Thursday, August 8, 2024

Slam, Bam, Killer Kam

When Kamala Harris equates the anti-genocide protest movement with support for Donald Trump, I think it's safe to assume that under her reign, Biden's mindless ironclad support for Israel would continue with a vengeance. The de facto state of Amerisrael will continue as AIPAC money continues to punish the few semi-progressive politicians still remaining in congress and elsewhere.

Kamala Harris's Manichean mindset and her false equivalence didn't seem to upset the crowd at her campaign rally in Detroit on Wednesday. On the contrary: her fans loved the way she tried to infantalize and diminish the pro-Palestinan demonstrators interrupting her spiel.

In its own glowing review of her performance, the New York Times reeprts:

"But as the disruption continued, her patience ran thin. 'You know what?' Ms. Harris said, with the sudden force and  resolve of a parent in the driver’s seat who has had it. 'If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that. Otherwise, I’m speaking.”

 Her threats of either you shut up or no TV sure beats the hapless responses of the doddering Grandpa Biden when protesters screamed "Genocide Joe, you got to go!" practically everywhere he showed up. Kamala Harris, unlike her putative boss, struck quite the contrast,  what with her "set jaw and fixed stare" as the prelude to a tongue-lashing for the ages.

Sadly, the protesters' refrain of "Genocide Kamala" just doesn't have the same alliterative ring to it. The most I can come up with right off the top  of my head is "Killer Kam Don't Give a Damn" But even that moniker is ambiguous, since "killer" is also a synonym for really, really cool . And that is exactly how the Harris campaign and supportive media are marketing her in the absence of any actual platform.

It's all style over substance. That seems to be what voters want - or to be more accurate, what the media tells voters  to want. They want people to remain in their lower station as passive consumers.

The Times as much as admits that it's all performance art:

"The Detroit stare-down was the latest reminder of how Ms. Harris has been able, with an almost theatrical flair, to turn efforts to undermine and rattle her into her own political weapons."

And that's a good thing, the Paper of Record continues, because the worst part of the Israeli government's genocide is that it's dividing the Democratic Party against itself!   The not-so-subliiminal message is that Harris losing to Trump would be even worse than the massacre and starvation of tens of thousands of people of Arab extraction in Gaza, the West Bank and beyond.

Ignoring the fact that the Biden administration has continued Donald Trump's tax cuts to billionaires and that corporations pay little in taxes, Harris shrilled "Look, if he is elected, Donald Trump intends to give tax breaks to billionaires and corporations!"

All the pregnant pauses, all the icy stares, all the finger-pointing  gestures s in the world cannot make up for the fact Kamala Harris is sorely lacking not only in substance but in intelligence.

But when her media cheerleaders review her performance as top-notch courtroom drama that would put Perry Mason to shame, what do substance and intelligence matter? She can act, by golly, as The Times breathlessly concludes:

Finally Ms. Harris delivered her ultimatum. The crowd erupted in cheers, but Ms. Harris remained still, staring down her detractors.

"After 10 seconds, she lowered her chin and her eyes grew wider — yes, she meant it. More than 30 seconds passed before she allowed her smile to return. A chuckle rippled through her body, and she returned to her speech."

I am still trying to figure out how a chuckle can ripple.

All the political world's a stage, and all the men and women in it are being played. And immiserated, degraded, and murdered by the investors and producers paying Kamala Harris a fortune to obfuscate this truth.


Anonymous said...

"Is this the end of the American Empire?"

"Today on Real Talk, we speak to Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer Prize-winning American journalist and author, about the race between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump in the US elections.

"We delve into why he believes we are 'at the end of empire', whether Trump or Harris would have different Gaza policies, the rise of Christian nationalism in the US, and his thoughts on Joe Biden’s presidential legacy.

"Real Talk is a Middle East Eye interview show hosted by Mohamed Hashem that delves into the stories and experiences of a diverse range of guests."

Erik Roth said...

"Is this the end of the American Empire?"
Mohamed Hashem interviews Chris Hedges.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, genocide Joe is catchy. Carnage Kamala, havoc Harris, not so good. Maybe that's why they picked her.

Thought Criminal said...

Holocaust Harris

Anonymous said...

She faces the choice, listen or lose.

Instead, she acts entitled to votes, entitled to win, which was the losing attitude of Hillary in 2016.

It is voters who are entitled, entitled to be heard and to have their representatives act on what they hear.

Erik Roth said...

“Uncommitted” Co-Chair Layla Elabed on Meeting Kamala Harris, Pressing VP for Arms Embargo on Israel —
August 9, 2024
We speak with the co-chair of the Uncommitted National Movement, who briefly met with Vice President Kamala Harris this week as the Democratic presidential candidate is under pressure to define her platform on Palestine. Layla Elabed spoke with Harris before her rally in Michigan to press her on a ceasefire in Gaza and an arms embargo on Israel. “I was very emotional in that brief exchange. I did feel like her sympathy and empathy towards me was very genuine, but Palestinian children cannot eat words,” says Elabed. “We need action.”
“Right now Michigan voters want to support you [Harris], but we need a policy change that is going to save lives in Gaza right now. My community members are losing tens to hundreds of their family members. Will you talk to me about an arms embargo? Will you talk to Uncommitted about an arms embargo? Will you meet with us?”

