Friday, July 19, 2019

Cranky Dem Governors Kvetch At Crabfest

They aren't cranky because a fascistic president just put a target on a congresswoman's back, or because children are still being held in concentration camps at the southern border, or because the planet is alternately burning up and flooding, or that 30 million Americans still have no health insurance.

They're cranky because they think their party is turning a little too far to the left for the ease and comfort of the very tiny handful of very important people that the Democratic Party now represents.

They're so cranky it's a wonder they didn't choke on all the seafood delights they constantly gnawed upon as they kvetched to each other, to their wealthy donors, and to a select group of corporate media representatives at their annual retreat last weekend.

At least they were sweating due to their own anxiety, and not from the record heat wave engulfing much of the US. That's because the location of their luxury junket was Nantucket Island, Massachusetts, where fresh breezes off the Atlantic vied with the human windbags gathered together to liberally ignore the fact that millions of their alleged constituents are suffering constant, gnawing anxiety over how they're going to make next month's rent payment and how they're going to put another meal on the table.

As reported by the New York Times' Jonathan Martin, one of the corporate journos lucky enough to score an invitation to the elite Crabfest,
A group of governors are alarmed that their party’s presidential candidates are embracing policies they see as unrealistic and politically risky. And they are especially concerned about proposals that would eliminate private health insurance.
“I don’t think that’s good policy or good politics,” said Gina Raimondo of Rhode Island, the chair of the Democratic Governors Association.
Raimondo is a former venture capitalist who sold one of her own investment funds to the Rhode Island state pension plan before she entered politics and from which she continues to personally profit. Despite the fund's poor performance, the state's public employees are unable to divest from it, because the owners (comprised mainly of the governor's friends and family) refuse to give their permission. Doing so might make them very anxious. As an insurance policy, it wouldn't be good politics as pertains to their own financial health.

Forbes's Eric Seidle explains the scam:
The pension was scheduled to exit Raimondo’s fund in 2016 but the firm, supposedly exercising its discretion under a secret agreement the state supposedly signed, unilaterally extended the life of the investment in 2017 and again in 2018....
The very fact that an investment, shrouded in secrecy and foisted on the state pension by the now-Governor, has continued to lose money for the pension and pay money to Raimondo for the past thirteen years—with no end in sight—should demand enhanced disclosure and public scrutiny, in my opinion.
Meanwhile, Gina Raimondo had "reformed" the state's public pension plan during her first term by farming more of it out to Wall Street and eliminating cost of living increases, warning that the plan would go bankrupt without such changes. She accomplished this feat while keeping her own personal interest in the scheme a secret from the public.

So Raimondo, far from being anxious about her own state's judicial and legislative oversight branches ever holding her to account for self-dealing and corruption, crabbily lectured her assorted Nantucket cronies that "we can't become the party of the checklist" and that instead, the Democratic presidential candidates must adhere to the economic needs of "everyday Americans" -- meaning, presumably, Americans who make at a minimum a thousand dollars every single day and who write the checks to the politicians.

She also took a thinly-veiled swipe at the influential "Squad" of progressive congresswomen with popular social media profiles who are calling for Medicare For All, an end to cruel immigration enforcement practices and a Green New Deal.
“A month or two before my primary I was getting crushed on social media,” Ms. Raimondo said, recalling the challenge she had from the left last year. “My friends were calling me, saying, ‘Gina you’re going down’ and then we won by 20 points.”
It's not just Trump fans who vote against their own economic interests. When people can be manipulated by the fear-mongering propaganda of shady elite rulers, they become complicit in their own destruction.

The human frogs that politicians like Gina Raimondo stick in the slowly simmering pot never know what's hitting them until it's way too late. Unlike the lobsters that she and her gubernatorial cohort scarfed down by the pound in Nantucket last weekend, we become so stunned that we don't even have time to scream. 

So until and unless we ourselves stop internalizing the dangerous neoliberal dogma that "there is no alternative" to cutthroat capitalism, there will be no change and no real improvement in our lives.

We have to instead capitalize on the current paranoia and anxiety of the ruling class and make them choke on their own excess. Self-awareness of our own complicity in their cruel game is key, and the necessary first step. Then comes solidarity with our fellow frogs. And then comes the will to finally organize ourselves enough to jump out of the pot, en masse, and take over the whole feast.



  1. Well, the alternative to continuing to support the likes of such Dems as Raimondo is to come up with $8 billion to start another major party....

