Friday, November 10, 2023

A Humble Appeal To My Readers

It's been quite a long time since I last asked you for donations to this blog. I know that times are tough for many of you, but if you can contribute a few bucks to help me keep the lights on, I would be very grateful. You can  donate via the PayPal gizmo to your right. Or if you prefer to send a check, please email me at so I can give you my mailing address. 

Thanks, everyone, for you continuing interest in Sardonicky as we approach our Lucky 13th anniversary!

1 comment:

  1. Check's in the mail.

    I hear that Jill Stein is running for President again on the Green Party ticket. If we get even more third party candidates - and even if we don't - there's an excellent chance that this whole mess goes to the House of Representatives. Grab the popcorn!

    Thank you Karen for continuing to host this blog for the past 13 years especially during this Presidential election year and in the midst of an ongoing Holocaust while on the verge of WWIII and the collapse of the Empire and our economy. No wonder my hair is falling out!
