Sunday, December 3, 2023

A Fascist Pep Talk

In order to maintain its status as "the most lethal fighting force the world has ever known," America must keep waging its endless wars all around the world.

So pronounced "Defense" Secretary Lloyd C. Austiin III to a roomful of weapons manufacturers and venture capitalists and congressional hawks and Silicon Valley moguls and corporate media stars at the Reagan Library's annual security confab in Simi Valley, California over the weekend. He was the keynote speaker at the event, which also featured a cozy "fireside chat" by Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo and a panel discussion on defending the Monroe Doctrine led for some unknown reason by tech billionaire Joe Lonsdale. Karl Turdblossom "we create our own reality" Rove was also at the confab, as were the CEO of Boeing and executives from G.E. (pays no taxes) and Microsoft. It was a veritable Who's Who of Who Runs the World.

Since he was among friends, Austin made sure to lighten up the politics of death with a few folksy Ronald Reagan anecdotes, to much appreciative laughter. But he also made Senator Lindsay Graham very mad by suggestiing how civilian deaths in Gaza be slightly minimized. Anything less than calling for the total annihilation of two million Palestinians makes you a complete dove, groused Graham later on CNN.

Austin also toned down his bellicose rhetoric just long enough to brag that any Iraqis whose lives he saved balanced out all the Iraqi lives he helped to end in that illegal war. As a veteran expert in the type of urban warfare the Israelis are waging in Gaza, Austin is directly advising them how to paint a humanitarian face on atrocity by such gimmicks as drawing detailed evacuation maps for Palestinians trying to escape the carnage. Not that this will prevent all deaths of innocent children, of course, but at least they will be seen as trying. Austin also told the assembled overlords that he has even courageously warned the Israel government on how far is too far.

  Meanwhile, the US will continue providing billions of dollars in bombs and other hardware to Israel, with absolutely no strings attached. He just politely asked that they not kill anyl more civilians than are absolutely necessary, Because even if you win the war you can still lose strategically. You can erode all that legendary global good will.

There is apparently no downside in emphasizing the windfall war profits accruing from the mass death of populations that simply are not deemed to be grief-worthy  Austin sounded every inch the fascist demagogue in the bulk of his speech. Not only is he the first non-civilian US defense secretary ever to be appointed, but he came to the post directly from the Board of Directors of Raytheon - which is among the weapons manufacturers supplying both Ukraine and Israel.

Here are just a few chilling snippets from Austin's long, and long-winded, pep talk to the masters of war:  

You know, our competitors don’t have to operate under continuing resolutions. And so, doing so erodes both our security and our ability to compete.

Austin is actually whining about the requirement that Congress has to bother itself rubberstamping a trillion dollars in war appropriations every single year. As the biggest "most lethal fighting force the world has ever known," with US combat troops in 169 countries and some 750 military bases around the world, even to go through the motions of a democratic process before being able to killi people is too much. It gives such an unfair advantage to authoritarian leaders who hate us for our democracy. Waaahhhhhh!

You know, only one country on Earth can provide the kind of leadership that this moment demands. And only one country can consistently provide the powerful combination of innovation, ingenuity, and idealism—and of free minds, free enterprise, and free people.And that’s the United States of America.


Of course they applaud. For General Austin has just admitted the war is essentially a business enterprise. The moguls in the audience stay free by staying obscenely rich. Freedom's just another word for exploiting poor and working people, wherever on this small planet they happen to live.

We’re living through challenging times. That includes the major catonflicts facing our fellow democracies, Israel and Ukraine; bullying and coercion from an increasingly assertive China; and a worldwide battle between democracy and autocracy.

Ukraine's "democracy" is questionable, given that President Zelensky has outlawed independent reporting in his country. Nor can an apartheid state like Israel be considered a democracy; even before October 7th, Bibi Netanyahu was trying to abolish his country's judiciary. That Austin would then harp on China, with its grand total of one military base outside its borders,, being a "bully" is a pretty pathetic case of Freudian projection. He thinks it's a bully because its economy is booming. And thus, besides drawing his cartoon maps for Gaza evacuation, Austin and the rest of the military-industrial complex are hankering for war with China. Think of all the profits for the few, right before everybody gets nuked.

American leadership rallies our allies and partners to uphold our shared security. And it inspires ordinary people around the world to work together toward a brighter future.

