Monday, August 28, 2023

Biden's Band-Aid Sampler Pack

Joe Biden's poll numbers are still in the tank despite the carefully-timed cascade of criminal indictments against Donald Trump. Therefore, the White House has decided to do something really radical. They will announce the 10 lucky winners of the Medicare price negotiation sweepstakes even earlier than originally planned! 

Come Tuesday, tens of millions of Americans going broke because of the high cost of prescription drugs - or, more accurately, the tens of millions of Americans who have forgone the drugs because their cash already has run out - will finally discover whether their particular medication will be somewhat more affordable, beginning as early as 2026.  Since older Americans vote in far higher numbers than younger people do, the Lucky Ten probably will be treatments for diseases that inordinately affect the elderly.

Tuesday's desperate campaign stunt highlighting Biden's drug band-aids of the future has more than a few catches.  His team should know they're in trouble when even one of their most reliable New York Times centrist stenographers -  David Leonhardt - can make  only a wishy-washy case for them. Leonhardt and co-writer Ian Prasad Philbrick have made a feeble try anyway, even awarding Biden with the title "Doctor Spend Less" as a way both to cement his deficit hawk cred and to make voters forget that during his first campaign, he'd promised to push for a public health insurance option - the standard centrist bait and switch for a true single payer system. That promise was dead in the water by inauguration day.

The Times starts out with a handy, damning chart showing that health care costs in the United States are more than double those of other advanced countries. They then pitch the half-hearted hope that readers will conclude that eventually lowering the prices for only 10 drugs will make even the slightest dent in American health care costs.

It turns out that there are limits to even what media stenographers for the Democratic Party are willing to do, as they ruefully admit that lowering drug costs for older people will probably incentivize the rapacious drug companies to  raise the prices of these same 10 drugs for people under age 65. (Not to mention raising the prices of the thousands of drugs not in the Lucky 10 for patients of all ages. 

These unlucky patients would, of course, include some of the same younger people who will have to start repaying their onerous student loans next month. These are some of the same younger people who turned out to vote for Joe Biden in 2020, based solely upon his promise to at least partially forgive student debt for everybody, with no need to jump through the endless hoops of "means-testing."

Now, this is not to say that Joe Biden is ignoring younger people or worse, completely throwing them to the wolves.  Far from it. You see, the president sent out his good friend Bernie Sanders to New Hampshire and the cable talk shows over the weekend to warn progressive people of all ages that a vote for a primary challenger or for a certain Green Party candidate will be a vote for Donald Trump, No matter that these same disaffected souls would just stay home if there was no alternative to either Trump or Biden. Sanders just repeated the spoiler canard. Failing to pull the lever for Biden would be ushering in a new era of fascism and the complete privatization of Social Security and Medicare. It would rob all the uninsured student debtors of their last best vestige of hope of actually living to 65. It would also end Bernie's task of continuing to ineffectually urge Biden to do more progressive things, such as "going after corporations."

But back to the New York Times's even worse than half-hearted defense of Doctor Spend-less's Sampler Pack.

"Some people will save a lot of money," the article quotes one health researcher as hoping. The people who will save are the tiny minority of seniors who actually still have the retirement savings to spend on their drugs.

 But nevertheless, the Times persists in denying reality. Or maybe they're just being cynical when they write of the futuristic Medicare Drug Discount bonanza coming soon to a dystopian hellscape near you:

Biden and his aides understand that these policies are popular with swing voters, who, as this newsletter has described before, tend to lean left on economic issues while being more conservative on many social issues. That’s particularly true of swing voters who don’t have a four-year college degree. The president has described his health care policies as part of “Bidenomics in action.”

There's some occult snobbery built into that last paragraph. It implies that young "swing voters who don't have a four-year college degree" are so stupid as to believe that lowering the prices of only 10 drugs for the 65+ crowd is pretty much equal to Medicare For All . Maybe these voters will also forget that even during his first run for the White House, Biden had vowed to veto M4A if by some miracle it ever reached his desk after passing both houses of congress. Team Biden knows full well that polls show that at least 70 percent of Republican voters also favor single payer health insurance. 

About those older voters: Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, they are now able to buy their hearing aids over the counter, the better to hear Biden reading off the telerompter to tout Bidenomics.

He is also, according to the Times. "trying" to enforce the Trump-era bipartisan law that prevents health care private equity vultures from sending out surprise bills to patients. It seems that the usual loopholes preventing enforcement were written into the legislation by the lobbyists working for private equity surprise-billers.

Now, in case you are thoroughly discouraged if not downright jaded by the Big Ten Sweepstakes, here are some consolations courtesy of Times:

--Five of the major predatory drug companies are still headquartered right here in the USA. Your drugs might be manufactured off-shore in low-wage sweatshops, but the CEOs still occupy their Wall Street corner offices. America is already great.

