Monday, June 17, 2024

#Resistance 2.0

Why waste your time fretting that Donald Trump is quite likely to beat Joe Biden in November? It is never too early to wax nostalgic for the halcyon days of #Resistance, Inc. when well-heeled elites giddily took to the streets and kvelled their despair over Hillary Clinton's 2016 loss from high atop penthouse rooftops.

On Sunday, mere hours before the aforesaid Clinton received a standing ovation at the Tony awards from the aforesaid elites, and mere hours after Joe Biden had raked in $30 million from other aforesaid elites at a Hollywood fundraiser. the New York  Times took the  extraordinary step of admitting that Joe Biden is toast.

The narrative goes something like this: it's better to preemptively turn ignominious defeat in November into a moral elite victory right now, by showing how proactive the Democrats can be, even as they continue to foment the fear day in and day out. Just going negative can get so tedious and exhausting. The Hitler comparisons got stale quite a while ago.

It took four of the Paper of Record's star reporters to spin this yarn:

Opponents of Donald J. Trump are drafting potential lawsuits in case he is elected in November and carries out mass deportations, as he has vowed. One group has hired a new auditor to withstand any attempt by a second Trump administration to unleash the Internal Revenue Service against them. Democratic-run state governments are even stockpiling abortion medication.

Never mind that even the right-wing Supreme Court has just upheld the right to obtain the abortion pill. Trump might send iin the troops to prevent their mmanufacture and distribution. Never mind that Joe Biden has granted Trump's cruel immigration wish by closing the border to Latin American refugees. It would be even worse under Trump, who would send the troops to Democratic cities to round up the migrants. The gist of the resistance" will be to protect aforesaid elites from Trumpian revenge where it would hurt them the most - in their pocketbooks. There is nothing in the 'resistance" that will protect ordinary people from the predatory capitalism and endless wars embraced by both wings of the Duopoly - or what the late Christopher Hitchens described as the two tightly fused cheeks of one  gigantic ass. Or what the Times hilariously calls "Democracy itself."

The Times article then goes through a laundry list of corporate-funded liberal think tanks and a roster of Obama-sera lawyers already hard at work writing their briefs and padding their resumes.

Among those approvingly quoted by The Times is the leader of an outfit called the "States United Democracy Center," which purports to fight looming Trump-style authoritarianism by authoratatively protecting/policing democracy with a partnership of former governors and law enforcement officials.

A group of former White House lawyers from the Obama administration have started a firm called "Protect Democracy." They've  moved on from helping former Atty Gen. Eric Holder legalize extrajudicial drone assassinations into making sure that Trump doesn't morph into becoming any more than "an aspiring autocrat."

"He is no normal candidate, this  is no normal election, and these are no normal preparations for merely coming out on the wrong side of a national referendum on policy choices," explained the firm's founder, Ian Bassin.

What policy choices are these Blue Team freedom fighters actually offering to make peeple's lives better? That is the question, entirely ignored by the New York Times.

I did submit a comment, which was rejected. I am guessing that the uncivil words "pussy" and "genocide" tripped up their  automatic ccensorship filter. It was certainly no more withering than the more than 2,000 other comments from shocked readers Here it is:

 So in lieu of Dems offering voters an agenda of their own for the greater social good, this article implies that because they lack an agenda, they might as well as well throw in the towel regarding Trump-fear to motivate voters.

We may as well start dusting off our pink pussy hats, getting all fired up and ready to go for the good old days of the "resistance." We go high when they go low! The D Team be "fighting for" you, proles. Stay tuned for all the exciting lawsuits, glitzy congressional hearings and bombshell scandals, because they certainly can't promise you universal health care, affordable housing or, heaven forfend, an end to war, mass surveillance and genocide. On the contrary, these professional resisters will once again give Trump even more billions of dollars than he even requested for his military/surveillance budget.


  1. Interesting that the fourth highest recommended Readers Comment posted on that NYT article is this:

    "Have the Democrats considered running a candidate that folks might actually want to vote for?" - submitted by someone from RI called "Swamper."

  2. Thank you, Karen, for reading the New York Times, so that we don't have to.

  3. the women's march consisted of a more diverse coalition than you would get the impression here. It was not just well heeled women (cackling, I'm sure) from
    m their gilded penthouses.

  4. Since all the Democratic Party has to tempt voters (outside the Party Faithful) to vote for the decrepit Biden is "Fear of Trump" and "WAR, WAR, WAR," the NYTimes are waving the white flag. Perhaps a signal from the DNC since the NYT is its official stenographer and propagandist of choice. It really is a uniparty. The Dems don't care if they win lose as long as a Third Party Candidate doesn't get in the race. What a democracy we have in the good ole US of A!

