Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Fire Alarm Follies

Now that US Rep. Jamaal Bowman's lame excuse that he mistook a fire alarm for an electronic door-opener has fallen flat, he's pivoted to the default position: the Republicans who want him criminally charged or expelled from Congress are nothing but a bunch of "Nazis."

It might have been a lot smarter for him to plead that he was just taking literally the recent overheated "five-alarm" fire rhetoric of Democratic operatives kvetching that the donor money just isn't flowing in as fast as it was in the good bad old days of the Trump presidency. Fire alarm rhetoric had been spreading all over social and corporate media before the Bowman stunt.

New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg, herself the spouse of a Democratic campaign operative, had already gotten the hysterical alarm bells ringing with a piece titled "Where Has All the Left-Wing Money Gone?"

She showcased Billy Wimsatt, executive director of the Movement Voters party fundraising offshoot, who coined the phrase "five-alarm fire" as what he deemed to be just the right impetus to get people scared enough to empty their wallets for Democrats.

 Goldberg's alarmist lede:

As we stumble toward another existential election, panic is setting in among some progressive groups because the donors who buoyed them throughout the Trump years are disengaging. “Donations to progressive organizations are way down in 2023 across the board,” said a recent memo from Billy Wimsatt, executive director of the Movement Voter Project, an organization founded in 2016 that channels funds to community organizers, mostly in swing states, who engage and galvanize voters. He added, “Groups need money to make sure we have a good outcome next November. But. People. Are. Not. Donating.”

There's nothing that galvanizes people into giving to politicians than a sentence that not only Capitalizes. Every. Word, but also adds lots of periods for emphasis. When a friendly media publishes your money-grab verbatim, all the better.

The Guardian newspaper also pumped up the "Yelling Fire" method in its own uncritical piece showcasing Billy Wimsatt and his lack of money flowing in. This lack, supposedly, is mostly because their erstwhile cash cow Donald Trump is now sitting in a whole series of courtrooms rather than behind the White House Resolute Desk. Of course, it paradoxically does somewhat help the Dems  financially every time their profit-driven corporate media partners eagerly offer Trump a free microphone with which to urge bodily harm on all the judges and prosecutors leading the "witch-hunt" against him. Because it is so not fair that every time The Donald gets indicted, his own donation money does keep flowing and his own poll numbers do keep rising - while Joe Biden's keep falling. It's so very mysterious. Lacking an agenda to give regular people a better life, the Dems are reduced to at least allowing people to get high on regular doses of shocked, self-righteous indignation. 

Forget the old liberal excuse for colluding with Republicans behind closed doors to slash the social safety net - "you can'tbring a knife to a gun fight." Nowadays, if you can't beat the Nazi arsonists, you may as well fan the flames with your own higher grade of gasoline. Then you can feel all smug, yelling fire in your side of the tottering political theater. 

Absent a Democratic platform benefiting ordinary people, the only way to motivate giving (if not actually voting) is to scare them. Thus does The Guardian newspaper dutifully follow the Times's lead, in pushing the alarm button. It turns out that the opposite of an FDR fireside chat - The Only Emotion To Experience Is Fear Itself -   requires lots of cash and gaslighting.

From the party press release as reprinted in The Guardian.

According to the Movement Voter Project, progressives have “a five-alarm fire going into 2024”. The organization’s director, Bill Wimsatt, said he was “pressing the panic button” because donor inaction is creating a movement-wide crisis.

Wimsatt said there had been a peak for progressive causes around the time of Black Lives Matter in 2020 and amid campaigning to get Donald Trump out of office. “The sense of urgency and existential necessity has dissipated in people’s minds,” he said, “though the situation going into 2024 isn’t any less existential.”

Before becoming the Democrats' go-to alarm bell ringer and Sartre co-opter, Wimsatt was an aspiring rapper and founder and/or leader of what he calls a whole series of "game-changer" networks, including the Alliance of Young Voters, Rebuild the Dream and the Coffee Party. According to his Wikipedia page, he preceded his current "five alarm fire" tour with a PR tour that flattered wealthy young liberal donors as the "Cool Rich Kids."

