Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Narrow Focus of Democrats' Anti-Trump Ire

True to form, House Democratic leaders quickly abandoned their initial clarion call to censure Donald Trump for his continuing series of vile xenophobic attacks on the Squad of four progressive female members. They instead introduced a motion merely to "condemn" his language while failing to condemn either his continued caging of immigrants at the border or his actual and threatened deportation sweeps. (Update: the condemnation passed, largely across party lines, on Tuesday evening.)

The Democratic leadership's condemnation of Trump's racist demagoguery is not to be confused with any opposition to the Status Quo. The whole purpose of their grandstanding resolution is to unify the Party, not to protect refugees from man-made climate change and regime change. 

 And just so everybody is perfectly and absolutely clear about their limited intent, the resolution condemning his language gratuitously doubles right down on the longstanding "colorblind" racist trope which distinguishes the Able-Bodied Deserving Immigrant from the Weak Undeserving Immigrant.

As reported by the New York Times,

Among other things, the resolution declares that the House “believes that immigrants and their descendants have made America stronger,” that “those who take the oath of citizenship are every bit as American as those whose families have lived in the United States for many generations,” and that the House “is committed to keeping America open to those lawfully seeking refuge and asylum from violence and oppression, and those who are willing to work hard to live the American Dream, no matter their race, ethnicity, faith, or country of origin.”
There is not one word about those fleeing because record drought and heat have destroyed the subsistence farming they depend on to literally survive. There is not one word about changing the law to include impending starvation as a legitimate reason to seek asylum. Only those who are willing to wait in line for years and then work hard for low wages will be welcomed. Humanitarianism is not part of the equation. Political power is.

The Democrats' resolution all about restoring the tone, the civility, the cosmetic diversity, the jolly bipartisanship and intraparty comity among the members of Congress, most of whom have achieved fabulous wealth, or at least achieved the promise of future fabulous revolving-door wealth. The Times approvingly quotes the Resolution's co-sponsor, New Jersey Democrat and former Obama State Department official Tom Malinowski:

“Let’s focus on these comments that the vast majority of Americans recognize to be divisive and racist, that the vast majority of my Republican colleagues, in their hearts, recognize to be divisive and racist.
“We need to move forward with something that can be unifying, and right now, what we can unite around is that what the president said was wrong, un-American, and dangerous.”
Focus on his words, not his xenophobic deeds, in which the Democrats have been all too shamefully complicit.

The nihilistic Republicans, meanwhile, are seeking to shift their own conversation away from addressing Trump's racist rhetoric to caterwauling about the "socialist" danger posed by the squad of progressive women who are the targets of his wrath: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan.

Trump's hurling of anti-racist invective (if you call me a racist that makes you a racist) right back at his critics is nothing new under the ultra-right sun, of course. His defense of Israel while leveling charges of anti-Semitism against, in particular, Somali refugee Ilhan Omar, is simply the transmutation of the Far Right's own historical anti-Semitism into increasingly mainstream Islamophobia. The Muslim refugees of America's wars, and now the Latino refugees from US-sponsored regime change military coups and climate catastrophe are essentially stateless people. And since the historically stateless Jews are now largely assimilated into American and European life, the Muslims and Latinos are simply the new Jews - or the latest convenient scapegoats.

The growing fascism of Donald Trump's Republican party and the neoliberalism of the Democrats are actually closely aligned. Presidential contender Hillary Clinton, for one, recently and bizarrely blamed immigrants themselves for the rise of right-wing populism in Europe and the United States. In a friendly series of November interviews covered by Guardian diplomatic editor Patrick Wintour, Clinton said:

“I think Europe needs to get a handle on migration because that is what lit the flame...
“I admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but I think it is fair to say Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear message – ‘we are not going to be able to continue provide refuge and support’ – because if we don’t deal with the migration issue it will continue to roil the body politic.”
It's a somewhat nicer nativistic way than Trump's of telling people to stay in, or go back to, their own countries even if it kills them. She doesn't acknowledge her own role in the growing global humanitarian catastrophes, particularly her dominant role in destroying Libya, whence countless migrants have fled, many of them losing their lives in desperate attempts to cross the Mediterranean to Europe. 

But she was only too happy to Tweet this week against Trump's racist attacks on the Squad, and to join with Nancy Pelosi in glibly advising immigrant families to simply not answer their doors when Border Patrol and ICE agents drop by their neighborhoods in one of those deportation sweeps. The focus of her ire is every bit as conveniently narrow as that of her party. It's not the anti-immigrant policies that have been ramped up with a vengeance, with increasing border militarization and imprisonments and mass deportations. It's the anti-immigrant Trumpian rhetoric attached to these cruel policies that evokes her virtue-signaling wrath. The fake anger is carefully transmuted into the platitudinous anti-Trump statements that her party regularly dreams up as a means to mask its own complicity.

