Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Maudlin Tears of the Pathocrats

 Fresh from his World War III-mongering junket to Asia, highlighted by his provocative vow to militarily defend Taiwan in the event of aggression by China, Joe Biden again wondered aloud why there is so damned much gun violence back in The Homeland.

He wondered anew why this violent nation of ours can't stand up to the "gun lobby -" as if it hasn't rewarded and enabled gun manufacturers and their Wall Street investors more and more with every passing year. He and other politicians in both our ruling class parties performed another round of quickly evaporating maudlin tears, this one for the Texas children killed in Tuesday's mass shooting. One of the two right wings continues to mindlessly champion the rights of the "responsible" gun owners, and the other one addresses the pathology of 331 million US citizens owning almost half a billion firearms among them as a malady needing only a few "common-sense" gauze pads to make the whole boo-boo disappear. As if properly registering one's weapon and proving one's mental health bona fides were themselves more than conscience-salving band-aids for the root cause of increasing shootings: unfettered predatory capitalistic rule by a relative handful of oligarchs, leading to depression, anxiety, poverty, no health care in a pandemic, and violent acting-out on a record scale. 

Biden recently kvetched in an "off the record" interview with New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman that he despairs of ever "uniting" this country. His agenda has nothing to do with uniting Democrats with Republicans, not least because most voters in the US don't belong to either elite party. Rather he aims to unite Americans around common propaganda, for the ultimate benefit of the security state and its plutocratic profiteers.

The late Marxist thinker Antonio Gramsci observed during the rise of fascism, prior to World War II, that hegemons can only maintain power through the repression and oppression of their people while simultaneously orchestrating people's tacit consent to be repressed and oppressed - whether through government propaganda, news organs, or other influence campaigns. The fact that Biden's own ill-conceived "Disinformation Board" was so deservedly short-lived is not that right-wing factions waged a "disinformation campaign" against it. It was because too many people across the spectrum were wise to the fact that they were being played, as in the ongoing elite suppression of our unsanctioned speech.

Biden and his fellow elites are upset that their domestic propaganda, their bellicosity, and their ham-fisted attempts at censorship ("unifying the country") of non-elite views are such failures. They are grasping at all manner of "outside" enemies to try and divert our attention away from their own pathologies. And in that process, they are endangering all of us.

  The USA may have the military might, but as far as any follow-up Marshall Plan to preserve and enhance its global hegemony is concerned, things have gotten very topsy-turvy indeed. Rather than a Berlin airlift, it is that same post-war Europe, which America has treated as its vassal state for nearly 80 years, which is now flying baby formula to our shores.  Biden was so busy globe-trotting and selling the next world war that he apparently hadn't known there even was a shortage, and that American infants have been in danger of starving en masse for at least the past six months.

It's also the height of irony that Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg simultaneously defended and blamed the oligopolistic system responsible for the domestic baby formula shortage, even as our neoliberal government was finally forced to intervene and aid the same oligopoly which it has deemed to be the most virtuous and common-sense source of life for our babies.  Even more supremely ironic, perhaps, is that Buttigieg's late father was one of the world's premier Gramsci scholars who translated his prison writings into English for the enlightenment of any American who cares to read them, and be inspired by them.

So when Biden and his fellow politicians claim to care so deeply about "our beautiful children," do not believe them for one instant. All they care about is getting re-elected. And even if they lose, they win.... through their corporate-funded think tanks, their closed-door fundraisers, their nepotistic corruption, their TV gigs, their forever-wars. 

As John Mearsheimer lays out in "The Tragedy of Great Power Politics" hegemons can only achieve and maintain their superpower global hegemonic status if they are already regional hegemons. And the iron grip that the US has had on Central and South America and the Caribbean now appears to be finally loosening. Several of these nations are boycotting this year's Summit of the Americas, because current host Joe Biden is not inviting leftist countries Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba to participate.

ABC-Disney, one of the very few state- and corporate-sanctioned sources of information and manufactured consent still remaining, is very worried that a more unified and recalcitrant southern hemisphere might put a damper on the global hegemony and wars that it so handsomely profits from:

A hollow summit would undermine efforts by the U.S. to reassert its influence in Latin America when China is making inroads and concerns grow that democracy is backsliding in the region....

 The uncertainty is a sign of chaotic planning for the summit, which is scheduled to take place in a little more than two weeks in Los Angeles. Normally, gatherings for heads of state are organized long in advance, with clear agendas and guest lists.

“There’s no excuse that they didn’t have enough time,” said Ryan Berg, a senior fellow in the Americas Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “This is our chance to set a regional agenda. It’s a great opportunity. And I’m afraid we’re not going to take it.”

