Wednesday, October 18, 2023

It's All About the White Settler Colonialism

 What took European invaders close to 400 years to accomplish in the Americas, the State of Israel hopes to accomplish in less than a quarter of that time. I am talking, of course, about the State of Israel's pivot from its protracted ethnic cleansing of Palestine to the outright genocide of the Palestinians trapped in Gaza.

Just as the Puritans self-righteously justified their own wars against native populations by pointing to their own persecution at the hands of the British, and later, by the often-violent reaction of Indians against the settler-colonists, so too do the Zionists of Israel justify their treatment of native populations by pointing to their own long history of persecution in Europe, which culminated with the Holocaust.  As long as the perpetrators can gloss over their racist white supremacy with the shield of perpetual victimhood, they feel free to do plenty of victimizing of their own. If you criticize their actions, you are labeled an anti-Semite. You might even have a Wall Street job offer rescinded if you're an Ivy League student. (Which might not be a bad thing, in the long run. Maybe these elite college kids can now oot for a teaching job in an underserved public school!)

Joe Biden, on his quick campaign stop in Israel, wasted no time in embracing both Binyamin Netanyahu and Bibi's predictable denial of responsibility for the explosion at a Gaza hospital, which has claimed the lives of at least 500 people. The US president glibly explained his belief that Hamas ("the other team") was responsible by saying that "his" defense department had already told him so. This is the same dude who had enthusiastically embraced the debunked war propaganda of decapitated Israeli babies.

It's all about the solidarity among the settler-colonialists of the world. Both the United States and Israel consider themselves to be exceptional nations, among God's chosen ones. They do pre-emptive war with impunity.

Why else would the US military, in which Biden puts so much demented faith and trust, name a whole series of its lethal weapons and hardware after the native populations it had finally conquered in the late 19th century?  

Here's just a partial list of what the perpetual US war machine has used to maim and kill untold millions of people, the majority of whom have been non-white in the ludicrously-named post World War II "Pax Americana" --

Apache attack helicopter, Tomahawk cruise missile,  a whole series of helicopters bearing such tribal names as Cayuga, Huron, and Iroquois, not to mention the high-tech spy aircraft called Kiowa, Ute and Mohawk. And who can forget that the mission to murder Osama Bin Laden was named after the great Indian warrior against US occupation - Geronimo?

Such naming is a way to continue denigrating American Indians while justifying their own modern wars of aggression. It speaks to a kind of distorted genetic memory  of all those innocent settler-folk being scalped by the "savages" who had the effrontery to resent their invaders. Not for nothing do supporters of the genocide in Palestine attempt to dehumanize the actual victims by calling thenm "savages" and "human animals." It's all too familiar. 

And now, with most of the civilized world aghast and protesting in the streets at the blatant and even downright gleeful genocide of Palestinians, the US has effectively joined Israel in being viewed as a pariah state by the rest of the world.  The US itself is still an apartheid state in all but name, discriminating against and punishing its own citizens based upon their race and class and gender - and lately, even their  independent thought - despite all the sanctimonious laws that it has on the books. Jim Crow is still alive and well. Just witness the gross expansion of the US prison system, the largest in the world, with more Black people now incarcerated than there were slaves prior to the Civil War. This statistic is largely the result of then-Senator Biden's crime bills, passed with bipartisan support in the 90s.

It should come as no surprise, therefore, that in 2023, the Biden administration is such an unabashed champion of Palestinian genocide, albeit with the usual ass-covering platitudes about humanitarian concerns. It is somewhat gratifying - or worrisome, as far as the New York Times is concerned - that even timorous "progressive" politicians are just now beginning to make the tiniest possible demands of Biden to broker a ceasefire. It was only a week ago that the Democratic Party was so unified. They voted en masse against ex-House Speaker McCarthy. Most of them already endorsed Joe Biden for re-election, for cryin out loud! 

But even the reliably pro-Israel Times isn't quite as gung-ho about Zionist revenge as it was in the immediate aftermath of the atrocious slaughter of Israeli civilians by Hamas.  Perhaps it has something to do both with the backlash from readers in the comments sections, and from the public at large. Not when "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" has been expanded so disproportionately. Like Biden, Netanyahu's political viability was also in question prior to the allegedly surprise attack by Hamas.

Biden's gruesome theatrical embrace on Wednesday of this brutal right-wing leader of Israel was intended to recast him as a courageous wartime statesman rather than as a bumbling old man with low domestic approval ratings. However, any additional support or kudos that he gets from his fellow Neocons in both war parties will be diluted by the two other hawkish xenophobic presidential candidates in the mix. - Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. There are already indications that his political stunt has backfired.

