Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Dueling Grifters

The more they indict Trump, the higher his poll numbers go. This latest appalling state of affairs is giving the voter-shaming, message-tweaking members of the PMC (professional managerial class) quite the galloping  case of PTSD. (current and post-traumatic stress disorder).The poor things went to all that trouble of inventing the #Russiagate franchise way back in 2016 and later impeaching Trump in a glitzy series of televised docudramas, only to have a nation of Deplorables thumb their noses at all their good intentions. The masses of people have become so incorrigible that they can't even appreciate the Bidenomics Miracle smacking them upside their empty llttle heads. 

The liberal class and their neocon colleagues of the Deep State don't seem to realize that in offering up Donald Trump's hideous head on a series of spinning legal platters is no substitute for lack of health care, food, affordable housing, climate crisis solutions, student debt relief and inflation-engendering corporate greed. 

It has gone way beyond the proverbial tragedy and farce at this stage of the collapse of the American Empire. If there will be any presidential debates at all between Biden and Trump, they will devolve into bickering over which aged white man is the worse crook. 

More people than ever are amenable to the creation of a third party. Even though he has not yet won the Green Party nomination, Cornel West is polling well. The liberal class thus find themselves in quite a quandary, wondering how to smear West without seeming like the racists they accuse the MAGA hordes of being. So right now, their tactic is to accuse him of being a spoiler, fatuously assuming that he is taking votes away from the senile corrupt Joe Biden, while pretending that West simply does not exist.  (RFK Jr is a lot easier to criticize and thus deservedly receives more aghast negative attention.)

This will not be a presidential campaign about the suffering of everyday people. This will be a campaign conducted by dueling criminal prosecution and defense lawyers about whose crooked client most deserves your vote.

The cascade of indictments of Trump is obviously politically motivated, given that his supposed "resisters" sat on their thumbs regarding his criminal enterprises until the current horserace got underway. Biden was able to duck public accountability during the pandemic lockdowns by hiding in his basement. This time around, the best he can do is retreat to his beach house as the coordinated indictments come fast and furious. It is probably no accident that Trump was finally indicted over the January 6th riots during the exact same week that Biden's influence-peddling scheme with his son threatened to grab away all the public attention.

And of course, Trump is not actually being charged with leading an attempted coup but merely with spreading lies and disinformation about a "stolen"election. 

The public is being cordially invited to guess who his six co-conspirators will turn out to be. Much to the chagrin of the "rules-based order" spinning their narratives, however, the deplorable public is too busy worried about their survival to care about what a bunch of rich oligarchs and their lawyers are up to.

The political-media complex never did want to pay much attention to who empowered Trump in the first place: themselves.

Meanwhile, they're desperately trying to change the conversation over their botched proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. Far, far below the myriad scare headlines in the New York Times about the never-ending Battle Against Trump is an article titled "Ukrainian Troops Trained by US Stumble in Battle."

The Ukrainian draftees did not pay attention in their crash course in advanced American war-making.. Apparently, the Ukrainian soldiers equipped with billions of dollars in weapons simply are not sophisticated enough to absorb all the nuances of American aggression. They even  damaged a whopping 20 percent of the tanks and other high-tech sophisticated killing machine so graciously bestowed upon them.

“Arguably, the problem was in the (naive) US assumption that with a few months of training, Ukrainian units could be converted into fighting more the way that American forces might fight, leading the assault against a well-prepared Russian defense, rather than helping Ukrainians fight more the best way they know how.” the Times quotes a spokesman for the cynically named Carnegie Endowment for Peace as saying.

Those Ukrainan draftees rank right down there with the American electorate. Neither the war nor the election are going well for Biden. It's all the fault of people with no money and power - not the fault of a senile and corrupt president and his criminal cohort. 

So let's roll out another indictment or two and throw more billions at the war profiteers to substitute for health care and debt relief.

One consolation in this era of Post-Tragical Farce is that the ongoing writers' and actors' strike is putting a damper on the Hollywood propaganda traditionally churned out in such vacuous abundance as to put a happy face  on the predatory capitalism that is both silently and loudly killing us all.

What will the culture war pundits even have to talk about once the war between Barbie and Oppenheimer gets stale and the Trump indictments lose what little public relations effectiveness they still enjoy?


  1. Two failed impeachments and the Russiagate lies have undermined the prosecution. A great many voters are not listening to this, because they already decided they were manipulated with this sort of thing.

    They resent it. They avoid more such manipulation by refusing to consider it.

    These accusations might be true. It might no be manipulation this time. But it is too late for that.

    Democrats cried wolf for five years, and now it really no longer matters if they have finally found a wolf. I don't deny they have, I just say it no longer matters.

  2. Yes, the political war games. What will they achieve. Probably drive many of us to not vote. A good portion of the citizenry is obviously disgusted with a predatory capitalist system that is pushing us to the brink of destruction.

    I thought the 2020 election was a somewhat scary time for our society but 2024 looks to be even worse. Biden and Trump again? I think the empire is imploding or maybe causing far reaching explosions to come in the near future. Not a positive outlook.

    I do love your way with words kmg., like e.g., "The cascade of indictments of Trump is obviously politically motivated, given that his supposed "resisters" sat on their thumbs regarding his criminal enterprises until the current horserace got underway."

