Thursday, January 18, 2024

Blinken: Toward a More Humane Genocide

Secretary of State Antony Blinken doesn't so much want the genocide to end as he wants to put a more humanitarian gloss on the ongoing slaughter and starvation of Palestinians by the State of Israel.  Why call for a ceasefire and an end to the occupation of Gaza or the freeze in US military aid - when all that the world really needs is love, sweet love. Not to mention great big globs of self-serving propaganda from American Empire.

Blinken, despite what he called his "relentless" cajoling of Israel to cut back on the genocide,  somehow found enough "me-time"  time to jet off to Davos and schmooze with New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman at the World Economic Forum. Friedman, appropriately enough, donned a literal puffy vest to signal what a puff-piece of a column would be ensuing from the conversation. 

If you could even call it a conversation as opposed to what might be termed a word salad had not Blinken served up such a gloppy soundbite stew. Here's just one example of what passes for deep thought in the Biden State Department:

So this is – this is actually clear when you look at it and see it.  The problem is getting from here to there.  And of course, it requires very difficult and challenging decisions.  It requires a mindset that’s open to that perspective.  But the choice is there, and ultimately this is about choices.  What kind of society do we want to live in?  What kind of world do we want to live in?  What kind of region do we want to live in?

What kind of plagiarism from a typically turgid Tom Friedman column is this? If we only take the time to look, we can clearly see all the myriad choices that are there for the savoring on the elite tasting menu.

And of course all the elites and war profiteers in the audience tittered appreciatively when Friedman asked Blinken: "Has there ever been a worse time to be secretary of state?"

Not until the end of the fawning interview did Friedman finally Go There snd confront Blinken about the genocide of Palestinians. Or as he put it, what about the naysayers who suspect that the Biden administration believes "Jewish lives matter more than Palestinian lives, Muslim lives," etc.

SECRETARY BLINKEN:  No, period.  For me, I think for so many of us, what we’re seeing every single day in Gaza is gut-wrenching.  And the suffering we’re seeing among innocent men, women, and children breaks my heart.  The question is:  What is to be done?  We’ve made judgments about how we thought we could be most effective in trying to shape this in ways to get more humanitarian assistance to people, to get better protections, and minimize civilian casualties. 
And at every step along the way, not only have we impressed upon Israel its responsibilities to do that, we’ve seen some progress in areas where absent our engagement I don’t believe it would have happened.  So there are a lot of – there are dogs that didn’t bark.  But that in no way, shape – way, shape, or form takes away from the tragedy that we’ve seen and continue to see.  It’s why we’re at it relentlessly every single day.  And all I can tell you, Tom, is just on a purely human level it’s devastating, but it reinforces the conviction and the commitment to do two things:  to do everything we can in this moment using our best judgment – and of course, we could be wrong about the judgments we’re making – but to try to make a difference in the day-in/day-out.

But it also reinforces my conviction that there has to be – and there is – another way that answers Israel’s most profound concerns and questions.  Israelis have to live with security.  They can’t have a repeat of October 7th.  No country would accept a repeat of October 7th.

Blinken then erects the straw man known as October 7th Denialism. People whom he does not name are out there spreading the word that October 7th is a hoax, It's Holocaust denialism all over again. There are "huge swaths" of it all over the world, he insisted. Apparently if you only take the time to look, you shall see... what you want to see. He stumbled on:

So one of our challenges is to fight that dehumanization, to find ways to defuse it, to take that poison out.  And that’s also a function of leadership.  We need leaders around the world who see that, understand that, and are prepared to act on that.

Technological disinformation is, another go-to straw man argument used by elites to explain all manner of their own antisocial policies, is what is  responsible for people "dehumanizing" one other. He skirts mighty close to blaming the Internet and not 75 years of ethnic cleansing by Israel, to be the crux of the problem.

If you're a sociopath like Blinken and do not possess a conscience, you must be very adept at pretending you have a conscience. You actually try to convince your audience that you have a moral compass - claim that as long as you think lovely thoughts while supplying bombs and money for genocide, you're all good. And it certainly helps when a fawning Times columnist calls your propaganda "heartfelt and impassioned" as if you even had a heart in the first place.

With Valentines Day less than a month away, maybe Blinken can attach candy hearts to those thousand-pound bombs used to kill people. If Israeli officials can only tone down the genocidal rhetoric a tad, maybe the case against them in The Hague wouldn't seem so airtight.