 This creates a much bigger opening for the lone antiwar candidate, Cornel West. He may not win - actually allowed to win - the election, or even get ballot access. But at least the corporate media are now being forced to give him a regular platform. No matter if it's just an attempt to co-opt him in their corporate fold or boost their ratings among the younger demographic.

Because despite its own ham-handed efforts, the Censorship-Industrial Complex cannot control the narrative. The grotesque reality speaks for itself.


  1. You said it, Karen. Well done.

    I tried to watch episode 1 of The American Buffalo on PBS but had to quit half way. The parallels between the Palestinian genocide, theft of their land, and being penned up was too sickeningly similar to what was done to Native Americans (and the buffalo). By the same ilk too - male white supremicists who labeled both as animals and savages. Dare I add European or of European descent?

    So Israel is denying responsibility for the hospital attack despite an attack on the same hospital 2 days earlier. There were also multiple prior warnings to the hospital to evacuate and the doctors refused. An errant rocket from new faction (PLI? PIL?) my ass.

    Israel is resorting to the common criminal defense of trying to seed doubt and confusion. Since confusion is Biden's specialty, he took a swing at it by claiming that he's seen the evidence (here we go again) that "the other team did it". Team? Oh, right!

    Just as the CIA creates and supports opposing 'teams', Bibi too has lettered in that old sport of strategy by helping an opposing team (Hamas) or two (PLI?). Audio-video evidence available.

    The fact that Israel won't allow journalists into Gaza to report what's actually happening doesn't help their dwindling credibility, nor does cutting off electricity, food, water, and fuel to Gaza. They boast of these war crimes because they know the American Empire has their back no matter what they do. Sacred bond and all that.

    NEWS FLASH: In the court of public opinion, the World is the jury; the decision does not have to be unanimous nor even close to it; patterns of past crimes, misconduct, and deliberate lies are admissible; partners-in-crime are considered to be equally guilty; and the World serves as judge and metes out the punishment, not 'God'.

    Justice is coming.

  2. Oops! Slip of finger. Sent comment before finished editing.

  3. Another one that you have knocked out of the ballpark, Karen!

  4. I think Biden's hoping for a Nobel Peace Prize for giving "$100 million for the 1 million displaced and conflict-affected Palestinians." Yup, that should help - buy a lot of coffins.

    Since there are actually 2 million of them, he must be writing off 1 million Palestinians in advance of their threatened 'extermination' by the IDF.

    Genocide Joe, stop the madness!


  5. I fervently second annenigma's recommendation to read the Chris Hedges article noted above.
    As for whiteness, note this remark:

    “It is such a supreme folly to believe that nuclear weapons are deadly only if they’re used. The fact that they exist at all, their presence in our lives, will wreak more havoc than we can begin to fathom. Nuclear weapons pervade our thinking. Control our behavior. Administer our societies. Inform our dreams. They bury themselves like meat hooks deep in the base of our brains. They are purveyors of madness. They are the ultimate colonizer. Whiter than any white man that ever lived. The very heart of whiteness.”
    ~ Arundhati Roy, The Cost of Living

  6. More evidence that Israel created this horror show as a result of their own sinister double-dealing treachery and divide and conquer strategy. The plot sickens.

    'Wikileaks Cable: Israeli Intelligence Chief Encouraged Hamas Takeover of Gaza Strip'


  7. Valerie Long TweedieOctober 21, 2023 at 6:51 PM

    I haven’t commented so far because I just don’t feel well informed enough to say anything that hasn’t already been said. I am just so horrified by the whole situation. Every day, I listen to podcasts or read articles by people who have a far deeper understanding of the history, issues and nuances of the Israeli / Palestinian situation than I'll ever hope to have - and every day I feel more hopeless that there will ever be peace in Israel.

    I never have understood why Israelis, after all the Jewish people experienced under the Nazis, would turn around and pretty much do the same thing to the Palestinian people. Norman Finkelstein explained that the expression, “Never again!” for Jewish families like his, means never shall something as horrendous as the Houlocast happen to ANYONE. But to other Jewish people, like many in the Israeli Right Wing, it means Never Again to the Jewish People. This is truly White Settler Colonialism at its ugliest.


  8. I realise it is not all Israelis - in fact, I listened to an excellent discussion between Alastair Crooke, Alexander Mercouris and Glenn Diesen and they spoke of the huge schism in Israel between the nutcase Right Wing and those trying to hold some semblance of decency and fairness. It sounds like the Israeli Right Wing – dominated by Settlers - makes the MAGA crowd seem tame in comparison. Since the Right-Wing Israelis make no secret of their complete contempt for the Palestinian people (calling them animals) or of their plans to eradicate them - either through displacement or outright genocide - that leaves the Palestinians with nothing to lose. No surprise Hamas used this opportunity to hit back.

