hip, not only creating a permanent ruling class but inculcating the philosophy of cutthroat competition and consumerism into the very fabric of everyday life. The destruction of organized labor was their coup de grace, with Bill Clinton putting on the finishing touches with the end of cash aid to the poor, the deregulation of Wall Street, and the media consolidation of the Telecom Act.

 The elite owners are always in need a slick president who can pretend to be on the side of the lower orders to keep the lower orders relatively placated and subservient. With Donald Trump, however, they ended up with one of their own kind who was not adept enough to keep his mouth shut while doing their complete bidding. In that blunt way of his, he appeals to a sizeable segment of the population despite his criminal ineptitude in dealing with the worst pandemic in modern history.

Just weeks after recovering from the virus himself, Trump was holding multiple rallies a day. Biden barely even campaigned. It turns out that the Invisible Man was not such a hot candidate after all.


But do they really care if he loses, when they can fund-raise every single day as the Resistance Fighters of the Fake Opposition?


  1. KG, I drop by your blog occasionally to see what the intelligentsia of the pretty-far-left is thinking. My own take is more center-left. This election cycle raises the question: "How do we get these parties, particularly Democrats, to produce better candidates? I don't see Bernie in the mix, not so much for policy as for his age and temperament. The pol who caught my attention over the last generation was Tony Blair, whose public positions were OK. (I know you think he was a Tory Trojan Horse, but leaving that aside his stated platform was pretty enlightened even if our Repubs would say Socialist.) Who, out of sight on the back benches of the Democratic party, is a classical liberal, rational and enlightened leader who could get past the both the DNC and the donor class to run for President?


  2. It’s a bit late for New Year’s resolutions, but I resolve henceforth to always look on the bright side. Well, if not always, at least on occasion, which alone would be a radical turnaround for me. (That done, there would be less chance of my being greenwalded again [cough]). If I would only drop the habit of biting and scratching with words (only in self defense!). Let’s see how this works out, starting today. New man, new name; hey, is the moniker “Smiley” still available?

    Statisticians say more voters than ever showed up at the polls in this election. Usually the percentage of eligible voters who vote hovers between 50% and 60%. This time the number is in the upper 60% and climbing. Democracy is coming … to the USA (h/t Leonard Cohen). Look forward (h/t Obama). Three or four constitutional amendments yet to go for correcting its voting procedures and the US will sit high in the saddle as the world leader advancing democracy by example (as well as Pentagon hardware).

    The election results do not reflect a blowout by one side or the other. “Too close to call” means no landslide, no mandate, no bragging. Biden and Trump are both tantalizingly within reach of electoral vote 270. Such uncertainty is good. Good for the media so it can go on and on with the suspense of it all. Good that no Republican or Democrat can get too cocky. Hatred by one side is nicely balanced by hatred on the other side.

    That’s the good word for today. After my next joint (put the phone down, it’s legal up here), I’ll be back with more happy talk.

  3. I was practically in tears last night as I went to bed, sick to my stomach at the thought of another four years of Trump. While I voted for Biden as TLOTE, I have no illusions about the geriatric, smug sell-out of a politician he is. While I didn't expect this election to be this close, I did wonder what a landslide in favour of Biden would actually do to Biden and the DNC. Would they take it as a mandate to keep on doing what the Democrats have been doing since Clinton - namely selling out the working and middle classes? So in a way - while it will cause its own set of problems, a close race has its good points too.

    I just read a good article - at least, I thought it was good - about not wasting any time and as soon as the election is called - starting to form a Third Party for 2024. The author made some good points and I think it fits in well with what all of us reluctant Biden voters feel in our guts - namely that the Democratic party is going to go down the same old Republican Lite road, paving the way for the next demagogue.

  4. Sorry, Karen,
    I am making my way down the Sardonicky blog reading your essays and came across the Greenwalded one. Would you mind deleting my question of Jay Ottawa asking what Greenwalded was? I was just behind in my Sardonicky reading. Due to us trying to get our house ready for sale.