So, to hear Billy whine about it now, it seems that his fellow cool rich kids are no longer so cool. Therefore, what other choice do kids like Bowman and Wimsatt have but but to pull fire alarms to draw attention to themselves? It's gotten so existentially hard at Hallowed Halls High School (Congress) that they can't even keep their dress codes straight, let alone keep up with all the cheating and corruption scandals sucking the campaign money right out of the room.

But back to those stingy, cool rich non-donors. They still do have a clique called Resource Generation. Members are in the 18-35 age demographic with "wealth and/or class privilege and a commitment to the equitable distribution of wealth, land and power."

In order to continue such good works as protesting in the streets, speaking at city council meetings and becoming heads of their family foundations, members also busily fund-raise from other wealthy people like themselves in order to keep their grassroots networks networking. There's a lot of internal competition for elite cash, it seems.

To apply for membership in the Alliance of Cool Rich Kids, you or your family preferably will belong to the top 10 percent of wealth owners with assets of - and ready access to - at least $1 million in cash. But rest assured, the group is so now so inclusive that they decided several years ago to allow even those who are less-rich to join - just so long as applicants are passionate about rich people's philanthropic causes.  Tellingly enough, they identify their board of directors and staff only by their first names and initials. 

Now, if the following chart doesn't convince you that these wealthy activists are full of shit, that the wealth is actually being mal-distributed with a vengeance, that American rich kids both young and old stay that way by extracting ever-dwindling resources from the poor and working class, then nothing will.

 This is eugenics in action:

The heavy black line at the bottom represents poor people in the United States who, because of predatory capitalism and their lack of a pricey college degree, are literally falling to their deaths in record numbers. Economists Anne Case and Angus Deaton last week expanded upon the findings of their landmark study "Deaths of Despair" with the undeniable truth that the "mortality gap" between rich and poor is getting worse all the time. In fact, struggling people are prematurely dying at three times the rate that they were in 1992. The wealth redistribution talk of "progressives" is just so much self-regarding hot air.

The Case/Deaton report, not surprisingly, is being ignored by the corporate media, so busily focused on the pressing concerns of the educated and well-off: Trump Derangement Syndrome, Fire Alarm-gate and fund-raising goals.

Meanwhile, rather than re-declare a public health emergency which might include such remedies as direct cash aid, single payer health care, national eviction protections and rent control, and a government jobs program, the Biden administration has just allocated some $200 million for suicide prevention. The bulk of the grant will shore up the 988 suicide prevention hotlines that desperate people can call when they have no money, no health care, no food, no house and no job. This grant, of course, also blithely assumes that desperate suicidal people actually have access to a phone.

The real five-alarm emergency is that the movers and shakers of our corporacracy have completely lost their grip on reality. They're high on their own fumes. If you don't indulge them in their fantasies, they shrill, then you're just repeating Russian talking points. 


  1. Oh, I got a good laugh out of the Democrats wondering why no one is giving to their cause, yet . . . The Donald is still getting tons of donations. Take a hint! No one wants you!

  2. voice-in-wildernessOctober 4, 2023 at 9:21 AM

    If we give up on the Democrats and with no third party of anything but spoiler influence, should we just get it over with and go all-in on authoritarianism for 2024?

  3. His real argument: I am a Democrat so I can get away with anything.

    This is not a position likely to age well.

  4. @voice-in-wilderness

    It seems to me that Democrats under Dear Leader are already going full-on authoritarian and are the real spoilers. Here's just a few examples why I believe that.

    A Fifth Circuit judge recently ruled strongly, to put it mildly, against the Biden regime for systematic violations of 1A by using multiple federal agencies, including CIA and FBI, to coerce social media companies to censor content that questioned or challenged regime policies. These involved personal expressions relating to Covid, vaccines, climate change, the Ukraine war, etc. The regime is of course appealing to the Supremes on the grounds of 'National Security' to protect their authoritarian power to censor.

