Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Let's Pop the Biden Balloon

The reviews are in, and from what I've read so far, they're damned near unanimous: Joe Biden totally "brought it" to Tuesday night's State of the Union (SOTU) spectacle. That means he did good, especially since everybody's who's anybody was bracing for disaster.  Some concerned critics were even resurrecting his advanced age in order to pre-excuse him and urge him not to run again.  Others pre-blamed his stuttering issue on what was feared to be a gaffe-a-thon. 

But as the New York Times emotively reported over the weekend, Biden had practiced for this event really, really hard. The cinematic "King's Speech" pathos is nothing next to Biden's own epic verbal struggles. 

His TelePrompter came complete with dashes for when he should pause, slashes for when he should raise his voice, and smaller font for when he should lower his voice. (OK, so I was only kidding about that last bit.) According to the Paper of Record,

“This is a guy who has been remarkably consistent over a very long career both in the values he brings to the job and the way he articulates those values,” said Jeff Nussbaum, a former Biden White House speechwriter. “When you’re writing for Joe Biden, you’re a session musician for a band that has already released 20 albums.”

But, Mr. Nussbaum added, there was a reason behind the consistency, which he said had led the president’s list of legislative victories: “Joe Biden has to say the same thing a thousand times before the world catches up to him.”

Preparations for Mr. Biden’s State of the Union speeches begin weeks in advance. Several aides described a process in which the president demands that sentences be written clearly — no acronyms! — and illustrate his legislative accomplishments in terms real people can understand. He spends weeks working on each speech with his writers, reading over and over again, top to bottom, and out loud.

I admit it, readers. I caved and watched the whole spectacle. I didn't even flinch when the camera panned to Bono sitting in the first lady's box. Stuttering was not that big of a deal. Rather, it was the slurring of his words, many of which were what the Times has delicately euphemized as exaggerations and uncontextualized - as opposed, let us say, to outright lying. All politicians lie, after all. Some of them, as Izzy Stone observed, even inhale the same hashish that they peddle to the masses.

It is only now, after nearly a half-century of calling for cuts to Social Security and Medicare, that Joe Biden has suddenly taken to verbally championing these programs and projecting his own historical position right onto the Republicans. When he remarked in his speech that "some but not all"  Republicans in the audience wanted to let the programs sunset, there were howls of outrage from the likes of a fur-clad Marjorie Taylor Greene, who yelled out "Liar!" They took Biden's bait, whereupon he smugly announced that all the nutjobs in the chamber were now officially on record as opposing the cuts, after all. Point, Uncle Joe. According to the refs in the media, he handled the heckling like a true champ.

Of course, he never defined his terms. No politician ever uses the word "cut" when they talk about imposing pain and austerity on the masses of people. Rather, these programs must be modernized, improved, reformed, and protected for future generations, Just because no self-serving politician will ever reduce benefits for current recipients  doesn't mean that they won't agree to raise the retirement age beginning in, say, 2035.

So what if Biden made a big show about vaguely taxing the wealthy? He didn't actually come right out and suggest that we scrap the cap on FICA contributions as a way to render Social Security solvent into perpetuity.

Later in the speech, when Biden introduced the grieving parents of Tyre Nichols, the Memphis man beaten to death by thugs with badges, he quickly -- too quickly, in my view - pivoted right from police brutality into restoring the ban on assault weapons. He slurred and he blurred state-sanctioned violence straight into a condemnation of renegade civilian violence  Perhaps it was to keep people from remembering that it was Biden himself who spearheaded the militarization of local police departments with his COPs legislation, which moved such surplus hardware as tanks and grenade launchers and assault weapons into even relatively small and extremely untrained police departments. 

Let’s come together to finish the job on police reform.

Do something. Do something.

That was the plea of parents who lost their children in Uvalde — I met with every one of them. Do something about gun violence.

Thank God, thank God we did. Passing the most sweeping gun safety law in three decades.

That includes things like that the majority of responsible gun owners already support: enhanced background checks for 18- to 21-year-olds. Red flag laws keeping guns out of the hands of people who are a danger to themselves and others.

His alleged disgust at weapons in dangerous hands at home does not extend to keeping them out of dangerous hands elsewhere. As a matter of fact, he has quietly allowed unqualified civilians at home to become freelance arms dealers, to supplement the billions of dollars in weaponry already appropriated by Congress for the US's proxy war on Russia in Ukraine.

The New York Times told the tale recently of a limo driver and a doctor with no prior experience in arms trading who partnered up and got almost instant permission from the Biden administration to pursue a lucrative $30 million weapons deal. Such an endeavor would normally take months of government vetting and subsequent stringent tracking, but in this and other cases, approval came within hours. The driver and the doctor apparently were not even subject to a mental health check or other requirements which are sometimes imposed on run-of-the-mill gun purchasers who buy a weapon or arsenal for their own direct, personal use. From the Times article:

Weapons sold through private brokers are far more likely to end up on the black market and resurface in the hands of American adversaries, according to government advisers and academics who study the trade. Recent experience in Afghanistan and Syria shows that, without strict tracing policies, weapons can end up with terrorist groups or hostile military forces....