Unfortunately for Austin and his cohort, the "brighter future" that ordinary people all over the world are working for is aimed squarely at stopping war. He has apparently drawn a map inside his head where the streets are not filled with anti-genocide protesters. Either that, or he simply wants to make his entitled audience feel confident that everyday people are so stupid as to be awed by such constant overdoses of weaponized palaver.

  1.   But the troubles of our times will only grow worse without strong and steady American leadership to defend the rules-based international order that keeps us all safe.

Have you noticed that nobody ever defines this "rules-based international order" so frequently bandied about these days by the ruling class? By my count,  Austin himself uttered this ubiquitous knee-jerk mantra a total of four  times in just this one speech. What precisely are these rules, and who made them? Nobody, certainly has asked the inspired people looking for a brighter future in the future. But by nattering it often enough, perhaps they hope to cow us into just shutting up, lest we inadvertently break one of their mysterious rules. I'll hazard a wild guess, though, that censorship is a big fat part of it.

You know, in every generation, some Americans prefer isolation to engagement—and they try to pull up the drawbridge. They try to kick loose the cornerstone of American leadership. And they try to undermine the security architecture that has produced decades of prosperity without great-power war.

This was where Austin obliquely criticizes the antiwar, anti-genocide movement exploding all over the world. In so doing, he sugar-coats the near constant regime change wars and unilateral attacks by the US on less powerful countries as tantamount to "great prosperity for his audience. He barely avoided the Orwellian "war is peace" canard.

While bemoaning Vladimir Putin's cruelty and championing the Ukrainian troops- including the fascistic Azov battalion - as freedom fighters, Austin portrays the Hamas militants as terrorists and the Zionist slaughter of some 15,000 Palestinians as "self-defense."

Read the rest of the speech (linked in second paragraph above)  or watch it on Youtube if you have the time and the stomach. There are so many glowing references to Ronald Reagan and Joe Biden sprinkled throughout that you're liable to get these goofy old dementos mixed up if you aren't careful. Actually all the presidents in recent memory have sounded exactly like Lloyd Austin in their unrelenting grotesque mixture of good cheer and fear-fomenting.


  1. @Karen,

    I could barely read the snippets from the speech that you included in your post, let alone sit through Austin's speech at the Masters of the Universe conference. Thanks for doing the frustrating work for us.

    No wonder the younger generation isn't paying any attention to the Mainstream Media. It is an Alice in Wonderland world of delusional people talking shit. Good for the Kids going to TikTok for their truth. If the MSM can't be responsible for accurate and informative journalism, they will lose their market and become superfluous - and good riddance to the lot of them – liars perpetuating the narrative. I would have no idea what was going on in the world if I didn't have blogs like Sardonicky and the handful of journalists in the Alternative Media.

    I just can't get over how blatant Israel is in its cheating of the hostage exchange and its mistreatment of the Palestinians while the eyes of the world are upon it. The only reason I can fathom is that they think they have such control over the media that they can get away with their drumbeat of misinformation and their dystopian spin on what is happening. The U.S. isn't coming out of this looking very good either. It is clear to anyone who cares to look that all we have to do is shut off the money, stop with the weapons and military support and stop giving Israel cover at the U.N. Biden and the Democrats are finished but Trump and JFK Jr would be doing the same. I just can't believe we are watching a holocaust in real time and most of the Western World is turning a blind eye. But word must be getting out - even to the most loyal Americans. Without conscription, the U.S.'s Forever Warfare is starting to run into snags. Only 9% of the kids in high school are even looking at the military as an option - despite all the training in trades and education grants that exist, partially, to temp kids who can't afford to pay for tertiary education. There are just too many bullets in the Russian Roulette gun even for the patriots who blindly follow the propaganda.

  2. I just saw this brilliant video - well-researched and clearly presented - on boycotting and divesting in order to put pressure on Israel. I had no idea how powerful the BDS movement has been and that Israel sees it as a massive threat. That means all of us who care about Palestine should be doing it. I don't know about you, but there are days where I am overwhelmed by the evil I am seeing in Palestine and I feel pretty helpless to change anything. But I can - and will - take part in BDS. The video is less than a half hour and I encourage everyone reading my comment to watch. I learned a lot!


    The name of the video is, Israel is Scared of Your Boycotting - Why?

  3. This is a political war inside the US. The stakes are massive war crimes.

    The "center of gravity" in this war is the defeat of Joe Biden. He must be made to understand that if he does not stop, then he will be defeated, no matter who his opponent might be.

