Monday, December 11, 2023

Our Own Little Gazas

 Gaza has been aptly described as a high tech laboratory experiment for how to most efficiently oppress, surveil, starve, torture, and ultimately dispose of a population deemed to be nothing but excessive, superfluous human flesh taking up too much valuable land and resources.

At its essence, the US-financed genocide by the state of Israel of some two million Palestinians confined in their open-air prison is the ultimate expression of the global class war being waged by multinational oligarchs and militarized corporations against the rest of us.

So it's not just empathy and outrage that's spurring hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of us to take to the streets in protest. It is the shock of realizing that we could very well be next. Too many of us are there already, trapped in the gulags of crushing medical and education debt, low-paid work and unemployment, evictions leading to homelessness, and - especially if we have a darker skin color -  police brutality and mass incarceration.

Gaza is the paradigmatic example of what Achille Mbambe, in his 2019 book Necropolitcs, terms the "matrix of rule" by the ruling oligarchy. Gaza is both a supercharged reiteration of the settler-colonialist atrocities of the fairly recent past, and a warning of what they have in store for us the not-too-distant future.

While they're so busily killing Palestinians, a surplus population sitting on top of what is believed to be a wealth of oil deposits, they're also in a near-frantic crusade of trying to quash dissent in the parts of the world that are still relatively free. For, as Mbembe writes,

"Unmistakably, an ever increasing multitude of voices are making themselves heard... human chains of solidarity are forming. In the darkenss of fear and denunciation, and faced with unrelenting waves of repression, compassionate men and women seek to awaken the sleeping fireflies of hospitaliity and solidarity. In the midst of an otherwise troubling anesthesia, an active minority is taking a stance. With renewed vigor they seek to denounce acts carried out in their name against the Other - who, it is claimed, is not one of us."

In a rank display of their own panic at being caught out in their crimes and lies by the masses of people, our ruling oligarchs and their political lackeys have resorted to plastering the anti-Semite label on the dissenters in a vain attempt to shut us up. This gaslighting has largely failed. So fully two months after October 7th, they are regaling us with graphic propaganda about Hamas incels sexually assaulting Israeli women. When they had to walk back their wild claims of having personally witnessed the beheadings of Jewish babies, they are now whipping up visions of Israeli women being shot in their private parts and abused even in death. Needless to say, the usual suspects have produced no evidence to back up their lurid claims.

But let us, just for the sake of argument, concede that rapes and worse were committed by Hamas. This still does not justify obliterating tens of thousands of Palestinians with bombs and tanks. And let us, also just for the sake of argument, acknowledge that this "war" has emboldened closet anti-Semites to act out their fantasies in public, even on elite college campuses. This does not justify smearing antiwar and anti-genocide protesters with the anti-Semite label, or conflating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism.. Such tactics are a classic case of Freudian projection.

It brings back nauseating memories of late Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who once publicly admitted that the deaths, by US sanctions, of half a million Iraqi children had been "worth it" in that war for oil, and whom Joe Biden so fondly evokes when he talks about the wars in Ukraine and against Gaza. Albright also had infamously remarked during the 2016 presidential campaign that "there is a special place in hell for women who don't support other women." She was talking, of course, about Hillary Clinton and the female supporters of Bernie Sanders. What she meant was that if you moved beyond the corporate version of feminism and supported policies for the greater public good, you were damned. 

It is indicative of their own consciousness of guilt that the Biden administration waited until 11 p.m. Friday to notify Congress that it was bypassing them and unilaterally giving Israel hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of tank ammunition in order to continue killing Palestinian civilians at the speed of light. Whenever the extermination of powerless trapped people is deemed to be an "emergency," then the niceties of democratic procedure do not apply. Plus, the end-run by the State Department conveniently absolves Congress of actually having to take a principled stand against sending money and bombs to Israel. It's such a clever way avoiding accountability to their dissenting constituents.

It's both ironic and even somewhat entertaining to watch the billionaires and their corrupt political lackeys so publicly accosting the same elite Ivy League presidents they put into office for the express purpose of laundering administering billions of dollars in tax-exempt oligarchic slush funds. 