  5. By now if Boobus America doesn’t realize the Democratic's are Republicans in cheap suits serving the wealthy oligarchs. The only thing I can say is, as Erv Homer past talk show host in Philadelphia use to say, “follow the money”.

  6. Don Hodges said... "Who, out of sight on the back benches of the Democratic party, is a classical liberal, rational and enlightened leader who could get past the both the DNC and the donor class to run for President?"

    I agree that is the only real and important question.

    This election makes clear to me that the answer is simple. Nobody. It can't happen.

    The corruption is too all-encompassing. It is simply impossible.

    Something else must be done, a new party, or a soft revolution like one of the Post-Soviet Color Revolutions.

    There is no answer to be found this way. It's over. The good guys lost.

  7. "What the F--- Just Happened?" A Retrospective on the Last Four Years by Dr. Ike Bloom


  8. I cannot find the exact quote, but Lanza del Vasto (see Wiki) had a line that parallels “Follow the money.”

    “If you want to know whether an endeavor is essential to the wellbeing of humanity and therefor ought to continue, take the money (i.e., profit) out of it.”

    Yes, yes, to support only good work and to pay every worker slightly more than a living wage is too much to ask. What would become of New York's celebrated financial district?

  9. I'd like a t-shirt that says 'I stole the election from Trump'. Or maybe a red hat with 'Election Thief' on it.

    Jay@Ottawa, any suggestions?

  10. Trump actually was adept! He got his regressive tax package passed and had one of the most anti worker and anti environment agendas ever. the press did not do a particularly good job of covering it. His "healthcare plan" is the truly neoliberal one-- an unregulated insurance market, with no requirements to conform to any standards with the magic of the market and price transparency being the secret sauce. I never saw any members of the press really grilling him about how he would maintain protection for preexisting conditions. The press has been fairly easy on him.

  11. Some positives: Reality based people are starting to question the legitimacy of the decidedly non democratic institutions of SCOTUS, the electoral college, and the senate.
    And look at what the Democratic party has dragged in! Cori Bush, Jamaal Bowman, Teresa Leger Fernandez, Mondaire Jones and in the senate, Raphael Warnock, an adherent of James Cone's liberation theology is a nice antidote to the prosperity gospel grifters that have coalesced under Trump. (Paula White as a spiritual adviser? Yuck!)

  12. "Land doesn't vote, people do."
    (Data Visualization):

    "London Mayoral candidate
    @MinisterDrill pulling apart the #USElection2020":

    "Hello darkness my old friend I can’t stop watching CNN.."

  13. Who here committed treason?:
    An Alabama police captain is under investigation after allegedly posting on social media that Biden voters should be shot for treason. Replying to a social media post criticizing the "idiots" who voted for Joe Biden, Flomaton Police Captain Scott Walden allegedly wrote, "They need to line up ev1 of them and put a bullet in their skull for treason." The Flomaton Police Department says it is investigating the incident, WPMI reports.

  14. @Joker
    OMG, I thought this was sarcasm in response to the data visualization tweet that you posted (which was a very good point)

    They were serious!


  15. @Annie

    More happy news. As predicted, the mail-in ballots are turning formerly red or pink-tinged states into solid blue states for Biden. C-SPAN shows Biden with 264 electoral votes since yesterday (Thursday).

    The rest of the MSM is much more guarded in order that we tune in tomorrow, AND tomorrow, AND tomorrow. But it's over, except for the litigation. A mere 6 more electoral votes means touchdown Biden. Forget PA's 20 votes, GA's 16. Nevada alone (6 votes) could cinch it. I never expected this many reds and pinks to swing blue. This is a real accomplishment for negativity (see next paragraph).

    Aside: This election was a referendum limited to whether you were PRO TRUMP or ANTI TRUMP. Biden himself, the empty suit, was, is and will remain irrelevant. His name was merely a convenient empty receptacle where votes against trump were tossed.

    All we have to do now is form a new party from all the ANTI TRUMP voters.

