Thursday, July 14, 2022

Why the Armed US Hegemon Hates Reproductive Freedom

 I joked in my last post that with the way things are going for Joe Biden, his approval rating is going to plummet down to One Percent.

And lo and behold, a few days later a new poll revealed that only one percent of 18 to 29-year-olds "strongly approve" of the job that Joe Biden is doing.  The establishment media are pointing to the dreaded "generation gap," with which they have traditionally explained away all manner of social discontents. The revolt of the young was particularly strong during the 1960s, with uprisings against the military draft and and a parallel clamoring for civil rights and racial justice. Then came the 70s and the right-wing counter-revolution and the lords of finance capital co-opting all the turmoil by dividing the working class, destroying unions and making "personal responsibility" the core dogma of their neoliberal agenda. The protesters of the 60s were replaced by the debt slaves and minimum wage earners of today.

But then came Covid, and the overturning of Roe v Wade, and the pendulum may finally be swinging back into the civil revolt phase. The media-political complex is paying the usual condescending lip service to the young and discontented, acknowledging that there is an atherosclerotic gerontocracy running the place.  For its own part, the clueless White House was only too happy to prove the theory that the old codgers really do have it out for all of us, sniffing that "activists have consistently been out of the mainstream of the Democratic Party."

As if that were a bad thing, given that the party's "main stream" has become so clogged with the raw sewage of neo-McCarthyism in the service of corporatism that the law of physics all but demands that new renegade rivulets develop and set their own courses. 

And this much is obvious: the gerontocrats, as much as they despise the dissatisfied young, need to keep feasting on their blood. If you want to know the core reason that the Democratic leadership has been so remiss in codifying Roe vs Wade and taking on the reactionary Supreme Court, then look no further than the plummeting US birthrate.  The Supremes are the Democratic establishment's secret best friends.

Since there are simply not enough young bodies around any more to fight in their endless wars for corporate profit and global dominance, the right of non-elite women to guaranteed birth control and abortion is, effectively, anathema to the ruling class and their world order. And this latest "NATO" war against Russia, possibly expanding to China and beyond, is projected to last for decades. Boots on the ground will be desperately needed, decade after decade. The reproductive supply chain must not be interrupted at this fraught point in time.

But since they can't come right out and say so without looking like the sociopaths that they are, they foist the blame on today's young people for being  too dumb, too greedy, too thuggish and too fat to fight and kill for them.

Or as the New York Times more delicately headlines the distressing cannon fodder shortage: "With Few Able and Fewer Willing, US Military Can't Find Recruits:

These are tough times for military recruiting. Almost across the board, the armed forces are experiencing large shortfalls in enlistments this year — a deficit of thousands of entry-level troops that is on pace to be worse than any since just after the Vietnam War. It threatens to throw a wrench into the military’s machinery, leaving critical jobs unfilled and some platoons with too few people to function.

Covid-19 is part of the problem. Lockdowns during the pandemic have limited recruiters’ ability to forge bonds face to face with prospects. And the military’s vaccine mandate has kept some would-be troops away.

The horror. 

Not only is America's potential weaponized flesh ignorant about The Science of vaccines, they're ungrateful money-hungry little wretches who are more interested in getting rich off all the great high-paying service jobs out there than they are in dying for The Homeland. In Timespeak:

The current white-hot labor market, with many more jobs available than people to fill them, is also a factor, as rising civilian wages and benefits make military service less enticing.

If they're not greedy, then kids today are so criminally depraved and/or obese that the desperate US military is forced to reject them when they do apply.  According to the Times, fully three-quarters of military applicants have some sort of criminal record, or are physically unfit.

The paper does not delve into why this is so, never factoring in the hopelessness of those who have never known any reality but the iron heel of capitalism, with no positive government investment or intervention in their lives since the day they were born.

But the bipartisan heirs of Ronald Reagan and his neoliberal baby-mama Margaret Thatcher are all too cynically willing to bribe these needy people with bonuses if they join the cause of imperialism:

To try to counter those forces, the military has pushed enlistment bonuses as high as $50,000, and is offering “quick ship” cash of up to $10,000 for certain recruits who can leave for basic training in 30 days. To broaden the recruiting pool, the service branches have loosened their restrictions on neck tattoos and other standards. In June, the Army even briefly dropped its requirement for a high school diploma, before deciding that was a bad move and rescinding the change.