  2. voice-in-wildernessJuly 19, 2019 at 5:44 PM

    I wish I could see how we get from where we are to the future Karen sketches out in her last paragraph. Take my home state of New Hampshire. Despite a long history of Republicanism, we now have all four members of our Congressional delegation as Democrats. Three are women and the fourth is an openly gay man. This is really remarkable and not something I would ever have predicted 10 years ago.

    But to what end, in terms of moving the country away from Trumpism and neoliberalism? New Hampshire is an outlier by many measures of social and economic health, not a symbol of a wave sweeping the country, not giving me the hope that there will be similar changes in other key states. Our state motto is "live free or die," but perhaps it really is "vox clamantis in deserto"?

    1. Identity politics has proven again and again that women and minorities can be every bit as corrupt, craven and bloodthirsty as any white male. "Men should step aside," the feminists say. Why, so the likes of Raimondo, "Toture Lady" Gina Haspell, crazy neocon Nikki Haley, Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, Michelle Bachman, incompetent grifter and war criminal Hillary Clinton, Russiagate whacko and hideously corrupt Maxine Walters, Rachel "Liberal Rush" Maddow, etc. can make things even worse? And as for gays, I can't tell Pete Buttigeg from Peter Theil since both are extreme who would screw over everyone who isn't rich just as quickly as the most homophobic guy you can think of.


  3. I worry that a Third Party costing $8 billion would turn out as corrupt as the first two. “Hey, where’d you get that money”?

    Winning big elections without money is something like squaring the circle. Impossible. If and when a critical mass of Americans are ever fed up enough to sack Wall Street (and smart enough to first win over the cops and the military), then we might see a changing of the guard, at least for a while. (h/t Lenin) But the price tag for cleaning house of the plutocracy in that manner will be astronomical and not calculated in greenbacks.

    “Poor Little Rhode Island / The smallest state in the forty-eight ,” as the song goes. Where I spent my formative years. For better or worse, most of the time it is found in the Democratic fold. Its most notable pol was Claiborne Pell, the spawn of a notable elite multi-language family. Senator Pell with his Pell Grants was on the same frequency as Bernie about educating the country's youth without drowning them in debt. The rich and powerful back then––not so long ago, Governor Raimondo––must have been more noble than we find them today.

    Unfortunately, when the Good Liberal Pell died, which was shortly before Obama acceded to the throne, Pell’s luck had surely run out: he was eulogized by Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy and––wait for it––Joe Biden.

  4. I've long thought the correct term was "vulture capitalism", not "venture capitalism".

    The vulture label is appropriate. For when the plebeian targets of these figurative vultures' attention cannot muster the strength to scare them off, then, as when dealing with actual vultures, their eyeballs and livers get pecked out, sometimes even before they are actually dead.


  5. KG: "So until and unless we ourselves stop internalizing the dangerous neoliberal dogma that "there is no alternative" to cutthroat capitalism, there will be no change and no real improvement in our lives."

    That one sentence lays bare the entire situation confronting us.
    The duopoly cannot withstand an alternative, but that’s the only way out.

    The piece linked below properly excoriates the Republican Party for promoting and supporting Donald Trump.
    But fact is, the Democratic Party leadership practically relishes being his dance partner on the political stage.
    Among politicians, besides Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, prominently only “the Squad", which party elites persistently put down for fear of the real change they espouse, challenges Trump for what he fully represents. Only they have plans for the substantial change from the status quo needed to overcome our current crises.

    However, as long as Trump’s uncouth behavior holds all attention by inflaming his base and drawing righteous ire in reaction, his policies and their effects avoid sufficient scrutiny, let alone deserved opposition.
    Yet bigotry is but a part of what’s at play.
    Inextricably entwined with racism is economic class division, and therein is the true root of the malignancy.
    The moneyed interests that rule both parties and control this country are genuinely threatened by the policies proposed by the Squad, like a Green New Deal.
    Those interests have literally made out like bandits under Trump.
    They will continue to dominate until overthrown.

    Trump epitomizes the depraved soul of Amerika.
    But Wall Street owns that soul.
    And by the military abroad and the police at home, the CIA and the NSA, Wall Street intends to keep it, at any cost, which you bet your life they won’t pay for.

    Trump’s Racist Lies About Ilhan Omar Define the Republican Party —
    The Ilhan Omar quote Trump bastardized came from her conversation with John Nichols, who joins us to look at US history for inspiration and understanding.
    July 19, 2019 ~