    Nothing could be worse than war crimes of ethnic cleansing, mass murder, and another Armenian Genocide (displacement by force into a desert, not place to go, to die of thirst and hunger).

    It is not just Israel committing these crimes. It is us. It is Joe Biden and his crew, Blinken, Sullivan, Nuland, Austin. They are the actual actors, as much as were Reinhard Heydrich and Adolf Eichmann.

    We can stop it. If we don't, we rank with the Germans who voted for Hitler.

    Own it. Then face it, do something about it.

    "International Law?" "Rules Based Order?" The Nazis had buzz words too. Different words, same sort of smoke and excuses for horrid crime.

  4. Americans actually know much better than the Germans who voted for a novelty called Hitler.

    I have reached a state of no longer having a way of expressing the feelings aroused by the conflagration in Gaza. Stupendous outrage coupled with abject helplessness. Similarly for COP 28. The quotidian insults to humanity keep coming. The upper crust [U C] of wealth and power have so much to revel in, while the rest have increasingly much to grieve and fear.

    While the career of Henry Kissinger is feted by the U C in his post mortems, we learn how he derailed the most promising of an Israeli-Palestinian resolution (UN 242). That, promoted by Soviet Russia, was defeated merely to deprive the cold war adversary of a "win". Remotely, he set up for what is wreaked today.

    It was Eli Wiesel that attached the word holocaust to the Jewish extermination plan. It was he who concluded that the greatest sin or failing wasn't violent hatred, but indifference. The silent bystander to...What? You supply the noun. He should be credited for rhetorically applying this value to all victims, whereas the word was co-opted and monopolized by the Jews. He did not comment on what occurred in Palestine, however.

    This episode is so far being sold to us as retributive justice, self defense, and a hostages rescue by a self proclaimed "victim". Evident by the attacks on Palestinian Americans, it's obviously working to a large extent. Of course, the U C don't care what we dissenters think or believe as their ability to control the masses is already prodigious and always advancing.

    "That is the truth," answered Don Quixote, "and there is no use in troubling oneself about these matters... for as they are invisible and visionary we shall find no one on whom to avenge ourselves, do what we may."

    There are very few who cannot be corrupted by a threat to their paycheck or even a rise in gas prices. So the quotidian horrors keep coming and we salve ourselves with our opinions. The admonition "Write to your representative" has disappeared. Auden again:

    Hunger allows no choice
    To the citizen or the police;

    Several dozen have popped up to vie for replacing George Santos. A media voice has predicted that surely one of them is "a diamond in the rough.": Perhaps the one candidate purchased by AIPAC to proclaim the sanctity of Israel's motives.

    The winning hand for the U C is that there's no viable alternative to Biden. They really don't want to see us peace-nicks starting to arm up. That would put a pall on their sacred Wall Street. They already got their maximalist tax cuts and the further disabling of the IRS. Nothing for them to lose with Biden.

  5. @ Mario -- I agree. Hitler was a new thing, and this now is a thing we've seen repeatedly in the last century, so we don't have the excuse of a lack of imagination to picture something so horrible.

    "I have reached a state of no longer having a way of expressing the feelings aroused by the conflagration in Gaza. Stupendous outrage coupled with abject helplessness." Me too.

    I find some of my comments are read like inarticulate rage. I am so upset that I don't entirely make sense in my objections. This is a weakness I must make a big effort to master, so that I can say something while it matters. So far, mixed results.

  6. @Mark and @Mario

    Me too! I can't tell you the number of times I have sat down to comment after hearing or reading something I have found profound or relevant to Karen's latest post, only to delete it because my writing sounds incoherent to my own ears. I think it is too many thoughts and ideas floating around in my head and bumping into each other. I am so upset - not only for the holocaust in real time we are witnessing but also the drums of a world war that are beating more and more loudly. I hear people like Larry Wilkerson and John Mearsheimer sounding hopeless. As if there is no way out – no way of avoiding nuclear war.