The best part of our free public education system for the military-industrial complex, in fact, is that armed forces recruiters (more lately augmented by domestic police patrols) have long been ubiquitous in American high schools. I remember getting relentless calls from all four branches of the military asking for my son and daughter, whose names and phone number they had acquired from school administrators, whose federal funding was contingent upon their cooperation. Nothing we said ever discouraged these recruiters from calling us over and over again, over a period of several years. When my son told one caller that he didn't want to kill people in a war, the recruiter outright lied and said he would never have to, dangling before him instead the prospect of easy big money, job training and subsidized education - in effect, making a cynical appeal to his nascent avarice.

The Times article at least did honestly describe US high schools as "the military's most productive hunting grounds," while not exploring the possible connection between the increased number of school shootings and the preoccupation of certain young American males with military assault rifles and accessories like camo vests and body armor.

Unfortunately, as one Air Force major general, Edward Thomas Jr,  complained to the newspaper,  

. The relationships that recruiters were not able to cultivate face to face during the pandemic’s early stages, he said, mean there is now a drought of graduates signing on the dotted line.

Oh no, not another drought! It's as bad as the nerve of the vast majority of American young folks for not approving the job performance of Commander-in-Chief Joe Biden. It's just terrible when a drought of weaponized bodies combines with Roe vs Wade activists who refuse to swim with the sharks in Democratic mainstream! Especially when the Powers That Be unhelpfully describe the worsening Covid pandemic as only a "short-term problem."

The Times article continues,

And what the military calls propensity — the share of young adults who would consider serving — has fallen steadily for several years. It stood at 13 percent before the pandemic began, General Thomas said, but is now 9 percent.

“There are just lower levels of trust with the U.S. government and the military,” he said.

Once again, there are certainly no deep dives into the "pool" to explain just why so many people, both young and old, are so dissatisfied with the consortium of politicians, corporate CEOs, generals, tech billionaires, arms dealers and bureaucrats that comprise the government.

Going with the flow, or staying within a party "mainstream," is a lot to ask of the people that our leaders are actively trying to drown: the forced dunking is the lack of guaranteed, single payer health care, housing, debt free education and the ironclad protection of reproductive rights in all 50 states.

So it's gratifying to learn that the people are, in ever increasing numbers, telling their overlords to just go soak their heads when they urge us to vote, vote and vote, even as they admonish us to leave the Supreme Court forced-birthers in peace, and above all, to only engage in the kind of regimented violence that is fully sanctioned by the oligarchic state.

When they tell you to shut up, when they try to drown you out, just keep on screaming. Our voices are the only life-preservers that too many of us have left.


  1. I know I am stating the obvious, but now that there are jobs out there, why would a young person - obsessed with guns or otherwise - sign up to fight the forever wars and risk having limbs blown off or PTSD? The only REAL recruiting tool the military has had since Korea is the desperation of young men and women who didn't do well in school, can't afford college or simply aren't inclined academically to find employment.

    All I can say is GOOD! Let the corporations fight their own wars.

    As the mother of a daughter who decided to play Russian Roulette with her life and join the Military - against my husband's and my wishes and advice - I have a lot of sympathy for these kids. The military targets these working-class kids in small towns with little to no job prospects. These are decent kids who actually want to make something of themselves but have few options. The recruiters are pros at targeting their hopes and dreams and promising them the world. I hate them!

  2. The Youtube clip shows what an jerk Biden really is.

  3. I do hope you are right, Karen, and Roe v Wade has pushed people over the line to actually realise they have to actively participate in their democracy.

    A couple of things I've read of late. This one in particular, connects with your last thread, Karen: The New Kremlinology: Reading the New York Times; Matt Taibbi -

    On Monday, the New York Times ran a story pegged to a new poll, showing Joe Biden dragging a sub-Trumpish 33% approval rating into the midterms. The language was grave:

    "Widespread concerns about the economy and inflation have helped turn the national mood decidedly dark, both on Mr. Biden and the trajectory of the nation… a pervasive sense of pessimism that spans every corner of the country...

    The article followed another from the weekend, “At 79, Biden Is Testing the Boundaries of Age and the Presidency.” That piece, about Biden’s age — code for “cognitive decline” — was full of doom as well . . ."

    Who will replace the "walking dead" Biden?

    Can't believe the Democrats will be surprised at the Midterms. They and their minions are still pushing the anti-Trump as their only message - but it is a pathetic effort.

  4. "Now that there are jobs out there". Really? Anybody looking for a gig?

  5. Consider this:

    On the Political Efficacy of Trump's Endless Prosecution —
    What Has Trump's Endless Prosecution Accomplished?
    As more and more effort is spent trying to put Donald Trump behind bars, he keeps growing politically.
    Is it time to wonder if there's a connection?
    July 14, 2022 ~ by Matt Taibbi

    The grave problem, indeed mortal danger for this republic is that, in actuality, Trump has not been prosecuted, just endlessly accused of brazen, relentless criminality.