Anonymous said...

I listen to a lot of youtube channel shows as I do housework. I think it was Scott Ritter who said, what we are witnessing with Kamala is a movie - a production. I am inclined to agree with him. It is not that Trump is any better, but this Democrat vs Republican rivalry doesn't really exist. Nevertheless, I don't think not voting at all is the answer. First, there ARE people like Jen Perelman who would be a thousand times better than Debbie Wasserman Schultz. But also, a vote for Jill Stein is showing the powers that be that we want the country to stop being in the war/investment banking (casino) business. It is a message worth sending out into the world.

Valerie said...

That last comment was from me. Sorry, I am adapting to the new format - which I like, by the way.

Every morning, I wake up wondering if the war in the Middle East has started.
I heard a really good interview with Seyed Mohammed Mirandi on the Duran about the geopolitical position Iran is in. They don't want a war in the ME because they understand that this is going to affect the world economy and hurt many smaller countries and allies of Iran. But the Iranian government also understands that Israel is going to keep on provoking a war unless Iran comes back hard. If Israel then attacks back, Iran will have to attack again – and so on. It is only going to escalate as other countries join in.

I feel terrible for the US soldiers on the bases in the Middle East because they will be sitting targets. So many of them have been conned into thinking they are defending their country or they have few employment options and want honest work. I would be curious to know how many US soldiers are actually keen to fight.

I understand from what I hear and read that the US is actually not well-equipped outside fancy warplanes and missiles - and nuclear weapons, of course. And they certainly don't have a lot of battle tested soldiers. Carpet bombing mostly innocent civilians does not a fighting soldier make.

The big concern for me, is what Larry Wilkerson has spoken about on several occasions. Whenever, the US military has “played’ War Games, as soon as one side starts to lose, that team turn to nuclear weapons and the War Games are called off. Given the bat shit crazy leadership in Isr@el with their messianic vision and their zealot hatred led by a Prime Minister who is trying to avoid a trial for corruption, I see the real possibility of Israel doing exactly this. I once heard Douglas MacGregor respond, when asked if there was any way of avoiding this cataclysmic disaster, that he thought only a complete economic collapse would force the U.S. to change its neocon course and accept multipolarity.

I see a lot of pain ahead.

Valerie said...

A wonderful interview with Ralph Nader on Third Party candidates and the importance of voting our conscience. If you don't have Stein on your ballot, write her in!

Erik Roth said...

A Flock of Rich Plutocratic Democrats Want Lina Khan’s Head. Why? —,substack&publication_id=782570&post_id=147664598&utm_campaign=email-play-on-substack&utm_medium=email&r=1gm7xf&triedRedirect=true
August 13, 2024

How Amazon “Lied, Spied, Cheated Its Way to the Top”: WSJ Reporter Dana Mattioli —
August 14, 2024
We speak with Wall Street Journal reporter Dana Mattioli about her new book, The Everything War, which examines how Amazon came to dominate the U.S. economy through its “scorched-earth” tactics. “I found just a ton of business practices driven by this toxic culture at Amazon, where the company lied, spied, cheated its way to the top,” she says. Mattioli also discusses the threat of antitrust lawsuits to Amazon and other Big Tech firms, political pressure on Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan and more.

"The Everything War, Amazon's Ruthless Quest to Own the World and Remake Corporate Power", by Dana Mattioli, Little, Brown and Co., 2024.

"Don't Be Evil, How Big Tech Betrayed Its Founding Principles — and All of Us",
by Rana Foroohar, Currency, NY, 2019.

Thought Criminal said...

I can't wait for Chicago next week!!!

In the meantime, enjoy this loud protest at Killer Kam's campaign afterparty in NYC, complete with boat horns, whistles, cowbells, and all manner of raucous noise making.

Erik Roth said...

A Flock of Rich Plutocratic Democrats Want Lina Khan’s Head. Why? —,substack&publication_id=782570&post_id=147664598&utm_campaign=email-play-on-substack&utm_medium=email&r=1gm7xf&triedRedirect=true
August 13, 2024

How Amazon “Lied, Spied, Cheated Its Way to the Top”: WSJ Reporter Dana Mattioli —
August 14, 2024
We speak with Wall Street Journal reporter Dana Mattioli about her new book, The Everything War, which examines how Amazon came to dominate the U.S. economy through its “scorched-earth” tactics. “I found just a ton of business practices driven by this toxic culture at Amazon, where the company lied, spied, cheated its way to the top,” she says. Mattioli also discusses the threat of antitrust lawsuits to Amazon and other Big Tech firms, political pressure on Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan and more.

The Everything War, Amazon's Ruthless Quest to Own the World and Remake Corporate Power, by Dana Mattioli, Little, Brown and Co., 2024.

Don't Be Evil, How Big Tech Betrayed Its Founding Principles — and All of Us,
by Rana Foroohar, Currency, NY, 2019.