Friday, March 19, 2021

The Purge of the Stoners

 It's a good thing that Barack Obama has modestly shot down all those pleas from his adoring fans to team up with his old pal Joe in some capacity in the new administration. Because as a self-confessed pothead in his younger days, even Obama might not have passed muster.

The Daily Beast reports that Biden has summarily purged "dozens of young White House staffers" who admitted past marijuana use, either by firing them, suspending them, or sentencing them to work from "remote locations." This crackdown came as something of a shock, given that the administration had previously assured job applicants that they wouldn't be rejected just because of a little recreational marijuana use in the distant past. Even staffers who indulged in the 14 states in which cannabis is now legal were canned.

The official explanation for the purge is that pot use, even past pot use, presents a potential national security risk. Not to mention an international security risk, given that Obama had created his own Kill List  and declared all those thousands of innocent bystanders blasted to smithereens by his drones to be terrorists - unless they were found innocent post-mortem. Which they never were, not only because their unidentifiable bodies were in pieces, but because Obama's serial killing spree had made it far too dangerous for US officials to travel to the scenes of the crimes in order to investigate their own crimes.

So it kind of makes you wonder what Joe Biden himself was smoking when he blabbed to George Stephanopoulos on ABC this week that he thinks Vladimir Putin is a cold-blooded killer who "will pay a price" - details of which will be announced at a later date. This ominous remark was strangely inserted right in the middle of what is being hyped as his American Rescue Tour.

  Since Biden is failing to rescue student debtors from their onerous burdens, it is therefore absolutely vital for him to reset the American mood from despair to one of fear of an outside enemy. Biden's idea of a rescue is not to forgive debt, but to give it tax-exempt status just in case a portion of it is ever erased. It was, after all, then-Senator Joe Biden himself who wrote the bill which bars the discharge of student debt in bankruptcy court. Owe till you die while Russia and China are sowing discord in our democracy.

Here's my take on the White House purge of the potheads. Biden could be reviving the War on Drugs to help promote his son Hunter's upcoming memoir detailing his own rescue from drug abuse. It was this addiction, we are asked to infer, which propelled Hunter on his own ruinous journey to national security riskiness, via his sketchy and very lucrative deals in Ukraine and China. Biden is simply giving the same tough love to his young staffers that he has given to his own son.

 Nobody gets a free pass... unless it is on Air Force Two on a drug-free nepotistic junket to Beijing.

Ever so coincidentally, in a newly-released report, the intelligence "community" officially now has "high confidence" that Russia was behind the New York Post's scoop on Hunter's shenanigans, published in the final weeks of the presidential campaign and purged from Twitter and from all respectable mainstream publications who feared losing access to power.  

According to the latest New York Times article in the Russiagate franchise,

While it was declassified by the Biden administration, the report is based on work done during the Trump administration, according to intelligence officials, reflecting the vastly different views that officers had from their political overseers, who were appointed by Mr. Trump.

The report rebutted yearslong efforts by Mr. Trump and his allies to sow doubts about the intelligence agency's assessments that Russia not only wanted to sow chaos in the United States but also favored his re-election.

As you may have surmised by now, I am not a member of the "I Was So Wrong About Joe Biden, He Is the Greatest Progressive Since FDR!" Club. And I don't know about you, but all this scary talk about sowing doubt about the sowing of chaos just to sow doubt only makes me want to go out and score a lid and mellow out and then sow all the seeds from my stash.

We have to do whatever it takes to #Resist the Biden era's melding of the revived Partnership For a Drug-Free America with the Partnership for a Criticism-Free America. Because afflicting the comfortable and comforting the afflicted are no longer what journalism is all about. What it does seem to be all about is the consolidated careerist media's access to the powerful, and the avoidance of cultural cancellation at all costs. 

There's a new designer drug going around that aims to get you high as a kite on one-time $1400 relief checks and temporary help in paying your health insurance shakedown artists.

The Biden team and its entire media chorus are nothing but pushers. Just Say No, before your brain fries like an egg.


  1. Biden: "Putin is a killer."

    Putin: "Joe is projecting."

    Yeah, Vlad, but unlike nasty Repub Trump, Dem Joe kills you slow.

    Ladies and gentlemen, before MAD destroys everything that's left, listen one last time to Quincy Jones with "Killer Joe":
    (time 5:10; vocal 3:14)

    Killer joe don't you go
    Hurt me slow please joe
    Cool joe mean joe

  2. This is so distressing, but knowing Biden's history as a drug warrior, not really surprising.

  3. Karen,

    As a former Devil's Lettuce enthusiast you'd think I'd know what a "lid" was. I didn't. I had to google it. I am now ashamed.

    Say, did anyone catch Biden's misadventures on the stairs of Air Force One today? It was Chevy-Chase-as-Gerald-Ford-level stuff:

  4. Joe's been tripping his brains out on ... steps!

    The mainstream media blacked out news of Joe falling 3 times. They didn't want the public knowing that Geriatric Joe didn't have the good sense to take it carefully after falling the first or second time walking up the same steps. If it didn't register with him that they were slippery before or after the first or second fall, then why did he fall?

    Even Trump had the good sense to slow walk down a ramp at West Point that he sensed was slippery. If Trump had fallen, we would have heard about it non-stop for a month.

    Joe needs to have one of those sit-down lifts for the elderly installed on Air Force One. Maybe "President Harris" can write up an order for one that he could sign.

    Why am I thinking of Ronnie Raygun right now?

  5. 99% of Dem Ops have tried pot.
    The other 1% are lying.
    Only the liars get hired.
    Obama would be working from home.

  6. Great bit of poetry, Anonymous!

  7. Never heard of a Lid? Then you surely never heard of a 'Can' as in a tobacco Prince Albert can. Common in the '60's.


  8. President Biden, enfeebled physically and mentally, is not the only one falling or faltering in this administration.

    Secretary of State Antony Blinken is another heading for a fall. He's channeling Pompeo. Talks in Alaska with Chinese counterparts turned out to be nothing more than a failed attempt at bullying.

    Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, it appears, has no intention of pulling US troops out of anywhere. Looks like he'll march off the same cliff as his predecessors. Taking the rest of us with him.

    People speak of the American Empire as in freefall. Ah, but they'll always have nukes, lots of them. Worrisome that such people hold the fate of billions in their hands.

  9. Kamala Harris needs to be drug tested. I watched her speaking about anti-Asian sentiment and she looked googly-eyed like she was on something. She's really not fit to be VP or Potus, even if she's not on anything. What an empty vessel.
