Sunday, August 13, 2023

How Biden Could Win

 According to an article in Politico,  the White House is in a hand-wringing frenzy over all the red states that are gleefully cutting millions of people off Medicaid. Mass removals began in late spring, when Joe Biden officially and prematurely declared an end to the Covid public health emergency, That action brought, in millions of cases, an abrupt end to guaranteed medical coverage for struggling people. For the three years of the emergency, they'd been spared all the onerous bureaucratic hoop-jumping and dire need-proving in order to get care. 

 His declaration ending pandemic aid, the apologetics narrative goes, resulted from a relentless and irresistible pressure campaign from the governors of these same red states - states that never in a million years would give the election to that rascally radical socialist Joe Biden.

Now, it's the Biden administration's turn to be seen as "pressuring" these same red states to please don't be so hasty and enthusiastic about it. Spread the pain out more discreetly in hopes nobody will notice. You see, when an estimated 15 million struggling Americans are expected to lose Medicaid coverage by next year, just when Campaign '24 goes into full swing, Biden's boast that people are better off due to his "Bidenomics" miracle recovery might fall a tad flat

That's what the Democrats are most worried about: not winning the next election. The fact that millions of people already have been kicked off the Medicaid rolls, just as Covid cases increased by a whopping 50 percent this summer, is of secondary importance to them.

So rather than Biden taking to the bully pulpit to blast Republicans for kicking people off their health coverage when so many more are getting sick, his administration is reported to be quietly cajoling right-wing governors in states like Texas, Florida and Arkansas to go a little slower with the sadism that he himself facilitated with the stroke of a pen. In Arkansas alone, Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders has already kicked off more than 300,000 Medicaid patients from their coverage in the past few months - including more than 100,000 children.

According to Politico,

But the administration has refused to publicly criticize individual states or even identify which ones it believes face the most serious issues, for fear of damaging its relationships with them. Though GOP-led states like Texas and Arkansas rank among the most aggressive in cutting people from Medicaid, states with Democratic governors such as Kansas and Kentucky are also dropping enrollees at high rates.

As long as it's bipartisan, it's like that sickly-sweet old Smuckers syrup TV commercial: it's just got to be good.  The problem is that during election season, the too-blatant embrace of eugenics as official US health policy is not a good look. 

But here's the dilemma. As the Duopoly is well aware, poor people don't turn out to vote in as great numbers as more well-off people. Therefore, all the Democrats think they  need do is to impress the well-off by posturing as "trying" to ameliorate the cruelty that they themselves passively-aggressively helped bring into being. As for the Republicans, they've apparently convinced enough of their constituents that losing their own health care is not as bad as the undeserving lazy malingerers of legend getting some of it. "Let them eat resentment" is one way of putting it. This works especially well where gerrymandering is the booster shot of choice.

The liberal opposition is the maudlin political theater described in the Politico article: 

On Capitol Hill, senior Democrats have grown increasingly frustrated with the administration’s approach, questioning its effectiveness and pushing for more aggressive steps — such as cutting off critical funding.... Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), who chairs the committee that oversees Medicaid, likened some states’ attempts to stop people from losing coverage to “waving at somebody as their car goes by, and going, well, we contacted you.” 

Heaven forfend that the Democrats run the risk of being called socialists by going so far as to bring single payer health legislation up for a floor debate.  If everybody had health care, liberal politicians  would never again have to exert themselves uttering empty threats to cut off funding to those mean old states. Without manufactured gridlock, they wouldn't even know what to do with themselves.

And with Covid cases rising quite drastically in the United States this summer, and with the number of Long Covid cases being a public health crisis in and of itself, President Biden could, with just another stroke of his executive pen, re-declare a public health emergency and order guaranteed health care for every man, woman trans person and child in this country, with no requirement to prove either financial need, employability or moral deservingness. All of those tens of millions of people who don't vote because they are too poor, too sick or too tired to care or expect much from politicians might change their minds and turn out for Joe Biden at the polls in 2024. He'll at least have earned his bragging rights.

Then again, they worry, if too many people get too healthy they might also develop the energy to take to the streets in protest of such things as student loan debt, capitalism-fueled climate disasters, and America's endless wars. And then what good would a second term for Biden and even a Democratic majority in both houses of Congress do them?

 Keeping the masses of people down and out is the engine that keeps the oligarchs who fund and control the politicians in power.  And tying for-profit predatory health coverage to one's work is the main way for the overlords to crush unions and to keep labor in line.

The fact that life expectancy in the United States is decreasing, and the suicide rate in this country increased to historic levels last year is, after all, just what the concierge doctor ordered for his wealthy clients. 

In the first few years of the pandemic, the suicide rate had actually decreased, given that most people got government stimulus checks, enhanced unemployment benefits, maximum food aid, and yes... Medicaid coverage. The suicide rate increased just as the temporarily enhanced welfare state, which had cut the rate of child poverty in half, began to be dismantled as a matter of deliberate bipartisan design. People who'd finally caught a break by having enough to eat and getting protection from evictions, suddenly had it all yanked away from them. 

These suicides are very much part and parcel of what Case and Deaton have accurately called "deaths of despair." The last thing in the world that desperate people need right now is some politician telling them that they're better off than they think they are.

Meanwhile, the bipartisan policy now in cruel effect is essentially just a dead heat on a merry-go-ground. The Republicans pressure the Democrats to kill off more poor people, and then the queasy, compliant Democrats pressure the Republicans to tone down the sadism just a wee bit. The actual people are crushed under the political stampede before they're fatally ejected from the rickety roller coaster. of late capitalism. (They just aren't personally responsible enough to fasten their frayed seatbelts!)