 “It’s the Wild West,” said Olga Torres, a lawyer who represents arms exporters and serves on the federal Defense Trade Advisory Group. “We are seeing a lot of people who were previously not involved in arms sales getting involved now because they see the opportunity.”

It's capitalism, after all. And Joe Biden did find it necessary in his SOTU speech  to once again remind folks that, despite the crazy GOP smears of socialism leveled against him, he is indeed a diehard capitalist.

All the speech previews I'd read had also predicted that Biden would not be so crass as to brag about shooting down that Chinese spy or weather balloon this past weekend. But once again, stalwart Uncle Joe proved the pundits wrong.  Because when it comes to bellicose chest-thumping, even aged leaders are miraculously transformed into virile young studs whenever they order a phallic missile deployment:

 if China’s threatens our sovereignty, we will act to protect our country. And we did last weekend.

And let’s be clear: winning the competition with China should unite all of us. We face serious challenges across the world.


I wish someone would explain to me why shooting down a balloon is a sign of winning some "competition. Maybe Joe thought he was throwing darts at balloons in a carnival booth, or maybe he was fomenting a new cold or hot war.

Whatever his meaning, how exactly would conflict with China "unite all of us?"  Because the only picture I'm getting in my head right now is a nuclear bomb melding everyone and everything on Earth into one great big gruesome blob of flesh and ashes.

The congress-critters in Biden's audience certainly were united in their own impervious and titillated reaction to death and destruction, however.  The prospect of war gets them amorously excited every single time. They all stood up as one great big orgasmic mass of session musicians, and broke right into that standard SOTU favorite:



  1. So it turns out that the balloon wasn't just for monitoring weather patterns, but instead was part of a nefarious plan to use balloons for advanced weapons launching programs that could give the Chinese an advantage in a shooting war. Imagine if Amazon's Drone Delivery program was breached by Chinese hackers. They could deliver bombs right to our doorsteps.

    "Mister President, we cannot allow an attack balloon gap!"


  2. Thanks for the pointer to the Zlatev weapons story in the NYTimes. Somehow I'd missed that in real time. It's a wonderful story. And very reminiscent of the true story behind the movie "War Dogs."

    There is so much corruption in the global arms industry, with U.S. as the no. 1 supplier, that I found myself imagining the U.S. freeing Viktor Bout if he had promised to get weapons to Ukraine!

  3. Seymour Hersh just popped the Biden balloon! I'm sure the corporate media won't mention it which is why I'm linking to his piece below.

    Biden didn't just pop the Chinese balloon, he blew up the Nordstream pipeline! Did he brag about that in his SOTU? After all, he promised publicly to do so if Russia invaded Ukraine and the video is still around to prove it. Victoria Nuland has been going around winking and chuckling about it publicly. Germany isn't chuckling. They really took an economic hit because of that dastardly deed.

    Thanks to the work of award-winning investigative reporter Seymour Hersh, we now know how Biden was able to keep the lid on this operation. I can't believe the media didn't show even a little skepticism about the official line of blaming Russia for blowing up their own pipeline.

    Another area to show skepticism is all the hot air around the 'spy balloon' business.

    When it was over Montana, it was over wheat fields, but 'they didn't want to risk harm of people getting hurt'. What? Montana is the 4th largest state by area with barely 1 million people who do not live anywhere near the dozens of nukes buried underground, the area they claimed the balloon hovered.

    Now we learn this 'spy balloon' was just one of many (retroactively) discovered to have floated around the world UNDETECTED for the past 3-4 years. Not a one of our multitude of spy satellites, military and civilian pilots, and civilian earthlings gazing at the heavens caught a glimpse. And it's bright white, day and night, visible to the naked eye. No camouflage.

    'They threatened our sovereignty' was the big excuse, like we don't do that to the rest of the world 24/7/365 as part of our Empire's 'Full Spectrum Dominance' of the universe.

    I couldn't help but smile when they claimed the Chinese had pulled that off right under our expensive high tech noses without being detected for so long - and that was only because private citizens in MT happened to post it on social media after seeing it in their Big Sky. Anyway, glad I learned Mandarin!

    My point is - How can anyone believe anything coming from the Empire which excuses and enables the addiction to War?

    'How America Took Out the Nordstream Pipeline"


  4. "If you want to know about governments, all you need to know is two words: Governments lie.
    All governments are run by liars and nothing they say should be believed."
    ~ I. F. Stone

    "People do not expect to find chastity in a whorehouse.
    Why, then, do they expect to find honesty and humanity in government,
    a congeries of institutions whose modus operandi consists of lying, cheating, stealing, and if need be, murdering those who resist?"
    ~ H. L. Mencken

    "Governments constantly choose between telling lies and fighting wars, with the end result always being the same. One will always lead to the other."
    ~ Thomas Jefferson

    White House Denies Seymour Hersh Report That U.S. Sabotaged Nord Stream Pipelines —
    Feb. 9, 2023
    "... The sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines released up to 150,000 tons of methane gas into the atmosphere, making it one of the largest methane leaks ever recorded from a single source."