    I can sense that many of my friends are afraid - afraid to speak out about Palestine as they read about careers ruined. The McCarthy Effect is gaining steam. The other group of friends, I am ready to slap upside the head because they just don't want to be brought down by thoughts of genocide or war. I get it. I have been awake most of the night ruminating on what I am learning about the perfidy of the Western countries led by the U.S. and UK - and feel quite helpless to do anything to change it. I am absolutely horrified at how corrupted the US Congress is by Israeli influence and money, to say nothing of the Biden Administration. I totally understand why people, lacking the critical thinking skills needed to make a semblance of sense on all this conflicting information – or lack thereof - are taken in by Trump - who in my mind really DOES have so much in common with the way Hitler came to power.

    And then there are the economic impacts of this coming disaster caused by the march to war. While there is this crazy spending on one hand – every store and restaurant is packed with consumers - I think people are sensing that there isn't a secure economic future. There is so much risk built into the system that we won’t be able to print our way out of – and the economic inequality, even in Australia and Europe is growing. Even in my small city with our generous safety net, rents are becoming unaffordable for many people and rentals are in short supply. Homeless people are being given tents by the homeless services.

    It is the waiting for the ax to fall – yet, dreading what it all will bring. What will it take for average people to speak up and demand their “representatives” in government change? And even if they did, do the people in positions of power even have the intellect and historical perspective to lead effectively? It is all such a muddle – so overwhelming.


  7. "In order to go on with our lives, we are always capable of making the ominous into the merely strange."
    ~ Tracy Kidder, "Strength in What Remains, A Journey of Remembrance and Forgiveness", Random House, NY, 2009.

  8. I don't believe status quo Joe Biden has even half a chance of being re-elected.
    But any Republican would kill our country and burn the world, especially Donald Trump, who evidently is above the law.

    "Jon Stewart for Celebrity President. This Is Not a Joke! —
    Republicans understand that America loves celebrities. Democrats need funny and famous people running for office."
    December 6, 2023 ~ by Jon Schwarz

    The paradox of our current plight is that the people screeching most loudly — the corporate Democratic establishment — have demonstrated by their immovable support for Biden that they do not actually take this threat [Trump] seriously. As Cohen puts it, they’d “rather lose with Biden, someone they can control and someone they’ve known and used for 30 years, than win with someone they can’t.”

    "My Holiday Wish: Jon Stewart Runs for President" —
    December 4, 2023 ~ by Jeff Cohen

    "Jon Stewart for president? Last-ditch campaign hopes to escape Biden-Trump nightmare —
    Progressive activists and bad polls haven't convinced Joe Biden to stand down — now it's time for the Hail Mary."
    December 3, 2023 ~ by Andrew O'Hehir

    "Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There was never a democracy that did not commit suicide."
    ~ John Adams

  9. @Erik,

    I would vote for Jon Stewart - in a heartbeat - over Biden or Trump. Stewart is intelligent and actually cares about ordinary people.

    I'm just hoping with all the young people voting and politically aware, that we will finally establish a couple of Third Parties in this country. I think if they were high enough in the polls, a lot of people would jump ship and vote outside the duopoly. I don't think all those people saying they would vote for Trump actually want him. It is just they hate Biden and the DNC so much. Same with the Biden camp. My Democratic friends even admit Biden is senile, they just are so afraid of Trump. I'm sure that is why the DNC wouldn't allow anyone to run against Biden. Kennedy would have beaten Joe hands down - but again, we would have been left with a pro Zionist candidate who would drag us into a war in the Middle East and to hell with the Palestinians.

  10. @Eric Roth

    If Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz wants to be President, I'm sure Israel will do everything they can to help. Israel desperately needs the next POTUS to be just as totally and unconditionally supportive of Israel as Genocide Joe is.

    "But any Republican would kill our country and burn the world, especially Donald Trump, who evidently is above the law."

    'Above the law' like the serial killers/drug-pushing billionaire Sacklers? Or like war criminals Bush and Obama? What are Trump's heinous crimes that suggest he'd kill the country and burn down the world? Refusing to accept election results like Hillary does to this day?

    Donald Trump started no new wars (except against the Establishment.) He did kill Obama's TPP and TTIP trade agreement negotiations on day 1. He and Little Rocket Man made love, not war. Watch what they do, not what they say.

    Up-Chuck Schumer warned Trump from the start that he was being foolish taking on the Deep State because "they have six ways to Sunday to get back at you". And sure enough, the professional liars/regime change experts tried 6+ illegal ways to Sunday to take him down, including the unprecedented act of almost a hundred top spooks unanimously declaring in the media that Trump was effectively Putin's bitch.