Claudine Gay, Harvard's current president and one of the trio of female administrators hauled before Congress last week and damned for defending the free speech of students, was handpicked for her job by billionaire heiress Penny Pritzker, the former Obama administration commerce secretary who now heads what is aptly called the "Harvard Corporation." Pritzger was also recently named by Joe Biden to lead the postwar multinational corporate  plunder of Ukraine. The corruption is all right out there in the open: elite universities are primarily for-profit corporations, where the education of young people is only the fig leaf. Students are there not to learn, but to be credentialed for elite careers.  They are definitely not to be heard. Too many of them, apparently, did not get the message that as the lucky golden ticket-holders in an overpriced Willy Wonka diploma mill, they're doomed to the hell of the careerist garbage chute when they become too loud and demanding and free-thinking.

Speaking of the mask being ripped right off the Ivy League, it turns out that at least some students have given the aforementioned Hillary Clinton a failing grade in the "Rate My Professor" online survey. Not only did Hillary castigate the pro-Palestinian student protesters on the Columbia University campus - she accused them of  being complicit i in alleged Hamas sex crimes against Israeli women by marching in support of Palestinian women.

she didn't have the guts to  confront the young people in person. In fact, she avoided her students like the plague. She refused to take most questions and left class early when she bothered to show up at all. 

This is according to one disgruntled former student writing in the Huff Post, perhaps Clinton's worst offense was her refusal to even glance at the written work submitted by her students, instead handing it over to low-paid adjuncts to read and grade. 

And these students were the lucky ones, because future attendees of   Hillary's class will have to make do with the video version of what she recently performed. The entire semester was filmed so that Clinton will never again have to return to academia in the actual flesh.

 However, hefty tuition will still be charged for the class, and her handsome residuals as a college performance celebrity will continue to be paid by the Columbia corporation.

Let the masks continue to fall, preferably all the way to hell where they can keep Madeleine Albright and Henry Kissinger company for all eternity.


  1. I agree that the fate of the Palestinians is a warning that our elite have no slightest real concern for us. They'd let us be driven under, and laugh all the way to the bank.

    However, what is happening in Gaza is fundamentally different. It is an ethnic, racist hatred. It is also a rampage, that is such long standing hatred by Jews of Arabs sudden overflowing. It is being stoked deliberately by hatefilled war criminals, for the express purpose of ethnic cleansing.

    Our own elite are not so filled with hatred for us, don't want to drive us into the ocean. They just want to push us underwater to their own profit.

  2. @Mark
    While I am sure the elite don't care if some of us die - Covid deaths by the indispensable workers in places like slaughter houses early on in the epidemic as an example - In general, they need some of us to be servants and the workforces in their factories. My concern is they won't mind "mowing the lawn" when we get out of line and protest our treatment or the misuse of our tax dollars on enterprises like war and hegemonic ambitions. This is something I wonder a lot about these days - Is Israel and the treatment of the Palestinians just a testing ground for the psychopathic elements in power to see just how much the rest of the herd will turn a blind eye to the mistreatment of those who get out of line? If my friends are anything to go by, there is a lot of looking away and magical thinking about the Democrats saving us.

  3. A Congressclown hearing about alleged anti-semitism without any evidence that it's even actually happening? Sounds like the Hamas rape claims conveniently popping up now - no evidence, just verbal reports from proven serial liars.

    The reality is that every student has a smartphone, but not one has provided any audio, video, or photo evidence of this alleged 'antisemitism', harassment or abuse. But I'm sure if anyone bothers to question it, the FBI can cook up something on demand and blame it on Putin or Xi. Better yet on that other 'dictator' Trump!

    I'm getting really fed up with all the rich, coddled, sympathy-craving, guilt-tripping 'fearfilled' students playing their hereditary Victim Card.
    And I'm also fed up with all the virtue-signaling genuflection to every demand for censorship of anything and anyone critical of the Chosen Ones. No, not them, I mean the other Master Race. Gosh, I'm getting those two confused a lot these days. I don't know why!