    Great analysis of our corporate owned political theater and what and who it serves.

  3. I don't know if the Biden folks "timed" the indictments to cover up the Hunter Biden developments. Maybe they did. But so what. This is a minor tactical issue. It does not make the Trump allegations any less significant or negate the legal case against him or absolve him of his actions.

    By the same token, did the Republicans "time" the charges against Hunter Biden for maximum political impact? Does that mean they are without merit?

    The US ruling class maintains its power and wealth streams through their command of the elections and the law. The rest of us are channeled into observing the process unfolding and being manipulated through the ruling class's media.

    The needed changes will not come through participating in this arrangement.

  4. Who remembers our debates a few years ago about "How did Trump happen?"

    We said that the media allowed Trump to take all the oxygen in the room, so coverage was all Trump, all the time. Good or bad, it needed not make any sense at all, it was just Trump, Trump, Trump, in all of our media.

    Well, what are we doing now? Look at our media today. Between all these court actions, we talk about almost nothing else. War? What war? Bribery of a President to get us into war? The Orange One is finally going to court! Horray! Rinse and repeat. Nothing else can be discussed.

    We are doing it again. How did this turn out last time?

  5. voice-in-wildernessAugust 4, 2023 at 7:06 PM

    Isn't the proxy war with Russia right on track? That is, to grind slowly against Russia for years, allowing for profitable weapons and energy sales. Despite their blue eyes and white skins, do we care any more about Ukrainians than we did about Afghanis or Vietnamese?

  6. So many speaking for the people here. The people don't care about J6. That is not a problem of the working class. The working class is starved for information on Hunter Biden, "Russiagate" debunking, and the"anti imperialist" content provided by those who platform various Pinochet enthusiasts/misogynist/racists such as Gonzalo Lira or white supremacists such as that Colonel McGregor dude.
    The NYT, for all its faults does have some good reporting. I mean, you could read about actual US imperialism as practiced in our territory of Guam, or you could read stories about child labor abuses in the meat packing industry, or the problematic use of the inflation reduction act to build more highways. I have read far more radical critiques of our public health system in the NYt than anything I've read here. Why are people so disinterested in this sort of reporting? Why just read the cable news type stuff? This is what happens when ideas don't matter to you. You find yourself agreeing with anyone who hates Nancy Pelosi or Biden or AOC or whomever
    as much as you. Before you know it, you're screaming about Bidenflation or the state usurping parental authority. How much longer before I read about the great reset here.
    As for tragedy and farce, might want to read the second paragraph of the text from whence that quote came.

  7. Anonymous,
    Not sure who you're criticizing here, myself or the commenters. I get a lot of pushback from people over my criticism of Dems - which in many binary minds is equated with slavish devotion to Trump and of course Putin. It's even worse than 50s McCarthyism because more people have taken on the task of grand inquisitor. For example, one reader recently demanded I supply her with names of all the Trump voters I know who support single payer health care. Not only do I not take on work assignments, I don't make a habit of asking people their party affiliation or voting history before conversing with them. That would be rude,. However there are plenty of polls revealing that most of the former Obama voters who pulled the lever for Trump in
    2016 are in favor of universal guaranteed health care....
    who woulda thunk that even fascist irredeemables would want their health care needs met? If they're more interested in Hunter Biden dirt than in public health policy, it's because that is what the corporate media present to them, day in and day out.
    The old divide nyd conquer method is still working out very well for our overlords.

  8. Valerie Long TweedieAugust 18, 2023 at 3:28 AM


    I found your comment rather hard to follow - I think you might be trying to sound erudite but in the end it was hard to figure out your points. You seem to be defending the NYT against Cable News. The NYT does have some good reporting on important issues - just not ones that affect the interests of Big Ag, Big Tech and Free Speech, Big Energy and Climate Change, Big Pharma and most importantly, the MIC. Basically, where all our tax dollars are being misused and abused. The NYT and WaPo walk lock step with the narrative the Biden Administration and previous Democratic administrations have promoted. What offends me the most, is whether it is a Republican or Democratic Administration in power, the NYT has never seen a war it didn't think was a dandy idea. And it has been wrong, time after time.

    I can only speak for myself but I weigh what I read and hear in the MSM with "alternative media." While a bunch of these characters can be ninnies, there are also some highly intelligent journalists with proven track records for excellent reporting like Chris Hedges, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi and Seymour Hersh - who were darlings of the Liberal Intelligencia until they started disagreeing with the establishment narrative. It is worth going over to listen to the likes of Jeffrey Sachs and John Mearsheimer as well as the above-mentioned journalists if you want to learn the major concerns of an intelligent, logical alternative to the generally stenographic reporting of the MSM. Widening one's reading repertoire can only enhance one's informed opinion.

    If I see a member of my family doing something wrong or immoral, I - because I AM a family member - should (even have an obligation to) call out the wrong that is being done - or at least, to question it. I see this as what true Liberals - not the neo-con Liberals that are running the DNC - like Karen, Hedges, Greenwald, Taibbi, Hersh, Sachs and Mearsheimer are trying to do. This is REAL journalism and should be welcomed in a democracy - not silenced by those in power and their faithful footmen.

  9. I forgot to mention, Karen - This was a very good post that pretty much nailed it for me!