--Drug companies say lower prices on 10 drugs will hamper innovation. They are lying! They will keep re-patenting old drugs for fun and profit. It's the American way.

-- Nobody really knows yet whether the drug savings for older people will translate to higher costs for younger people. You'll just have to wait until after the 2026 band-aid reform package slowly goes into effect to find out. The election is in 2024, so what nobody knows yet cannot possibly hurt Biden you yet.

-- Perhaps most important of all, soothes the Times,

  • Biden has suggested that if he wins re-election, he will try to take more steps to reduce medical costs. Among them: making Obamacare subsidies permanent and capping insulin costs for privately insured Americans. “There’s more to do,” he has said.


  1. Isn't the Biden regime planning a 'pilot program' to transfer some people on traditional Medicare to Medical Advantage?

  2. I don't understand why anyone, other than the Party Faithful who will continue to drink the kool aid, would actually believe this bullshit. It is so clearly an effort to distract. Really? Do they think people will vote for Biden because a few of their pharmaceutical drugs are a little cheaper? Does the DNC, and the RNC for that matter, really think the 80% feel economically secure? That they feel positive about the future? How long do they think they are going to pull out that tired old, "Anything but Trump" and have it scare people into voting Democratic? They have been trying to demonise Putin - and it is working to some extent - but since both parties are The War Party now, the Dem's really don't have an advantage. Plus, by the time the election rolls around, many people who supported Ukraine at the beginning will be battle weary – or at least come to realise, the US cannot continually be the policeman of the world while we have our own unresolved problems at home to deal with – and pay for.

    Biden is a walking advertisement for age limits in Congress and on the Supreme Court - not to mention the POTUS. It is really getting comical - if it wasn't so frightening. Both parties have sold themselves out and it is so obvious that there is no one who actually cares about most of the American people, I reckon, people will either vote outside the duopoly or won't vote at all. I mean not only are the Democrats hamstrung with Biden, but as the Republican debate showed, their team is also pretty thin.

    People wonder why Trump continues to do well in the polls. Well . . . who does he have to compete against?

  3. Bernie Sanders - a politician we all thought we could trust - is now the enforcer of the Democratic Party. What has happened to Bernie? He has gone the way of the AOC Brigade. He not only was one of the first to endorse Biden but he attacked Cornell West, his long time supporter. Wow! I guess the only one we can REALLY trust who has gone through the political wars is Ralph Nader. Bernie has really sold his soul - turning on Cornell like that. And for what? A warmongering, senile, unfit for the role, geriatric president.

    I hope, when the Democrats lose in the next election, that all these people who are fed up with the sell-out, have voted for Independent candidates. I'm only hanging around the Democratic Party long enough to cast my vote for RFK - and then I'm outa there.

  4. @Valerie

    I like how you think! Another 100% agree.

    To add insult to injury, Bernie is a proud 'Independent', at least that's his shtick, and he's sticking to it.

    Well, that phony POS can stick his shtick where the sun don't shine - which is, as I recall, the same place Dems stuck it to him in the primaries. Stockholm syndrome?

  5. Bernie isn't Independent any more. He's a vassal of the DNC. Stockholm Syndrome is right!

  6. With all our politians for sale to the high bidders, I don't see how we will ever change the lock the drug companies, hospitals, and insurance companies have on the current system.

    According to OpenSecrets, there are 1,665 lobbyists in pharmaceuticals and health, with 60% of them former government employees. The revolving door.

  7. RE: annenigma, "Isn't the Biden regime planning a 'pilot program' to transfer some people on traditional Medicare to Medical Advantage?"

    Traditional Medicare recipients can voluntarily switch to a Medicare Advantage plan once a year, and at some other certain times too. Going from traditional Medicare to a Medicare Advantage plan has saved me a lot of money, and has made my life easier and more enjoyable. First, the 20 percent Medicare copay is gone. My Medicare Advantage plan pays my monthly Medicare Part B premium of $164.90. All my prescription drugs are covered except cialis. Ozempic has a $10 copay. Primary doctor is a zero copay. Specialist doctor is a $20 copay.

    My Medicare Advantage plan sent me a debit card that is funded each month with $150; $75 for Healthy Benefits, to spend on healthy food, and $75 for Over The Counter, most OTC meds and some durable medical equipment. There is also the Silver Sneakers program that pays my Planet Fitness Black Card membership, and any other fitness program I want to join, from the YMCA to the Advent Health Wellness Center. There is also the Papa’s Pals program My plan also gives me free rides to medical appointments, although I usually drive my own vehicle, unless it’s in the shop, or I’m low on gas money.

