Tuesday, December 28, 2021

You Are Expendable

 Of course, you already knew that. But now that the political apparatchik ostensibly in charge of national "disease control" has admitted that the running of the "economy" is more important than controlling diseases, all the platitudes in the world aren't going to do the overlord class a damned bit of good any more.

Just weeks after President Biden warned of a winter of pain and death from the COVID-19 pandemic, his administration has not just stopped at abruptly shortening by half the time that infected "asymptomatic" or exposed people must isolate. They can now return to work without the benefit of testing to determine whether they are sick and/or pose a risk to others. A winter of pain and death, no matter how annoying or scary it may sound, must never stand in the way of capitalism, or what the officials are euphemizing  as "everyday life."

Their convoluted logic is that since the Omicron variant of the disease itself is spreading so quickly, then people have to get over it even more quickly. You're in a race against your own bodily functions and response to viruses! You are, after all, an entrepreneur of your own health. Vax early, vax often. Be sure to hate and fear the unvaxxed and unboosted as you go responsibly about your own assigned task of wellness. 

These affected workers, the politicians and paid-for health experts tacitly acknowledge, do not come from the ranks of the Clerisy, or from the Professional-Managerial Class, who may continue to work safely and remotely from their homes if that is their preference. Those being precipitously forced back to work are from the service economy: the flight attendants, the teachers, the nurses, the cleaners, the food servers, the retail staffers - just about anybody, really, that the upper classes deem to be essential to their own comfort and well-being.

A flight is a terrible thing to cancel. Children, too, must continue to learn to compete in improperly ventilated buildings, even though more of them are getting hospitalized from the Omicron variant, and the under-fives are not even yet eligible for the vaccine.

The new recommendations “balance what we know about the spread of the virus and the protection provided by vaccination and booster doses,” inanely remarked Dr. Rochelle Walensky, head of the Centers for Disease Control. “These updates ensure people can safely continue their daily lives.”

Walensky did not offer one shred of evidence that halving the isolation time without follow-up testing ensures that people can be safe. She didn't mention that vaccinated people can still infect others if they have a breakthrough case. She didn't mention that the airline industry put pressure on the CDC to ease restrictions affecting their bottom line. So much for all the virtue-signaling talk from enlightened liberals about following The Science . She is unabashedly engaging in magical thinking at best, or cynically flouting her brand-new credentials from the Dr. Oz School of Charlatanry at worst.

As for Biden, he seems to have just given up, pivoting from waging a war on COVID to pleading that COVID is not really his problem. Here he is, via the New York Times, taking a page straight out of the Republican playbook of bashing centralized federal solutions to problems and crises, and championing states' rights instead:

In a conference call with governors on Monday, President Biden spoke of cooperation at various levels of government. Asa Hutchinson, the Republican governor of Arkansas, praised the president’s plan to give away 500 million rapid at-home tests, but said that federal efforts to stanch the infections must yield to state remedies.

 “Look, there is no federal solution,” Mr. Biden replied. “This gets solved at the state level.”

"Ultimately it gets down to where the rubber meets the road, and that’s where the patient is in need of help or preventing the need for help,” he added.

The best translation I can come up with for that glob of gibberish is that Biden is throwing tens of millions of Americans right under the neoliberal wheels of the bus that go round and round. And it will be up to the roadkill patients themselves to get help. Or, if they are irresponsibly unvaxxed or unboosted, they are not to expect any help at all from the government. And that includes scoring those free at-home tests that Biden may or may not provide.

Medical ethicists may be aghast and appalled at the ignorance and cruelty on full display at the very highest levels of the Bipartisan Party (h/t Gary Shteyngart), but CEOs and corporate boards and investors are ecstatic about the recent Expendability Directive, especially if they themselves have the luxury of working remotely and not having to risk being infected by the forced labor pool. 

As one Ivy League health expert cherry-picked by the Times put it about the lack of testing at the end of the new truncated isolation periods: "Given the tests are not widely available it's a reasonable approach."

He may as well have said that given the lack of food, allowing people to starve to death is also a reasonable approach. It's all about the enlightened laws of Cause and Effect. 

And just as "everyday life" is their code for working till you drop, the constant litany of Follow the Science  turns out to be nothing but plutocratic code for their true and everlasting mantra: Follow the Money.