    Re: Hillary. News is that she's hitting the campaign trail soon to help Biden. (Pause for laughter). Or maybe it's to get away from her students who will be paying to watch her re-runs next year. I'd pay to be a heckler in that class!

    The Queen of Warmongers can't get away from anti-genocide Code Pink protesters though. They've been bloodhounding her everywhere, following the scent of old Libyan blood on her hands covered by fresh Palestinian blood. Smells like babies.

  4. @anneenigma

    My husband, who is quite non-religious, asked a minister friend of ours "Who says they are God's Chosen People? Oh! THEY DO! Well, that makes it true for sure!"

    I really appreciated your research on how many non-Jewish people were slaughtered by the Nazi's along with the Jewish people. It gives excellent perspective. What I find utterly dumbfounding is how we in the West have such collective guilt over turning a blind eye to what was happening to the Jews in concentration camps in Germany; yet given the opportunity to not repeat our mistake, go right ahead and do it again when mass slaughter and collective punishment is being visited upon the Palestinians.

    This resolution in Congress saying anti-zionism (I refuse to give it a capital Z) is anti-Semitism is not only ridiculous it is dangerous. There are so many Jewish people speaking up for a cease fire and for humane treatment of the Palestinians - and are in favour of Palestinians having their own land. I am very specific in differentiating between zionists and Jews - just as I am in differentiating between Fundamentalist Christians or Evangelical Christians and mainstream Christians. There IS a difference and our Congress can't just legislate that there isn't.

  5. I hope all the students drop Hillary's class. Seriously! Who would have signed up for it anyway?

    But then again, apparently Joe Biden - if the election were to be tomorrow - would get 43% of the vote. How can this possibly be right? I would have thought he would have been in the teens or low 20's. Of course, I only take on this information with a grain of salt. Like the MSM, these polling organisations say what they are told to say.

    As I see videos on TikTok of the vicious treatment of Palestinians by the IDF, I wonder what this environment and participating in these violent actions against completely vulnerable people - especially women and children - is doing to the psyche of these soldiers. It makes me remember reading an article on child soldiers in African conflicts and how damaged they were by the experience. I realise there is a group, Breaking the Silence, that is speaking out and telling the truth - and finding peace in being with others who share their guilt. But what of the others? Are they suffering from PTSD? Or do they become psychopaths, living amongst us. Are these the Settlers who so readily terrorise anyone who disagrees with them, even Hassidic Jews?


  6. "This Is Not a War Against Hamas —
    The notion that the war would end if Hamas was overthrown or surrenders is as ahistorical as it is false."
    December 11, 2023 ~ by Jeremy Scahill

    "… We should end the charade that this is an Israeli war against Hamas.
    We should call it what it is: a joint U.S.–Israeli war against the people of Gaza."

    And soon they'll be bringing it all back home.


  7. "The weapons Israel tests on Palestinians will be used against all of us —
    As Antony Loewenstein explains, Palestine has been a testing ground for repressive technologies
    exported around the world, from spy software to killer drones."
    December 8, 2023 ~ by Chris Hedges

  8. Biden crossed the Rubicon when his U.S. Ambassador Robert A. Wood gave a straight-armed Nazi salute to cast the sole vote in opposition to a ceasefire of the New Holocaust happening in Gaza.

    It's been announced that the *proportion* of civilian-to-military deaths (murders) in Gaza already exceed all wars in the 20th century combined. That includes Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Berlin, the Holocaust, etc. It's the largest mass murder of civilians proportionate to military in history.

    Yes, we could be next so let's check where we Americans are situated relative to history. The Founders gave us the 2nd Amendment (2A) for a important reason. They had a personal history of oppression by the British Empire and knew power corrupts. They freed themselves from an abusive and greedy murderous colonial empire and established a new system of government for us. It didn't last long enough before corporations waged a successful stealthy hostile takeover (to be continued in my next comment).