    Anyway don't worry, Genocide Joe and the Dementocrats are way ahead on the dual fronts of killing the country and burning the world:


  11. Ever feel like you're in a digital graveyard before and after a murder? Me neither, until now.

    Palestinian journalists were right to start recording their farewells last week on X, fully expecting to be killed within days or a week after the ceasefire ended. It's happening.

    Professionals in Gaza might as well be wearing a big fat neon target sign on them because Israel is conducting an ELITICIDE. Yes, they're systematically assassinating doctors, journalists, lawyers, University faculty, etc., in other words, mass murdering the educated, the leadership of Gaza.

    How are they doing this? They're using AI, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, in a program described as a "mass assassination factory' they've nicknamed 'The Gospel'. The Gospel enables them to speed up targeted assassinations like never before in the history of warfare.

    If you don't believe me, Google 'mass assassination factory" or follow these links to articles about 'The Gospel' if you missed it when this news came out a week ago in independent +927 Magazine:

    Wednesday one of the targeted victims was a much loved and respected professor and poet, Dr. Refaat Alareer who posted daily on X. Many from around the world followed and got to know him, so when Israel assassinated him along with his brother, sister, and her 4 children, hearts were broken all over the world. Anger and outrage is rising exponentially because Israel killed the wrong person this time. They might as well have killed Jesus himself if you get my drift.

    We're not just witnessing a holocaust in near real time and in full living and death colors, but also getting to know the brave victims before their murders and watching their accounts go silent in a growing digital graveyard after they're killed.

    As an RN I've attended many natural deaths but never seen MURDERS (except the film of George Floyd slowly dying), now multiplied by thousands, most of which are children. It's excruciating, especially knowing all our desperate pleads for help go unheeded to this day. Meanwhile Pentagon spokesperson Kirby is wagging his finger and angrily insisting we all better get it straight that NO ONE on earth is doing more for the Palestinians than the USA.

    Refaat Alareer, RIP, posted this days before his death while his neighborhood was being relentlessly bombed: "The Democratic Party and Biden are responsible for the Gaza Genocide perpetrated by Israel." He also made a farewell video that same day, choking up as he speaks and you can hear the loud bomb blasts in the background. He knows it's over and it was. Refaat in Gaza is no more. Another voice silenced by Israel to bury the truth. That's their Gospel.

  12. Like Anne, I also saw and heard Mr Alareer on this morning's DemocracyNow. The world is much diminished by his loss. I watched his colleague hold back his sobs on camera as I teared up with him. Almost concurrently the program showed the bluster of Netanyahu threatening Lebanon with the fate of Gaza. The slogan "Never Forget" has indelibly lodged itself in me for the first time. Anne exposing Mr Stuart as Mr Leibowitz is disturbing in a way that is unmentionable, for now, but looms on the horizon.

    On that show American Indigenous activist Jacob Johns gave us some courage by echoing Gramsci, "The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear". Johns tells about how he was shot in the chest at a climate rally by a Maga gunman, was airlifted and momentarily died in air. He recovered, but he considers himself to have returned from death to recommit his life to his cause. He was at COP 28. T S Eliot told us, "You can only try, the rest is none of your business." He likely had Shakespeare's "To thyne own self be true." in mind.

  13. @Annenigma

    I wrote a longish comment but after reading yours, it seems trivial in comparison. Because I only get TikTok via Facebook (I can't figure out why but TikTok doesn't seem to want to let me on and I got a scolding from Twitter saying I posted content that went against rules - hard to do since I don't know how to post on Twitter!) - but . . . I hadn't read about the death of Refaat Alareer and his family or anything about the outrage at this amazing man's death. I am outraged too! - not even upset or deeply sad any more - I am furious. I had read in several places and had seen videos on TikTok that the Israeli's were targeting the best and the brightest along with journalists - more in this genocide (I refuse to call it a conflict or a war) than throughout all of Israel's history of mowing the lawn. Israel and those in Israel making these bloodthirsty decisions are truly evil.

  14. You know, I read articles and posts and listen to podcasts all day long - to the point that my husband tells me it is making me depressed - and yet I am always late to the party on being informed.

    Latest outrage for me: the House voted on a resolution saying Anti-Zionism was the same thing as Anti-Semitism. They claim it is because there is a rise of Anti-Semitism in the U.S. I call bullshit! It is the rise of people becoming informed at the racism and genocide in Palestine by the Israeli government. If there is a rise in anti-Semitism, it is the fault of Israel and its atrocious, psychopathic behaviour toward the Palestinians. I wish all these smart (devious) people who come up with this kind of "solution" and system that corrupts our democracy would put their IQ's to solving all the REAL problems in the world.