    The regime is already propagandizing the hell out of Americans regarding Ukraine and have been since Day 1 and non-stop, like nothing we've ever seen before. Thanks, Obama, for reversing the law prohibiting propaganda targeting Americans, making it legal. CIA thanks you for your service! ; - )

    The regime even successfully forced Twitter to permanently shut down President Trump's account and multitudes of others were also censored by various methods by other social media companies despite internal deliberations concluding there was no legitimate reason to do so. They only submitted to regime demands, threats, and coercion due to fear of negative repercussions.

    Today Code Pink held a protest at Bernie Sanders' office against the Ukraine war. 11 were arrested. Guess who attended and spoke in favor of peace negotiations and cutting off funding? Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green. Guess how many Dems showed up? None. They're too busy goosestepping in unison for Biden's Ukraine proxy war.

    Dems are worse than useless. I could go on but instead I'll just point out the Dem's mistreatment of a legitimate and capable candidate, RFK Jr., to try to keep him out of sight and out of the race.

    I rest my case.

  5. Who wants to buy a new bridge?

  6. Valerie Long TweedieOctober 7, 2023 at 1:44 AM

    Matt Taibbi wrote in a post entitled, "Have They Gone Mad?"

    "Hillary Clinton last night on CNN said of Trump supporters, “You know, maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members.” This among other things came in the context of a report in Newsweek to the effect that the federal government, and the FBI in particular, has “quietly created a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump’s army of MAGA followers.”

    “That seems… like a lot of people? In addition to the obvious observation that people like Hillary seem increasingly unmoored from reality, as well as wilfully deaf to the political consequences of their words — Maybe we need to formally deprogram you makes the “Basket of Deplorables” episode seem like a Valentine’s Day card . . ."

    And the Democrats wonder why no one wants to contribute to their campaign coffers!

    I think it is fair to say that the Democratic Party is definitely showing signs of being unmoored from reality and blind to the consequences of their odious behaviour. And yet, the party faithful, go right along with it. I have a friend, a successful lawyer, who wrote to me (after I suggested she listen to Jeffrey Sachs or John Mearsheimer - two reasonable and highly intelligent gentlemen). She replied that Putin invading Ukraine was only the beginning . . . and that Putin and the Russians were stealing Ukrainian children! Meanwhile, as Karen mentioned, a man elected to the United States Congress thought that pulling a fire alarm to buy him some time to get to a vote was a reasonable course of action!

    I am glad there is a little blowback in terms of campaign donations to this wacked out group of political operatives. I want to high five RFK Jr when he says he wants the Democratic Party - the one his father and uncle were part of - back. So do I!

    I am not only NOT going to give the Democrats a penny, I am going to re-register as an Independent. Get me out of this Clown Car!

  7. Holy Hell! Pull the fire alarm for real because war is breaking out in the Middle East. Katie bar the door!

    Newsflash for our Congressclowns: The Middle East isn't our playground anymore. Other ME countries have formed new alliances and aren't going to put up with our pouring gas on the fire to help Israel win this 'unprovoked' war, destabilizing their whole region again.

    There's been a sea change in the balance of power in the ME after Biden froze/stole Russian sovereign wealth during his Ukraine war to add to our bootie from Iran and Venezuela.

    Most countries outside of EU/NATO recognized an urgent need to break free from our economic tyranny so they formed new alliances. So our divide and conquer strategy in the ME no longer works. They have options.

    Biden must be really regretting having depleted the Strategic Petroleum Reserves for the midterm elections. Not only is the SPR depleted but oil costs more now and our access could be cut off just like we've done when stealing, I mean freezing, the sovereign wealth funds of countries who don't follow our rules-based order.

    I hope a peacemaker comes forward. Hey, if China isn't too busy helping developing countries build roads, bridges, high speed rail, etc., maybe they could take some time out to help negotiate a non-military solution.

  8. lets see what the "anti imperialist right" has to say about Israel. (Checks Marjorie Taylor Greene's statement). Oh.
    Nice anti war coalition you have there.