    Not to plant any ideas or anything, but our Founders gave us not just the right to keep and bear arms but to form well-regulated militias. Those weren't to ensure our right to go deer hunting or to conquer foreign lands. I'm not by any means suggesting that we go out shopping for a rocket launcher for Christmas, but we should respect the right of all Americans to protect and defend themselves and our freedoms and Constitutional rights, rights that are being eroded in the name of national security (aka the Empire).

    2A: Better to have it and not need it than need it but not have it.

    BTW, Biden not so long ago bragged that American 'insurrectionists' like the J6ers would be no match for American F-16s. Let that sink in.

    Drones are relatively cheap and legal, a fun hobby, and every home should have at least one. Dozen. Just saying.

    Our Founders/Liberators/Freedom Fighters didn't just distrust government and guarantee us a right to keep and bear arms, they also specified that we had both the RIGHT and the DUTY to overthrow the very government they instituted if it too became abusive and oppressive. Legalized insurrection per the Constitution!

    Trump really should try out that Constitutionally solid defense now that his incompetent ambulance chaser types are out and a more competent professional legal team is in. I can't wait for the Supreme Court to rule if he's immune from charges or not. Trial of the Century! Grab the popcorn!

    Anyway, blowback from our heavy involvement in the New Holocaust is coming, just as surely as night follows day. Be prepared. Further crackdowns on our rights and freedoms for 'national security' are guaranteed.

    (If the NSA is reading this, FUCK OFF!)

  9. We were never given an opportunity to discuss, debate, or vote on becoming an Empire so we don't actually have a legitimate form of government. It's illegitimate because it does not have the consent of the governed.


    "The phrase 'consent of the governed' refers to the idea that a government's legitimacy and moral right to use state power is justified and lawful only when consented to by the people or society over which that political power is exercised." We didn't. It doesn't = No legitimacy.

    We've become a public-private corporate partnership and we're even rapidly losing the public part of that, becoming just a corporate Empire. As Karen pointed out, the billionaires have even taken over institutions of higher indoctrination, I mean education, including the Harvard Corporation and the MIT Corporation. They've even launched financial weapons to try to bankrupt X/Twitter by pulling ads and shut down the free speech public square that I personally find so valuable. Second only to Sardonicky!

    Backstory: Our current system is the result of a slow motion hostile corporate takeover similar to what the British Empire tried to pull off on the colonists before they nipped it in the bud, or at least slowed it down. This corporate takeover was painstakingly achieved step by step through a series of Supreme Court cases and rulings that favored corporate power over people dating back to the early 1800's. I have a suspicion that British Empire companies and their American affiliates probably brought a lot of those cases to the court.

    Those successes slowly unraveled the public-good requirements of Corporate Charters so that eventually corporations only served themselves, their profits, and their shareholders. It wasn't always that way. Previously, providing a public-good was required as part of being granted a charter to operate a corporation in the states. Good times! A state would pull a corporate charter if it violated the public service provisions. The Citizens United ruling was merely the inevitable culmination of a very long succession of legal rulings/precedents.

    The deck has been stacked against real people almost from the beginning and somewhere along the way corporations merged with our British cousins and we became the powerful Anglo-American Empire that's endangering the world. Our country, the USA nation-state, and our citizens are exploited to fund and serve with blood and treasure the interests of the corporate global military Empire.

    As long as they can keep fooling us that we have a democracy and are not actually ruled by corporate titans who pull the strings of their puppets in Congress, own the Intelligence Cabal and control the media, the Divine Right of Corporations reigns supreme just as the Divine Right of Kings once did. They get representation without taxation and all the power and we get taxation without representation and powerlessness.

    BTW, 40% of every tax dollar currently goes just for paying the interest on the national debt racked up by endless wars waged on borrowed money. It's only going to get worse due to our war-profiteering economy and abusive, coercive, oppressive military threats and economic bullying. And of course blowback from the New Holocaust.

    So I ask, how many Palestinian children and families need to be killed by Empire or left to die slowly of starvation/disease/dehydration/exposure for Israel to feel safe as Empire's grounded aircraft carrier protecting the Gaza oil and gas fields? ALL OF THEM!