The mask is getting mighty thin and mighty transparent.

The ultimate goal of border walls is not only to "make America white again," but to protect the rich world from the poor world, to protect plutocrats from the victims of capitalistic violence, who must be exiled and their humanity diminished so that the rich can assuage their own guilt as well as protect their hoarded wealth. Just as the Squad is the latest convenient scapegoat for Trump and the Republicans, Trump and the Republicans are convenient scapegoats of their Democratic de facto collaborators.

The never-ending scandals and Tweets and outbursts of outrage in high places is the fuel that feeds the spectacle.


  1. MAGA; make america grey again.The far right fascists have been treated with kid gloves by corporate media (and government) for decades, aside from catastrophic events such as the Oklahoma City bombing, while leftist discontents have been routinely
    demonized as "Socialists/Communists". Trump is transparent in his racism and his mob loves it. So what's new? The House reaction to Trump was meaningless except how it benefits
    cable news for the next 24 hours.

    Racism has always been here. There's a lot more to this country's demise than racism, although racism works pretty well for the political right.


  2. As I skim over the headlines only (I gladly respect the paywall) of the digital NY Times of this morning, a pattern emerges. Looks like the Times is deftly setting up the Squad as (1) the foil helping Trump sell his racist message better than ever and (2) the radical leftist spoiler fools within Democratic ranks who will be blamed for losing the White House and Congress in 2020.

  3. @Jay,

    I get the same impression. Pelosi's ode to Sisterhood will be floating down the memory hole any minute now. Unity, schmunity. You gotta hand it to Trump, though, he is turning out to be a master not only of manipulation, but of triangulation. He is a very skillful predator with his instinct for detecting weakness.

    Meanwhile, the Squad will also serve as proxies for Bernie Sanders and they will serve as the prime reason for the Democratic machine to deny him the nomination - to avoid disunity. By golly, Bernie is actually proving Trump right because he really IS a socialist (he's really not), and to the corporate Dems, socialism is every bit as repulsive as it is to the GOP. Therefore they will try to out-Republican the Republicans and prove their anti-immigrant cred and their hatred for the New Deal because they pretend to think it will appeal just as nicely to the folks in the Heartland who otherwise will be tempted to re-elect Trump.

    Speaking of the Times, since they are now censoring almost every single comment I submit to them, I have cut way back on my submissions. They've squelched a lot of other people too. Just shows how terrified they are of the rabble that they used to tolerate.

    I think, absent Bernie getting the nomination, Trump will be re-elected. And I think that would be perfectly acceptable to the Dems and the corporate media. He helps their bottom line.

  4. And in other (but related) news:

    From CNN:
    "Bill Gates is no longer the world's second-richest person. That title now belongs to French billionaire Bernard Arnault. Arnault, the CEO of luxury goods maker LVMH (LVMHF), overtook Gates Tuesday on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index."

    The significance? That those who cater to the rich are doing so well implies that the rich are doing exceedingly well. It's yet another metric of the extent of modern inequality, which most of the officeholders in the neoliberal bulk of the Democratic branch of the "Uniparty" continue to ignore, while they divert attention onto Trump as a person.

    Really (as I think someone recently said on this blog), the Democrats are intent on snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Perhaps because it isn't really defeat for them. Deep down, many of them are just whores for business interests, and what they deliver can be concluded, but often isn't formally bragged about -- until they become lobbyists or corporate attorneys once out of office. The Republicans, on the other hand, don't hide being on the corporate payroll while still holding office. But not all that much difference between the two from the standpoint of results.


  5. About the DNC's eating it's young, it gets better. The Congressional Black Caucus, of all people, is with Nancy Pelosi in damning the Squad.

    Sadly, most of the CBC are now corporate-funded Democratic party stalwarts. Money is thicker than blood. Most in the CBC serve the rich while shadow boxing for the little guy. Everything was going great for what BAR calls "The Black Misleadership Class" until these young blacks stepped up to threaten the good life of the sellout black elite.

    The CBC, most of them counted among the Black Misleadership Class, have begun, on cue, condemning the Squad and other young progressive-minded black upstarts jumping into local Democratic primaries AGAINST incumbent blacks. Who gave these justice types permission to do that?!?! Interesting, but the divide is still not deep enough to split the Democratic Party and give birth to a real Third Party.

    Here's a good backgrounder. The comments that followed (now around 70) are worth your time.