  1. "Bibi Rejects Palestinian Statehood, Biden Says Bombing Yemen Doesn't Work But Will Continue Anyway —
    Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix"

    January 19, 2024 ~ by Caitlin Johnstone

    >>>—Contact the White House—>

    “The greatest purveyor of violence in the world: my own government. I cannot be silent.”
    "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
    “The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people, but the silence over that by the good people.”
    ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

    >>>—Contact your Senators, too—>

    "The Shame of the Senate —
    Only 11 senators joined Bernie Sanders’s effort to hold Israel to account for human rights abuses in Gaza."
    January 17, 2024 ~ by John Nichols

  2. Underwriters are seeking to exclude US, UK and Israeli ships from War Risk insurance. Makes sense. Amazing - all they need to do to stop this financial waterfall off a cliff is to stop killing helpless Palestinians. Yet, they don't.

  3. The World Economic Forum defines the system that it wants to create as "Stakeholder Capitalism".

    "I have one share in corporate Earth, and I am nervous about the management."
    ~ E.B. White

  4. God invented war to teach Americans geography.

    Mark Twain

  5. Friedman, Blinken et al, know we're hurting as we watch helplessly a gleeful carnage with swaggering impunity. There isn't a word for the taking of pleasure in the helplessness of those appalled by your crimes, for the gloating over inflicting massive pain without consequences. Possessing billions of dollars doesn't quite compare with the pleasure of exhibiting the raw power that comes with wreaking prodigious violence with impunity. The bored rich feel envious. Their violence is constrained to extractive capitalism. But thrilling violence, where the victims' level of incredulity as to what is happening to them is so great as to have the yet living, as they go insane, envy the dead. Many of those children who didn't suffocate under rubble likely will live a life of regretting they were rescued, without limbs or a face. The helplessness in the witnessing of prolonged, official, devastating brutality is what makes for Oct 7's. For sure there's plenty more of those retributions on the way.

    A Chinese curse says, may you live in interesting times. The convergence of the climate crisis, overt plutocratic rule, and a vast for-profit media where all events are fodder for "content" to carry advertising, makes for a populace in stupor. As we try to understand, one third of the nation comforts in a dream of a messiah.

    Gideon Levy of Haaretz has reported on what Israelis watch on their TV. He calls it completely voluntary and pervasive propaganda for the Israeli regime. Biden Blinken went whole hog for the genocide before expressing humanitarian sentiments. P R specialists monitor public sentiment and adjust the rhetoric to maintain "plausible deniability", a science in itself. Their true enemy is their accusers and critical thinkers. Ersatz ideological enemies are useful to control the real enemy: Socialists, dissidents, peacenicks, etc. Israel is ideologically and financially colonized by the U S: An outpost, a redoubt, in a politically unreliable area.

    Now I understand our vaunted voting ritual. The act is a signature of consent to the rule by these monsters, by our choosing among them. Their project is to offer choice without choice. Their trick is to plausibly pose as our protectors. Protectors of our material consumer fetishized bliss (the subtext of all advertising) which has displaced the moral conscience. Yes, the the rich and their powerful servants are circling their wagons. The Rio Grande Texas border is now the metaphor, with its embattlements and detention pens, for the fortressing of a stricken world of afflicted humanity. The nations from which the asylum seekers flee are those we occupied through the corruption of their rulers. The oppressed coming home to roost among their oppressors.

    I've had a lifetime of being indoctrinated about the virtues of America. My parents were imbued with it when they emigrated to the U S in 1956. These nationalistic virtues don't exist in practice, but they do in honest literature and art. Both this nation and Israel were founded on genocide. This one for the prerogative of implementing both slavery and genocide. The cultural values of indigenous Americans are now being rediscovered as a resource for saving the planet. Perhaps Israel could have saved itself by joining into an equal co-existence with Palestinians.

  6. Giving lip service to being concerned about the pain and suffering of Palestinians whilst doing everything within their power to contribute to the atrocity makes me sick. Why can't more people see this?

    All this carefully planned propaganda is working on so many people. Hamas evil - the growing war in Middle East is "Iranian backed" Hamas' fault. Even the most progressive commentators and hosts cannot discuss the situation without first stating that the Hamas attacks were unbelievably brutal - Exactly like what we heard almost two years ago: Putin bad and the "unprovoked invasion" of Ukraine by Russian forces showed how much Putin was like Hitler.