    This abominable, evil illegitimate form of 'government' must be abolished. Too bad Ralph Nader is turning 90 soon because we need his kind to take a case to the Supreme Court challenging it's legitimacy.

    Over and Out


  10. "The weapons Israel tests on Palestinians will be used against all of us —
    As Antony Loewenstein explains, Palestine has been a testing ground for repressive technologies
    exported around the world, from spy software to killer drones."
    December 8, 2023 ~ by Chris Hedges

  11. My third try at ousting this, the title and text right on topic and target:

    "The weapons Israel tests on Palestinians will be used against all of us —
    As Antony Loewenstein explains, Palestine has been a testing ground for repressive technologies
    exported around the world, from spy software to killer drones."
    December 8, 2023 ~ by Chris Hedges

  12. @Erik
    All I could think while I was watching Hedges' show was how the Nazi's used human beings for medical experiments - and how the medical industry used this research after the war. How similar is Israel trying out their surveillance and weapons systems on the Palestinians and the weapons industries benefiting from the horror.

    I just heard another person discussing Biden's falling poll numbers. She pointed out that U.S complicity would be no different with Trump - possibly even worse - as Trump was and is in thick with the Israeli leadership in both Israel and in the U.S.

    Jill Stein 2024 - I think this might be the year when a Third Party actually can make some headway. I reckon Jill and RFK Jr are going to get a lot of votes. People are fed up with no choices and voting for the Lesser of Two Evils and a corrupt Congress. Too bad we don't have a Parliamentary System. If they take my choices away, I am going to write in Ralph Nader!

  13. As with all violent episodes, the magnitude of the devastation is revealed slowly as the events recede in time. In my ordinary encounters there's a stunning silence about all this. I feel the need to broach the subject, but I always back down. What am I protecting? Whatever this episode means, the conversation has to be very long to understand it. There's a fear about starting it, to go past the graphic details of gruesome suffering and humiliation, and arrive at our complicity in it. This hurts to the point of being dangerous to the self.

    How can a mind that first warns, then humiliates, then has you witness a bloody fate on your companion before it's inflicted on you, how can he be reasoned with? We've been told that the devastation of the great wars has not gone to waste. That humanity has the capacity to learn from its experiences, so to set up institutions that are a bulwark against the worst of human nature. Yet again we have a massive failure in our sight. Yet again humanity is under the dominion of violent darkness.

    The temptation toward silence is great. Calvino tells a story where a captive in an extermination camp reaches for an icicle outside his window so he might have some fluid. A passing guard sees the hand reaching and knocks the icicle away. Why? asks the captive. There is no 'why' here, says the guard. Of course, there's always a why. The moments keep coming when the only thing that can stand between an act of punitive brutality and a helpless, whimpering soul is a pang of conscience.

    The windiest militant trash
    Important Persons shout

    Said Auden

    All I have is a voice
    To undo the folded lie

    Every day I read or hear something about how all this is justified. You've heard it too. It's everywhere. Makes you weep. As the Enola Gay banked away from Hiroshima, one of the airmen looked back and asked, "My God, what have we done?" He could have asked, "My God, what are we about to do?" But he didn't. Nor why?

  14. Yes, what's done in Gaza will likely be done here. So what's Israel doing to journalists in Gaza? Israel operatives are phoning journalists in Gaza and threatening to kill them and their families if they don't shut up. Then they do it - they assassinate them and their families, usually in one fell swoop.

    It's not a secret, not in Gaza and not anywhere else except with the general public. Is it any wonder why? Israel has sent the message in order to silence all criticism and truth about what they're doing. They're not just targeting journalists either. Anyone influential with an audience and who criticizes them is (un)fair game for being terrorized. That's the name of their game and that's what they are: terrorists.

    Here's one example. They phoned renowned Palestinian professor Refaat Alareer before they assassinated him. He had been at a school shelter when they phoned and told him they knew were he was and would kill him. So then he moved to his sister's house and shortly thereafter Israel blew up the part of the apartment building they were in, a targeted strike.