  5. Thanks for “saving our country” from those scary Chinese balloons. What an accomplishment. I wonder how many people actually take that seriously.
    Too bad you can’t take credit for blowing up the Nordstream 1& 2.

  6. What’s that old SNL bit about “lower your standards”? Looks like we’re getting pretty close to the bottom when Trump and Biden can become leaders of the “free world”. Is the ship sinking?

  7. Hysteria Alert regarding balloons and other UFOs: tune into to MSNBC.

  8. I would believe it, that the U S invented high altitude spying. U S U2 spy planes have been mentioned lately in these balloon stories. The last time I heard of them was when we all were led in a plaintive chorus, outraged and grieving over the capture of a Mr Powers downed and captured over their area by the Soviets. How dare they- was the refrain. I'm enjoying the morbid comedy here. The flags, the chanting, the assault rifle lapel pins, the fur on MTG, all point to the ruling cynicism- If we didn't enslave the blacks, they would have enslaved us; If we didn't eradicate the indians, they would have eradicated us.
    I do see the mild power of insightful and witty criticism, but its object grows in real and brutal power. Making fun of it is a kind of victory, until the real suffering sets in.

  9. Breaking News! It's War of the Worlds!

    After President Ballooney shot down a UFO in Alaska, today NORAD is locked onto another one in northern Canada.

  10. Reports from Rep. Rosendale that yet another UFO has been sighted near Havre, Montana.

    ET phone home! Quick!

  11. According to Russian sources, between 1956 and 1977, a total of 4,112 balloons were identified above the territory of the Soviet Union, of which 793 were shot down by fighter aircraft. While some of these balloons belonged to civil research organizations, the majority were used for military purposes.

    The Russians had their own version of the U-2 high altitude spy aircraft (Myasishchev M-55, NATO codename "Mystic"), and they went so far as to develop a specialized variant of it meant to shoot down such balloons (M-17 balloon-interceptor). That variant was not pursued, because they found other ways to shoot down the many US military recon balloons. However, the problem persisted long enough for a specialized aircraft to be developed for the purpose.

    So the US no longer does it? Maybe. That does not make the Chinese some unique outrage, nor any more illegal than what we did almost 5,000 times.


  12. Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address: A Marxist Response —
    February 10, 2023 ~ by Paul Street

  13. It's brilliant! If (or when) mass balloon launches are intentional, it's a genius no-lose strategy. The President is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

    The Empire MUST shoot these objects down because they don't know what they carry or are capable of. But it has to CLOSE AIRSPACE for shootdowns. That impacts commercial air travel which is costly and disruptive. If they let them drift until they're further from flight routes in order to minimize disruption, the President is seen as inept or cowardly and putting us at risk for toxins or explosives or whatever might be in the balloons.

    Let's face it. They aren't concerned about harming civilians on the ground with debris in rural Montana or being able to retrieve debris. It's the economic impact of air closures. Of course they can't admit that without revealing it's our Achilles heel. But everyone should know after 9/11 (or after any major weather event) that air traffic is key to our economy, connected to everything.

    Media must be champing at the bit to $$$ from UFObia and the Pentagon must be leaning on them to keep a lid on it. Imagine the panic they could cause for eyeballs and clicks if there's just a few more sightings (reported). It's off to the races and H.G. Wells 'War of the Worlds' reaction will look like child's play now that we have 24/7 news cycle and social media.

    If this is a deliberate release, the simplicity is impressive. Hmmm, I wonder if anyone has had a thought of something similarly simple and low/no tech years ago. Well, yes. At least one that I know of. That would be OBL.

    Osama Bin Laden's manifesto, which I read in Al Jazeera back in the day (because the domestic media blacked it out), included a boast that he could cause chaos, panic, and expense by simply hanging out white sheets with Arabic writing hither and yon. He knew there would be a costly overreaction and he wasn't wrong judging post 9/11. He learned a lot being Our Man in Afghanistan working with Empire to effect the economic collapse of the USSR.

    But it doesn't take a big bad enemy country to pull this off. It could be anyone. After all, when the wind is your friend, who needs missiles or nukes? The Empire's body could either self-destruct like an over-reactive immune system or destroy the world. Taking bets?

    99 Red Balloons/99 Luftballons (in German) from 1982! by Nena. Talk about prescient.

  14. At least you've labelled your post correctly as "Bullshit on Steroids" I'm so sorry for you that President Biden is doing well and helping people I can see why that pisses you off since you'd rather have the American People suffer. Well... cope and seethe as they say.
