Friday, September 29, 2017

Never Let a Serious Manufactured Crisis Go To Waste

While Trump is sending in the military, under cover of humanitarianism, to quell any incipient native unrest on Puerto Rico, his good-thinking critics in Congress are obsessively adhering to their own McCarthyite agenda.

The latest episode in RussiaGate has congress critters criticizing Twitter for, of all things, not taking the whole Cold War resurgence propaganda campaign seriously enough.

Senator Mark Warner, far from grousing to TV cameras that Puerto Rico is being criminally ignored by the White House, and that American citizens are being allowed to die for no good reason other than cruelty and greed, groused that he was very disappointed that Twitter had furnished his witch-hunting intelligence committee with only 200 accounts possibly linked to fake news trolls operating out of the Kremlin.

Never mind that when Senator Joe McCarthy claimed to have in his own pocket the names of 200 subversives acting for Russia right within the US government, people were shocked and awed enough that McCarthy didn't even have to produce his nonexistent list. Times have changed, though, and if you can't come up with at least a million Russian operatives who sneakily forced American voters to pick Trump over Hillary, then your whole hysterical plot is in danger of completely falling apart. From the New York Times:
The company’s  presentation “showed an enormous lack of understanding from the Twitter team of how serious this issue is, the threat it poses to democratic institutions and again begs many more questions than they offered,” Mr. Warner said, adding, “Their response was frankly inadequate on every level.”
Translation: Has Twitter now, or has it ever been, an associate of Vladimir Putin or a member the Russian Federation?

Adam Schiff went on CNN Thursday to vaguely not answer any questions about what actual evidence he might have in his own pocket regarding Twitter malfeasance. He said that his House Intelligence Committee has "only scratched the surface" of the alleged massive meddling by Russia in our democracy. He's only had almost a year to scratch, and congressional fingernails grow more slowly than we might like. And then he was caught flat-footed when, as almost an afterthought, Wolf Blitzer asked him about the Puerto Rico catastrophe. Schiff, looking perplexed, said he "thinks" that Congress might be voting on a long-term relief bill next week... or maybe it's the week after that. He's not sure, because that's not his department. But he certainly seems sure that RussiaGate is far, far more important than thousands or even millions of American citizens sickening and dying right before our eyes on national TV.

From the front-page Times article, which is handily placed above the old news that American citizens are being callously allowed by their own government to sicken and die:
Senator Richard Burr of North Carolina, the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Republican chairman, would not answer questions about the briefing on Thursday, and his spokeswoman declined to comment. Mr. Warner said that he and Mr. Burr would hold a news conference as soon as next week to update the public on their investigation and try to draw attention to the continuing threat by foreign entities to the American political system.
It will be very hard to draw the attention of Americans who are faced,every single day of their lives, with such mundane threats as climate change catastrophes, lack of jobs and health care, institutionalized racism and police brutality, and rents that are too damned high. The propagandists of the Democratic/Neocon Alliance have taken on the very daunting task of making us believe in magic. Just as Trump is sending in the troops to Puerto Rico to stifle the dissent as they hand out the water bottles, our government is sending in the shock troops, trying to stifle dissent by tacitly accusing more and more people of treason. If you dare to complain about your lot in life, or to call out social and economic injustices, then you are unpatriotic and probably a dupe of the Russians. So it's best for everybody to shut up, and let American leaders get on with their gaslighting.

The modern congressional witch-hunters are very poor propagandists if they think that gullible Americans will be shocked that somebody in Russia spent a paltry $100,000 on some fake ads which proceeded, all by themselves, to magically propel Donald Trump to victory. Since this is chump change compared to the billion dollars that Hillary Clinton raised and spent on her own failed bid, it must mean that a crappy hundred thou has more clout than a billion smackeroos. This is what Mark Warner and Adam Schiff actually expect us, knowledge-impaired dupes that we are, to believe as they strive valiantly to reduce our quivering jelly brains into one great big puddle of fear and docility.

Perhaps they can get a friendly state attorney general to sue Twitter and take this all the way to the Supreme Court. After all, even the tiniest smattering of "possibly foreign" cheap fake ads is a subversive violation of the great Citizens United ruling, which equates money with speech. The very survival of all-American greed and capitalism is at stake.


  1. Sorry, OT, but had to share. Sounds like must see TV!

  2. @Kat,

    Thanks for making my whole day. And as for your apology that the Eric Show is O/T, not at all because it, too, falls under the category of Propaganda.

    All I can say is that if CBS can run a legal drama about the early career of Doctor Phil, the opportunities for charlatans everywhere are absolutely endless. Eric is just cashing in on the "Politicking With the Stars" franchise.

    Next up: a dramedy based on the inspiring life of Michelle Obama. Each episode will have her taking time off from her hedonistic series of luxury vacations to scold a pre-selected category of irresponsible human for not living up to their full potential, especially those nasty women who "voted against their own voice" in the last election.

  3. stranger in a strange landSeptember 29, 2017 at 2:02 PM

    The comments to the Deadline piece about the Holder show are somewhat refreshing. People do seem to be pretty hip to all the propaganda. Though, I wonder what methods the Controllers will turn to if the returns on their propaganda investments diminish too much. When reality becomes so bare to the targets of the manufactured consent that the Controllers decide that the consent part isn't really necessary anymore.