    The terror they put Refaat through leading up to his moment of death almost broke him. In his last video on X shortly before he was murdered, you could almost smell his stress sweat and see, feel, and hear his anguish and agony. He kept fighting back tears and said "What do they want us to do? Commit suicide?". It was heartbreaking. It ends with the sound of a powerful bomb blast close by which was just more of the deliberate terrorism that Israel inflicts on Gazans. There's wanton death and destruction day and night to break their minds, bodies, and spirits.

    The number of journalists assassinated by Israeli forces with American missiles and bombs is up to 90 individuals, not counting their family members of course. They all know Israel is coming for them. Many have received 'the call' per THE GOSPEL, the AI, data-driven assassination 'factory' which rapidly selects bombing targets for 'permissive non-military airstrikes'. (see links below).

    I'm certain the same AI data-driven system can be used for other dastardly purposes and in in other countries, per the topic of this post. Gaza (and Ukraine) are testing/proving grounds for new war technology as has been noted by others.

    So are American journalists or media networks being pressured by their billionaire owners or powerful corporate advertisers? Is the Pope Catholic?

    Are our politicians under undue financial influence? Does a bear shit in the woods?

    The deliberate assassination of so many journalists and their families in Gaza is a high tech version of a Mafia tactic, sending a message pour d'autres. It's not a secret to journalists what's happening in Gaza, yet they're strangely - or not so strangely - silent about it publicly. Israel and their conduits have successfully sent the message: Play along or you're gone.

    So while American journalists might not be assassinated physically, their careers are. Many have already been removed from their positions and programs under one pretext or another. AIPAC and their henchmen and billionaires are even attacking university Presidents and getting them fired so they can replace them with Israel-compliant authoritarians.

    As Gil Scott Heron sang back in the day, "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" but it might just get shown on social media along with the Gaza Holocaust. There is nothing so powerful as Truth.

    ‘A Mass Assassination Factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza -
    Permissive airstrikes on non-military targets and the use of an artificial intelligence system have enabled the Israeli army to carry out its deadliest war on Gaza'

    ‘The Gospel’: how Israel uses AI to select bombing targets in Gaza


  15. Has anyone in any media mentioned how outrageously offensive it is for the Jewish State of Israel to call its AI genocide guidance system "the Gospel"? This Advent the rough beast that Yeats foresaw slouching toward Bethlehem carries the deadly weapons we have supplied.

  16. @Eric

    On NBC Nightly News tonight: 'Police drones patrolling shopping centers using AI to lock in on a target', reporting from Sweetwater, Florida.

    Welcome to the American version of 'The Gospel', New Testament edition, coming to a neighborhood near you in the United States of War.

    EVERYTHING that Israel's doing to Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank is offensive and pure evil. 92 journalists murdered to date, selected, targeted, and assassinated per 'The Gospel'. That's approaching twice the number of reporters killed in the years-long WWII and Vietnam wars, all in an attempt to hide and erase the crimes of The Israeli-American Gaza Holocaust from public consciousness and memory. Criminals.

    What they're doing is worse than the Notsee's Holocaust. It's no coincidence that it has the Empire's imprimature - Full Spectrum Dominance over earth, air, fire, water, food, fuel, power, roads, internet, medicine, schools, hospitals. They're leaving no stone unturned or uncrushed in The Israeli-American Gaza Holocaust.

    That's what we get when a country of hate-filled supremacist zealots receives unconditional support and assistance from the Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful war machine on earth - The Israeli-American Gaza Holocaust.

    I'm not afraid to offend Zionist monsters or their warmongering American collaborators by calling them Zionazis and Holocausters. Those beasts deserve far, far worse than just ugly names.

    There should be Nuremberg style trials and Biden and Netanyahu should be the first ones in the docket, then any Hamas captured, followed by IDF commanders.

    The democrazy of Israel should be dissolved and the entire country deeded to the Palestinians.