    I also saw a short video on TikTok of a group of protesters asking to speak to Bernie Sanders. These are former staffers and volunteers who had worked for Bernie's campaign in the past; he didn't want to know them. I remember Chris Hedges not being in the Bernie camp - he had reservations about Sanders - starting with his support of Israel. We all should have listened. Bernie once said, he didn't want to end up like Ralph Nader. Well good for Bernie because he is NO Ralph Nader - no integrity, no fight, no concern for democracy or justice - He's just another tool in the shed.

    I am going to make sure in the next election to cast my vote - worthless as it probably is - for people who are not currently in Congress or either in the DNC or the RNC. Trump's term Drain the Swamp was and is appropriate - too bad he was busy restocking it on the side.

  15. I woke up in the middle of the night feeling literally sick about this unrelenting mass murder of Palestinians and the targeted assassination of Refaat Al'Areer. I had to pray myself back to sleep. This morning I realized something about Netanyahu - he's one hell of a sick, cynical, sinister bastard.

    Bibi Netanyahu is dragging all Jews into his Palestinian Holocaust to use as his 'human (religious) shields' to protect him from criticism, baiting them to support his Palestinian Holocaust. He's doing this by exploiting their deeply held shared identity as Victims of The Holocaust. He's slaughtering the Palestinians in their name, for their own safety, for their own security everywhere in the world because Hamas Hates Jews (and there are no innocent Palestinians). If that isn't a diversionary and protective human shield strategy, I don't know what is.

    Netanyahu is even invoking the old Domino Theory canard: If they don't kill all 30,000 Hamas in Gaza, they'll go on to the next country and the next, even to the USA to kill all the Jews. I'm old enough to remember the Domino Theory scare tactic about Communists in Vietnam. We killed millions of them, sacrificing 50,000 of our own, yet they still defeated us and became the successful Communist country they are today.

    It strikes me that if Netanyahu is trying to outdo the Nazis, he's on track. His blood lust, his crazed, savagely cruel scorched-earth and genocidal campaign makes the Nazis look like amateurs in comparison, or at least more systematic, calculating, and coldly cruel. Nuttyahoo and his stormtroopers are thoroughly enjoying it, like wantonly shooting fish in a barrel. Videos are abundant online.

    Another aspect of his crimes is that Netanyahu is ruining the good name of Judaism. What we of goodwill have tried so hard to distinguish as being a Zionist Israeli genocidal holocaust, Jews are now owning and defending to the hilt. They're labeling anyone who objects to Israel's genocide of Palestinians as being anti-semitic and Jew-haters, even fellow Jews, and they're successfully getting people silenced, censored, rejected, and fired and eroding our American First Amendment rights.

    Biden isn't helping. He's pathetic, providing all the weapons he can muster to kill Palestinians, Ukrainians, and Russians solely for purpose of boosting manufacturing jobs for the Defense Industrial Base (DIB is new name for MIC), artificially boosting the GDP with deficit spending to help make the economy look better just to win re-election. He doesn't want any ceasefires anywhere. Period.

    My point is that the Jewish portrayal of being the *Exclusive Victim of the *One and Only Holocaust that Bibi is exploiting to justify a bogus 'self-defense' claim for the Palestinian Holocaust is itself bogus and inexcusable.

    There were millions of victims of The Holocaust (*trademarked) which in total exceeded the 6 million Jews. These included: Romani gypsies, Poles, Blacks and Mixed Race, Jehovah Witnesses, Catholic priests, homosexuals, Communists, trade unionists, anarchists, the mentally and physically disabled, Soviet POWs, Soviet civilians, etc. From Wikipedia but other sources also available online:

    Estimates of Victims Murdered

    Jews 6 million

    Gentiles (non-Jews)

    Soviet civilians 4.5 million
    Soviet POWs 3.3 million
    Poles 1.8 million
    Serbs More than 310,000
    Disabled people 270,000
    Romani 250,000–500,000
    Freemasons 80,000
    Slovenes 20,000–25,000
    Homosexuals 5,000–15,000
    Spanish Republicans 3,500
    Jehovah's Witnesses 1,700

    Total 17 million