And that is such a damned shame, just when Biden was thinking of easing the economic sanctions on starving Venezuelans and their babies by graciously allowing Chevron back into Venezuela to exploit its starving people and their babies. That is the same Chevron, remember, which bypassed the US judicial system and tried, convicted and imprisoned environmental lawyer Steven Donziger for the affront of having won  a major pollution case against the oil giant when it committed fraud and pollution in Ecuador.

Biden and his bipartisan corporate cohort have brought a whole new meaning to Hannah Arendt's banality of evil.  People the whole world over are noticing not only their systemic ingrained evil, but also their essential stupidity.

What with climate disasters, societal collapses and insane wars, that essential stupidity can be a cause for either optimism or pessimism. Either the stupidly powerful destroy themselves, or their stupidity is so powerful that it translates into longevity. 

Unfortunately, when the powerfully stupid and the stupidly powerful talk about loving children, they're mainly talking abut their own offspring, and their offspring after them. 


  1. “I have come here to cheer y’all up about the state of politics in this great nation, and I know you are in need of cheer, and I know that you think it’s looking dark and gloomy. But cheer up, it could be worse. You could be living in Texas.”
    ~ Molly Ivins

    The latest massacre in Texas yet again challenges us to confront such deep and wide horror, but we never do.
    I contend that there is a link, indeed a causal connection, between U.S. domestic terrorism and American militarism abroad.

    Now the classic approach to solving crime examines motive, means, and opportunity.
    With the whole world a “target-rich” environment, focus reverts to means, and simply dismisses motive as manifestation of mental illness.
    Dementedly, that is deemed a matter of deviant, lone, “bad apples” and not an indictment of a systemically sick society.

    Means are supposedly a matter of “gun control” which is a gross misnomer.
    Rather than prohibitive control, it requires sensible regulation, which after all is literally written into the 2nd Amendment to the U.S.Constitution:

    “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

    But, even so, fundamental motive must be fully addressed if we’re ever to be free from home-grown terror, or rid of our responsibility for foreign destruction.

    Hate and division have been fomented relentlessly by politicians intent on advancing their personal power.
    By devoting the vast bulk of our resources to military expansion and unrestrained surveillance, not only are several serious crises critically neglected, but that toxic perversion of values becomes pervasive, and rationale for violence.

    Most responsible for shredding our social fabric is the abject failure of the entire American legal system.
    I assert that the deranged teenager who killed all those kids is a direct product of Trump, Obama-Biden, Bush, Clinton, McConnell, Pelosi, and all the oligarchs of empire.
    That our Justice Department has not prosecuted any of them for their extensive crimes leads directly to the rampant contempt for law that piously punishes poor minorities while unctuously protecting white supremacist privilege.

    So, I point my accusing finger at Merrick Garland for failing to bring justice to Trump and his corrupt administration.
    And dealing with that should be just the beginning.
    The ruinous, amoral military-industrial-congressional-corporate complex must be dismantled.
    Unless and until the entire U.S. government, like the Aegean Stables, is cleansed, this will only get worse, and increasingly so


  2. Hedges: No Way Out but War —
    Permanent war has cannibalized the country.
    It has created a social, political, and economic morass.
    Each new military debacle is another nail in the coffin of Pax Americana.
    May 23, 2022 ~ by Chris Hedges

    “Protection is the first necessity of opulence and luxury.”
    ~ Joseph Conrad:

    “A great many people in this country are worried about law-and-order. And a great many people are worried about justice. But one thing is certain: you cannot have either until you have both.”
    ~ Ramsey Clark

    "A nation that will not enforce its laws has no claim to the respect and allegiance of its people."
    ~ Ambrose Bierce, 'Industrial Discontent', The Shadow on the Dial and other Essays (1909).

    “Our government ... teaches the whole people by its example. If the government becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy.”
    ~ Justice Louis D. Brandeis

    "People crushed by law, have no hopes but from power. If laws are their enemies, they will be enemies to laws; and those who have much to hope and nothing to lose, will always be dangerous."
    ~ Edmund Burke, letter to Charles James Fox (8 October 1777)

    "Those who have been once intoxicated with power, and have derived any kind of emolument from it, even though but for one year, never can willingly abandon it. They may be distressed in the midst of all their power; but they will never look to any thing but power for their relief."
    ~ Edmund Burke, letter to a Member of the National Assembly (1791)

    "I think on a national level your department of law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we've been charged with and automatically throw them out.”
    ~ Sarah Palin, on how she would handle ethics complaints if she were in the White House

  3. "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" Krishnamurti

  4. No. GTFO with the banality of evil being tied to President Biden.

  5. I am sickened and angry.

    If the parents went to the school armed, could they have pushed past the cowardly, or at least hesitant, various armed forces and tried to rescue their children, or at least comforted them before they passed away? There were reports of mothers begging the police to go in or let them in regardless of their own lack of body armor and weaponry.

