Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Trump Sees Dead People, Elite Hysteria Ensues

There's something kind of forlorn about Democrats threatening to launch Impeachment 2.0 when the Scoundrel-in-Chief has only a couple of weeks to go before he is: 

A) Dragged kicking and screaming from the White House on Inauguration Day after trashing the Lincoln Bedroom in a fit of evicted pique.

B) Spoiling Joe Biden's Big Day by shockingly adhering to Norms and actually showing up for the inaugural address, and proceeding to shock all that is decent by making his silly scowling eye-rolling faces and performing various hand gestures from his prominent front row seat, in a very successful attempt to steal all the televised media attention for himself.

C) Invisibly skulking off to Mar-a-Lago to no fanfare whatsoever, a scenario that will leave the establishment media howling about the restriction to their access of the usual staged poignant presidential departure photo-op of Marine One circling nostalgically over Washington.

With the terrifying void of having no Donald Trump to kick around, will the feckless Dems nonetheless bring new Articles of Impeachment against him?  Lacking any actual agenda to make people's lives better during the worst public health and economic catastrophe in modern times, they do have to justify their existence somehow. As far as the feckless Republicans are concerned, one subset of them are nihilistically posturing to deny the presidency to Joe Biden. The other subset, who are proclaiming themselves aghast at the "coup" attempt, are the same ones who hope to run for president themselves a few short years from now to bring the real corporate coup against democracy to a swift and total completion.

So with only a few weeks to go before Joe Biden finally dodders into the White House to go about his soul-restoring business, all the media attention remains riveted on Trump's latest attempt to overturn the election via strong-arming Georgia officials into "finding" him the necessary votes to achieve his desired outcome. These mobster antics are causing massive conniption fits among the more civilized and discreet members of the criminal ruling class, including virtually all the surviving US "defense" secretaries of War, Inc. and most of the predatory reigning moguls of Wall Street and corporate America. It seems that Donald Trump is once again single-handedly destroying the sublime stature of America as the world's bastion of superpower democracy, even as America can't even get its act together to protect its own citizens by giving them health care and a modicum of financial relief.

The narrative therefore has conveniently morphed from thousands of needless deaths from Covid-19 into Donald Trump starring as Haley Joel Osment in a remake of The Sixth Sense. 

Here's Trump talking to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger playing Bruce Willis this past Sunday on that blockbuster hit of a taped phone call:

The other thing, dead people, so dead people voted. And I think the, the number is in the close to 5,000 people. And they went to obituaries. They went to all sorts of methods to come up with an accurate number. And a minimum is close to about 5,000 voters. The bottom line is when you add it all up, and then you start adding, you know, 300,000 fake ballots. Then the other thing they said is in Fulton County and other areas, and this may or may not be true. This just came up this morning that they are burning their ballots, that they are shredding, shredding ballots and removing equipment. They’re changing the equipment on the, on the Dominion machines. And, you know, that’s not legal. And they supposedly shred. And I think they said 300 pounds of, 3,000 pounds of ballots. And that just came to us as a report today. And you know, it’s a, it’s a very sad situation.

On second thought,  Donald Trump is actually lost in a remake of the far grislier and darkly funnier Night of the Living Dead. Not only are thousands of corpses rising from the grave to vote, Trump makes it sound like they are reading their own obituaries and shredding documents the same way that George A. Romero's zombies shredded and devoured human flesh. They are also moving out of state, only to shamble back over the Georgia border to shred his chances of staying in the White House.

But here's where Trump is definitely mistaken: they couldn't possibly have burned any ballots, legally or otherwise. If he was paying attention, he'd know that the only thing that terrifies hordes of roaming homeless out-of-state zombie voters and stops them right in their tracks is fire. He is probably too shocked that he's actually been fired from anything for the first time in his long misbegotten life to pay much attention to the finer details.

The only "sad situation" is Trump's real or feigned dementia. Equally sad, as Trump fade-rages into the sunset, is that the media is still treating him as though he were a dire existential threat to American supremacy and imperialistic democracy, a/k/a global "standing." Sure, he has two more weeks in which to wreak havoc, maybe start a war after four years of not starting a new war, roll back a few more environmental rules that Biden can reverse on Day One, pardon a few more of his fellow hoodlums. But the over-the-top reactions to Trump's last gasp of run-of-the-mill buffoonery are simply the attempts of the war-mongering elites to foist their own toxic version of reality upon us.

They'll be scapegoating Trump, the undead monster that they themselves created, long after his funeral.


  1. Ad revenues are going to be way down unless we keep talking about him

  2. There is more to ensuring the health and well being of citizens of this country than medicare for all, so dismiss those regulatory rollbacks if you wish:

    can this be reversed with a single stroke of the pen?

    I am appalled by Trump's phone call. I must be a victim of gaslighting. I probably should be worrying about AOC calling Pelosi "mama bear". Have you seen Nancy's freezer?


  3. I for one am pleased that patriotic gun-totting citizens, standing in for about 74 million other Americans, will protest Biden’s electoral college vote ritual in Congress today and will follow up with appropriate blasphemies on inauguration day.

    The 81 million grudging votes Biden got were only because he was the lesser-of-two-evils. He never in his political career intended to serve anyone other than corporatists. He’s way over his aging head now and has a history of betrayals and corruption. In light of the obvious, shouldn’t you too join the loudest protest against his elevation to the highest office in the land?

    In the end, it has not been the vanishing lefties nor the loudmouth progressives nor the dignified liberals who protest Biden’s coronation. Do-nothing zombies. The duty to protest has been picked up by, of all people, Trump and friends. We always say, “Don’t trust him/her/them by their words but by their deeds. Well? WELL?

    Who’s doing the right thing in this case? Cheering the spoiler and with all the ambiguity I can muster I say, “You go, Trump!”


  4. Ten hours that shook the world. I saw it live on C-SPAN. It began in the early afternoon when Trump appeared on a stage before hundreds of red MAGA hats and urged them to right the wrong done to him. After those MAGA hats later stormed the Capitol, WaPo lowered its paywall and has been posting short reports from a score of reporters around DC. Truly shocking pictures were interspersed of the mob overwhelming police.

    The electoral vote thing was shut down and officials were secreted to new locations under guard. The Capitol grounds were cleared around 5:00 PM. Senator McConnell wants to resume the proceedings tonight. The Mayor of DC declared a curfew from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM and called up the National Guard. Foreign embassies are advising their citizens visiting the capital to be careful. Foreign leaders have begun sending sympathy notes to the US (But addressed to whom, President Trump?).

    Trump and many others should be handcuffed and charged with sedition, a suitable close to his damaging buffoonery. If it looks like a banana republic, and acts like a banana republic, well then, maybe ....