    Medicare Advantage plan benefits vary by area, with bigger cities usually offering more. But basically this an example of private industry giving a lot more benefits than the alone government provides, which is odd, since Medicare pays the Advantage Plan to provide the benefits, and in doing so, the Advantage Plan gives more benefits, and makes a profit.

  8. @Voice

    Chris Hedges did a great article on the Nurses Strike in NJ - which you can read in Consortium News. The largest healthcare provider in New Jersey is owned by RWJBarnabas Health. This organisation has an annual revenue of $6.6 billion and is registered as a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit charitable organization. To quote the article, "The company, Danella (the nurses' union spokesperson - my parentheses) suspects, plans to make the punishing working conditions and staff reductions permanent. Unchecked, they will continue to raise insurance premiums, which can cost a nurse with a family $500 a month. They will refuse to increase salaries, which range between $43 and $64 per hour, including the paltry $5 per hour rate, which the hospital management offered to increase to $6, for on-call nurses waiting at home. The union asked for the minimum wage for on-call nurses and then offered to drop the hourly amount to $10. The on-call nurses receive their standard pay rate once they clock in. They will, if union demands are not met, be denied retirement medical benefits and retention bonuses."

    Ummm . . . Where is Joe Biden and the Democratic Leadership? Where are our Democratic Representatives in the House and Senate? Aren't the Democrats the Party of the Common People? Oh, wait a minute! I forgot! - They are the Sell Our Constituencies Up the River Party! I am absolutely sickened by what I read. I am so angry - angry at the American People for not standing with the nurses, angry at this evil corporation that has managed to rig a non-profit status whilst making a financial killing, and most angry at what the Democratic Party is NOT doing to support this union of nurses – most of whom probably voted Democratic. Nurses, more than any other group, worked themselves into the ground supporting the goals of the Biden administration during Covid - and now the Dems don't seem to want to know them.

    And the Democrats expect to win in November 2024? Who exactly do they think are going to vote for them? The Railway Workers - oh wait! They knived THEM in the back not too long ago too! So, I ask again, other than the elite in the Democratic Party, who do they think is going to support Biden or the Democrats in Congress in the next election?

    As happy as I am with the news that Biden has put insulin on the list - it is a small thing he should have insisted on doing the moment he got in office, not as a campaign bribe two and a half years into his term.

  9. Now this, darkening our hopeless horizon:

    "No Labels, no fables, no third-party betrayals —
    All Americans who believe in democracy must unite behind Joe Biden."
    September 7, 2023 ~ by Robert Reich

  10. @Erik,

    I used to really like and respect Robert Reich but, like Bernie, he has gone completely over to the dark side. He does exactly what Bernie does. He criticises the terribly declining state of affairs in the U.S. and the World, yet never holds his own party accountable for the sell-outs, abuses and self-enriching policies that contribute to the decline - and always supports the worst people in the Democratic Party Establishment - Leadership.

    Notice the manipulative language – “fables and betrayals” - As if, promising what the Middle and Working Classes really want of their Representatives is somehow misinformation and betraying their country – and party. The truth is it is the Democratic Party starting with Clinton has been disingenuous and betrayed voter trust. Psychology has a term for it - It is called "projection."

    These two guys are just there to herd in those of us who are dissatisfied with the Democrats and their pro 10% / Big Everything (especially the MIC ) Agenda - and push the old, tired adage "We are the Lesser of Two Evils" and "Every vote for a Third Party Candidate, hurts the TLOTE (h/t JayOttawa for that acronym) chances in the election." Seriously, as if the shoddy way the Democrats have been treating the working and middle classes has nothing to do with their unpopularity.

    I've tried to find a quote from Bill Clinton, in response to selling out the Working Class with NAFTA, arrogantly responding, "Where are they going to go?" Meaning the Working Class will continue to vote Democratic no matter how bad the Dems are because the Repubs are worse. Was there an actual quote that someone (or people) heard him say?

    And I apoligise to the Sardonicky readers for taking over this comment thread. It is just that Karen’s post and the corresponding comments really resonated with me. Thanks


  11. When I signed up to be included on Reich's mailing list (allowing comment), and asked to submit my reasons, connections, and qualifications, I simply reported that when he was running for Massachusetts governor I knew Katharine (née Schlesinger) Kinderman and of her “Babes for Bob” support group.

    >>>—my comment, posted on site & once noted, but now I can’t find it scrolling over 900 basically agreeing with Reich—>

    To imply that failing to unite in lockstep behind Joe Biden is tantamount to not believing in democracy and effectively un-American is despicably offensive. That kind of drivel has no place in respectable discourse. Apologize.