  1. "admitted that the running of the "economy" is more important than controlling diseases"

    That is exactly what they say Trump did, and exactly why they say he "murdered" so many Americans.

    They were just partisan, but really mean to do exactly the same things.

    Had Trump called for earlier and more extreme actions, they'd have opposed him.

    This is not said to defend Trump, it is said to point out that the "other choice" is really no better. Everything they said about Trump was true, and is true of them too.


  2. Well put, Mark.

    I myself was astonished a couple of days ago to read the top story of the digital Times saying that Walensky recommended going from 10 to 5 days of isolation –– quarantine used to be 2 weeks –– for people testing positive, AND that the main reason was to get workers off sick leave so as to punch in sooner. Those two dots –– quarantine and patients as workers –– were openly and unashamedly connected by Walensky herself.

    This morning we found out what prompted Walensky's decision:

    “So we find out that Delta CEO Ed Bastian asked the CDC to reduce the recommended quarantine time from 10 days to 5 for vaccinated people because of workforce impact,” wrote former Democratic Congressional candidate Russell Foster. “This change has nothing to do with the virus or your health & everything to do with the profits of corporations.”

    It's the "workforce impact," stupid.

    At my local grocery store, which I visit every week, I never see the same young kids at the checkout. Can it be that they get hired, get sick and get replaced by another young person who, within a week of hire, also falls off the first rung of employment ladder with covid? The "Now Hiring" boards outside the market, the pharmacy, the hospital, and a number of shops at the mall have been there for months. As Karen says: "Expendable." Formerly known as cannon fodder.

  3. "You're in a race against your own bodily functions and response to viruses! You are, after all, an entrepreneur of your own health."

    Survival of the fittest!!

    Let us pray that all gathered here survive and thrive in this coming New Year, especially our hostess.

  4. Valerie Long TweedieJanuary 2, 2022 at 10:41 PM

    You nailed it when you wrote:

    "These affected workers, the politicians and paid-for health experts tacitly acknowledge, do not come from the ranks of the Clerisy, or from the Professional-Managerial Class, who may continue to work safely and remotely from their homes if that is their preference. Those being precipitously forced back to work are from the service economy: the flight attendants, the teachers, the nurses, the cleaners, the food servers, the retail staffers - just about anybody, really, that the upper classes deem to be essential to their own comfort and well-being."

    I reckon a lot of the people who are forced to return to work don't have paid sick leave or health insurance paid by their employers. Or, like teachers, this is limited and easy to run out of if you are a contract teacher.

    We are expendable while the privileged, work safely from their home offices and have take out and groceries delivered by expendable and replaceable people.

  5. Wishing for us all, as Amy Goodman said to Juan González this morning on https://www.democracynow.org/ — happy news year.
    However, don’t hold your breath under your mask.
    Tomorrow we’ll hear something, but I fear it will be more of what Greta Thunberg describes well — blah. blah, blah.

    Attorney general Garland plans speech on Jan. 6 investigation for Wednesday —
    3 Jan. 2022 ~ by Matt Zapotosky

    The risk of a coup in the next US election is greater now than it ever was under Trump —
    Republicans are busy undermining the next election.
    But giving up on democracy isn’t an option.
    We must fight back, and here’s how.
    3 Jan. 2022 ~ by Laurence H. Tribe
    "We must publicly repudiate whatever misguided notions [WTF???] have led the Biden administration’s attorney general, Merrick Garland, to exercise extraordinary restraint [WTF???] in the pursuit of such full accountability, effectively placing the highest officeholders above the law.
    "Above all, we must not let the difficulty of the task ahead turn realism into resignation and sap the energy we will need to bring to this mission. As the distinguished Yale historian Joannne Freeman recently wrote, “Accountability – the belief that political power holders are responsible for their actions and that blatant violations will be addressed – is the lifeblood of democracy. Without it, there can be no trust in government, and without trust, democratic governments have little power.” And when democracy loses its grip as a guiding ideal, despotism fills the void and liberty is lost.

    "This is a battle we must not, cannot, will not lose."

    I assert that we have already lost that battle.
    There is no justice at large, nor peace anywhere.
    The USA has become an imperial oligarchy.
    Unless, until that is overthrown, we are doomed.

    "Three great forces rule the world: stupidity, fear, and greed."
    "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
    "The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing."
    ~ Albert Einstein