    It is such an unimaginative and predictable strategy from the propaganda play book. Every once in a while, I venture into comments from the rabble - and it is horrible. They are completely brainwashed and repeat whatever meme or trope they are spoon-fed.

    I don’t know whether it is getting worse – as the Empire is drowning in the blowback from its own machinations. Is it striking out – willing to pull friends down with it? – Or has it always been like this and I have been oblivious.

    “The nations from which the asylum seekers flee are those we occupied through the corruption of their rulers. The oppressed coming home to roost among their oppressors.” I think about this every time the border issue is brought up. If we hadn’t ruined their countries, they might not be so desperate to leave their communities behind to undertake such a dangerous journey with such little hope of it turning out to be a promising future.

  7. A letter I would have written to JayJanuary 20, 2024 at 6:57 PM

    I feel like I have completely fallen down the rabbit hole. Caitlin Johnston just published an essay that summarises it,

    It all started with Naomi Klein's book, Doppelganger. In it, she wrote about people who seemed like they were genuine, thinking, upstanding people of integrity (Naoimi Wolfe, RFK Jr were examples) but were actually counterfeits. At that time, I had heard a few interviews with RFK, (before his stance on Israel was widely publicised) and found that I agreed with a lot of what he had to say. I didn't agree with Naomi K at the time, although, I had agreed with her on many issues in the past - I now believe she is right. RFK Jr is in many ways a dilettante and his views on illegal immigration and Zionism are downright shallow.

    I feel like I HAVE been drawn into a "mirror world" where things are the opposite of what they are presented to be - exactly as Caitlin Johnstone wrote. I suppose I shouldn't get so frustrated with all my Democratic friends because they are getting so much more propaganda fed to them from every side. Yet, I detest hypocrisy and try to be self-reflective. Am I being misled - am I willingly cooperating in my own misbeliefs? Or, like in the Matrix, am I seeing things as they are? I try to go back to my basic beliefs: causing the suffering is wrong, overthrowing/undermining good people who are trying to do the right thing is wrong, lying is wrong - especially when it leads to inhumanity or exploitation of innocents, setting people or nations up for exploitation through IMF loans and then exploiting that power over them is wrong.

    I read somewhere that most of our politicians are sociopaths and I would suggest all those sycophants surrounding those in power are sociopaths as well - that would certainly include Blinken. I hate people who wheel and deal and have to have a win at someone else's expense.

  8. Thanks MissingJay for picking up on my comment. News from the rest of the hemisphere below us is scanty. We hear about the coup d'etats against socialists down there . The most notorious, Pinochet's; his violent coup revisited somewhat upon the recent death of Kissinger who won the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize. The socialist Allende was deposed by assassination in 1973 with the plotting complicity of Kissinger. Mass arrests, murders, torture were rampant under Pinochet. In his last radio speech on the day he was killed, Allende said, "...the last thing which I can say to you is that I hope you will learn this lesson: foreign capital, imperialism united with reaction, created the climate for the armed forces to break with their tradition..."

    Maduro's Venezuela is paraded in the media as a showboat of the failure of socialism while it suffers from the brutal financial sanctions and embargoes from the U S. Venezuelans are among the asylum seekers. This is what these countries face when they try to deny plunder by capitalists. I think there's hardly a nation down there that hasn't suffered the recipe referred to by Allende.

  9. @Mario

    The U.S. certainly has dirty hands. I read "All the Shah's Men" and all I could think while I was reading was how different the Middle East would have been if American hadn't interfered. The U.S. goes on about democracy and yet we are the ones that when a democratically elected government tries to take control of their own economy, and take care of their own citizens, we think it is our right to overthrow it. It is like the U.S. only knows how to break things - not how to build things. Allende is/was a hero. And great for Maduro for a hanging on to power. And good for the Venezuelan people for hanging in there with him.

  10. @Mario

    I saw this interview with Anya Parampil (Max Blumenthal's wife) from the GrayZone. Her area is Venezuela and I thought it was an informative interview. I just thought you might be interested given our conversation involving Venezuela. I have to admit, that I don't know a lot since Chavez died other than the attempt by Trump to overthrow Maduro. JayOttawa didn't think Maduro was as good a leader as Chavez - and I valued his opinion - but I'm not nearly as well informed. If you have a different opinion on the interview, I'd like to hear your thoughts - If this is OK, Karen. I'm not a huge fan of Iversen - she often shows off what she knows as opposed to asking good questions, but every once in a while, she'll hit one out of the park.

