Sunday, August 28, 2022

It's Always Darkest Right Before the Dawn of the Dead.

 It seems like it was only a month ago that the undertakers of the Democratic Industrial Complex (DIC) were lowering shuffling old Joe Biden into his political grave before his body was even cold. 

But to prove that even moribund presidents can become reanimated zombies, the DIC-heads in the White House and their media scribes have suddenly changed the plot - they unearthed Joe Biden right out of the plot. They've transformed Joe Biden into a "bad-ass" monster named Dark Brandon. 

It's apparently meant as self-deprecating parody of the "Let's Go Brandon" pejorative  beloved of Trump fans ever since a crowd yelled "F--- Joe Biden" at Talladega Super Speedway last October. A TV commenter interviewing winner Brandon Brown had lamely tried to convince viewers that the crowd was really cheering for the athlete rather than cursing out the president.

Some bright DIC-heads unleashed the Dark Brandon persona on the world as an arch means to turn the insult right on its head. Manufactured legend has it that the Biden character is scaring whole audiences full of Republicans to death. Word has it that they're even vomiting in the aisles. Shorn of his aviator sunglasses,  Biden's newly revealed squinting red eyes are lasers blasting straight down into their soulless hypocritic innards, leaving them writhing in pain and whimpering for mercy.

Or, so the cheesy DIC narrative goes.

Now, if the monstrous Dark Brandon character reminds you of an aging Hellboy without the antlers and also happens to scare or at least nauseate you, your kids, your grandkids and your nervous Aunt Tillie, that is just necessary collateral damage in this virtual war for the democratic soul of our nation You simply must get in the spirit of DIC fun. Because despite all his loathsomeness, this is no demon from hell, people. This is the new, improved, "feisty" Joe Biden.

 According to the HuffPo, his reincarnation as Dark Brandon has millions of diehard DIC-heads all over the land thrilled in only the best of all possible worlds kind of way. If you can't beat a cartoon villain like Donald Trump with your misinformative anti-disinformation campaigns, then you might as well join him. You might as well throw all caution to the wind and turn electoral politics  into the full-bore monster movie franchise it always was anyway. 

  Imagine, if you will, the shuffling brain-dead lead zombie in Dawn of the Dead  suddenly turning into a "bad-ass" superhero right before your disbelieving eyes. Once only capable of sputtering out one gaffe or non sequitur after the other,  Dark Brandon has developed the preternatural ability to fire off pithy one-liners about rich people and their tax breaks in one breath, and in the next tell a room full of rich donors that Trump Republicans are "semi-fascists."

No matter that Dark Brandon didn't explain why they're only half-fascists and not whole ones. Because his blazing eyes and his fiery words slammed into the elite audience like a semi going a thousand miles an hour. The well-heeled patrons at that exclusive screening were reported to be shocked right into opening their wallets, if only to immunize themselves from insult, zombie virus - or god forbid, Biden threatening them with higher taxes.

 Former Obama communications director Dan Pfeiffer was so impressed with the new character, that his reliable stock of weasel words failed him. He was reduced to tweeting out: 

Notice that Bad-Ass Biden is not cursing his  rich donors and that he is only extending his index finger rather than the dreaded middle one. This edgy version of the meme actually communicates reassurance to the ruling class, lest they be fearful of getting parted from some of their cash against their will. Just because the propaganda about Biden has changed doesn't mean that anything else will. He did promise them that nothing affecting their coddled lives would ever fundamentally change.

Therefore, they shouldn't fret overmuch about his careful semi-forgiveness of student loans for a selected percentage of America's debt slaves. Because knocking $10,000 or as much as $20,000 off their debt is merely a band-aid over a gaping wound. The borrowers will continue to suffer and pay, while the rich themselves will never feel a thing. That's because the lower classes are being pitted against each other in yet another variation of the Divide and Conquer method which has always kept the rich wealthy and the powerful jn power. Non-grads will be instructed to resent the grads or the semi-grads for getting tossed a few extra pennies. They will not be urged to resent the for-profit colleges and the investors in the for-profit colleges - the real culprits in this overrated scam.

My advice? Pick an aisle seat close to an exit, and whatever you do, don't buy any more of their stale, dry, overpriced popcorn.


  1. I never liked horror movies. Honestly, they scare the hell out of me and usually involve ridiculous, decadent, dehumanizing and disgusting depravity and scenes that have little to offer artistically (except possibly makeup).

    So who are they trying to scare? Over-the-top Republicans? They love this stuff. It doesn't scare them. And why bother trying to scare them by mimicking frightening Hollywood characters? This is like wearing a store-bought Halloween costume for trick or treating. It's pathetic.

    You really want to scare Republicans? Organize and motivate the working class into action that will bring fundamental change to the economic dynamic and end oppression.

  2. Your cynicism runs deep and for that I salute you comrade!

    I didn't see the clip (nor really have a need to) but was under the impression that the "LGB" interpretation the post-race interviewer offered up was merely an impromptu/tongue-n-cheek attempt to sanitize the moment rather than trying to actually convince tee-vee viewers otherwise.

    Joe Biden's pretty awful but certainly not for the reasons the fash-culties have been taught to think.

  3. Yes, this horror show really sucks! So did Dawn of the Dead. I walked out within the first 10 minutes.

    Anonymous two.

  4. voice-in-wildernessAugust 29, 2022 at 2:18 PM

    I wonder if the Brandon pejorative could be defused if Biden used it as a cheer with supporters. "Let's go Brandon, Brandon let's go!"

  5. "So who are they trying to scare? Over-the-top Republicans? They love this stuff."

    My kids and their friends love this stuff, Marvel Universe and Zombie Apocalypse, and magical monsters.

    However, over dinner and TV nights and on their social media feeds they detest Biden as much as Trump.

    So I think these clever media people are aiming the appeal toward people who despise them, and will continue to despise them, for what they consider to be good reasons rather than just lightly held opinions.

    Even my daughter, intensely motivated by the abortion issue, despises Biden.

    I see our political system as having lost a generation, not just one party but both of them.

  6. Dark Brandon strikes!

    Anyone watch Dark Brandon's 9/1 speech? It was a declaration of war against Trump-MAGA, calling them extremists and a clear and present danger to democracy. Dark Brandon was really in his element, basking in the blood red light, nearly foaming at the mouth with anger as he got on his high horse to lead the charge. He does love himself a war. Them there's fighting words!

    The corporate media is trying to help Brandon walk back his words by allowing him to 'clarify' his remarks. But unlike old Joe, the public has a working memory and can actually recall what he said. It was originally reported to be carried live in prime time on all the broadcast networks (branded Fight For the Soul of Democracy, IIRC) but they all bowed out and none carried it. They probably because they read his prepared speech in advance and realized how incendiary it was/is. Incitement for sure. (Covid must have affected his brain.)

    I'm sure Dark Brandon is banking heavily on the Republican establishment to side with him. This reminds me of Trump running against Hillary against all odds, and we all know how that turned out - the People vs the Establishment(s) and the People's choice shockingly won. I'm sure it will be convenient to blame China when Brandon loses.

    Run Trump, run!

    p.s. Apropos of nothing, Barbara Ehrenreich died Friday. RIP, my beloved hero. She was a genuine Democratic Socialist with a heart as big as the universe.

  7. I started a deconstructive post on the Dark Brandon speech but have had to put it aside for now, probably finish up tomorrow. There was just so much dark matter that one can digest at a time, after all. And I don't want to let one single savory morsel of it to go to waste.

    Barbara Ehrenreich has always been an inspiration of mine as well.