  9. Oh hey. RFK is calling Israel a "Jewish state". Cool. Greenwald hasn't weighed in. There was a time when he might have expressed some support for the nation living under colonial rule. Best not to ruffle his paymasters.

  10. @Kat

    Today is the Sabbath and also a Jewish holy day (Sema Torah, sp?). I've never seen Greenwald post a tweet on any Saturday. He's also now a widower with 2 kids and spends weekends with them, as shown in tweet photos playing tennis, etc.

    Max Blumenthal will have a lot to say too, at least after sundown out of respect for his faith. I don't believe either would mince words or hold their tongues for a big payoff from anyone. After all, they aren't politicians!

    RFK did weigh in. I wish he hadn't because he posted a rabidly war-mongering gung-ho tweet strongly encouraging escalation of this war with our generou$ help, naturally.

    So much for running on being a peace candidate who wants to end endless wars. This one has been going on for decades already, endless enough.

    Now that you mentioned paymasters, I can't help but wonder if some big campaign paymasters have RFK's ear. They usually do when candidates run for President and need lots of money.

    RFK proved today that he's qualified to be a politician because he lies with the best of them, and President because he can work with the MIC and keep the War Machine well fed. It's the Intelligence Cabal that calls the shots though.

    Run, Bobby run! Away! Politics, like war, is a dirty business.

  11. This ignominious, unprovoked, and barbaric attack on Israel must be met with world condemnation and unequivocal support for the Jewish state’s right to self-defense. We must provide Israel with whatever it needs to defend itself — now. As President, I’ll make sure that our policy…
    — Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) October 7, 2023

    Unprovoked! Kinda like the invasion of Ukraine was unprovoked. Up til now, I was willing to give RFK Jr a pass on his opinion that we shouldn't hold Israel to standards any different from that of the rest of the Middle Eastern countries. I didn't agree with it - but I understood that Kennedy was already taking on the Big Polluters, Big Pharma, the CIA and the Neocons - He had to stay friendly with Israel and the Jewish lobby if he had any chance of launching a viable campaign. But "unprovoked?" - what an offence to the truth and history.

    Chris Hedges has written a good piece on the conflict found in SheerPost.

  12. As far as foundations go, Generation Resource does not sound too objectionable. I looked them up and they don't really have that much money, but they do spend. And they certainly spend a much larger percentage of their assets and give to decent causes. They acknowledge societal harms are the direct product of wealth creation and that should guide the giving. Why was this group singled out? What would you rather them be one of the enormous right wing foundations such as Bradley or Sarah Scaife (whose resources dwarf Generation Resource)?

  13. Kennedy was not taking on Big Pharma. There was no talk of patent reform. There was no talk of public ownership of the research that made the vaccines possible. There was no talk of distributing the vaccines free to the world. The guy is against any sort of collective action. He was very useful that way for the right wing capitalists backing his campaign. He was anti "lockdown". Something we never really had. Did he argue for people to get paid to stay home? he did not. The same guy that argued about how horrible the lockdowns were calls this attack unprovoked. Wonder how the anti lockdown crew would respond to life in the Gaza strip? Why call it the "Jewish Lobby"? It's Israel.

  14. Kat,
    I "singled them out," as you say, because Billy Wimsatt, the main subject of the piece, himself singled them out as the "Cool Rich Kids." This particular group is only one part of the tangled web of Democratic veal pens, and differs from others only because it openly brags about the high net-worth roots of its existence - effectively trying to rehabilitate hereditary wealth as a virtue. Yes, some of its members may be well-meaning, but it has a very classist message. It's a much less harmless iteration of the SBF "altruistic givining" fig leaf for the crypto scam. Philanthrocapitalism, as practiced by the oligarchy, usually involves the same family foundations cited by this Alliance of Cool Rich Kids who define charity as investing in one another's foundations and tax shelters as a means to dodge potential higher income and wealth taxes. It is sold as the neoliberal alternative to public spending for social programs.

