Wednesday, April 26, 2023

You Have Been Warned

 This email from Google's Blogger platform arrived in my inbox yesterday:


Tue, Apr 25, 6:29 AM (1 day ago)
to me


     As you may know, our Community Guidelines 
( describe the boundaries for what we allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "Let Them Eat Birth Control Pills - Or, Black and Bloomberg'd" was flagged to us for review. 
This post was put behind a warning for readers because it contains 
sensitive content; the post is visible at
Your blog readers must acknowledge the warning before being able to read the post/blog.     We apply warning messages to posts that contain sensitive content. If you are interested in having the status reviewed, please update the content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is updated, you may republish it at
This will trigger a review of the post.

     For more information, please review the following resources:

     Terms of Service:
     Blogger Community Guidelines:


     The Blogger Team

Mind you, since this post is more than a dozen years old and among the first that I ever published, I  doubt that a human being actually read, let alone flagged, it. I'm guessing that a machine was alerted by the headline rather than the actual body of the article.  Compared with other things I've written here over the years, it was quite innocuous. It had to do with then-Mayor Michael Bloomberg's appointment of his crony Cathie Black as New York City schools chancellor, despite her having no education experience, either as a teacher or administrator. Before her brief tenure ended, she'd bemoaned the state of overcrowded schools in a poor section of the city, and said right out loud: "Can't we get some birth control down here?"

Since I don't know what was so allegedly offensive about the post, other than the above quote, I'm not going to 
respond to Google by rewriting it, reposting it and thereby triggering a further review. As I said, nobody is going to search out a 12-year-old post. Even if they Googled all the keywords, it would not lead readers to this article.. Search results for my blog, as well as for many others outside the mainstream, have been suppressed by Google  My "hits" thus began decreasing quite drastically several years ago.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit spooked by this email, especially after reading "The Racket's"s latest salvo aimed at the increasingly vicious activities of Censorship-Industrial Complex.  I did get a bit of a chuckle, though,  out of the blogger "guidelines". After insisting that it does not censor bloggers on its platform, Google then proceeds to gaslight writers  Since they don't inform you what is so offensive or insensitive about your material, they leave it up to you to figure it out and to go censor yourself.
I can't help but wonder if this out-of-the-blue warning from Google is only the first among many, and will eventually lead to all of my nearly 2,000  posts eventually disappearing. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but after reading Taibbi, I think paranoia is a perfectly reasonable reaction, despite the comparatively low visibility of this particular blog.

Meanwhile, if you're not craving a big fat bowl of crunchily delicious Russian Bots after watching the following video  then you're simply not getting with the subliminal advertising program!


  1. Wow. How weird and out of the blue after a dozen years. Makes you wonder.

    Maybe your Social Credit Score was being worked up by the Censorship Industrial Complex. All your online writings were scanned and analyzed by AI for possible threats. That might include protected person$ such as Michael Bloomberg, oligarch and part owner of the USA Empire.

    It's certainly curious that of all your writings, that's the one you were called out for? How strange. Maybe it's a psyop intended to chill journalists and anyone that might have political influence online. Who knows.

    If censorship is used for anything, seems it would be to protect the financial system, aka national $ecurity/the national intere$t. Recall the quick crackdown of Occupy Wall Street compared to the ongoing border invasion or the riots in ... (name the city).

    Money doesn't just talk, it silences. But please keep at it, Karen. Stay courageous.

  2. Time to move to substack?

  3. Using words like 'Black' and 'Bloomberg' would likely flag you for inclusion in a proposed Bias Registry in Minnesota according to the article below. Fear of being put on a bias registry should be enough to incentivize self-censoring. At least Minnesota is being upfront, unlike the main body of the censorship regime being funded by the Pentagon and State Dept.

    According to Twitter Files, numerous entities are receiving funding from the Pentagon, the Global Engagement Center (thanks Obama), and even the generosity of oligarchs to fight in the Disinformation War to 'keep us safe'. Private contractors, NGOs, Universities, major corporations, social media behemoths, and everyone in between is jumping on the censorship cash cow division of the Global Disinformation War on Terror.

    Unfortunately we can't discuss what little is known about the burgeoning Gov't censorship regime due to the corporate media censoring it. Some members of Congress, mostly all Democrats, are blasting journalists who are trying to reveal it, even threatening one with jail for alleged perjury. We clearly live under a fascist regime. The merger of Govt + Corp = Fascism. (No self-censorship for me)

    'Arguing COVID came from China could land you on Minnesota’s government bias registry, according to new bill'

  4. The term "Regime Media" is a keeper.
    h/t Max Blumenthal


  5. “Anyone not paranoid in this world must be crazy. . . .
    Speaking of paranoia, it's true that I do not know exactly who my enemies are. But that of course is exactly why I'm paranoid.”
    ~ Edward Abbey, Postcards from Ed: Dispatches and Salvos from an American Iconoclast

    “Your mind is working at its best when you're being paranoid.
    You explore every avenue and possibility of your situation
    at high speed with total clarity.”
    ~ Banksy, Banging Your Head Against a Brick Wall

    “This is a mournful discovery.
    1)Those who agree with you are insane
    2)Those who do not agree with you are in power.”
    ~ Philip K. Dick, VALIS

    “If you would know who controls you, see who you may not criticize.”
    ~ Tacitus

  6. All this trampling of the US Constitution by the people actually running “ We the People’s’” government, is it any wonder why the second amendment the one that protects and ensures against government tyranny, is under attack! When do “We the People”:wake not woke up enough already, If the grifters in congress keep getting away with this bullshit we as a people are doomed. Keep up the good fight Karen, and arm yourself not a bad idea, and still your constitutional right, for now.


  7. A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century —
    Thirteen ways of looking at disinformation.
    March 28, 2023 ~ by Jacob Siegel


  8. "One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
    One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."
    ~ J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

    The Government Created a New Disinformation Office to Oversee All the Other Ones —
    The new Foreign Malign Influence Center oversees efforts that span U.S. military, law enforcement, intelligence, and diplomatic agencies.
    May 5, 2023 ~ by Ken Klippenstein

    "We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the US public believes is false.”
    ~ William J. Casey, former CIA Director, per Barbara Honnegger of Reagan Administration

    "The NSA’s business is ‘information dominance,’ the use of other people’s secrets to shape events."
    ~ Barton Gellman


  9. "One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
    One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."
    ~ J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

    The Government Created a New Disinformation Office to Oversee All the Other Ones —
    The new Foreign Malign Influence Center oversees efforts that span U.S. military, law enforcement, intelligence, and diplomatic agencies.
    May 5, 2023 ~ by Ken Klippenstein

    "We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the US public believes is false.”
    ~ William J. Casey, former CIA Director, per Barbara Honnegger of Reagan Administration

    "The NSA’s business is ‘information dominance,’ the use of other people’s secrets to shape events."
    ~ Barton Gellman

    “These programs were never about terrorism: they're about economic spying, social control, and diplomatic manipulation. They're about power.”
    ~ Edward Snowden

    “It is hard to imagine having a government more secretive than the United States. Virtually everything that government does, of any significance, is conducted behind an extreme wall of secrecy. The very few leaks that we’ve had over the last decade are basically the only ways that we’ve had to learn what our government is doing.”
    ~ Glenn Greenwald

  10. stranger in a strange landMay 6, 2023 at 9:15 PM

    “Anyone not paranoid in this world must be crazy.” Another keeper.
