Monday, July 22, 2024

Ain't Democracy Grand?

I was so relieved to learn that Democratic Party investors were so relieved when Joe Biden finally quit The Race. The poor things had been suffering a painful mass outbreak of Donation Constipation, having deliberately withheld their financial effluvia from his campaign receptacle.

Intestinal fortitude does have its limits. So it was good to know that all that bottled-up goodness was freely flowing again this morning to and through the throne of Kamala Harris.

Yes, fellow citizens, it is indeed a coronation in all but name. This is despite the Power Behind the Throne (Barack Obama) suggesting that the coronation be accorded a simulacrum of Democracy via an open convention with actual votes cast by various appointed delegates.

 This is disingenuous.  the fact us that Obama handpicked Harris years ago, when he told  a group of anal-retentive Donor-investors in 2013 that she was the best-looking attorney general in the country. He put her name and her face right up there in lights. She got even more star status when he subsequently apologized for coming off like such a sexist pig. 

This pre-coronation drama came in the aftermath of the 2008 Wall Street meltdown, Obama's bailout of the banks, and the subsequent foreclosure fraud stampede - led by the very same banks that caused the catastrophe in the first place.

I doubt that Donald Trump will ever confront Harris's still-unexplained failure to prosecute Steve Mnuchin, his own former Treasury Secretary. when she had a golden opportunity to do so. You might remember that Mnuchin was the head  of the corrupt OneWest bank when investigators handed over to Harris a batch of about a thousand "fraudclosure" documents which illegally forced underwater mortgagors out of their homes.

Kamala Harris was a newly-seated Senator when that legislative body was mulling Mnuchin's conformation. But just as her political colleagues are protectively and prematurely circling the wagons around her now, so they were in 2017. As then reported by The Intercept, not one of her fellow senators brought up the leaked memo proving that Mnuchin had been in it up to his eyeballs. It might have implicated Harris, who already was being groomed for a  presidential future based entirely upon the identity politics agenda marketed by the party instead of an actual platform to make people's lives better. Even vocal anti-Mnuchin Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, themselves presidential contenders, refused to comment on Harris's refusal to bring Mnuchin to account.

Once we get past the nonstop accolades to the patriotism and selflessness of Genocide Joe by the very same hypocrites who pushed him out once their own cover-up of his mental health was exposed for all the world to see, it'll be interesting to watch, from a bemused distance of course, the next steps of the lockstep Duopoly.

One thing is for certain. With the mythology of democracy exposed as a sham to even to those denialists who didn't or wouldn't believe that billionaire donors are the de facto puppet masters and rulers, perhaps more people will simply refuse to engage in electoral politics to the exclusion of, say, taking to the streets and the corporate boardrooms to "make our voices heard." A mass strike would be nice, although I suspect the misery levels will have to rise a bit higher for that to occur. 

It's telling that Joe the Patriot literally put "the good of the Party" before the good of the country as the basis for his decision to end his candidacy.  It's also telling that despite his decision, he will continue to pretend to run things for the next whole half-year remaining to him as president. An embittered deluded commander in chief can still do a lot of damage in six months. Unless, of course, he is being operated by remote control. And let's hope that the Party at least is giving him a decent bribe parting gift. Maybe a pardon in perpetuity for Hunter. The least they can do is have one of their billionaire donors secretly pay off all those home equity loans he's taken out over the years.

As Simone Weil wrote in "On the Abolition of All Political Parties," the only reason for preserving anything is its inherent goodness.

 "The evils of political parties are all too evident; therefore, the problem that should be examined is this: do they contain enough good to compensate for their evils and make their preservation desirable?"

Joe Biden aw the writing on the Teleprompter. He is too decrepit to any longer "generate the collective passions" in the electorate for his own club/cult to retain its power - the ultimate aim of any cult or club. The good of the all-mighty entity called a country is purely secondary. 

And the good of the earth and all the living things inhabiting it? As far as they're concerned, the planet might as well be in the toilet.


Thought Criminal said...

It's bizarre that Genocide Joe would precipitously announce his withdrawal by posting a letter on Twitter, of all places, and on a Sunday afternoon.