  5. How long does coordinated lawfare, propaganda, and subtle forms of election interference need to go on before we see it as an Insurrection rather than Resistance? Is 8 years enough? Calling it Resistance is like putting lipstick on a pig. It's a slow motion coup d'etat to neuter Democracy.

    After all we've seen over the past 8 years this Insurrection appears to be a sophisticated, multi-dimensional coordinated effort led by Democratic and other invested elites to control 'Our Democracy' so that it serves the interest$ of Empire. The lesson after Trump's election, then the 1/6 protest, seems to be that the investment in Empire is far too big to leave the choice of Empire representative to the whims of ordinary people.

    The Democrats are fascist tools now that they've taken up the mantle of Defender of Empire which they euphemistically refer to as 'Our Democracy'. They have no concern for country or people anymore, nor even ethics or morals. The strongest proof is in the Democratic Party's unconditional assistance and support for the heinously cruel and evil Genocide in Gaza which targets children to be bombed, starved to death, orphaned, and crippled by blown or amputated limbs. Unforgivable.

    When and how did the Democrats become such hard core Fascists? Let me count the ways.

    Was it at the time of Hillary Clinton's rise and fall? From calling Trump's victory illegitimate, to claiming Putin stole the election, to accusing Trump of colluding with Russia, to paying for a phony dossier then lying and denying it until the legal trail proved otherwise, to passing the phony dossier to John McCain to deliver to the spooks, to their subsequent spy op on Trump and his cronies, all resulting directly from the mind of The Madwoman of Chappaqua.

    Then it was off to the races. Russiagate got played out through impeachment hearings and special counsel investigations, then later it was resurrected by 51 spooks who publicly warned that Hunter's laptop was a Russian hoax despite the FBI having already already authenticated it. Their subtle election interference saved Biden's 2020 campaign from exposure to foreign business records in Hunters laptop documenting money transfers to almost every member of the Biden family from abroad.

    Another instance of subtle election interference is when Prosecutor Weiss arranged a sweetheart deal to Hunter where he would plead to gun and tax charges in exchange for dropping his FARA charges. FARA - Foreign Agent Registration Act. After the judge flatly rejected that deal as being unprecedented and inappropriate, they had to litigate the gun charge instead and the laptop was cracked open a tiny bit for that. But after the judge axed the deal, Weiss let the statute of limitations expire on Hunter's FARA charges and the laptop with its can of worms slammed shut again, keeping the Biden family influence peddling business and "10% for the Big Guy" out of the public eye.

    If by some fluke Americans elect the 'wrong' person again, we now know that they have more than just "7 ways to Sunday" to get anyone because we've seen endless, ongoing efforts to take down Trump. That's what happens when you don't play the Empire Game following the Rules Based Order. The alphabet agencies are there to enforce those rules, whether it takes 51 of them or others such as vassal countries using false flags. They must be so grateful for the CIA Democrats which really helped turn the Democratic tide towards wars for Empire.

    The #1 rule is that the U.S. President must serve Empire first and foremost. The 2nd rule is that the Empire must control the world, even if it means WW3 or nuclear war.

    Genocide Joe boasted that "war is good for the economy" so just imagine what WW3 will do for it. Jackpot!

  6. Valerie in AustraliaJune 20, 2024 at 5:00 AM

    I spoke to an acquaintance yesterday who is all in for Biden. She isn't going to "waste" her vote on a "stupid" Third Party Candidate and warned me that I needed to be careful who I listened to because there was "a lot of propaganda out there." This isn't a good friend and she is clearly part of the Party Faithful so I didn't get into a verbal sparring match but it certainly gave me a taste of their echo chamber. Honestly, at this point in time, the "die in the wool" Democrats are as obsessive as the MAGA crowd. Total denialism of Biden's age and mental capacity, Putin is Hitler, the Ukraine was invaded (unprovoked), The Lesser of Two Evils is better than Trump, ya di, ya di, ya. It appears that these people really don't think we deserve a party that represents our interests. Like the incremental movement toward a huge war, these people accept an incremental corruption of all that we used to hold dear.

