Thursday, December 3, 2020

Snap, Cackle, Prop(aganda)

 The unavoidably ubiquitous Barack Obama went on Snapchat the other day to advise people who are fed up with police brutality to just snap the hell out of it and avoid using such "snappy slogans" as Defund the Police. By placing more importance on their own lives than upon the fortunes of Democratic Party politicians, Obama chided, activists risk not getting what they want. They risk alienating a whole alleged country full of racist voters through their shrill insistence upon the right to live.

If that scapegoating and gaslighting isn't humorous enough for you, Barack and Michelle Obama will also be producing a new comedy series for Netflix about the madcap morons in the Trump administration. Liberals who've been thriving on virtue-signaling cackles and guffaws during the past four nightmare years cannot just be expected to quit Trump cold turkey, can they? It's not enough that Netflix is  already running a widely-panned film (Hillbilly Elegy) which belittles the Hollywood stereotype of the Trump voter. Citizen-spectators will still need stronger and stronger fixes of Trump while Joe Biden goes about the sober adult work of filling his government with friendlier, smarter, more diverse types of warmongering fascists. Trump withdrawal will get underway with a vengeance before the man even lands back in Mar-a-Lago to found his own media empire and produce his own counterprogramming.

 Netflix subscribers got their early warning a week ago when the streaming giant abruptly announced that it that would be "updating" its pricing policy in order to bring more exciting programs to its dwindling audience. There's no word yet whether Rachel Maddow will cross over from MSNBC to reprise her role as Russiagate maven, or whether the Obamas themselves will make cameo appearances in the docu-comedy  series, or whether there will be a bipartisan Breaking Bad-inspired episode about the Obamas and the Bushes and the Clintons shooting each other up with Covid-19 vaccine on live TV. 

The working title of the series is "When They Go Low, We Do Low Comedy." Only kidding! The actual working title, according to Vanity Fair, is "The G Word." Don't ask me what the G stands for, but it probably has something to do with graft or grift or maybe it's grandiose or grotesque or gruesome. From the article:

Ayway, The G Word will reportedly be “part documentary, part comedy sketch,” and we do hope that at least one episode has a sort of Drunk History vibe, with someone loaded and slurring while recounting Kushner pounding his fists on the desk and yelling, “Do you know who my father is??” We also hope that that episode follows in the footsteps of the Obamas’ first documentary, American Factory, and wins a slew of awards even though that’ll probably result in Trump shitting out his small intestine.

Thank goodness for the mature elite media counternarrative to Trump's soul-destroying vulgarity.


  1. It looks like a return to Clinton-Obama style neoliberalism in January. While I'm aware of the many problems with that, our only other choice at the ballot seems to be Trumpism. I don't think the electoral college vote and popular vote indicate how closely the country is divided, that after performing in office for four years, Trump could get even more voters than before.

    The down-ballot losses are a huge issue. In my state we have a couple of Democrats in the U.S. Congress and we went substantially for Biden. But all of state government is now Republican -- governor, executive council, state senate, and state legislature. And three of those flipped in this election. I'm afraid that the Democrats don't have the room for a more progressive agenda, that the gains would be much outpaced by losses. I'd love to be wrong, but ...

  2. Unfortunately, I believe that the only reason Biden was able to defeat Trump was Trump's disastrous handling of the pandemic. Even though it was abundantly clear to any impartial observer that he handled it in about the worst possible way, still he managed to get more votes than in the last election and the democrats actually lost house seats. Although, I donated a small, my budget is smaller, amount of money to Warnock and Ossoff it's far from certain that they will prevail in their races. This plus the fact that Trump's defeat most likely will not shut him up and its quite possible he'll be back in 2024, bodes quite omminously for the Democrat's probable defeat in 2024 unless they can entice more lower and middle class voters to support them by advocating and enacting more programs those voters will support.

  3. Ben Shapiro likes Hillbilly Elegy. They like the book and movie at The American Conservative. I'm sure that The Daily Caller would like it, but I haven't checked. I know that JD Vance goes on Tucker's show a lot to rail about elite disdain for ordinary Americans.
    Obama is just carrying on a rich tradition of chiding BLM activists. It is kind of nice-- a point of agreement between the anti idpol people and Obama.