  4. It's Propaganda Time! Or at least the beginning of a big roll-out.

    'The President is Missing' is Bill Clinton and James Patterson's upcoming novel, not even published yet but headed to Showtime to become an action series thanks to Les Moonves who is the head of CBS which is Showtime parent company.

    "In a network statement, Showtime said that the story about the disappearance of a sitting president promises a 'level of detail that only someone who has held the office can know – generating a powerful, one-of-a-kind thriller. Though fictional, the story brings to life the pressures and realities of the most important position in the world.'"

    Isn't it funny that ever since Obama's Ministry of Truth (OMoT) came into existence, and after he ended the long-standing ban against targeting Americans with propaganda, there are suddenly all these new media vehicles for propaganda? I don't suppose it's related to the grant funds made available by OMoT to NGOs, civic organizations, etc. is it? The major networks and newspapers would be prime recipients of funding just because they're experts. The CIA has been using them for decades, after all. Craig Timberg at WaPo of PropOrNot infamy has to be on the OMoT payroll. Propaganda is a new teat on the corporate welfare udder.

    And about Gov't claims of Russian attacks against voting systems of 21 states which precipitated new demands to nullify the election? Yes, bogus. We shouldn't forget that fake news gets tons of media coverage and coverage of lies, I mean mistakes, rarely get any coverage. So the lie sticks.

    From the Intercept:

    'Yet Another Major Russian Story Falls Apart. Is Skepticism Permissible Yet?'

    Hey, Obama's Ministry of Truth is still young. Give it time to get more coordinated and sophisticated. What they really need is MORE MONEY!

    Someone should starting keeping a list of this crap, week by week or even day by day, because it's coming at us fast and furiously now and it will only get worse.

  5. Speaking of Michelle, I came across that tidbit when reading about a planned series about that other feminist icon-- Hugh Hefner. I am sure this will all be very breezy and much will be made of his "liberation" of men and women. F**k Hollywood.

  6. This is of course wonderful. Your thinking and writing are terrific. And I'm NOT in an echo chamber! That's a COMPLIMENT pure and simple.

    You said "...He's only had almost a year to scratch" What I keep thinking is that Equifax had 124 million user credit "reports" compromised/hacked and like Yahoo before them delivered the famous, patented "... our lawyers don't know how this could have happened" speech...

  7. Sardonicky, thanks for your refreshing take on all the political nonsense again this weekend. You make me laugh out loud. Your "Has Twitter now, or has it ever been.." line prompted me to search out the YouTube of the McCarthy hearings.

    A family member and I are nearly all alone in our skepticism of the Putin issue around here. Absolutely no one "liked" 'Yet Another Major Russian Story Falls Apart...' From Glenn Greenwald of the Intercept. I don't know why I bother with FB, but I can't help "sharing" something that inspires me.

  8. @ Carol S.

    You are not alone in your aloneness. Through back channels with commenters who used to join us more often, as well as up front here by active commenters, I have heard the echo of frustration, yours and mine, about the difficulty of engaging neighbors over life-and-death matters. It's harder for us to deprogram the propagandized than it is for the establishment to propagandize them in the first place.

    Again and again, we forward copies of pieces from Sardonicky and elsewhere and receive no response, or a response short of facts, logic or compassion, even from members of family and close friends. Sometimes, the best replies are from people who were once strangers and who live, literally, on the other side of the world. God bless the internet for that lifeline.

    It is in the nature of resistance that you must be outnumbered. Fear the day when you are settled among the satisfied. If you are only comfortable in a crowd, then go with the current, no matter where it's headed; if you think for yourself, your surroundings are sure to thin out. I'm sure resisters to folly have always been in a minority. Rarely, do we find ourselves in an actionable majority, and then only for a spasm in historical time.

    Should we persist in our efforts to learn and discuss more deeply and, yes, to dare to teach when necessary? I ask myself how I.F. Stone could keep going through the McCarthy and Nixon years, and now how Karen, Ford, Nader, Greenwald, the CounterPunch gang and the rest of them keep writing and organizing?

    The only encouragement worth mentioning for myself and perhaps others is a line from Dorothy Day, another one of the outnumbered, a special voice ignored in her day, even by the worthies of her own church––because she wasn't a priest parroting the party line, because she couldn't be a priest because she was a woman, because she couldn't hold back on her harsh (her word) criticism of hypocrisy. Yet she persisted. I believe Karen in posts past has already quoted the following line by Day, but here it is again:

    “Don't worry about being effective. Just concentrate on being faithful to the truth.”

  9. Thank you, Jay.

    I, too, appreciate that we can communicate with people on the other side of the world through the magisty of the internet.

    I first experienced it with my crazy love of Bach cantatas. There’s actually this elaborate website focusing on nothing but that (of course there are 250-some works that have survived). And people from everywhere discuss them, and argue about them and the best conductors and recordings of them, etc., etc.

    Another serious writer I admire and add to your list is Chris Hedges at TruthDig. His high minded piety shows in his face...