    Personally, I am worried about the economy. My a aforementioned acquaintance assured me the economy was good except for the massive inflation of groceries - kind of a biggie in my books since everyone has to eat. I don't know if she is right or wrong since I am not living in the U.S. Those who are floating somewhere between the baby boomers and Gen X went to university when it was still somewhat affordable with government student loans that were kept at low interest rates. Many of us had secure employment with decent benefits and bought our houses before real estate went crazy. I suppose if you have a house that is paid for, decent health care in your retirement and a lot of the big home expenses are paid for, the economy wouldn't look too grim. I guess I just worry for people younger than I am.

    I was listening to Breaking Points and Matt Stoller was saying that the Biden administration has done a lot in supporting anti-trust legislation against Big Tech - at great political cost - and HAS done better supporting organised Labor than Obama. I didn't know that. I feel the need to give credit where credit is due. It might be the people he put in place, some of whom have moved on. So we will see if it continues.

    There are rumblings that the Democrats are going to throw Joe overboard and replace him with Gavin Newsom who reminds me of that jackass Prime Minister of Canada. If they do this, nothing will change and they can blame everything terrible, like the Russian Sanctions and kicking Russia out of SWIFT and the mess in Ukraine on the old man. Meanwhile, Trump isn't even using his old "drain the swamp" rhetoric so that he can get the ultra rich to donate to his campaign.

    These hideous politicians have caused - and will further cause - so much pain to so many people.

    Non sequitur, I just heard an amazing interview with the wonderful Ilan Pappe. I learned so much from the discussion about the history of Zionism. Although I don't know any of these sane intellectuals personally, it gives me comfort to know they are out there and that I am in good company with my political views. So glad we have the Salon Sardonicky.

  7. This is the Ilan Pappe interview on Novara Media.

  8. Jill Stein posted on X re: the Presidential debate:

    I have filed a complaint with the @FEC against @CNN for violating corporate contribution rules. The media’s job is to impartially inform the voters about all the choices on their ballot, but what CNN is doing is a coordinated communication and prohibited corporate contribution to benefit Biden and Trump at the exclusion of others.

    Our campaign is on enough ballots to win over 270 electoral votes and the presidency - yet we are being denied an opportunity for consideration by the public. Read our official filing:

    Good luck to her. Just imagine what a positive impact she would have on voters and the election.

    Just another instance of election interference to save 'Our Democracy'!

  9. @Valerie--

    It is a small mind that ridicule[sic] those who think differently without offering a thoughtful perspective. And aren't you the intellectually and morally brave one to hide behind anonymity with your snide remark?

    One can hardly offer "a thoughtful perspective" when one is denied participation in the discussion.

    You and your ilk are terrified of "those who think differently," no matter what you may tell yourselves.

  10. @Anonymous

    My new goal is not to feed the trolls.


  11. A Cherokee legend relates a grandfather telling his grandson that a terrible fight is being waged within him, as it is within everyone, between two wolves, one evil and the other good.
    The boy asks: which one will win?
    His grandfather explains: the one you feed.

    Awhile ago I read an article, which regrettably I cannot locate for your reference.
    It featured a remarkable character who had in her wild yard a sign, probably pilfered from a park, cautioning about bears, that she had deftly altered to read: "Please do not feed the fears."

    Years ago, maybe a couple decades or so, as time flies,
    headed for some late night dive on Lake Street in the Minne-city,
    I spied a billboard that had one letter likewise brilliantly altered from "Buck the System" to what you can well imagine.

    In these dire days, I urge insurgency, and feel the need for similarly inspiring Yippie action, calling for outcry that's "louder and funnier" as the old comedy joke goes.

  12. Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty he's free at last!

    Julian Assange left the UK and is en route to Australia. Plea deal.

    FINALLY some good news. It brought tears to my eyes.

  13. @ TC

    Me too! I actually wept!

  14. "You Saved Julian Assange —
    After 14 years of persecution, Julian Assange will go free.
    We must honor the hundreds of thousands of people across the globe who made this happen."
    June 26, 2024 ~ by Chris Hedges
    ..."The corporate state must be destroyed if we are to restore our open society and save our planet. Its security apparatus must be dismantled. The mandarins who manage corporate totalitarianism, including the leaders of the two major political parties, fatuous academics, pundits and a bankrupt media, must be driven from the temples of power.

    "Mass street protests and prolonged civil disobedience are our only hope. A failure to rise up — which is what the corporate state is counting on — will see us enslaved and the earth’s ecosystem become inhospitable to human habitation. Let us take a lesson from the courageous men and women who took to the streets for 14 years to save Julian. They showed us how it is done."


  15. "CNN’s Debate Plan Makes Democracy the Likely Loser"
    June 26, 2024 ~ by Julie Hollar
