Monday, August 30, 2021

The Obama Iconography Tour

 The insipidly iconic Mona Lisa sadly will not be embarking on any more world tours to entertain and inspire the teeming desperate masses of our dying planet. For despite the pleas of French officials anxious to prove their diversity cred, her handlers at the Louvre nixed the idea for good and all in 2018.  La Giaconda, as she is also known, has become so fragile that every time the art medics remove her from her bulletproof glass-encased frame for her annual airing, a new crack extending from the tips of her fingers to the top of her forehead grows just a wee bit wider. She'll never leave home again. There's even been talk of canceling her altogether, given that not only is she falling apart, she is vastly overrated as a work of art. She is above all a marketing product of unfettered capitalism.

No such danger for the more nouveau official portraits of Barack and Michelle Obama, which the art-marketing world declared to be instant classical icons the very minute they were unveiled at The Smithsonian for good and all in 2018  The Obamas themselves may have developed some cracks in their own carefully curated images as a result of that ill-advised pandemic birthday bash they staged earlier this month at their faux chateau on Martha's Vineyard. But you wouldn't know it from the sold-out opening of the Brooklyn Art Museum leg of their national iconography tour this past weekend. 

 Advance reservations, proof of vaccination and photo I.D.s are all required to stand in awe before the Obama simulacra for no longer than 15 minutes. Tickets are already going fast, according to the Brooklyn Brownstoner, a real estate guide whose core mission is alerting the upwardly mobile to the latest million-dollar bungalow in Crown Heights.

Not for nothing is one of the major financial sponsors of the show a New York real estate developer and gentrifier named Donald A. Capoccia. Other backers include Hollywood director Stephen Spielberg, racehorse  breeder Robert Meyerhoff, and insurance tycoon Tommie Pegues. 

The tour's biggest corporate sponsor is the notorious Bank of America, which reached one particular sweetheart settlement (out of several) with Obama's Justice Department for mortgage and securities fraud that actually gifted it with $2 in government credits for every dollar that it returned to its foreclosed victims. Bankrolling the Portraits Tour is the least that BOA can do for its loyal protector.

In case you can't score the same sort of timed tickets to gawk at and take selfies with the Obama simulacra that the Louvre requires of tourists to gaze upon the Mona Lisa, please don't despair. You can have all the time you need to eyeball facsimiles of the facsimiles of the Obamas in a very special souvenir coffee table book published just for the occasion.

The Smithsonian gift shop ever so subtly pitches the merch to the discerning art lover: 

After witnessing a woman drop to her knees in prayer before the portrait of Barack Obama, one guard said, “No other painting gets the same kind of reactions. Ever.” The Obama Portraits is the first book about the making, meaning, and significance of these remarkable artworks.

Richly illustrated with images of the portraits, exclusive pictures of the Obamas with the artists during their sittings, and photos of the historic unveiling ceremony by former White House photographer Pete Souza, this book offers insight into what these paintings can tell us about the history of portraiture and American culture. The volume also features a transcript of the unveiling ceremony, which includes moving remarks by the Obamas and the artists. A reversible dust jacket allows readers to choose which portrait to display on the front cover.

If you didn't fall for that pitch, then you might be suspected of occult Donald Trump fandom. Worse, if you don't think that Obama starting more wars, dropping more bombs, deporting more migrants and evicting more people from their homes than any other modern president were positive achievements by the Adult In the Room,  then you might as well just stoop to sneakily viewing them right here, for free, in all their glorious lo-def pulchritude: 

Or, if you tastelessly insist upon realism in your art:

Meanwhile, if you're among the millions of renters in Brooklyn and all over America who are in imminent danger of losing your home because the Supreme Court cruelly overturned the national eviction moratorium, don't fret. Because arch-conservative Trump appointee Amy Coney Barrett showed that she really does have a heart after all, in favoring Obama and unilaterally denying a bid by environmentalists and neighborhood preservationists to block construction of his massive shrine. (dare to read the fact-based criticism of this vanity project at Jackson Park Watch.)

  Look on the bright side, naysayers! To prove that there's no such thing as the class war, to demonstrate that there really is equality between plutocrats and struggling renters, the Obama Foundation will now be forced to pay rent. They signed an unconscionable lease with the strapped city of Chicago for a staggering $10 yearly rate (not a typo!)  for the next 99 years. Lucky people like you and me, on the other hand, have the freedom to commit to unconscionable leases every single year of our lives.

 And what's with people needing affordable housing and boring public parks anyway? According to the Obama Foundation, what people in the Jackson Park area need most of all is a state-of-the-art recording studio in the neighborhood to inspire, empower, and uplift them. As Obama himself was always wont to say: "Don't be cynical. Stop complaining. Get out there and vote!"

As the cutting-down of as many as 800 shade-providing, pollution-filtering, oxygen-creating, art-inspiring trees in Jackson Park begins, the Obama project explains that all that iconic lumber will be responsibly used to custom-build furniture to fill his own monument.

 The Foundation celebrated the groundbreaking like this:
The project serves as a catalyst for long-overdue investment in and around historic Jackson Park — creating a new destination to move visitors from hope to action, breathing new life into the park, and delivering amenities and economic benefits to the community the Obamas called home."