  15. No, it is not a "much less harmless iteration of effective altruism". Not at all. You need to read up on so called effective altruism.
    Tell me how they are trying to "rehabilitate hereditary wealth as virtue". And there was nothing in the material that I read that indicated they were selling charity as a substitute for public spending.
    All foundations are problematic. This one seems less so than others.

    All I can say is people here could benefit from a Marxist perspective instead of focusing on nefarious individuals.

  16. Ms. Garcia:
    For at least a second time, what I posted on your site has been removed from the list.
    Please let me know why -- what offense have my remarks caused expulsion?

  17. Erik,
    I am very sorry to learn some of your posts ave gone missing. I did not remove them so am a loss to explain what happened. I. See the most recent one by you was published on Saturday. I vale your contributions and links. So if this happens again please email me at herecomestrouble665@gmail.com.

  18. Kat, since you did not share the material you read, how canI possibly respond.
    Please don't lecture me about what I should read in order to justify my critiques. Also I think it is essential to name names and hold individuals to account.

  19. Karen,

    Same as Eric. My comment was published then disappeared afterwards.

    I then changed my name to Thought Criminal. One comment submitted under that name was delayed by days but did eventually show up after other comments dated much later than mine.

    Other comments went through but the last one submitted on Friday I've yet to see.

    I will use the email you provided if it happens again.

  20. Anne, thanks for letting me know. I get email notifications from Google every time a comment is submitted, and I approve them more often than not. I do get

    my share of spam, trolls and even the occasional phishing attempt. This disappearances of published comments is something new and is concerning. I did get a recent comment from you that showed as nothing but white space but I assumed it was submitted accidentally, before completion... but then, nothing further. so something weird is going on. I will try to get to the bottom of it.
    For now I will keep a daily numerical count of the published comments and if a discrepancy occurs I will cross check with my saved email copies and restore what was disappeared,

  21. @Kat

    Who do you suggest I vote for? I like Cornell the best but he has no chance at all. While he is intelligent and ethical, our very white world will not be able to even listen to his words - without a debate - to get beyond his folksy way of speaking and his appearance. The reason so many people voted for Obama and believed his lies was because he was indeed a "black mascot of Wall street" who looked and spoke the part.

    I cannot vote for a senile old man (and those invisible people pulling his strings) nor can I vote for a narcissistic lunatic.

    Marianne Williamson is pro war with Russia and China - which I am vehemently against - and that leaves RFK Jr. ALL the candidates on offer have huge faults - but the alternative is not voting - which I will do if it comes down to Biden and Trump - but I hope RFK gets enough support to at least get an Independent into the race. The Duopoly is practically one party now. As for RFK not being anti Big Pharma - he certainly is the most hostile - and he is against Gain of Function research which is BIG for me.

  22. Some time ago I responded to a comment on "Biden's Band-Aid Sampler Pack", to "annenigma said...Isn't the Biden regime planning a 'pilot program' to transfer some people on traditional Medicare to Medical Advantage?", but my comment was never published, so I just read now and don’t comment. (other than now).

    FYI, see this editorial by Haaretz: Netanyahu Bears Responsibility for This Israel-Gaza War


    "The disaster that befell Israel on the holiday of Simchat Torah is the clear responsibility of one person: Benjamin Netanyahu. The prime minister, who has prided himself on his vast political experience and irreplaceable wisdom in security matters, completely failed to identify the dangers he was consciously leading Israel into when establishing a government of annexation and dispossession, when appointing Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir to key positions, while embracing a foreign policy that openly ignored the existence and rights of Palestinians."

    "Netanyahu will certainly try to evade his responsibility and cast the blame on the heads of the army, Military Intelligence and the Shin Bet security service who, like their predecessors on the eve of the Yom Kippur War, saw a low probability of war with their preparations for a Hamas attack proving flawed."

    And this by Amnesty International:


    "For half a century, Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip has resulted in systematic human rights violations against Palestinians living there."

    "Since the occupation first began in June 1967, Israel’s ruthless policies of land confiscation, illegal settlement and dispossession, coupled with rampant discrimination, have inflicted immense suffering on Palestinians, depriving them of their basic rights."