    The armed-to-the teeth police, Texas Rangers, and Border Patrol ran sluggishly as if they didn't want to get to where they were going, or perhaps they were weighted down by their excessive armaments and gear. The militarization of law enforcement seems to be weighing us all down in multiple ways.

    Surely all those children didn't die instantly. Likely those children suffered an agonizing death, laying there bleeding, crying, and screaming for their parents to save them while the first responders with the military mindset focused on isolating and pinning down 'the enemy', waiting for nearly an hour before someone finally made a move. That's not the first time that has happened either.

    That may be the biggest difference between a military-trained response and a civilian one - training in strategy and tactics kicks in instead of immediately trying to intervene to save the lives of wounded and dying children. I bet half those children could have been saved if someone had charged in to take the shooter out quickly so the wounded could be evacuated. I don't believe for a minute that he killed all 21 instantly. Heck, he didn't even land a kill shot on his grandmother who was probably standing right in front of him.

    The poor suffering parents. You have to wonder how so many cops with guns and body armor did not compelled to take action. Was there no one in charge? If there was, I'd like to know who it was because he should be sued for culpable negligence, manslaughter, whatever. (Ben Crump needs to get on this case). Reports sound like the Border Patrol agent who intervened to take out the shooter acted on his own, not under orders. I wonder if we'll ever get the truth.

    How many layers of law enforcement authority are we subject to anyway? Schools (from elem to college security), city police, county sheriffs, state police (renowned Texas Rangers), corporate (BSNF railroad for one has their own police), private security, Border Patrol (now claiming territory everywhere), Homeland Security, ATF, DEA, FBI, even Post Office (they sure procure a lot of ammunition). I'm sure I've missed a few. Who has the ultimate authority when there are multiple agencies flocking in to an incident such as this? Governor Abbott needs to tell us who that was. Otherwise, it's him.

    As an aside, a report stated that the school's security officer greeted the shooter at the door and let him in. That reminds me of another school security guard who hid around the corner at another school shooting, I forget which one, there are so many.

    I think that team of beefy black fathers patrolling the halls of a school (on national news awhile back) and yukking it up with students would be far more effective than militarizing half our country who are then unable to act on their own, like good soldiers waiting for a leader to tell them what to do. Parents know exactly what to do. Risk your own life to save the kids. They'll all our kids.

    I'm sick and tired of the militarization of this country!

    End of Rant

  6. We have seen the enemy and it is THEM. As seen with anti-abortion, anti-unionism, gun nut "rights", social safety net "capitalism IS democracy" privatizers, sacrifice the kids guns profiteers, on and on to the very destruction of the planet's habitability, THEY draw the profits, our sacred cow, that pay for suppression and corruption of politics and media in THEIR favor. The nation has always been tragically and hopelessly divided. The exhausted and miseducated in the middle are easily duped to the wrong side, otherwise subjected to voter suppression. With the prospect of nuclear war and the attendant arms race, climate crisis will hit the mute button. Yes, Gramsci was brilliant, so is Karen, but when do we move past opinionating? THEY are organized and collecting hugely from capitalists, launch trojan horse candidates, and have a pathological armed population on THEIR side. After all that can be said in our polite outrage, what then?

  7. voice-in-wildernessJune 6, 2022 at 12:11 PM

    Nobody in a position of authority, whether in our political system, NGO, commission, or study group, wants to come out and tell the truth: as a species we are incapable of making the severe change needed to avoid global warming disaster. Our way of life is doomed and we are probably doomed as a species.

    The more informed someone is, the more obvious this is. And the more denial we find. Just in the last few days I've read articles about the steady increase in CO2 levels and the increasing awareness of the magnitude of CH4 (methane) releases. At the same time I just read an article saying how humanity faces a worrisome flattening of population growth and then a decline with an aging population.

  8. The banality of evil is right. I can't look at Joe Biden and not think of those words.

    And to think we could have had Bernie or Elizabeth Warren. Sure they would have been outnumbered by Congress and the Supremes and outgunned by the Oligarchy but at least they would have used the bully pulpit to put up a decent fight - and at least they had the ability to inspire the downtrodden masses to take their noses out of their phones and notice what was going on.