    Palestinians should be awarded reparations, starting with the $4 billion/year Israel receives from the Empire automatically every year.

    Funds in Israeli accounts everywhere in the world should be frozen immediately, just as Empire has done to Russia and others. Biden could do that today to force a ceasefire (along with stopping shipments of baby bombing materiel.)

    Gaza rubble should be left as an outdoor memorial to remind the world of the Israeli-American Gaza Holocaust.

    Israelis holding dual citizenship with two passports and homes should return to their home countries. Those who don't should go live with relatives somewhere, anywhere, just vacate 'Israel'. They've got options but Palestinians don't due to The Israeli-American Gaza Holocaust.

    If Holocausts are wars on steroids, this Gaza Holocaust is pure 'roid rage' being pumped up by American war profiteers. Joe 'war is good for jobs' Biden is a despicable war criminal.

  17. @Erik

    I don't know whether anyone in the media is talking about it - I couldn't find anything - but I found the name utterly shocking. I suppose the fundamental Christians, who might be the most likely people to comment on it, are so pro-war and pro-Israel that the name seems to slide by. The whole naming of the horrific weapon is so Orwellian given that the Gospels are the books of the Bible where Jesus preaches peace and love and inclusiveness. The Israeli government - which I have been led to understand is mostly atheistic, despite their religious rhetoric - must have had a good laugh at the naming of such a malevolent weapon.

  18. No one in authority, and certainly not the corporate media, is ever going to announce or admit that Israel and the Anglo-American Empire are conducting a Genocide and Holocaust of Palestinians in Gaza.

    Hell will freeze over before that happens because of the legal ramifications, especially reparations. Germany knows all about those. What's good for the goose-steppers is good for the Zionazi-ganders but the Empire is so powerful it will never be held to pay for its crimes, not officially or in reparations anyway.

    Crime is not supposed to pay yet Israel continues to mass murder and destroy in order to steal a long coveted parcel of land along with its oil/gas reserves, and the Anglo-American Empire continues to assist in mass murder as a function of the war-profiteering Defense Industrial Base (DIB) because, as Biden the war pig recently said, "War is good for jobs and the economy." We'll see about that soon enough.

    A Holocaust, particularly for profit, has to be absolutely the most vile crime against humanity and #1 sin possible. Ice cold evil.

    'The Devil's greatest trick was convincing the world he doesn't exist' - just like the Gaza Holocaust isn't happening right before our very eyes. The Devil, whatever Government authority or news agency he uses, can't fool me or the rest of the world outside of Empire though. The truth is self-evident to all honest people. It's a Holocaust.

  19. Welcome to Little Gaza!

    Re: The Gospel - Has the Biden regime already been implementing an American version of this AI based targeting system for censorship purposes using the U.S. Census bureau in violation of the First Amendment? Looks that way. At least - so far - it hasn't been used here lethally as it has been in Gaza. AI makes everything too easy and too tempting.

    Background: The most important court case in the history of our country is pending which was brought by several state Attorneys General, filed as Missouri v. Biden now renamed Murthy v. Missouri.

    Summary: "This case alleges that members of the government conspired with (and directed) social media platforms to censor people and topics they didn’t like because of 'Mis, Dis and Malinformation'." The judge found merit in the case: "On July 4, 2023, Judge Terry A. Doughty issued a preliminary injunction against several agencies and members of the Biden administration from contacting social media services to request the blocking of material, with exceptions for material involving illegal activity."

    The Crux: "The head of CISA [Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency] has designated your THOUGHTS as “critical infrastructure” within the United States government, and the Census Bureau got involved with tracking down people posting what the ministry of truth considers mis, dis, or mal-information."

    The U.S. CENSUS BUREAU! That implies geolocation and tracking in addition to potential for physical targeting.

    I wonder what the American version of The Gospel is named. Something Orwellian I'm sure. It certainly would be nothing as religious and offensively mocking as Israel's The Gospel. We may find out as this case proceeds. So far it has advanced in fits and starts with motions and appeals. Discovery material coming soon.
