Monday, October 2, 2017

It's Not Terror If An Old White Guy Does It

Just because it's the worst (nonmilitary or state-sanctioned) gun massacre in modern American history, and thousands of people were terrified by it, doesn't mean you get to call it a terror attack.

A quick Google search of headlines on the Las Vegas atrocity reveals that media outlets are mostly going with "mass shooting" to describe the carnage. Not only was the gunman apparently not a Muslim or an ISIS sympathizer. He was an older white professional with no criminal record who lived in a $400,000 house. Talk about an atrocity not being media-ready, or especially Trump-ready! The most that the bombastic president could glumly tweet out was hs "deepest condolences" minus the usual dog-whistling outrage at which he is so adept.

There was no way CNN could cue the canned Doomsday soundtrack for this one, and absolutely no way that weapons manufacturers could immediately book and run the usual ads which both fund and ramp up the War On Terror. National security actors were left twiddling their thumbs by the phone. For one thing, the shooter himself was at one point in his life an auditor for the mega-weapons, fighter jet, bomb and drone manufacturer Lockheed Martin. Talk about not fitting the standard narrative!

So all CNN could come up with as of this morning was Suspect Killed 50+ People and Had 10 Rifles.

NBC was similarly bland, but went even further and put its own headline in the passive mood: More Than 50 Killed and 406 Hurt Near Mandalay Bay. They did not mention that concert-goers were "terrified" until the second paragraph. The suspect is not an assassin, he is a "gunman."

CBS managed to bypass human agency entirely in its headline: Las Vegas Shooting Leaves At Least 50 Dead.

It's not until the second page of the morning's Google results that we venture across the pond and get the name of the domestic terrorist right in the headline. The BBC bluntly announces: Las Vegas Shooting: Steven Paddock Kills Over 50 People.

But wait, stop the presses! The Independent, also based in the UK, announced that Isis was claiming responsibility after all!* Adjust the Google algorithm, pronto, as the corporate media outlets cue the Doomsday soundtracks and enlarge the headline fonts to full capacity for the global terrorized viewing pleasure of millions.

If this claim of Isis involvement is true, watch as Paddock magically metamorphose from a respectable guy who just "snapped" to a stark raving mad evil jihadist in the space of a minute.

Celebrities and politicians will adjust their own settings and change the tune of their Tweets asap, vying for the chance to be first to blame it all on either Trump (if they're Democrats) or the vast Muslim conspiracy (if they're Republicans) to supplement the hash-tagged thoughts and prayers to the victims of the inevitable #VegasStrong.

As ever, all talk of gun control legislation has been declared "too soon" out of solemn respect for the dead. If they couldn't get it done after the Sandy Hook massacre, they certainly won't get in done for a few hundred country music fans. What happened in Vegas will, sadly, probably stay in Vegas.

Of course, when a right-wing white supremacist congressman named Steve Scalise is the victim of a would-be assassin, the media will fawn all over him and his miraculous, well-insured recovery, while he solemnly hopes that his shining courageous example will break the "gridlock" and inspire a whole new wave of bipartisanship. (as in tax cuts for the wealthy, and social program-slashing for the rest of us.)

Country music star Jason Aldean, one of the Vegas performers, was certainly right when he observed that "this world is sick."

*Update: The FBI said there is no evidence of Isis involvement in the Vegas terror attack. So let our rulers put this terrible tragedy behind us as they get on with the important work of terrorizing the public with the narrative of Russian meddling in American politics, a/k/a the war on democracy itself. The Kremlin agitprop on Facebook has gotten so bad that even Fido isn't safe.

Be properly afraid and patriotically believe everything the "intelligence community" tells you through its Mighty Wurlitzer house organs, the New York Times and the Washington Post.


  1. 'It's not terror if an old white guy does it', and it's not terror if our own government does it in a half dozen countries where dark-skinned people live (or try to). In addition to leaving dead victims, we also drive survivors from what's left of their homes amid the bombed out rubble and collapsed infrastructure to join the ranks of the millions of homeless refugees being forced to risk life and limb to find safety elsewhere. At least when we have mass killings, survivors get to go home.

    I'm sorry, but every stinking time a mass murder happens here and there's outrage and bafflement, I'm reminded that Americans are damned proud of their global military empire's Killing Machine. There's wild cheering as Pentagon fighter jets soar over stadiums in a paid promotion of patriotism, they stand proudly for the singing of our 'bombs bursting in air' National Anthem, and they're oblivious (or uncaring) to the fact that we're the #1 arms dealer in the world thanks to Lockheed-Martin, And of course everyone uniform is a hero and war is glorified.

    So it's especially ironic that these victims who were country music fans, undoubtedly the most patriotic group you'll find anywhere in the USA, were killed by a Lockheed-Martin cog in the Killing Machine. Yup, plenty of tragedy to go around. This is a bat-shit crazy country.

    Actually, I think it's obvious what went wrong. The terrorist gunman viewed one of those Russian ads on Facebook ordered by Putin to elect Donald Trump. No wait, to hurt Hillary. No wait, to undermine our election system. No wait, to sow discord. That evil genius Putin is everywhere, even Catalonia.

    Someone needs to tell the Democratic war-mongers to start hearings on this, pronto. After all, there's a Russian Presidential election on March 18th, so there's no time to waste running an influence campaign to interfere with their election - not that we'd do anything like that. But if we did, it should have started at least a year ago.

    Pardon my snark.

  2. Not to beat a dead horse, but after every natural disaster that rips homes and communities apart, the first thing victims are commonly heard saying is "It was like a war zone!" I'm wondering why, despite the massive carnage, I have yet to hear anyone say this was like a war zone. That's exactly what it looked like.

    I suppose it's because the media only shows us the rubble but never the bloody and dead bodies and overall human toll from our recent wars.

    Sad for everyone.

  3. Ok, so I am beating a dead horse.

    Forgive me for pointing it out, but these poor folks were gunned down from on high with nowhere to run or hide, reminiscent of the kind of antiseptic warfare that Obama began - drone bombing, special ops snipers, and other remote and stealthy means of killing.