    Apparently that is politically efficacious, for nothing else explains the persistence of its pending ad nauseam status, the flaming orange a**hole like the ominous red menace, a perpetual, pernicious, useful idiot, or rather, useful villain, taking us for idiots.

    "A nation that will not enforce its laws has no claim to the respect and allegiance of its people."
    ~ Ambrose Bierce, 'Industrial Discontent', The Shadow on the Dial and other Essays (1909)

    "If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for the law. It invites every man to become a law unto himself. It invites anarchy."
    ~ Justice Louis Brandeis, dissenting; Olmstead v. United States, 277 U.S. 438, (1928)

    Consequently that will “justify” a martial law response, solidifying power and control by the corporate state, the method in the madness and the intent all along.

  6. @Anonymous:
    I live in Australia so I am not speaking from personal experience - but follow several US based blogs. I am getting the impression there are jobs out there from Wolf Street and Naked Capitalism. They may not be great jobs - probably with no benefits - but I AM getting the impression there are more jobs available than there were.

  7. @Anonymous - I don't live in the U.S. so not speaking from personal experience. Not saying these are good jobs with job security and benefits but just more jobs available than before. My sources for this information are Wolf Street and Naked Capitalism.

    @Eric - I think this whole January 6 circus is just a distraction - hoping the outrageousness of Trump's behaviour will cause people to vote democratic in the Mid-Terms. I doubt this will work. I agree; we can "look forward to" more of the same from both sides of the aisle.

  8. voice-in-wildernessJuly 17, 2022 at 11:44 PM

    While we are distracted by the outrage of the day or week, the major media have completely ignored what I think is the real existential danger we face: global nuclear war.

    Our decision-makers have lost their Cold War fear of nukes. The U.S. strategy in our proxy war with Russia is to grind them indefinitely, as long as the supply of Ukrainians holds up. We are not thinking of a plan for a stalemate or peace, but to destroy Russia. That risks pushing Putin to the point where he uses nuclear weapons and then it will be GAME OVER as all the arsenals fly. No more worries about global warming then.

    Get your lawn chair ready so you can watch and participate!

  9. Naked Capitalism just picked this story up, so I had to comment with a link to this post. But there I also saw a
    comment from Rev Kev that deserves a link here:

  10. WoW, Karen you didn't mince any words on this one and are spot on. We are circling the drain but too slowly to be noticed by most who are just trained to buy the next shiny thing.

  11. Anonymous voice-in-wilderness -- I would not predict nuclear war.

    However, I'd move that lawn chair back. A cocky dude who has had a few beers is trying to light the BBQ with a can of gasoline.

    He has not so much lost a specific fear, as just being fearless in an arrogant way known best to "hold my beer" types.

  12. @Mark - read Daniel Ellsberg's book, or listen to Daniel Ellsberg on the topic of nuclear war. He says we are closer than we have ever been due to the fact that everyone is asleep at the wheel or doesn't believe it can ever happen. I hold Daniel Ellsberg in high regard and trust his opinion. The AnalysisNews has a good interview on the topic.

  13. Striking down a woman's right to chose, regardless of the "moral," constitutional, "religious." misogynist or other flimsy justifications, serves a more sinister underlying purpose.

    Capitalism requires a large pool of unemployed workers (a "reserve army of labor") in order to suppress wages and keep profits high. It also needs expanding markets (a growing population) to consume the endless stream of products and services the investors bet on to increase their revenue.

    Imperialism (the highest stage of capitalism) also requires large standing armies to exploit the natural resources and cheap labor in foreign countries and control of overseas markets.

    Investors don't care a whit about the "justifications" offered, only that they achieve the goal of helping to reverse a decline in the birth rate, which strikes at the heart of the system that sustains them.

  14. @ Anonymous
    I agree with you. As important as reproductive freedom is to many of us, I fear it is simply being used as a smokescreen - along with trans-rights - to distract us from the coming further economic rape of the middle and working classes. When you've got evil overlords, like Larry Summers, saying the solution to inflation is lots of unemployment - and the potentially unemployed are essentially collateral damage - you've got a really damaging anti-democratic agenda underlying the Democratic party.


  15. Bank of America Memo, Revealed: “We Hope” Conditions for American Workers Will Get Worse .
    The financial behemoth privately fears that regular people have too much leverage.
    July 29, 2022 ~ by Ken Klippenstein & Jon Schwarz


  16. Investors don't care a whit about the "justifications" offered, only that they achieve the goal of helping to reverse a decline in the birth rate, which strikes at the heart of the system that sustains them.”

    A domestic supply of infants might help toward that goal.