Welcome to the Eugenic States of America.


  1. With the political hold of the duopoly, where is there hope? Will either party change from within? I can't imagine a third party effort that could do more than skew the election within in the duopoly.

    I wish I could believe that some organizing force, like unions, could grow worker power, but in fact I see nothing but further decline of unions. And of jobs in general. A recent article somewhere pointed out that the U.S. putting trade pressure on China will not bring jobs back to the U.S., but will send them to Mexico, India, Vietnam, etc.

  2. Valerie Long TweedieAugust 16, 2023 at 4:19 AM

    There is very little difference between the policies of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. All the Democrats have in their arsenal is "We are not Trump," and identity politics. All the establishment Republicans have in their arsenal is "All the free loaders are bankrupting the country, the illegals are stealing our jobs and Muslims and people of colour cannot be trusted." None of them have a solution that doesn't involve giving over to Big Ag, Big Banks, Big Pharma, Big Energy and the War Machine. It really is true; the Democrats are Republican Lite.

    I think Trump is an egomaniac, narcissist and very possibly a lunatic. But . . . he has done one really important thing that is good for American Democracy: as hard as the Political Establishment has tried to lock out any anti-establishment candidate in my lifetime, Trump has proved to them, and us, that it is possible for an outsider to win the White House.

    Oh, the DNC is having kittens not knowing who to insult and attack. Should it be the former darlings of journalism: Chris Hedges, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi and Seymour Hersh? Should it be Trump? Should it be RFK? I mean, how many times can they call him "the conspiracy theorist?" (They've gotten their lackeys in the mainstream media to lock out Cornell West at the moment, but they will be coming for him when they are done with RFK.) Should it be the people who are calling out the Forever Wars? So many people to discredit, hate and fear yet so little time before the election. And what about them BRICS? They certainly aren't doing what they are told? The War in Ukraine is just not turning out to be the easy win they thought it would be and who could have expected that China and Russia - not to mention Saudi Arabia - would suddenly become friends? Furthermore, their little puppet in the White House is showing signs of wear and tear, and no one likes the reincarnation of Dick Cheney/Darth Vader - Victoria Nuland. Even Fiona Hill is starting to hint that the way the U.S. has behaved since the Ukraine War is making the U.S. veeery unpopular in other parts of the word.

    The Establishment Republicans are also having kittens. I mean, they just can't seem to kill off (metaphorically, of course) Trump, no matter how hard they try. I think he is polling at around 55% these days. The more charges they help throw at him, the more they look like the scared little bullies they are.

    I am no political scientist who claims to understand the complexities of running a political campaign but even I can see, if the Republican Party is working for the 1% and the DNC is working for the 10%, there are at least 90% of Americans who seem to be coming to the understanding that an Establishment candidate is not working for them. Who’se left? Trump. The Democrats really blew it when they cheated Bernie out of the nomination TWICE. They could have been in the driver seat right now. I truly don't believe Trump would even be in the picture if they had let the cards fall where they would have if the Debbie Wasserman Shultz brigade hadn't interfered.

    My Democratic friends can't believe that people still want to vote for Trump - but even I can see that the Establishment is piling on the indictments in order to subvert monies away from the Trump for President 2024 campaign. It's just really over the top and it has the feeling of bullies ganging up on one person. I'm no fan of Trump but the Establishment in both parties really has it in for him - and the disappearing Middle and Working classes can relate to that.

  3. I'm a registered Independent in an open primary state. The Greens are not on the ballot in my state so I can't vote for Cornel West. I could/would vote Bobby over Biden but why bother? The fix is in. DNC argued in Bernie's lawsuit against them that it was their prerogative as a private corporation to choose their own candidate, not ours. They prevailed legally.

    I am totally disgusted by how relentlessly dirty the Dems have been waging war against Trump, beginning with Hillary's long-running election denial CIA/FBI psyop known as Russiagate. They've never let up on their dirty war against Trump over the past 7 years and it's pissing me off.

    All things considered. I'm voting Trump all the way, even and especially if he's sitting in a prison cell - providing they haven't offed him first. "Six ways to Sunday" and they've already tried 2 impeachments and 4 indictments.

    As with Assange, they'd prefer to induce a 'natural' death by keeping the stress level turned up to the max. If Trump wasn't such a bull of a man, they might have already succeeded. I just don't think they realize that he's a street-fighting man and that his supporters aren't as stupid as they think.

    In the meantime, look for the media to keep coordinating their messages that "everyone has Trump fatigue", "he's too weak a candidate", "too distracted by trials" so he can't win the primary. Recall they all agreed that he was a big joke and didn't stand a chance in 2016.

    We'll see who gets the last laugh. Again.

  4. annenigma,

    I think you are not alone in preferring Trump over Biden. It is kind of like the Hillary thing, it is not that many of the people who will be forced to vote for him, actually like Trump; it is that they really hate Biden and his gang of silent assassins.

  5. @ annenigma

    So you lament your inability to cast a vote for the Green Party on one hand but then declare that you're absolutely voting for the man-toddler buffoon. Well gosh Ann, that's a really principled stand you take and not contradictory whatsoever.

    I'm no fan of the Democratic Party by any means, but would you have been happier had they offered absolutely no pushback against Trump's idiotic shenanigans?

    Have you always been a closet Trump backer, or have you just gone full contrarian (a la Greenwald, Taibbi et al) out of spite for the inept and flaccid Dem establishment?

  6. Wow! Annenigma,

    What a great response - very articulate! I agree 100% with everything you said.
