Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Update on the Update

I'd meant to be back in action by now, but fate intervened. Without going into too much detail, I skipped the atrial ablation and went straight to a permanent pacemaker. It seemed my heart rate had beome so dangerously low (40-50) that it was actually "pausing" at times to the point where I felt dizzy and faint. I blame this on my underlying cardiac condition, the various meds designed to regulate heart rhythm, and, of course, the sight of Elon Musk giving the Nazi salute.

Other than some soreness since Friday's procedure, I am feeling so much better now that enough blood and oxygen are reaching my brain and other body parts. (Don't even get me started on my Kafkaesque journey  through the medical industrial complex!)

I just want to reassure everybody that I am still alive if not yet kicking. Above all, thanks to all of you for your kind well-wishes.

Needless to say, there is plenty to write about these days and I have plenty of ideas jelling around in my oxygen-rich brain.

Stay tuned, and thank you again for your support!


Thorstein said...

Hooray!! Pace yourself, not just your heart; we can be patient, knowing you're on the road back.

Erik Roth said...

This is the best and just about only good news in so terribly long.
We have been overwhelmed and sunk into a truly DARK AGE. Every day we live in terror under the reign of the deranged, ego-maniacal sociopath and his cartel of obsequious plutocrats salivating at the trough they aim to drain.
The abject cowardice and corrupt complicity by the corporate media ranges from disgusting to frightening. Anyone with empathy and morality is heartsick and brain cramped.
Please take care to be well and stay bright, mindful always to think with your heart, now blessedly back on pace.

Mark Thomason said...

Welcome to the club. After a few weeks of recovery, I've had more energy than I'd had for a long time. Good luck and Godspeed.

mjb said...

Thanks for the update Karen. It's great to hear that your health is improving. From the tone of your update it sounds like you'll be back "kicking" soon.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Deep state must be quaking in their boots. Duly elected Elon is cutting off funds to Lutheran Family Services at the behest of not-at-all insane Michael Flynn.

mjb said...

"Duly elected"? That's a good one. Maybe you meant duly selected.

Anonymous said...

It must feel so liberating for Trump. Enough of the rallies in flyover land. Now he can be with his people. He wants to make a world city in Gaza. This will be peopled with the class that regularly travels across multiple time zones. It will be welcoming to the wealthy and it will be virtually indistinguishable from the places that where Trump can let it all hang out--Vail, Augusta National, Palm Beach, Dubai and the ilk. The idea that this is entirely due to Miriam Adelson is risible. He's not "owned by Zionists". He's a willing participant. He talks about urban areas in the US the same way he talks about Gaza. He'd like to ethnically cleanse right at home!

Valerie said...

Take good care, Karen. You will be sharper than ever once you have mended. I was thinking about you today - and missing our dear friend, JayOttawa. I heard a discussion I thought might interest Jay - and you - - perhaps you will have some time on your hands.

Mario said...

And we have the return of Valerie, like the harbinger of Spring, it signals the revival of Sardonicky. Valerie the quality of your energy is wonderful. To reciprocate, thank you, I'm sure you'll find this article interesting:

Mario said...

Listening to those three old national security guys on Valerie's youtube impressed me with how much of this ostensibly covert history many of us already know. Watching them doesn't translate into what to do. How long do we go on merely satisfied with hearing our own opinions confirmed? The nation isn't in an uprising, but the impetus for it is all there. We might have had complaints about our Constitution and the real motives of its authors, but it's the alternative to what is en route now. We are distressed about the destruction of that and the demise of the controls it puts upon the despotic. What the Constitution does not anticipate or provide for is the current corruption of the individuals who are tasked to govern under it. The cure for that was, if ever, the vote of the people (M. Twain: If voting worked, they wouldn't let us). The vote itself is now corrupted. I mean, it's not "free and fair", it's manipulated by those seeking despotic rule. The nature and method of this manipulation is a vast subject: From the falsifications of advertising, to the skewing of education, to the subterfuge of our oligarchy, to the reassertion of white male supremacy, to the corporate domination of the press, to the propaganda of social media, etc. An awareness of all of that, is, or would be, the real education of the citizenry. The glaring absence amid this, is a leader. They have a nasty habit of assassinating those.

Our "system" has been turned against us. It's forcing us, after almost a century of complacency, to retake the power of last resort, "We the People". We're clueless as to how to do that. The question now is how do we perform in that role when voting is made politically perfunctory.

Fred Drumlevitch said...

I couldn't let this item from The Guardian pass without comment, as the NFL and authorities response was so heavy-handed --- yet not surprising, as the U S. becomes increasingly fascistic:

"Performer in Kendrick Lamar’s Super Bowl show detained on field after holding up Sudan and Gaza flag.
NFL confirmed person was part of the 400-member cast and 'will be banned for life from all NFL stadiums and events'."

"The NFL confirmed the person was part of the 400-member field cast. The New Orleans police department said in a statement that 'law enforcement is working to determine applicable charges in this incident'."

"Banned for life"?
"applicable charges"?

I'm wondering what the "charges" could possibly be?
"Disturbing the genocide", perhaps?

DebC said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better and great to "hear" your voice again!