Notice the past tense. Besides their mansion in Washington, D.C. and their ocean-front chateau on Martha's Vineyard, the Obamas are also constructing a winter vacation compound in Hawaii. They will breathe new life into the South Pacific air even as they help exterminate life in the actual Pacific Ocean. As ProPublica reported last year, Obama friend and Foundation president Martin Nesbitt finagled an expansion of the sea wall to ensure that they get the privacy they crave. This construction will endanger such species as monkfish and sea turtles, and is otherwise banned in Hawaii. Nesbitt, incidentally, is also one of the backers of the current Obama Icon Tour, whose ostensible purpose is to foster good will and art appreciation among Peoples. 

Climate change? When you have a manufactured icon sharing the planet with you, what more could you possibly want? For as long as their shell games are plastered with enough glitter to disguise the gruesomeness, as long as there's oligarchic Superglue both to sniff and to mend the widening cracks in their facades, as long as glib performance art is more valued than human decency, there will always be Obamas.


  1. “One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”
    ~ Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

    And here we thought (along with the "conventional wisdom" posed by the establishment press) that Donald Trump is the crass con man, when the real smooth charlaton is Barack Obama, and Joe Biden continues his legacy for the oligarchy.


  2. 'Bamboozle' is good, very good, for anything relating to Obama or his mighty works: in fact, Goldilocks perfect.

    Ah, the Obama legacy....and now we have the commemorative paintings for what we would like to forget.

    I began to hunt for the exact quote I dimly recall by the head of the ACLU summing up his take on Obama himself early in the 2008 administration. It was something close to: "President Obama disgusts me." But I wanted to get the words down exactly, along with the speaker's name of course.

    (The search power of the internet forestalls many an old codger [cough] being diagnosed with Alzheimer's. For instance, if it weren't for the top line on their MacBook screens, they wouldn't know the year-month-date. And if it weren't for search engines like DuckDuckGo, they wouldn't be able to recall from day to day the names of those potted herbs on the windowsill.)

    Anyway, while hunting for the exact quote by ACLU's Executive Director (who was and still is Anthony D. Romero), I stumbled across an entry from the Corbett Report. This is not an endorsement of that site, but because of the lede high in DDG's search list, I clicked and got this:

    Obama’s legacy is measured in ashes. From wars of aggression to a police state on steroids, banking bailouts and Obamacare, Obama has been the perfect captain to carry the New World Order football further down the field. But as Americans prepare for a new liner to be placed in their gilded bird cage, today [2016] we remember how the Deep State tricked the public in 2008 by giving them what they thought they wanted.

    The entry is long –– too long to plow through to the end. It briefly cites each of the lies, baits and switches, and outright crimes that form the right stuff for Obama's legacy. In a way, that Corbett passage continues the "Obama Scandals List" (see our blogroll). If ever you want to recall the specifics of a particular element of the BO legacy, these are your go-to links, to be used much like a thick reference book, dipped into only as needed.

    Which do you suppose the general public will see as hideous first: the preening models or their commissioned portraits? (h/t Oscar Wilde)


  3. "Ben Rhodes' Book Proves Obama Officials' Lies, and His Own, About Edward Snowden and Russia —
    It is hard to overstate the sociopathy of US national security officials: their casual willingness to blatantly lie about the gravest matters is limitless."
    August 31, 2021 ~ by Glenn Greenwald


  4. "Ben Rhodes' Book Proves Obama Officials' Lies, and His Own, About Edward Snowden and Russia —
    It is hard to overstate the sociopathy of US national security officials: their casual willingness to blatantly lie about the gravest matters is limitless."
    August 31, 2021 ~ by Glenn Greenwald

  5. The painful thing about Obama and his record is that I wanted so much to believe that he was the man he presented as candidate for president. Then it was disappointment after disappointment for eight years and continuing now for four years afterwards.

    I can explain away some of his actions as president as the result of the existing complexity of the issues and the wall of GOP opposition. But I can't explain away his actions in building his post-presidential truncated pyramid in Chicago. And as I've noted before, his seeming abandonment of the actual library function for his presidency is jarring. The Clintons and the Obamas seem to be cut from the same cloth when it comes to post-presidential enrichment.

  6. Hi, Karen,

    Have to disagree with you that the Mona Lisa painting is slightly insipid and overrated, and I don’t believe it should be moved.

    There are and were great people in the world, and, as you implied, they don’t include Barack Obama.

    I’m mourning the death of Charlie Watts, though Keith Richards, Bill Wyman and Mick Jagger are still with us, as are two of the Beatles. However, like the Beatles, I don’t expect the Rolling Stones to play again.

    “Keith is a very confident and stubborn player. Immediately you’ve got something like a hundredth-of-a-second delay between the guitar and Charlie’s lovely drumming, and that will change the sound completely. That’s why people find it hard to copy us.” Bill Wyman

    Wishing you and yours the best,


  7. Can I say AGAIN just how much I HATE Obama? - and Clinton (both of them.)

    Paul Jay on the AnalysisNews interviewed Bill Black (a hero of mine). The entire 9 episodes are worth listening to but the last two tell of the absolute treachery of Obama and his involvement in allowing the banking system to skate free of any consequences of their corruption - and worse, to continue their malfeasance. While Trump is clearly a lunatic and gets the award for being the worst president in modern history - Obama and Clinton were smart enough to know what they were doing.

    The myth of Obama continues. My oldest friend, an intelligent woman in the tech industry, told me that Obama would have been the only leader who could have handled the Covid pandemic well ??????? Seriously, these people who love Obama despite the evidence are drinking the kool-aid.
