Friday, August 23, 2024

Curtains For Democracy

Did anybody else notice that about the same time mass media started spreading online rumors that Beyonce would perform at the last night of the Democratic convention, various military types started strutting on the stage to tout Kamala Harris as the ideal commander in chief to the troops stationed all over the world?

The last night of the convention was a freaking recruiting drive, people! It was also pretty shady bait and switch. The ruling elites are absolutely desperate for more young bodies to enlist to fight their endless wars for fun and profit.

Just when the TV audience were expecting Beyonce to light up the stage, out walked Kamala in a severe navy pantsuit. She is the designated rock star. She is her own Beyonce. And that is how she aims to sell herself to disaffected young voters

That militarism was the overriding theme at the culmination of the four-day show also explains why Kamala Harris refused to allow an uncommitted Palestinian-American delegate to appear on the stage. This was a guy who'd already endorsed Kamala, mind you.

 But she was not about to let even a mealy-mouthed plea for a ceasefire ruin the happy vibe the jingoism, the  mindless chants of USA! US! USA as the curtain came down on this grotesque Ode to Joy. The final act actually gave off more an 1812 Overture stench, what with Kamala summoning up her inner Napoleon Biden to bray that the United States is "the greatest, most lethal fighting force the world ever known!"

She wasn't about to ruin her big moment by letting even the most fleeting thought of dead babies buried under tons of Gazan rubble or even slightly harsh the mellow of the uni-brain of the assembled K-Hive.

She also wasn't about to step on the toes of her investors, many of whom were watching from their million-dollar skyboxes high above her in the arena.

As a matter of fact, the democrats actually invited billionaires to speak. Illinois Gov. Jay Pritzker, heir to the Hyatt Hotel fortune,  even boasted that he was a smarter billionaire than Trump who had only inherited  slum rental properties in the outer boroughs.

Bernie Sanders, who was allowed a speaking gig on the stage earlier in the week, didn't dare repeat his famous line that billionaires should not even exist. He didn't even renew his pitch for Medicare For All. He merely suggested that the program be expanded for seniors. And of course, he made no mention at all of the Gaza genocide. It would have spoiled the joyful vibe.

They really mean it when they scream "we can't go back." It's "Forward, march" all the way, baby! "Onward then, ye people, join our happy throng/Blend with ours your voices in the triumph song."


  1. Democrats cheered wildly when Killer Kam declared that she wants our military to be the most lethal fighting force in the world. "USA! USA! USA!" they chanted. They might as well have been yelling KILL! KILL! KILL!

    We don't already have the most lethal military in the world? What's lacking now? Actually using our nuclear weapons?

    Kamala's all in, mind-melded to Genocide Joe, itching for a hot war or two or three, even simultaneously.

    Welcome to the Deathocrat Party. They don't even care about the age of victims as long as American weapon$ are used. "Wars are good for business!" is the only iron-clad Democrat policy we can take to the bank.

    Kamalicious Devil Harris makes Donald J. Trump look like a frickin' peacenik.

  2. More than 200 aides of George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney endorse Kamala 'Lethal Force' Harris for President (per The Hill).

    Meanwhile RFK Jr and Tulsi Gabbard endorse Donald 'Dangerous Dictator' Trump are on his Transition Team and will campaign for his re-election.

  3. KJ Noh refered to Kamala as a "wind up toy" - She will do as she is told.

  4. The Democratic Party Exists To Make Sure Good People Do Nothing

    "I criticize the Democrats more than the Republicans because they require more criticism. That Republicans are evil is obvious at a glance to anyone with a conscience; that Democrats are evil is much less obvious, and usually requires quite a bit more consciousness and commentary to understand." Caitlin Johnstone

  5. "Donors Quietly Push Harris to Drop Tax on Ultrawealthy --
    Vice President Kamala Harris’s fund-raising has benefited from a surge of interest from Silicon Valley and Wall Street."
    August 29, 2024 ~ by Andrew Duehren and Theodore Schleifer, Reporting from Washington

  6. "The view from ’68: Bill Ayers on the Chicago DNC —
    The former member of the Weather Underground reflects on the 1968 Chicago DNC,
    when police rioted against anti-imperialists and socialists marching against the Vietnam War and racism."
    August 20, 2024 ~ by Marc Steiner
    "It’s a presidential election year, and a deeply divisive imperialist war has split the public. As the Democratic National Convention gathers in Chicago, anti-war organizers vow to be in the streets to protest US responsibility for a genocide overseas. No, this isn’t 2024. It’s 1968. And the police riot that follows in the city of Chicago has effects on US politics that will reverberate for decades to come. Former member of the Weather Underground Bill Ayers joins The Marc Steiner Show for a timely look back on the events of the 1968 Chicago DNC, and its resonance with the current Chicago DNC happening amid the genocide in Gaza funded and perpetuated by the Biden-Harris administration."