It was digitally signed and not written on official Presidential stationery. His staff wasn't told in advance and it wasn't accompanied even by a photo taken on a smartphone to memorialize the occasion. His previous schedule of activities for the next few days have been cleared.

Proof of life please!

If it looks, acts, and reads like a soft coup, it's a soft coup. Defending 'Our Democracy'/Empire in desperate times requires desperate measures.

Now we need Genocide Joe's resignation letter or 25th Amendment action by Congress forthwith. He's already a national security risk and will be for the next 6 months.

Mark Thomason said...

We are today, in the last 24 hours, seeing the full extent of Democratic Party insider control of the mainsteam media.

It is in an overwhelming full cry, on every side, with total disregard for any truth or journalistic integrity.

I think the media is doing damage to itself as much as it might help Harris. Harris will lose, and the media will have further discredited itself.

Anonymous said...

Yes, all the false praise and hoopla is sickening. So is the annoying bombardment of text messages I receive daily, asking to sign the letters praising Joe for his record and welcoming Kamala into the ring: "Why haven't you signed yet?!?". Of course then there's 'Obama' saying "thank you for what you've done, but it's not enough!".

I think a mass strike is needed and may be one of a few things that could be effective for change. But I agree, conditions will probably have to get worse.

VLT said...

What is meant by a mass strike? Not voting in November? I disagree. Vote your conscience. Sure, it is a protest vote but you are saying not only both major parties are crap but the direction you want your country to go.

Erik Roth said...

My Thoughts on Biden Dropping Out —
July 22, 2024 ~ by Chris Hedges

"The Democratic party rigged the primary process for Biden —
A Primer on How the DNC has been Hoisted on Its Own Petard."
July 23, 2024 ~ by Dennis Kucinich

Three Things Missing from the Big Biden Butt Kiss —
July 23, 2024 ~ by Paul Street

"Is Joe Biden Alive?
Walter Kirn and I [Matt Taibbi] scramble for another emergency podcast, as a president exits the race with Ninja stealth," —
July 22, 2024

watch —>

In the beginning third of nearly an hour & a half, they wryly knock around what's been going up and down the political roller-coaster of the past fortnight.
At roughly the 30-minute mark, what's been interesting and amusing becomes fascinating.
They speculate with reason that it all leads to Kamala Harris not ultimately being the DNC candidate for president.
Instead, Walter Kirn notes: "... almost a month ago, I saw the HRC train coming out of the station."

From metaphor to movie myth, we're all damsels in distress, tied to those railroad tracks.

Erik Roth said...

That my comment has be posted and removed twice suggests a contrary issue with it, not some general site glitch. It would help to know what made that unfit to print.

"Silence is argument carried out by other means."
~ Ernesto "Che" Guevara

Karen Garcia said...

I restored your comment, Erik. If it is any consolation my whole post disappeared overnight on Monday night.

Erik Roth said...


Thank you!
Consolation, however, would only be to the extent that misery loves company.
What would be good to know, not to mention control, are the nefarious ways such disappearances occur.
I'm impressed (and grateful) that you manage so well on the forefront of the good fight against imperial forces.
Best wishes, and as the Finns say: SISU !


Erik Roth said...

Today, Monday, August 5th, DemocracyNow reported:
"Did Egypt Give Trump a $10 Million Bribe? The FBI Was Investigating, Then AG Barr Closed Case" --

"According to new reporting by The Washington Post, the Egyptian government attempted to funnel $10 million in cash to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, leading to a previously undisclosed Department of Justice investigation into the transaction. The investigation went nowhere, with Trump’s Attorney General Bill Barr ordering it closed due to “a lack of sufficient evidence.” Meanwhile, Trump approved millions of dollars of military aid to the government of Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who has been in power since 2013. Carol Leonnig, the reporter who broke the story at The Washington Post, explains that the money, if it did reach the at-the-time “cash-starved” Trump campaign, will have amounted to bribery. However, notes Leonnig, the window for prosecuting anyone involved in the transaction has largely passed following the aborted investigation."

But nowhere on The Washington Post's site can you find any mention of this story.