    A win for "ANTI TRUMP" (i.e., Joe Biden) will eventually be announced. That being the case, Annie, I would not wear a Trump-mocking T-shirt or gimme cap in Montana or any other red state. Doctors are more out of reach than ever for immediate attention to missing teeth, busted ribs and broken noses. Eventually, the great divide will become better understood by all as, increasingly, travellers are obliged to show passports as they move back and forth between red and blue states.

  16. @Jay-Ottawa

    I just moved back to my home state of 'Live Free or Die' New Hampshire and the results were much better here than Montana. MT went for Republicans up and down the ballot so is now a solid red state, no longer purple.

    Just kidding about wearing the t-shirt or hat but serious about mocking Trump's crying "I wuz robbed!"

    Hillary must be cackling.


    Indeed! And no formerly Republican voter ever said "Well, I was going to vote for Trump, but since Rick Snyder endorsed Joe Biden, Joe it is!".
    Actually, the former Republicans are talking about climate change or the pandemic response. People can change when confronted with new facts.

    That was a shameful stain on the Biden campaign.


  18. 284––no wait: 290, and still counting. A mandate!

    Trump’s out. Good news, with deep reservations.

    The Blue Central Committee will replace the Red Central Committee in continuing the same old policies domestically, but with a sweeter bedside manner toward most of its 330 million patients at home.

    It is feared, with some justification, that The Blue Central Committee will revert to its historical role internationally as the war party. Heaven help us one more time, please.

    What a paradox: it’s over, but it ain’t over.

  19. Each election cycle sees a new idea, a new normal that then defines the efforts for the next election, until we see the next new idea win.

    This one was "count every vote" but it meant in practice to harvest ballots of the un-involved and vote their ballots for them.

    My family was approached this way repeatedly, because my wife is Filipina, my children mixed, and so they were considered by political types to be "people of color" who were targets of this effort to seize their votes.

    There was a lot of resentment of this in my household. My kids were furious, my wife beside herself when told to help turn out the "Black voters who never voted." They used those words. It was blatant.

    So what can we expect Republicans to do next time of the same sort?

    Witness the California initiative vote against gig employees. California, land of liberal Democrats! That shows how we can expect money to influence politics.

    How will they do it? Their pool boys rarely vote either. Gig workers? Who can Republicans threaten and use? This harkens back to the bad old days of company towns when the boss told people how to vote, or lose their job for not obeying.

    Tell me how others have "illiberal democracy."

  20. Valerie Long TweedieNovember 7, 2020 at 2:20 PM

    I wait in anticipation of the Senate race. I am hoping and praying for a Democratic win in the Senate. I think the Left will not tolerant another Obama first months where he sat on his hands whilst having a majority in the Senate and House. There are lots of things a sitting president can do to pressure the Blue Dog Democrats and Republicans.

    My husband calls me Tank Man - and tells me to go and Rage Against the Machine. I don't know if it does any good but I can't bring myself to not care and to be apathetic.

  21. Valerie Long TweedieNovember 7, 2020 at 2:21 PM

    It must be a relief to be back in a State where you can find members of your tribe.

  22. It’s not every day you get to beat back fascism through democratic means.

  23. "Eventually, the great divide will become better understood by all as, increasingly, travellers are obliged to show passports as they move back and forth between red and blue states" -- Jay-Ottawa

    Recently thinking something related. I'm in the west, long ago quit flying because of how passengers are treated, so, looking at the map of red locations, if I should want to travel to the blue northeastern states, I have two choices:

    1) make my way up the west coast to Canada (when entry again becomes possible), travel across Canada, and then back down into the U.S., or

    2) make my way to the northeastern corner of Colorado, swallow enough caffeine for a dash through the "hostiles" of Nebraska Trump-cap country, to the "safety" of the southwestern corner of Minnesota (from which I could then travel further in relative safety)!

    Ideally that dash across Nebraska should be done in a "caravan" with others, sort-of like the wagon-trains traversing "Indian country" or American black diaspora members traveling in groups when heading back to the deep south to visit relatives. Leftists nowadays crossing Trump-cap country might even need a modern-day equivalent of "The Green Book", only focused on political ideology!