  11. Hi, Karen,

    Just letting you know that a couple of comments seem to have disappeared again. And I noticed that in the last thread as well.

    I'm not bothered if my comment disappears - I assume you need to edit what goes in and out of the comment section - but you asked us to let you know.


  12. Valerie in AustraliaJanuary 28, 2024 at 6:24 AM

    The U.S., Australia, Canada, Italy, the UK and Finland have all withheld funding for desperately needed UN humanitarian aid through the UNRWA. Why? You ask - Because of yet another an unproven accusation by Israel - which the US and UK (and its lackeys) slavishly believe and defend.

    Suddenly - I mean the timing is a little suspicious don't you think? - Shortly after the ICJ ruling, there is a new Israeli accusation that 12 UNRWA workers had been involved in the October 7 attack. - Kind of like the beheaded babies and all those rapes that were debunked. - Let's face it - Israel lies ALL THE TIME so why are they still being believed?

    This whole starvation and withholding of food and medicine reminds me of the Siege of Leningrad, "The Nazi leadership aimed to exterminate Leningrad’s entire population by enforced starvation. Death by starvation was a deliberate act on the part of the German Reich." (Consortium News, An Anniversary the West Would Rather Forget) It is a “Genocide by doing nothing.” Yet another similarity between the two governments - one present and one past - that will not be named.

    God! The pettiness and sheer cruelty of this act is pure evil. Do Israel and the US (and its evil twin the UK - who incidentally is responsible for this terrible mess in the first place) actually think the world admires them? They are despised by all decent people.

  13. Valerie in Australia via SeattleJanuary 28, 2024 at 10:52 PM

    The U.S., Australia, Canada, Italy, the UK and Finland have all withheld funding for desperately needed UN humanitarian aid through the UNRWA. Why? You ask - Because of yet another an unproven accusation by Israel - which the US and UK (and its lackeys) slavishly believe and defend.

    Suddenly - I mean the timing is a little suspicious don't you think? - Shortly after the ICJ ruling, there is a new Israeli accusation that 12 UNRWA workers had been involved in the October 7 attack. - Kind of like the beheaded babies and all those rapes that were debunked? - Let's face it - Israel lies ALL THE TIME so why are they still being believed?

    This whole starvation and withholding of food and medicine reminds me of the Siege of Leningrad, "The Nazi leadership aimed to exterminate Leningrad’s entire population by enforced starvation. Death by starvation was a deliberate act on the part of the German Reich." (Consortium News, An Anniversary the West Would Rather Forget) It is a “Genocide by doing nothing.” Yet another similarity between the two governments that will not be named

    WTF is wrong with MY country and MY government? Right now, I am ashamed to be an American and an Australian citizen.

  14. Amazing isn't it? Biden and the hawks are having a cow over 3 military deaths of soldiers and are threatening war because of it, while their good friends in Israel have killed over 30,000 civilians (and counting). My "liberal/left" Democratic friends fall into 2 categories: They either can't bear to look at it because it makes them depressed - but they will still be voting for Biden out of FOT - OR - They read the NYT and no matter how biased it is toward Israel and Ukraine and no matter how lousy the "journalism" (stenography), they believe it and parrot the party line.

    Israelis - while disliking Netanyahu - think the attacks on the Palestinians are fine and should continue. They want them gone and if it means a subtle version of the Final Solution, well, they are OK with that.

    Not sure if any of Sardonicky readers are interested but there is an excellent podcast out there on the history of Zionism. I am about half way through what is a 20 hour podcast but it has been very interesting. It is like listening to a mesmerising storyteller of old and gives a lot of relevant context that is applicable. I find it very even handed - and other critics I have read find it quite unbiased as well. It would be something to listen to on a commute or doing mundane chores like weeding or mowing the lawn. It is called, Fear and Loathing in the New Jerusalem and is a Martyrmade Podcast. Just a heads up, the very beginning sounds weird but it only lasts couple of minutes. It is not behind a paywall.

  15. Guys, I'm thinking the podcaster who writes "Fascism is merely what happens when normal people realize that the left will never stop until forced to", admires Franco, is a Kyle Rittenhouse and Daniel Penny apologist, and believes that Antifa protestors are paid (and culled from the "dregs" of humanity such as homeless people) isn't completely on the up and up. That's just a very short list of his abhorrent views. I don't know. Maybe you don't find them abhorrent? After all, we have talk of "illegals" here. Anyway, good luck dismantling empire with the Pinochet did nothing wrong crew.