    As Mearsheimer and most of the people I have read and listened to in the last week have said, the only thing that could work is a two-state solution. But I don't think either side wants it. They just want to win and will do anything within their power to hurt the other side if it means getting a leg up. And Biden and the rest of the leaders of Western Alliance are incapable of doing anything but stoking the division. I'm not surprised that there is "double-dealing treachery" (h/t Annenigma) by the Israelis - especially from the evil Netanyahu who if voted or pushed out of office will surely go to prison.

    With the call by Iran for an oil embargo against Israel, I read different accounts from other countries in the region. The Emir of Qatar threatens to cut off Natural Gas to the world – then this is “misinformation.” My guess is he decided to do this in accord with Iran but was then talked out of it. If he does make it difficult for Europe to get Natural Gas, I suspect Germany as an industrial powerhouse if finished. Between the loss of Nordstream and Middle Eastern imports, Germany would have to rely on the U.S. to import natural gas – which would be very expensive - and if the U.S. and Europe have a bad winter, I don’t see U.S. imports being able to keep up.

    To make matters worse, the derivatives market around natural gas is dodgy. The entire global economy is around 105 trillion and the entire derivatives market is 617 trillion? If natural gas goes up too much in price, the gamblers will be in serious trouble and it doesn’t look like the global economy will be able to bail them out. I remember Yves Smith saying (sorry, I don’t know where I read this on Naked Capitalism) that she was concerned about the derivatives and the hidden risk. So, this Israeli Palestinian contagion could affect the World Economy in a big way in addition to threats of an outright war in the region.

    And what about Biden and Yellen saying that there was plenty of money for the War in Ukraine and War in the Middle East, while Biden pulls the tail of the Chinese tiger. Do these “leaders” have no sense? I’m assuming the Western alliance is going to walk in lock step with this idiotic idea.

    The only good news in the picture is this whole thing caused RFK Jr to tip his hand and show his true colours – and by now he will have pissed off his nascent Libertarian supporters with his warmongering as well as any TRUE Progressives. And, as Karen wrote, Cornell West might finally get some air time as the only anti-war candidate.

  9. Since Chris Hedges' piece seems to have gone missing, here it is again.

    As Eric Roth attests in his comment, it's recommended reading. Lots of recent history with details to back up the title.

    It's NOT about religion. Hedges is a reputable journalist and experienced foreign war(s) correspondent.

    'Israel's Culture of Deceit'

  10. Will Cornel get air time? I have my doubts. I don't see why the media wouldn't just keep ignoring him. Well, actually I can see one big reason why - if his billionaire conservative supporter, Harlan Crow, sold them on it. Y'all remember Harlan Crow? Longtime buddy of Justice Clarence Thomas.

    For those of you unaware, Cornel recently accepted a max donation to his campaign from Crow and justified it by saying Crow was anti-Trump and has an amazing personal collection of anti-Nazi memorabilia and Hitler paintings (and esteemed black men apparently.) After an uproar from his supporters, Cornel caved and returned the campaign donation to Crow. (This info comes directly from Cornel's X account.)

    So, if billionaire Crow 'paid' the media a call, they might just give West favorable, or more likely unfavorable, air time depending on who he/they perceive him 'stealing' votes from. But the fact is, he'll be lucky to get on any state ballot in November as an independent due to arcane rules created by the Uniparty. It's next to impossible without deep pockets and a lot of help getting signatures, meeting deadlines, etc. Since he lost ballot access through the Green Party's legacy presence in many states, he has to start from scratch running independently.

    And guess who Cornel's campaign manager is. It's Peter Daou who is not exactly a principled north star, being Hillary's former vicious campaign manager. There was another uproar from Cornel's supporters over that, but after Jill Stein confessed that she was the one who referred him to Daou because she regretted not having a campaign manager in her run, supporters cooled their jets. (This Jill Stein info is directly from her X account.)

    I can't keep track of the timeline from People's Party to Green Party to independent run to Crow donation acceptance/refund to Peter Daou. I'm so confused!

    Did the Crow donation brouhaha lead to Cornel dropping out as a Green Party candidate and changing to independent? Maybe, but then again, it could be related to the news that he owes over a half-million dollars in back taxes and child support. The media splashed that all over the place this summer.

    Yup, he might get air time but it probably won't be anything good. If Cornel does surprisingly well for some reason, there's always a David Duke who, like Harlan Crow, could make a campaign donation that the media would love to splash around. That's just how politics works.

    Sorry but I'm afraid any votes Cornel gets won't amount to a hill of beans in November's election.

    We're so screwed.

  11. @Annenigma,

    Does anyone know why Cornell went from the Green Party to Independent? That would have been a bad move considering the Legacy Status issue. The Naderites worked so hard to get the Green Party on the ballots of so many states. Yet, I don't even know about the Green Party any more, since Ralph Nader is out of the picture. I trust Ralph but my instincts on other politicians don't seem that good these days.

    It is all such a muddle. To be honest, I am not even sure I am going to vote. The only thing that might push me to the polls is how disliked Biden is in the Middle East. I mean, could we have a worse POTUS at the moment? Yet, all my Democratic friends are making excuses for Biden and are going to remain the Party Faithful. It is totally fear of Trump. My good friend even acknowledged that Biden was senile but says she would rather have a president on his way to being senile than a lunatic like Trump.

    I realise that the U.S. is an empire on the decline but can't we go out with a little dignity? Seriously, there are Democrats I could vote for, like Elizabeth Warren, who at least have some statesmanship.

  12. Spot on, Karen. I wanna know why the U.S. hasn't the will to do the obvious humaniitarian gesture for Gaza civilians: fly waves of C130s from Qatar's Al Udeid Air Base to air-drop supplies. With a $1T annual military/intel budget, we certainly have the resources. (That 20-truck supply convoy from Egypt is a cruel joke.)

  13. @VLT (re @annenigma and Cornel West),

    My question was why the Green Party went with Cornel West in the first place. Was it because he was a Black man who had gone to Harvard, like Obama? I wasn't surprised, after Ralph Nader and Jill Stein, the Greep Party lost its way, especially with their last nominee, Howie Whats-his-name, buying into Russiagate.

    I agree we could easily do worse, but unfortunately I get the same feeling about Elizabeth Warren: a Woman who went to Harvard.

    In the meantime, genuine defenders of minorities, like Omali Yeshitela (Uhuru) get indicted.

  14. @Bill Makley

    Good idea in theory but never forget Israel's attack on the USS Liberty. (See Wikipedia for refresher).

    There's a reason Israel is known as having a culture of lies and deceit - they've earned it! See link to Chris Hedges article in a previous comment.

    The US Govt knows all too well that Israel wouldn't hesitate to shoot down a US military cargo plane with humanitarian aid for the Palestinians and that they'd simply lie about it afterwards (and Biden would have their back.)

  15. I'm not sure exactly how to quote this giving full credit where credit is due, but this comment on the Naked Capitalism site in the comment section was so brilliant, I had to share. It is in response to, Memo on the Final Solution for One State – Israel or Palestine - which is related to this post in terms of content.

    Karen, if this is not OK to do, feel free to not publish it.

    ex-PFC Chuck
    October 22, 2023 at 4:39 pm

    "The Democratic Party as an institution deserves to die for having knowingly nominated a mentally incompetent man for president and an obviously unqualified person as his vice president. What scares me about the present situation most is that we do not know who is making the decisions and writing the scripts the president can barely read from his teleprompter. That person (or persons) make the decisions knowing that history will not put their names to them. This fact may well influence them to being more reckless than they otherwise would. The 1962 Cuban missile crisis was resolved peacefully almost entirely due to the sound judgment of two men: Nikita Khrushchev and John Kennedy. Now, 61 years later to the month, vladimir Putin is comparable to Nikita Khrushchev. However, to channel the late Lloyd Bentsen, Joe Biden is no Jack Kennedy."

  16. Max Blumenthal and Wyatt Reed discuss the Gaza Hospital tragedy. Max looks completely wiped out. This is to complement the Chris Hedges article.

  17. The lesson Israel is teaching the world is "It's OUR war so just stay the hell out of our way."

    They're serious too. That lesson wasn't just revealed by their savage, unprovoked attack on the USS Liberty, without warning, deliberately killing 35 Americans during their Six Day War which is how they stole Gaza and other Palestinian lands.

    It was also their heartless, vicious armored bulldozer attack on American peace activist Rachel Corrie when they ran her over, then again for good measure to ensure she was dead instead of injured and talking. And now telling Palestinian doctors and patients in hospitals to evacuate or they will be responsible for their own deaths. Ruthless is too tame a word.

    Since Israelis aren't stupid by any means, they must be insane, truly batshit crazy, to think they'll be safer after their genocidal massacre of Palestinians. Not by a long shot.

  18. @Thornstein

    Agree with you about Cornell but he is the best candidate out there at the moment. I don't want to vote for a senile old man or a lunatic - and RFK Jr has turned out to be such a warmonger in the thrall of Israel.

    My biggest reservation about Elizabeth Warren is that she was so solidly in the Hillary camp - and then there was that kerfuffle with Bernie during the last primary - that in substance amounted to pretty much nothing. I can't think of a Democrat I like a lot but at least Elizabeth Warren understands the financial system and the derivative rabbit hole. Anyone else who is the POTUS is going to be steered by the nefarious financial gamblers that got us into this mess. during the Obama administration.
